

Mar 13, 2017
again, this situation has the potential to be contained and we can reduce the spread with some isolation interventions. Disneyland is not in jeopardy of going out of business because they close their operations for a couple of weeks and it is ludicrous to assume that an organization like this doesn’t have money to pay for employees to take leave.

but you have no real concept of money management or a realistic view of how the economy works, so it is understandable that this is still confusing for you.
The only confusing thing to me is if you close places..not every place is Disney. Who can afford to pay their employees while they don’t make a dime. Who is prepared for such a contingency and have that kind of money stored up? That’s a hardship on businesses. Disney may or may not be able to pay for their workforce to be off work and to pay for their insurance...but that will come back to hit consumers hard when they reopen to hire prices to remake the money they lost. Those things also happen. The companies don’t just eat it they pass the loss onto their customers.

You can’t just shut down life and not expect any bumps.


Mar 18, 2017
The point is someone creates a business and hires employees. Someone takes that risk whether it be a millionaire or not. It’s not demand that makes anything but keeps some place going. Did demand create Amazon? Or did Jeff Bezos? Now there is a demand for Amazon. That is what someone is hoping for when they create their business.
it is entirely demand that creates a business. A primary principle of creating something to sell is finding a solution to a problem. If you can find a solution to someone’s problem, then you have something to sell. In other words, if there is an expectation that there will be demand, then you can create a supply.

Amazon is even a terrible example for your point. Yes there was a demand for a convenient way to buy used, cheap books. I was shopping on amazon buying used books for a penny plus the media mail shipping price long before they started the prime service. Jeff Bezos saw this demand. It is absolutely the worst example you could think of to try to prove your point.


Mar 13, 2017
it is entirely demand that creates a business. A primary principle of creating something to sell is finding a solution to a problem. If you can find a solution to someone’s problem, then you have something to sell. In other words, if there is an expectation that there will be demand, then you can create a supply.

Amazon is even a terrible example for your point. Yes there was a demand for a convenient way to buy used, cheap books. I was shopping on amazon buying used books for a penny plus the media mail shipping price long before they started the prime service. Jeff Bezos saw this demand. It is absolutely the worst example you could think of to try to prove your point.
I think it’s the best..Bezos created demand with what he started. When I saw he had an e-reader I wanted it..not the other way around.


Mar 16, 2017
I think it’s the best..Bezos created demand with what he started. When I saw he had an e-reader I wanted it..not the other way around.
Amazon started out as an online store for BOOKS. He didn’t create that demand, he tapped into an existing demand and provided a new delivery method. I used amazon back in the day because it would give me book recommendations based on other books I had bought or liked. It was a cool service but the demand was already there.. people always sought out recommendations, he just mainstreamed and digitized the process.

It spiraled from there to other things. But if his initial service didn’t have customers (ie demand), he would not have a business.

Is it psychologically necessary for you to put yourself and people like you on some sort of pedestal like you are doing something greater then what your actually doing? My husband owns a heating business, if people didn’t need someone to fix their heat he would have no business. If people knew how to fix their own heat he would have no business. If people had no money to get their heat fixed he’d have no business. If he didn’t do a good job and make his customers happy with his service he’d have no business. None of that negates the fact that he’s an excellent plumber or that we risked the capital to open the business but neither of those things makes us “something special” or better then anyone else - id even go so far to say our employees are just as important because without them we would be very limited with what we could do. Things are interrelated.


Mar 18, 2017
The only confusing thing to me is if you close places..not every place is Disney. Who can afford to pay their employees while they don’t make a dime. Who is prepared for such a contingency and have that kind of money stored up? That’s a hardship on businesses. Disney may or may not be able to pay for their workforce to be off work and to pay for their insurance...but that will come back to hit consumers hard when they reopen to hire prices to remake the money they lost. Those things also happen. The companies don’t just eat it they pass the loss onto their customers.

You can’t just shut down life and not expect any bumps.
there are small businesses that are run by a handful of people that might struggle or go under during this time. There are also many places that already have benefits in place so that employees and use vacation hours or something during this time. There are other business that could have good benefits and don’t like Walmart that should provide benefits to their employees during this time because it wouldn’t affect them in the long run.

there are people who work in the school district that should be provided by tax payers. There are stragglers that aren’t represented that should also receive some sort of benefit from the massive amount of taxes we already pay in this country so that everyone is able to make it through during this time. There is a lot of diversity in this country.

absolutely ridiculous to assume that this is an attack on trump. In all honesty, the conspiracy theorist in me considered trump to have been connected to this since it began in China. We all know trump is not on good terms with China.

I still think this in the back of my head because he is stupid enough to not realize how something like this could get out of hand. Fortunately, even if the election is delayed because of this, he still won’t be president by January. Thank goodness.


Mar 13, 2017
The point is someone creates a business and hires employees. Someone takes that risk whether it be a millionaire or not. It’s not demand that makes anything but keeps some place going. Did demand create Amazon? Or did Jeff Bezos? Now there is a demand for Amazon. That is what someone is hoping for when they create their business.
Demand did create Amazon.

People don't create demand. It just exists, in the air or in our subconscious. Just because you don't know something on Amazon existed doesn't mean Jeff Bezos personally created your need for that thing.


Jan 11, 2020
They will probably institute that universal income thing.

You are so oblivious and detached from reality..

What they just approved in the house is emergency sick leave and unemployment benefits for people impacted by the virus (like me), small businesses will be reimbursed by the federal government for the costs of sick leave, unemployment again comes from the government. It is a reallocation of tax dollars and what they absolutely should be doing.

Because again, YOU will not have a business if people like ME do not have money to spend.
Glad to hear you are getting some financial help.


Mar 16, 2017
They will probably institute that universal income thing.

Glad to hear you are getting some financial help.
Still have to wait and see if the senate passes it next week.. I applied for unemployment last night but idk if that’s even what I was supposed to do. The agency I work for is being incredibly unhelpful. INCREDIBLY. All they said was “we have no answers”

And right now school is only closed for two weeks.. we had no school for two weeks due to Christmas so I feel like my agency is taking this very nonchalantly and just assuming the two week thing is all it will be when I am almost positive this is going to go on longer then that.

I feel like I’m shouting fire in a crowded room for weeks now and everyone else in the room is deaf.


Mar 13, 2017
there are small businesses that are run by a handful of people that might struggle or go under during this time. There are also many places that already have benefits in place so that employees and use vacation hours or something during this time. There are other business that could have good benefits and don’t like Walmart that should provide benefits to their employees during this time because it wouldn’t affect them in the long run.

there are people who work in the school district that should be provided by tax payers. There are stragglers that aren’t represented that should also receive some sort of benefit from the massive amount of taxes we already pay in this country so that everyone is able to make it through during this time. There is a lot of diversity in this country.

absolutely ridiculous to assume that this is an attack on trump. In all honesty, the conspiracy theorist in me considered trump to have been connected to this since it began in China. We all know trump is not on good terms with China.

I still think this in the back of my head because he is stupid enough to not realize how something like this could get out of hand. Fortunately, even if the election is delayed because of this, he still won’t be president by January. Thank goodness.
Exactly...trump got China to go along with his trade deal..they probably don’t like trump. The dems have spent his whole time as president trying to get something on him..and couldn’t come up with anything to stick. Did they do this to get him...or did this conveniently come into play? Only time will tell if this puts a damper on his presidency or not. If the election is delayed he will still be president until then won’t he? Do we have an interim president in the meantime?

Ya, small business will struggle and go under..and maybe even some bigger businesses. You can’t pay and have no income coming in for doesn’t work like that. What about the suppliers to places like Disney...things get out of whack and they have a hard time getting back into the way things were. This is not good to shut the world down. Just because you think businesses are so stinking rich they can afford it..doesn’t mean that they actually can.


Jan 11, 2020
Still have to wait and see if the senate passes it next week.. I applied for unemployment last night but idk if that’s even what I was supposed to do. The agency I work for is being incredibly unhelpful. INCREDIBLY. All they said was “we have no answers”

And right now school is only closed for two weeks.. we had no school for two weeks due to Christmas so I feel like my agency is taking this very nonchalantly and just assuming the two week thing is all it will be when I am almost positive this is going to go on longer then that.

I feel like I’m shouting fire in a crowded room for weeks now and everyone else in the room is deaf.
It sounds so worrying for you.
At the best of time bureaucracy is a nightmare.

Stay strong. You have snare wire and a machette!!!
You will be fine!


Mar 16, 2017
So let me get this straight..

You would rather risk millions of people dying then have businesses, like yours, temporarily suffer?

The feds are reimbursing small businesses for the cost of paid leave during this crisis and giving emergency loans to small businesses impacted by the crisis. You are like a walking cartoon...


Mar 13, 2017
Demand did create Amazon.

People don't create demand. It just exists, in the air or in our subconscious. Just because you don't know something on Amazon existed doesn't mean Jeff Bezos personally created your need for that thing.
No, demand did not create Amazon..Jeff Bezos came up with a company that created demand.

Jeff Bezos creates the kindle. I was watching Martha Stewart the day he cam on to talk about it. I didn’t know about it before but after I saw he had the product, I knew I needed it. Lol! Entrepreneurs try to create things they think people will need to create demand..


Mar 16, 2017
It sounds so worrying for you.
At the best of time bureaucracy is a nightmare.

Stay strong. You have snare wire and a machette!!!
You will be fine!
If we descend into complete and utter social anarchy I will be at the top of the ladder out here... married to a extremely territorial felon who never quite got the prison and the streets out of him..
Last edited:


Mar 13, 2017
So let me get this straight..

You would rather risk millions of people dying then have businesses, like yours, temporarily suffer?

The feds are reimbursing small businesses for the cost of paid leave during this crisis and giving emergency loans to small businesses impacted by the crisis. You are like a walking cartoon...
Can’t pay a loan back if you are closed up.


Mar 16, 2017
No, demand did not create Amazon..Jeff Bezos came up with a company that created demand.

Jeff Bezos creates the kindle. I was watching Martha Stewart the day he cam on to talk about it. I didn’t know about it before but after I saw he had the product, I knew I needed it. Lol! Entrepreneurs try to create things they think people will need to create demand..
Jeff Bezos created the demand for books?


Mar 16, 2017
Can’t pay a loan back if you are closed up.
I guess you are missing the point that this economic stimulus is intended to prevent companies from having to close by ensuring their customers still have money. Did you miss that?


Mar 13, 2017
I guess you are missing the point that this economic stimulus is intended to prevent companies from having to close by ensuring their customers still have money. Did you miss that?
They still have to pay back a loan they probably didn’t want in the first place which will cut into any profits they could make...that’s not helpful at all.