

Jan 29, 2020
A text from a coworker (who is currently on vacation in Hawaii) was sent to a friend of mine last advising that someone in her family knew someone high up at the CDC, who says an announcement will be made today regarding the virus. She told my friend to get “anything of important now while you can” and to “keep everybody safe”.

Out of curiosity I checked the CDC website this morning and saw there is an update to be made at 1pm eastern today. Not sure what kind of announcement this will be but my friend says she had goosebumps reading the text last night.



Mar 16, 2017
Yes, PJW is an idiot, but a lot of people have been bringing up swine flu and his was the first tweet I found when I went to find one to post.

South Korea’s mortality rate is at .7, and since they’ve been doing the most testing, I think that’s the accurate number, or at least close to it. Other places aren’t testing nearly as much, so all cases don’t get accounted for, and death rates seem higher.
What about Alex Jones whose jars are marked with a masonic G?


Mar 16, 2017
Tell me how the fed pumps 1.5 trillion into the stock market last night and the stocks are still free falling?


Mar 13, 2017
And the only way out of God is mad is for mankind to turn to mankind..not to God? Ok then!

Corona Virus – Is God unhappy with Mankind?
St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican City in Italy is deserted. The Pope, supreme Pontiff has cancelled all meetings and engagements in Vatican City. The world is cut off with Rome.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has temporarily banned Umrah pilgrims from all over the world. A day earlier, the Kingdom also restricted its citizens and residents from visiting Makkah. Although the Makkah entry restrictions announced are precautionary temporary steps, the Holy Kaaba is a deserted place.
Yes, for the first time in the history of mankind the circling of Kaaba has been stopped. The circling to Kaaba was an old practice even prior to the expansion of Islam. The Pagan Arabs used to circle it before entering their homes. Muslims make 7 anti-clock, circles to complete a Tawaf. A strange fact that makes few believe that anti-clock circling of Kaaba strengthens the magnetic grid of Planet earth. The fact that believers in One God are circling holy Kaaba 24 hours / 365 days, non-stop, makes it a unique place on earth where God is worshipped non-stop. There is no other similar place on earth where God is worshipped non-stop. And now there is not a single soul around it except cops on guard.

And Bethlehem has been locked down too. The Church of Nativity, built on the site that Christians believe was the birthplace of Jesus, was also closed on Thursday for worshippers.
In modern history, it is the first time that worshipers to God are not allowed where they should be. Is God unhappy with mankind? According to legends and believers in God, a time will come when the supplications, prayers and worship by mankind will be rejected by God. And when will such a time come?
The sages among mankind believe that God will be unhappy when justice will be denied, when atrocities against mankind will increase, rulers will usurp their powers and suppress their subjects, courts will shun justice. Judges will indulge in favoritism. He will be even unhappier when the people will remain silent spectators and watch atrocities on others around them.
Does this imply if God is unhappy, He is punishing mankind? The Holy Scriptures from the Old Testament, Bible to Quran, have verses warning about the punishment of God. History tells us of the storm of Noah that drowned His earlier creation. But those who firmly believe in God also believe that God is most kind. So, what He will do if He is unhappy? Is He going to punish mankind? What will be the punishment of God? Believers in God believe that if He is unhappy, He will turn away from mankind. And if He turns away from mankind, Satan will take over. Satan will be helping all wrongdoers. And only God can stop Satan.

The only way out for mankind is to care for mankind. A verse in the Holy Quran states, “Lo! Those who believe, and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabaeans – whoever believeth in God and the Last Day and doeth right – surely their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. (Quran 2:63). Surprisingly this verse is not meant for Muslims only but an assurance that anyone who believes in God and does right will be rewarded.
Humanity will suffer when justice will be denied when courts and judges will work for favoritism and lack integrity. Hindu Upanishads state, “‘There is nothing higher than justice. So, a weak man hopes (to defeat) a strong man by means of justice as one does through a king’ (Radhakrishnan, 1992:170)[13].
Let some people stand for the right and injustice against humanity. These people alone will save mankind from catastrophic calamities. And only for such people, God will not turn away from mankind.
Feb 22, 2020
This is the first massive crisis we have had during the internet age, especially since the rise of social media.

We had internet during 911 but it was not used anywhere near as much... no smart phones, WiFi, etc.

I got my 911 news by watching how much soot was falling from the sky. And turning on an old school tv, requiring me to be home and able to watch tv.
We have never experienced this level of shutdown of society across the world in my lifetime. All sports events have been shut down, cities are on lock down, they are telling people to work from home, shutting downs schools.

I still think this is mostly fear mongering when you look at the numbers, but this is a major psychological operation.

Its like they want everybody at home, somebody brought up the 5G internet thing, and getting zapped by 5G or regular internet is the only reason I think they would want masses of people to stay home.

Then as I thought about that I saw government officials in Texas announce that they needed to increase internet bandwith because of all the people staying at home, and they announced that AT&T will be offering UNLIMITED DATA, to those who do not have it. Is that a big red flag, or am I just being paranoid ?

Anybody have any insight into this internet thing ?


Mar 15, 2017
My 3 local supermarkets have run out of fairy liquid, toilet tissue, kleenex, bottled water and baby wipes.

Honestly, I really do not understand why the stores have only just implemented limits to purchases...I assume the baby wipes are an effort to keep hands clean since anti bac gel/wipes are non existent in stores.

Either that, or a huge baby boom in our borough.


Mar 15, 2017
We've had to cancel the UK mayoral elections too, but the schools and unis remain open.

I think closing everything off will cause more damage though as more people will have to take their kids and families out to shopping centres and more mass gatherings...


Mar 15, 2017
Yup, the whole county
Sorry to hear that jess, hope it doesn't last long and that you're back to work soon. In the mean time, take care and stay safe.

I think the UK is probably on the border of doing the same and with a baby on the way, I really cant afford to take time off work too.

Guess we just have to ride out this mess...