

Mar 13, 2017
Just wondering, but do you read a lot of books.

when I was younger, I read Anna Karenina and les miserables as a hard cover and paperback. So yes, the book business was fine, but I also enjoy not having to find a comfortable way to hold a book that is larger than my hand.

you know those times when you have a book that is over a thousand pages and the pages are relatively small. Maybe like 8 x 6 inches and it takes you three hundred pages before they will lay flat on their own so you have to hold both sides and one side has so many pages, your hand starts hurting trying to stretch around them until you get far enough along that it gets smaller.

that isn’t a life or death problem, but it is still a problem that an ereader solves. Therefore, there is the possibility that someone will even prefer to use an ereader, but you would have to actually be a reader to see that this is a problem to solve. Otherwise, you might say something flippant like ,”the book industry was doing just fine before the kindle.”

Reading books is a favorite hobby of mine..I’ve read millions of books by I think I can wade into the book argument.

Before the e-reader, you might have been unhappy with holding your book but you still bought them anyway. Perhaps you wished something different could take it less place but you didn’t know what. Until the Kindle came out no one knew what that would be. People who like books actual book might not buy a kindle..that’s the chance Bezos took.

Barnes and Noble is still around because people still like to hold books. I like my e reader for books but not magazines..I still buy those.

Another problem with the kindle was that it could only hold so many books which is why I don’t read off it anymore and read mainly off the app. So now even a kindle isn’t good enough anymore..the only thing that keeps his kindle on top is low prices for books.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
right because talking about the effect this has on the economy and how the economy functions is petty. Your comment is what is petty in this discussion.
Feel free to babble on. I do not need to discuss AMAZON or the economy to see what is happening. By all means, make this a back and forth between three posters cluttering up the place. See! I can get pithy too. Some of this stuff either needs another thread or take it to PM's. Of course, that is just an opinion.
Mar 30, 2017
Contrary to popular belief alot of people in these first world countries are not as clean as you expect. I remember there was a graph of a poll of Europe dealing with washing their hands and plenty countries had only 40-70% of citizens who said they washed their hands after using the bathroom.

Then add in kissing of the cheek being a formal greeting in some countries and people coughing and sneezing w/o covering their mouth which i encountered alot in the UK on my travel and you have all the tools for spreading diseases.
I must admit, this is gross to read but not too surprising. I know of a particular university that will only have their employees and students bring items that are store bought and packaged to potlucks so they're not held liable should anyone get sick from the food they've eaten for that very reason.

At our schools, we've been given these signs to display in high trafficked areas to reinforce good hygiene practices. It may seem like common knowledge for some as my mum always told us these things when we were kids, however, as the saying goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
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Mar 13, 2017
I’d gladly not argue over amazon if certain people would stop prioritizing amazons ability to weather this disease over actual people’s lives..
In the long run..people employed by Amazon need Amazon to weather this.


Dec 21, 2017
QUOTE="Kais_1, post: 279683, member: 1659"]
any one know what NAG (as in nag hammadi or nag- town in egypt or even NAGYN - snake shapeshifter) might have to do with corona virus?
Nothing as far as l know.


Do you have a connection between them?
Boris Johnson did a speech on the coronavirus yesterday 12/03/20 at 5ish pm

towards the end the cameras focused on a plate that was on the wall.

what i noticed was the colours of the plate.

Red Blue Gold White





or NAG 50

town in Egypt and the number for the ANNUNAKI

SNAKE Woman/half human/half snake/shapeshifter

starts at 9.32


Jan 11, 2020
I bet you havn't read millions.
I thought I had read millions, but when I worked it out it must only be about 5 thousand.

I was shocked.

200 books a year for 50 years would be 10k
That's 4 books a week, every week.
I read a lot, but I don't think I"ve read 4 every single week.

Anyway! the thing surprised me.
Made me realise that the 2k books on my e-reader would last for ages and ages.


Mar 13, 2017
this thing is WAY bigger than Trump.

this is a global agenda, likely to do with

1. Mandatory Vaccines
2. Economy collapse
3. Biological warfare
4. 5G and internet targeting our DNA
5. Worldwide control, loss of freedom of movement
6. More authoritarianism

this is NOT a conspiracy against the Orange Clown.

If anything the people backing Trump are the ones who created this mess and lied to everyone about it.

I find it way too much of a convenience that the 2 countries Trump administration labelled as their BIGGEST THREATS (China and Iran) just so happen to be #1 and #3 in terms of the worst countries effected.

Its likely that they targeted China and Iran, but I think this agenda is also to serve other purposes as well, besides just crippling the enemies of the American empire.

I also think that the psuedo "populists" will use this crisis to further their anti-immigrant and isolationist agenda. Trump in one of his speeches kept highlighting the fact that it was a Chinese disease. This will only increase xenophobia and division, isolationism. is strange though that it may end up affecting the US elections...where China just signed a trade agreement with the president and I don’t think they got everything they had before..


Mar 13, 2017
I bet you havn't read millions.
I thought I had read millions, but when I worked it out it must only be about 5 thousand.

I was shocked.

200 books a year for 50 years would be 10k
That's 4 books a week, every week.
I read a lot, but I don't think I"ve read 4 every single week.

Anyway! the thing surprised me.
Made me realise that the 2k books on my e-reader would last for ages and ages.
Lol, feels like millions though. :) I’ve read a lot.


Mar 18, 2017
Feel free to babble on. I do not need to discuss AMAZON or the economy to see what is happening. By all means, make this a back and forth between three posters cluttering up the place. See! I can get pithy too.
Literally, the only thing you contributed was a complaint and a comment about a superior understanding. My conversation with Lisa began because I contributed something with more substance that she responded to so maybe you should share your superior knowledge with the rest of us or mind your own business.
Feb 22, 2020
This whole thing was created for mass compliance and being herded into a new age of handling epidemics on the surface while losing freedom which is just beneath the surface.

Life will be different after this all settles, this is a major agenda going on right now.

After all of this fear and panic, and shutting down of society, we will be forced to comply with their new demands.


Mar 16, 2017
Reading books is a favorite hobby of mine..I’ve read millions of books by I think I can wade into the book argument.

Before the e-reader, you might have been unhappy with holding your book but you still bought them anyway. Perhaps you wished something different could take it less place but you didn’t know what. Until the Kindle came out no one knew what that would be. People who like books actual book might not buy a kindle..that’s the chance Bezos took.

Barnes and Noble is still around because people still like to hold books. I like my e reader for books but not magazines..I still buy those.

Another problem with the kindle was that it could only hold so many books which is why I don’t read off it anymore and read mainly off the app. So now even a kindle isn’t good enough anymore..the only thing that keeps his kindle on top is low prices for books.
Amazon was in business and profitable for 12 years before releasing the kindle Lisa. It was a bookstore which made money by tapping into consumer demand for books in a new way (internet shopping).

@The Zone is right this is a completely ridiculous discussion to have in this thread. If you don’t want the government to help people who have lost their jobs and wages as a result of this virus just say so, agree to disagree and move the fuck on.


Mar 18, 2017
Reading books is a favorite hobby of mine..I’ve read millions of books by I think I can wade into the book argument.

Before the e-reader, you might have been unhappy with holding your book but you still bought them anyway. Perhaps you wished something different could take it less place but you didn’t know what. Until the Kindle came out no one knew what that would be. People who like books actual book might not buy a kindle..that’s the chance Bezos took.

Barnes and Noble is still around because people still like to hold books. I like my e reader for books but not magazines..I still buy those.

Another problem with the kindle was that it could only hold so many books which is why I don’t read off it anymore and read mainly off the app. So now even a kindle isn’t good enough anymore..the only thing that keeps his kindle on top is low prices for books.
the point is that amazon didn’t create demand. Demand is not created by producers. To sell a product you have to solve a problem.


Jan 11, 2020
Nothing as far as l know.


Do you have a connection between them?
Boris Johnson did a speech on the coronavirus yesterday 12/03/20 at 5ish pm

towards the end the cameras focused on a plate that was on the wall.

what i noticed was the colours of the plate.

Red Blue Gold White





or NAG 50

town in Egypt and the number for the ANNUNAKI

SNAKE Woman/half human/half snake/shapeshifter

starts at 9.32

Can you give me a time stamp for the symbol?
I really don't want to look at Boris the muppet for that long.


Dec 21, 2017
Boris Johnson did a speech on the coronavirus yesterday 12/03/20 at 5ish pm

towards the end the cameras focused on a plate that was on the wall.

what i noticed was the colours of the plate.

Red Blue Gold White





or NAG 50

town in Egypt and the number for the ANNUNAKI

SNAKE Woman/half human/half snake/shapeshifter

starts at 9.32
Can you give me a time stamp for the symbol?
I really don't want to look at Boris the muppet for that long.
skip to 9.32 then you can see the plate

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Literally, the only thing you contributed was a complaint and a comment about a superior understanding. My conversation with Lisa began because I contributed something with more substance that she responded to so maybe you should share your superior knowledge with the rest of us or mind your own business.
You know! I have been watching you since your return and noticed how your views changed 100 degrees. You have plenty of lengthy opinions. Perhaps you have not noticed that others do not want to discuss Amazon and are not participating, but by all means, if this is your contribution then, well, ... at least Orwell tried to get the thread back on track for it is off the rails. I have a right to an opinion without being drawn into a discussion which means little in the big picture. I am only suggesting a higher standard of discussion and it is the polite thing to do in taking sidetrack discussions elsewhere or to PM's. My opi. It is not always popular.