Trying to compare prostitution with r*pe is offensive to actual victims of r*pe imo. There is no such thing as consenting to r*pe because by definition r*pe is the violation of consent.
And selling sex isn't just prostitution. Instagram models, cam girls, strippers are essentially all selling sex even when they're not sleeping with strangers.
You can't tell a grown ass adult what they should or shouldn't be doing with their body. It's their life, it's their choice, period.The person who thinks he can buy his way into a body is immoral because buying someone reduces them to an object. Most women who sell sex have some type of past trauma. I can assure you that pretty much no one actually wants to have sex with strangers for money. That concept in itself is immoral.
And selling sex isn't just prostitution. Instagram models, cam girls, strippers are essentially all selling sex even when they're not sleeping with strangers.
Except the client is not buying the sex worker, he's only buying a service in exchange for money. If he thinks he owns someone else beacuse he pays for their service then the entitlement is the problem. The sense of ownership that men have towards women is the reason why r*pe is so prevalent.uhh if you only agree to having sex with someone in exchange for something else you're literally not consenting to the sex. You're consenting to getting the thing in return. Consent cannot be bought. Humans are not stock.
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