

Mar 13, 2017
Well. Thanks for that.
You sound inordinately pleased.
I'll just sod off and die, shall I?
I don’t sound pleased at all.. just matter of fact.

My whole point is that older people die and maybe this was their time to die...not because of covid..but because it was.


Mar 16, 2017
This is not healthy worry to shut down the world over this and panic people.
For the one millionth time Lisa.. reading comprehension. Where did I say that? At this point I’m convinced people just need to wear the damn masks. And am sorely disappointed in the American population for being so stubborn they refuse to do so.

Healthy worry =\= you need to agree with shut downs. It means you take reasonable health and safety precautions and remain alert instead of believing the whole virus doesn’t exist at all and going about your business licking telephone poles and such.


Mar 16, 2017
If it wasn’t for COVID a lot of them would have had a few more to a lot of years left. Weren’t you the one arguing keeping a vegetable alive in my other thread? It’s disconcerting to see which situations you do and do not value “life”
She definitely did cry about them taking schiavo off life support...


Mar 13, 2017
If it wasn’t for COVID a lot of them would have had a few more to a lot of years left. Weren’t you the one arguing keeping a vegetable alive in my other thread? It’s disconcerting to see which situations you do and do not value “life”
I still value life..but I also know that when its your time, its your time. I don’t know that covid was the problem honestly. As an older person you probably don’t want to get sick period.

That lady didn’t look like a vegetable to me, from the video I saw of her..but its water under the bridge..since they killed her anyway. And what a nice way to food or water..that’s much better.


Mar 16, 2017
I still value life..but I also know that when its your time, its your time. I don’t know that covid was the problem honestly. As an older person you probably don’t want to get sick period.

That lady didn’t look like a vegetable to me, from the video I saw of her..but its water under the bridge..since they killed her anyway. And what a nice way to food or water..that’s much better.
People are dying choking on their own mucus unable to breathe. They don’t have food or water either. This isn’t a Cush peaceful death Lisa. And many boomers are in their fifties, that’s way premature considering the average life expectancy. It shouldn’t be “their time”


Mar 13, 2017
For the one millionth time Lisa.. reading comprehension. Where did I say that? At this point I’m convinced people just need to wear the damn masks. And am sorely disappointed in the American population for being so stubborn they refuse to do so.

Healthy worry =\= you need to agree with shut downs. It means you take reasonable health and safety precautions and remain alert instead of believing the whole virus doesn’t exist at all and going about your business licking telephone poles and such.
You have such an imagination.

I think we all know that the msm are a bunch of liars that’s been complicit in trying to get the public to believe all sorts of lies and not for our own good. You can believe them if you want to.

I have taken reasonable safety precautions..when I go out I stay 6ft away like I’m supposed to and I wash my hands when I get home from the store. I haven’t had any problems and didn’t even need that mask.


Mar 13, 2017
People are dying choking on their own mucus unable to breathe. They don’t have food or water either. This isn’t a Cush peaceful death Lisa. And many boomers are in their fifties, that’s way premature considering the average life expectancy. It shouldn’t be “their time”
Maybe they are and maybe they aren’t...Who doesn’t have food or water either?

Nobody is promised an old age one.


Mar 16, 2017
You have such an imagination.

I think we all know that the msm are a bunch of liars that’s been complicit in trying to get the public to believe all sorts of lies and not for our own good. You can believe them if you want to.

I have taken reasonable safety precautions..when I go out I stay 6ft away like I’m supposed to and I wash my hands when I get home from the store. I haven’t had any problems and didn’t even need that mask.
You live in an area that has not been severely impacted. YET. For the millionth time. I hope it stays that way, but for chrissakes if it does not.. wear the stinking mask. It won’t kill you and it might just save you or someone else.

I have no imagination at all Lisa. I can’t even do creative assignments in school, my brain is too literal. This isn’t imagination, it’s a five senses analysis. Shockingly, I’m the only north easterner on this board it seems.


Mar 13, 2017
You want to know what’s interesting? You all go on about this being overblown, but the actual reality is that’s it probably worse

Yeah older people don’t want to get sick generally speaking but COVID is wayyy more lethal for old folks than the flu, which is a big risk for them sure, not like this.

You value life when it suits you and your political interests. Remember when you all threw a fit over that Cuban kid going back to Cuba because you could make it an anti Castro statement? But Now you’re like “go to the camp kid you might not ever see your mom again LOL”
What’s worse? I’m sure if it were worse..we’d hear all the stories..they surely wouldn’t bury them, which is why they make up all the stories about the virus...and people believe that stuff.

I thought the reason that old people had to get the flu shot was because they were at great risk?

I have no political interest in this..I think its bunk.
Lol...what are you mumbling about now?


Mar 16, 2017
Maybe they are and maybe they aren’t...Who doesn’t have food or water either?

Nobody is promised an old age one.
If. You. Are. On. A. Ventilator. You. Can. Not. Eat. Or. Drink.

No one is promised a living wage. No one is promised a old age. You just keep getting more and more ridiculous in your attempts to back any and everything that comes from the orange menaces mouth as the days go by... heartless.


Mar 13, 2017
You live in an area that has not been severely impacted. YET. For the millionth time. I hope it stays that way, but for chrissakes if it does not.. wear the stinking mask. It won’t kill you and it might just save you or someone else.

I have no imagination at all Lisa. I can’t even do creative assignments in school, my brain is too literal. This isn’t imagination, it’s a five senses analysis. Shockingly, I’m the only north easterner on this board it seems.
You don’t know where I live..maybe Utah, maybe Idaho..somewhere over here anyway. Haha.

How would wearing the mask save everyone already wearing one...I’d say if anything I would be the one in danger...not them.

No, you aren’t make things up the way you wish they were. Maybe do a poll and find out the area where people live?


Mar 16, 2017
You don’t know where I live..maybe Utah, maybe Idaho..somewhere over here anyway. Haha.

How would wearing the mask save everyone already wearing one...I’d say if anything I would be the one in danger...not them.

No, you aren’t make things up the way you wish they were. Maybe do a poll and find out the area where people live?
I know you don’t live in any of the hotspots. That’s all I need to know to make that statement.

If everyone wore the mask Lisa there would be no chance for an asymptomatic person to spread their germs. Not rocket science.

And yes I am literal. I’m not making anything up here your just allergic to facts because they make trump look bad. Lol.

I pay pretty close attention, none of the frequent posters active right now live in the north east. Everyone I know who used to post here that did, left.


Mar 13, 2017
If. You. Are. On. A. Ventilator. You. Can. Not. Eat. Or. Drink.

No one is promised a living wage. No one is promised a old age. You just keep getting more and more ridiculous in your attempts to back any and everything that comes from the orange menaces mouth as the days go by... heartless.
Feeding tube..

Who is promised a living wage? No one..isn’t that what you all are upset over? You want a living wage darn it!!

Nope, didn’t get a promise that I would live to old age when I was born...neither kid came out with one either..

How is that heartless..that‘s the truth.


Mar 13, 2017
I know you don’t live in any of the hotspots. That’s all I need to know to make that statement.

If everyone wore the mask Lisa there would be no chance for an asymptomatic person to spread their germs. Not rocket science.

And yes I am literal. I’m not making anything up here your just allergic to facts because they make trump look bad. Lol.

I pay pretty close attention, none of the frequent posters active right now live in the north east. Everyone I know who used to post here that did, left.
How can I spread my germs to people wearing a mask? I don’t get that at all. I’m the only one at risk with no mask...and really I am not at risk at all either, since everyone has a mask on around me. We are all still social distancing..mostly. Sometimes the people in the masks think they don’t need to because they have the mask on...go figure.

No, you like your facts...not the truth.