Wearing a Mask


Jan 11, 2020
I really don't understand the significance that article is giving to masks.

I am more than happy to wear one.
For a long time it has been pretty much forbidden to wear face coverings in public places, because the cameras have to see your face.

So I will be wearing one where ever I think I might be photographed or filmed. Essentially everywhere.

And I will rejoice in my anonymity.
May 18, 2018
I really don't understand the significance that article is giving to masks.

I am more than happy to wear one.
For a long time it has been pretty much forbidden to wear face coverings in public places, because the cameras have to see your face.

So I will be wearing one where ever I think I might be photographed or filmed. Essentially everywhere.

And I will rejoice in my anonymity.
The new apple update says it can use FaceID while you are wearing a mask. They wouldnt be telling people to wear masks if it would nullify the 2 decades surveillance software theyve put in place


Jan 11, 2020
The new apple update says it can use FaceID while you are wearing a mask. They wouldnt be telling people to wear masks if it would nullify the 2 decades surveillance software theyve put in place
I don't use apple.

I am talking about the cctv all over the streets.


Jan 11, 2020
But if masks dont pose a problem to apple's software, you can be pretty sure it's the same for those cctv cameras
I doubt it.
The CCTV footage they show after a crime is generally so bad that you are lucky if you can tell its a person.

Facial recognition is all about measurements.
If they can't make the measurements they can't recognise you.

And anyway, why make it easy for them?

May 18, 2018
I doubt it.
The CCTV footage they show after a crime is generally so bad that you are lucky if you can tell its a person.

Facial recognition is all about measurements.
If they can't make the measurements they can't recognise you.

And anyway, why make it easy for them?

Also in China people wear masks as part of their common daily life, but their system of surveillance is absolute and total. Every action is logged and scored, and that score determines your ability to function in society. So it's definitely not a problem for the Chinese system, I would imagine the west would have similar technology


Jan 11, 2020
Also in China people wear masks as part of their common daily life, but their system of surveillance is absolute and total. Every action is logged and scored, and that score determines your ability to function in society. So it's definitely not a problem for the Chinese system, I would imagine the west would have similar technology
In this country they have been telling people they can't cover their faces, for years.
My face has been their public property.

No longer will that be true.
They can just suck on it.

They have very good numberplate recognition, so actually they more or less know who you are anyway.
If the masks make their facial recognition less accurate, or not accurate at all, that is just one big fat bonus.

My face is not their entertainment.

Also sunglasses .


Aug 18, 2019
Yeah, allergies aren't a new thing, and schools especially know removing peanuts will work better than any medicine. Viruses also aren't a new thing. The conventional wisdom is that viruses are ridiculously small, and a cloth mask as a substitute for physical distance is not going to work.

I wonder if you are being reactionary. Like when you said, "until it's under control" or "temporary measure" that's like leaving everything up in the air. You want us to trust doctors when they are the ones who told us masks don't work. You want other people to be reasonable, but ignore the practical problems implementing your strategy.

TL;DR we're not selfish, you're the one who's selfish.
We are selfish for wanting to protect the health, lives, and safety of everybody around us? Wow, I’m done with you. No logic whatsoever.


Mar 13, 2017
We are selfish for wanting to protect the health, lives, and safety of everybody around us? Wow, I’m done with you. No logic whatsoever.
Now I'm not logical? That's funny because I'm not the one trying to bend people to my will.

It seems to me it hasn't been established what the exact function of the mask is vs Covid-19. In that sense, you are asking people to make the logical leap. Plus as I tried to imply before, the idea that we are all in a life-threatening situation is just not realistic. Not in theory or in practice.

Let me be clear, the Covid-19 event is serious. And it's not a situation where we should merely do something "in spirit". We should look for solutions that solve the problem, and are practical to implement. A lot of people are wearing masks, so I would say most people do want to protect each other. But it's like I said, we are wearing the masks to do something in the spirit of doing something.


Aug 29, 2018
Also in China people wear masks as part of their common daily life, but their system of surveillance is absolute and total. Every action is logged and scored, and that score determines your ability to function in society. So it's definitely not a problem for the Chinese system, I would imagine the west would have similar technology
They pretty much have to wear masks though or else they'll get sick and die from breathing in the toxic air.
May 18, 2018
Faith is involved. They have Faith their experiments will prove their Hypothesis.
Yeah they have faith in causality, even though cause and effect cant be established empirically. And they believe all possible knowledge about the world can be derived from the senses aka empiricism. They have faith in all the transcedental categories of the mind/understanding - the past, the self, logic, math, the identity of objects over time, and use them even though none can be established empircally. A true failure of the education system. If science students had read a basic book on philosophy or logic they would realize the inherent contradictions of their worldview and people wouldnt talk about science as if its the high priesthood of all objective knowledge.

Materialism and empiracism are false doctrines that cant be established logically! And they believe themselves to be the high priests of logic when logic is a transcendental category of the understanding that defies empiracism. Truly laughable!!:D
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May 14, 2017
Some of these posts are why people can't take the conspiracy theory crowd seriously and when even when we're right about stuff, people can't take us seriously.

"Science is fake"? Fucking really people?

I'm also not sure why people are so butthurt about wearing masks. It won't necessarily help against high-end facial recognition, but it does help with anonymity and cctv ('cause the quality of most systems are pretty shit, although this will change). It's the one good thing to come out this pandemic.
May 18, 2018
Some of these posts are why people can't take the conspiracy theory crowd seriously and when even when we're right about stuff, people can't take us seriously.

"Science is fake"? Fucking really people?

I'm also not sure why people are so butthurt about wearing masks. It won't necessarily help against high-end facial recognition, but it does help with anonymity and cctv ('cause the quality of most systems are pretty shit, although this will change). It's the one good thing to come out this pandemic.
Nobody said "science is fake". I said its founded on paradigm of belief and not equivalent with objective fact. That doesn't mean that math can't build bridges. In fact, the fact that it can only demonstrates the argument more strongly, because mathematics are a transcendental category of the mind and not empirically based.

Besides muh science was telling you 2 months ago that wearing masks is unnecessary , now muh science is saying its law. can you tell me what scientific data was discovered in that period to completely change all previous notions on the usefulness of masks?


Oct 2, 2017
Yeah they have faith in causality, even though cause and effect cant be established empirically. And they believe all possible knowledge about the world can be derived from the senses aka empiricism. They have faith in all the transcedental categories of the mind/understanding - the past, the self, logic, math, the identity of objects over time, and use them even though none can be established empircally. A true failure of the education system. If science students had read a basic book on philosophy or logic they would realize the inherent contradictions of their worldview and people wouldnt talk about science as if its the high priesthood of all objective knowledge.

Materialism and empiracism are false doctrines that cant be established logically! And they believe themselves to be the high priests of logic when logic is a transcendental category of the understanding that defies empiracism. Truly laughable!!:D
Yeah the materialist mindset behind "science" is what makes it a philosophy, and even a religion for some. There is ample evidence to show that life systems involve non materialistic processes explained by quantum physics. The mind for example. See Roger Penrose's work on brain microtubules which are shown to interact with the quantum field.

Aristotle logic (base for Western science) is flawed when it comes to self-referrential systems. You have paradoxes like: "This sentence is false." Which is true and false at the same time. Metalogic solves this and can explain how it works on a higher level.


Mar 1, 2018
I’ve lost a lot of respect for this site and whomever is writing the articles. Half of the articles now are in quotes. Focus on the entertainment industry and conspiracy theories. Leave the science discussion for those that actually study sciences. They know what they’re talking about. Not politicians or bloggers. Wear your fucking masks so those that are immunocompromised aren’t at risk. It’s a damn mask, how much easier can it get to not spread viruses? I hate this site sometimes, not everything is a damn conspiracy!
Some of these posts are why people can't take the conspiracy theory crowd seriously and when even when we're right about stuff, people can't take us seriously.

"Science is fake"? Fucking really people?

I'm also not sure why people are so butthurt about wearing masks. It won't necessarily help against high-end facial recognition, but it does help with anonymity and cctv ('cause the quality of most systems are pretty shit, although this will change). It's the one good thing to come out this pandemic.
Unfortunately the hysteria is so hard these times that if you don't subscribe to EVERY VC standpoint it makes you a "sheep" (see this thread's 2nd post answer) SMH. What about not being a sheep blindly eating up anything VC pulls out instead?:rolleyes:
People are acting like asking people to OCCASIONALLY wear a mask on SOME PUBLIC space is ~oppression~ (which is utterly ironic considering how critical this website is of snowflakes lol), gonna transform us all into Muslims (while masks don't even cover the hair...SMH), kill us all, that COVID in an hoax, bringing up race for no damn reason, and all kind of crazy stuff. It's sad to witness how cultish this website is starting to become...
I mean people be dead*ss bitching against people saying they have to wear a mask to go to work and that it's unfair to deem anyone wearing a mask as a "sheep", saying they're "compliant" to the NWO system ... The entitlement is incredible....I really wonder if they'd have the audacity to tell that to the food worker that kept working during the quarantine (with a mask on) and basically kept providing for them to still have food on their plate they better pull off their mask (and loose their job) to suck it up the the big bad oppressing mask-erade...:rolleyes: Let's see if that "huh working ain't that important" entitlement remain intact when the fridge is empty.... lol

Even the mildest comments agreeing that there was indeed something fishy with this whole COVID thingie while being critical of the overall lack of nuance of the article ("the mask is bad") were downvoted to oblivion. People on this website love arguing they're all about using critical thinking but actually they're more than willing to eat up anything that fits their "everything is a conspiracy" narrative....
In the comment section there are several professional medical saying the mask, while indeed not fitted for an ongoing usage (causing breathing issues - which however is NOT an actual recommended policyt against the COVID so this whole narrative is very strawman'y), were still useful. Yet people are like "hmmm actually that ONE (1) professional in the comment agree with VC so your point is debatable". I personally think ALL those comments by professionals with diverging pov brought up interesting points, so I really don't get some commenters' entitlement to downplay the legitimacy of some based on their own bias. People on this website don't seem able to stand moderate stances anymore, only what goes along their belief is accepted as right and valid - any contradictory opinion is dismissed (the stale "sheep" narrative) and aggressively rebuked. This mob mentality is very disgraceful and pathetic, especially coming from an alleged "disinfo critical" community.
It's also VERY suspicious to witness how some comments critical of the article (with some VERY good points) miraculously disappeared.... Some good questions were brought up such as WHY Asians countries that adopted the all mask policies had much more compelling results in the fight against the virus. No responses, just downvotes....

I wouldn't be surprised if there's actual hidden agenda aiming to use people's own paranoia against themselves to make them willingly endorse an irrational anti-mask/barrier gesture stance and make them even more vulnerable to upcoming virus outbreak LOL Let's see who the useful idiots actually are...
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May 18, 2018
Unfortunately the hysteria is so hard these times that if you doesn't subscribe to EVERY VC's standpoint it makes you a "sheep" (see this thread's 2nd post answer) SMH. What about not being a sheep blindly eating up anything VC pulls out instead?:rolleyes:
People are acting like asking people to OCCASIONALLY wear a mask on SOME PUBLIC space is ~oppression~ (which is utterly ironic considering how critical this website is of snowflakes lol), gonna transform us all into Muslims (while masks don't even cover the hair...SMH), kill us all, that COVID in an hoax, bringing up race for no damn reason, and all kind of crazy stuff. It's sad to witness how cultish this website is starting to become...
I mean people be dead*ss bitching against people saying they have to wear a mask to go to work and that it's unfair to deem anyone wearing a mask as a "sheep", saying they're "compliant" to the NWO system ... The entitlement is incredible....I really wonder if they'd have the audacity to tell that to the food worker that kept working during the quarantine (with a mask on) and basically kept providing for them to still have food on their plate they better pull off their mask (and loose their job) to suck it up the the big bad oppressing mask-erade...:rolleyes: Let's see if that "huh working ain't that important" entitlement remain intact when the fridge is empty.... lol

Even the mildest comments agreeing that there was indeed something fishy with this whole COVID thingie while being critical of the overall extraness of the article ("the mask is bad") were downvoted to oblivion. People on this website love arguing they're all about using critical thinking UNLESS it's to eat up anything that fits their "everything is a conspiracy" narrative....
In the comment section there are several professional medical saying the mask, while indeed not fitted for an ongoing usage (causing breathing issues - which however is NOT an actual policy against the COVID so this whole narrative is very strawman'y), were still useful, yet people are like "hmmm actually that ONE (1) professional in the comment agree with VC so your point is debatable :)". I personally think ALL those comments by professionals with diverging pov brought up interesting points, so I really don't get some commenters' entitlement to downplay the legitimacy of some based on their own bias. People on this website can't even stand moderate stances anymore, only what goes along their belief is accepted as right and valid - any contradictory opinion is dismissed (the stale "sheep" narrative) and aggressively rebuked. This mob mentality is very disgraceful and pathetic, especially coming from an alleged "disinfo critical" community.
It's also VERY suspicious to witness how some comments critical of the article (with some VERY good point) miraculously disappeared.... Some good questions were brought up such as WHY Asians countries that adopted the all mask policies had much compelling results in the fight against the virus. No responses, just downvotes....

I wouldn't be surprised if there's actual hidden agenda aiming to use people's own paranoia against themselves to make them willingly endorse an irrational anti-mask/barrier gesture stance and make them even more vulnerable to upcoming virus outbreak LOL Let's see who are the actual useful idiots...
Goddamn what a mess....
Also BAAAA sheep lmao. No one is forcing you to be here bro. Go to sciencerules.billnye if you prefer that type of discussion


Mar 1, 2018
Goddamn what a mess....
Also BAAAA sheep lmao. No one is forcing you to be here bro. Go to sciencerules.billnye if you prefer that type of discussion
And...no one is forcing you to read my post. See? it works both ways.

Anyway, this type of pathetic reaction just proves even further how right I am as of how low the argumentative level of some people this website has become (along with all the circle jerking entertaining this pettiness of course). Mess.
Thank you from proving my point. Have a nice day and say hi to my ignore list.
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