

Jul 27, 2017
So true! Had a weird upper respiratory thing a month ago. Wasn't the flu, was stronger than a cold. Used 3 boxes of Kleenex in 2 days, had a massive migraine the 2nd day (contemplated going to hospital but honestly couldn't move, the pain was so intense). Felt weak and barely ate for 5 days. Ran a fever of almost 100 on the 5th day? It was strange. I'd feel better and start cleaning or go to the grocery store and get wiped out. Maybe I was like your wife and mother. My mom had similar symptoms and hers turned into pneumonia partly bc Dad wouldn't let her rest and get over feeling ill. She's his caregiver and he won't accept anyone else, but some day he may have to. She's fatigued. :-(
Me and my family had an upper respiratory illness last month too.

I’m chalking it up to the coronavirus.
I honestly think the actual virus is overhyped.

Now the whole national emergency and social shut down is what has me worried. Thanks to the mass panic, our financial system is going to take a hit.


Oct 23, 2018
Me and my family had an upper respiratory illness last month too.

I’m chalking it up to the coronavirus.
I honestly think the actual virus is overhyped.

Now the whole national emergency and social shut down is what has me worried. Thanks to the mass panic, our financial system is going to take a hit.
Yeah, it was yucky, but the migraine and just general weakness were the scary parts. Almost fainted cleaning the bathroom. Had to rest and then keep cleaning though. Have to finish what I start even if it takes twice to three times the amount of time it would normally take. It was hard to kick, whatever it was. Actually, I've been faint a lot lately. It's a bit strange, but think it's just my age and season in life. That weird middle age setting in, hormones, etc.


Jan 11, 2020
Actually, I had that too.
Like so exhausted I could barely move.

Also coughing.

But yeah, age and woman stuff, new inhaler, didn't think much of it at the time.

There was a lot of it going round. A few people said 'have you had that weird sort of cold thing that sticks around for ages?'

Makes me wonder now.
Feb 22, 2020
Me and my family had an upper respiratory illness last month too.

I’m chalking it up to the coronavirus.
I honestly think the actual virus is overhyped.

Now the whole national emergency and social shut down is what has me worried. Thanks to the mass panic, our financial system is going to take a hit.
yup and apparently more than one internet provider are now offering unlimited internet access to those who "cannot afford it"

Are you fucking kidding me ? Since when did these companies become so fucking generous ?

I think they want everybody at home and on the internet getting zapped with something. Makes me think about all those claiming 5G is behind this disease.

Something is going on. I personally am gonna shut down my internet modem while I sleep.


Mar 13, 2017
I went to the local groceteria tonight to purchase some ice cream for dessert, and there were tons of people, with huge cartloads of everything you can imagine, lined up like idiots, while myself and everyone else in the much shorter “12 items or less” line were laughing at them.

I was also at Costco today (yes, I’m trying to catch THD, but also, my wife needed coconut sugar), and there was no panic or overloaded shopping carts.

I think the reasonable people bought supplies a few weeks ago, and as one of those people, I can’t promise I’m not going to make fun of those who are now buying six 48-packs of toilet paper and 20 boxes of macaroni at a time.


Mar 16, 2017
Yeah I didnt do anything out of the ordinary either, thats for sure. If I die, I die. And so be it. Would be a damn nice break actually. But the cat keeps complaining "Yeah? And who do you expect to fed ME then, hmm?" Then I get the look..Soo.. I don't know if I dare to die. :oops:

..I can only type now bc she went to sleep, snoring on the bed and blabbering in her sleep about some "Juanito".. But dont tell her I said that. 119.JPG

See? The look ^ Bitch aint playin'.


Oct 23, 2018
Yeah I didnt do anything out of the ordinary either, thats for sure. If I die, I die. And so be it. Would be a damn nice break actually. But the cat keeps complaining "Yeah? And who do you expect to fed ME then, hmm?" Then I get the look..Soo.. I don't know if I dare to die. :oops:

..I can only type now bc she went to sleep, snoring on the bed and blabbering in her sleep about some "Juanito".. But dont tell her I said that. View attachment 33611

See? The look ^ Bitch aint playin'.
Your cat looks like Knives the Cat. He's mean and likes to scare people apparently.

You'll live.


Mar 13, 2017
Did demand create your store?
In a way, yes it did.

A brick and mortar store does require a lot of capital these days. But there are other business models that don't require a storefront, thus not requiring huge capital. Plus that huge amount of capital is only needed because the banks and government own all the real estate.

If you have some goods or service you can start a business for cheap. You will just never be able to scale up in the modern economy.


Mar 14, 2020
they manipulate by showcasing only certain things . Such as showing all airplanes empty, creating a false narritive, all the while there are planes still jam packed with people. Theres the example. im sure there will be pages of shills spinning this simple fact


Jul 27, 2017
yup and apparently more than one internet provider are now offering unlimited internet access to those who "cannot afford it"

Are you fucking kidding me ? Since when did these companies become so fucking generous ?

I think they want everybody at home and on the internet getting zapped with something. Makes me think about all those claiming 5G is behind this disease.

Something is going on. I personally am gonna shut down my internet modem while I sleep.
It can be 5G, there’s a myriad of possible reasons to why. The conspiracy theorist in me is the government testing martial law.

The realist in me thinks the media misworded the virus and the masses registered this as some end of the world virus and now they are panic buying


Jul 27, 2017
To reflect on my prior post regarding 5G.
Just food for thought is that technology is a very scary and powerful thing now.

Our phones/internet hold a lot of information and at that misinformation, but they also hold an almost crucial part to living. We can pay bills, shop, etc all at our fingertips. The government can shut these people down, quarantine them and assure them to use tech to get their necessities for living. Which is sad and scary.


Jul 27, 2017
Hey I hope so to. No, no plans... people are to freaked out right now to be thinking about home improvements and heating season (when it isn’t optional) is over so I really don’t know.. the original plan was to switch from heating/plumbing over to power washing/painting/general home improvement come spring but I think we are putting that on hold.. I don’t want to flush marketing money down the toilet.. we are just planning to weather it out by decreasing expenses.. thankfully we are not extended on credit (no debt other then deferred student loans) at all so we can get by with minimal money if we need to. I talked to my clients mom about switching to in home services if the schools close and she’s on board so hopefully my office approves it.
Be frugal for a bit. From my run ins with you on this forum I know you’ll be fine. Good luck and just stay healthy as possible.


Jun 4, 2018
hi, just came to this thread, since i thought the corona virus wont be such a huge deal, its just the media trying to overexaggerate it to the point where everyone panics, because they live off of that, whats annoying is that it works, everyone is literally like ants gathering around, swarming over their food, thats how i look at them, especially when they buy masks, hand sanitizers, and food supplies, swarming over the grocery store and fight with people to get that last box of masks, people even high up the prices for masks to "stonk" their way and take advantage of the virus, this reminds me of how sad and hopeless humanity is, they are so controlled by the elites, theyre blind, sometimes i think im the only person who is aware of whats really going on.

i remember a month ago, WHO said that theyre confused as to why my country hasnt had any corona virus cases since all my neighbor countries has at least 1 case, and now, theres so much people that got the corona and not only that, theres also a deadly disease here that came from musquitos and i heard from the news that 3+ people died from that disease. it makes me think, it feels like theyre really trying to get corona virus everywhere to depopulate everyone from their countries, whats weird is that my country is very tropical, its very hot in here, even though its rainy season now, if the clouds have disappeared from the sky then it will be another average sunny day, the virus shouldve been killed hours after they have gotten to breathe the air from my country because of how hot it is lol, but i guess not.

the NWO is almost here, the elite tries everything they can to get rid of us, this is the depopulation agenda, china has over 11m citizens, thats why they targeted wuhan to be their "lab project" , i heard they also lies a lot in the media, and they also burned thousands of patients alive to stop the virus from spreading. i also wonder why countries makes an effort to lockdown and have strict rules in the airport but theyre also part of the NWO project? and they will be more than happy if more people died from this, maybe theyre trying to deceive us? thinking that theyre helping us and that theyre our "saviour" but news flash : theyre not, theyre gonna be the end of us, and the world.
kudos to our kind and fair leaders i guess.


Dec 14, 2018
While it is important to not panic, do not underestimate the consequences that may come if the virus is not contained to a certain degree and the epidemic peaks uncontrollably. The media has an important role in trying to warn people about this. If you looks that the hotspots for this virus such as China, Italy and Iran you will see that their healthcare system is completely overwhelmed. It is estimated that roughly 20% of those with Covid-19 will need hospital care. Now if 1 million people got infected in a country, that means 200,000 would seek the hospitals that only have a limited number of beds and resources. I am witnessing this close-up. Do not trust any of the numbers of new cases being released. There is now a shortage of testing kits, protective gear even alcohol in hospitals across the world, so alot of people may present with typical symtoms but not get a diagnosis because they not in the risk group for severe illness. The illness is much more widespread that it is being reported. If 2-5% die that means 20,000-50,000 deaths per millions inhabitants. In 10 million people get infected 200,000-500,000 will die. These are no small numbers. Just because your chances of survival are good, it doesn’t mean society as a whole won’t get affected. Think about the sick and elderly. Mass graves are being built in Iran and Italy. In China they burnes the bodies.
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