Arab invasion


Mar 16, 2017
It is heartbreaking to see how the world does not care about helping their fellow brothers and sisters. Refugees all over the world are ignored, and always have been. Humanity is disgusting. And so is the OP. Racist threads like this should be deleted and embarrass this entire website and ruin the credibility of actual good information.
Racist?! Have you any IDEA on the complete HAVOC they've caused in this country?? Dont open your mouth on things you know absolutely nothing about. Its always the same with you leftards; "Racist!" Dont you ever have anything new to come up with? Where will they be housed? Its 20 years in line for an apartment in Stockholm, the rest YEARS! I waited 15 years for my apartment. And who will pay for them since they refuse to work, huh? And what about our crumbling medical care? Are they gonna provide care for them considering our own women give birth in cabs and ditches bc the hospitals are full of arabic women giving birth to their 11 kids per family.

You really need a reality check my friend, you sound very far from reality. This is one of the thousands of women who have been forced to give birth in their car or on the ground outside the hospital: If youve got enough brains to translate that article and read the other 5 or 6 articles on the same subject, I suggest you do. You really need it. And I bet shes racist for having a white kid in your eyes too huh?

This is how they treat our children at school: They have NO respect for us bc we're not Islamic and all of europe have the same problem yet here you are denying our suffering. HOW DARE YOU?! You have no idea what we're going through on a daily basis with these horrible monsters and their doings. Its called DOMINANCE CRIMES meaning they attack our men in groups on 5 or more on one single swede/dane/norwegian/what-have-you and beat them to the ground while threatening them with guns ending up peeing on them while calling them "Swedish dogs" And you want us to take more of these complete lunatics in?

Theyre even talking about counting out what every person needs regarding space and so if you live in a house or bigger apartment than a studio, you should legally have to take in a family of these evil monsters to live under your roof, chainsmoking all day with 11+ kids running around and partying til 6 Am like they do here since they dont work. And you think this is a good thing.

Get a friggin reality check. You're crazy!
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Mar 13, 2017
Some feel that if they quote parts of a book that makes them a better person than someone who doesn’t.
Maybe a book is quoted that has relevance to what is being talked about? Especially if that book is the Bible.


Mar 16, 2017
Many people do not seem to understand the "divide and rule" narrative the occultic elite has push since the begining of time, while those politics and media which are all in it, have drove middle eastern against occident, the west against the east and vice versa the occultist have maintained their power while keep waging spiritual warfare on everyone, people here like much of the people considering themself "awake" think and do exactly what they've been program to do since birth, the "truth" community name is overrated, very ironic really
My countrymen had nothing agaisnt the arabs when they came. We have asians, greeks, yugoslavians, balkans here and they all mingle fine in society, getting educations and jobs and doing fine. EXCEPT the arabs. Its the only group that bombs on a daily basis, shoots each other (and us), rapes, murders, stabs and pushes drugs. The ONLY group. Its not strange we stand divided, they fixed that immediately.


Mar 16, 2017
The reason the elite will always win is because people see their fellow men as "invaders" and not brothers.
No the reason the elite wins is as stated above, your fellow arabs bomb, shoot, deal drugs, refuse to integrate and work and we suffer on a daily basis being harrassed away from our homes. So noones guilty of this but themselves and thats why they are hated all over the world. But sit by in your castle of glass far far away from it all where you can be in peace with your denial about "Its all the white mans fault" Which is racism btw.
Mar 30, 2017
Maybe a book is quoted that has relevance to what is being talked about? Especially if that book is the Bible.
From my perspective, you constantly quoting the bible has ultimately lost its' relevance ages ago, Lisa. I liken it to me being a kid and loving my favourite Richard Scarry book. It was my world when I young and naive and wanted to be in that world, but I grew up, matured and learned there was more to life than just Mr. Scarry's perspective.

Who knows, maybe one day you'll realize the same thing... not holding my breath, though.


Mar 27, 2017
It is heartbreaking to see how the world does not care about helping their fellow brothers and sisters. Refugees all over the world are ignored, and always have been. Humanity is disgusting. And so is the OP. Racist threads like this should be deleted and embarrass this entire website and ruin the credibility of actual good information.
giphy (8).gifgiphy (17).gif
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Mar 13, 2017
From my perspective, you constantly quoting the bible has ultimately lost its' relevance ages ago, Lisa. I liken it to me being a kid and loving my favourite Richard Scarry book. It was my world when I young and naive and wanted to be in that world, but I grew up, matured and learned there was more to life than just Mr. Scarry's perspective.

Who knows, maybe one day you'll realize the same thing... not holding my breath, though.
What could be more relevant than what God has to say?
May 14, 2017
Unless they really are invaders..
Except they are not. They are people looking for a better life, who have been told the grass is always greener on the other side.

I find this sad all over the place, when people fail to see other humans as humans, they see other humans as beasts or animals.
Alongside that, so many people who claim to follow different religions embody the opposite of the morals of those religions, yet try to defend bigotry with those religions. It's satanic.
In the choice between God and Mammon, most have chosen the later.

No the reason the elite wins is as stated above, your fellow arabs bomb, shoot, deal drugs, refuse to integrate and work and we suffer on a daily basis being harrassed away from our homes. So noones guilty of this but themselves and thats why they are hated all over the world. But sit by in your castle of glass far far away from it all where you can be in peace with your denial about "Its all the white mans fault" Which is racism btw.
"My fellow arabs". I'm white.

But I might be sympathetic to Arabs in Europe, since once upon a time, as someone of both Irish and Italian decent, people said the same think about us in America. And considering your anger seems to be towards brown-skinned people that come to your land, rather than the people that causes them to leave their lands in the first place? Well... I don't know, that sounds sort of racist to me.

The Wake-Up Zone

Dec 11, 2019
My countrymen had nothing agaisnt the arabs when they came. We have asians, greeks, yugoslavians, balkans here and they all mingle fine in society, getting educations and jobs and doing fine. EXCEPT the arabs. Its the only group that bombs on a daily basis, shoots each other (and us), rapes, murders, stabs and pushes drugs. The ONLY group. Its not strange we stand divided, they fixed that immediately.
I don't know from which country you are, but saying that all arab which migrate are rapist, bomb kamikaze is just exagerate propaganda, I thought you were of the one awake, but you litterally spit the same garbage which all media and politics that are all in the same team the mason club spit, the conservative (to which your seem very similar) and the liberals, playing both their role, for the goal behind putting trump, boris johnson and soon marine le pen in france (mason put them there, not you) is to get the return of pseudo white supremacist image nazi like, that will be assimilate with bible or religious ideology, and when the 3rd war begin it will all influence the masses to conclude, that conservative ideology and following old moral and culture inspire to hate and is the reason for it, and then they will get to introduce their new transhumanism life model and new one luciferian world religion after that, staying in this "build that wall" hamster wheel is litterally were they want YOU to stay, its when you think you are fully awake that you fall in those guilded cage they made for us, and if you believe in god, hate and fear (of migrant in your case) is not his way, but rather the tool of the deciever, DARE TO WATCH THOSE SYRIAN CHILD VICTIM OF WAR


Mar 16, 2017

This is in our papers today. An arabic man stabbed his ex girlfriend and her little daughter where one of the stabs went through her whole body and you feel SORRY for these monsters?! SHAME ON YOU!

This guy tried to murder his sister also by stabbing her to death bc she wanted to start dating. he didnt like that. Nice views on women! Yet you applaud and pity these monsters:

This guy all of a sudden attacked his swedish friend and girlfriend. The guys had even been living together, thats how close they were. They were best friends until he one evening for no reason snapped and tried to kill them both. And these monsters you embrace. Thats makes you just as guilty as they are.

The swede was lucky to be alive. After the arab put the swede and girlfriend in his tub and tortured them for hours, he was finally gonna murder them when the guy used his last energy to get out of there and screamed in the stairwell he needed help, he met people who contacted the police and the arab fled through his porch door.

This is the guy:

As you can see they were best friends:

And this is what he did to him:

The police had to break in through the door:

Läkare: ”Livshotande skador”

På sjukhuset har de konstaterats att Erik fick hjärnblödning, en punkterad lunga, fraktur i käken och en knäskada som har medfört nedsatt känsel i vaden.

Den narkosläkare som var medicinskt ansvarig för Erik beskrev skadorna vid det aktuella tillfället som livshotande. Efter attacken vårdades Erik på sjukhus i flera dagar och därefter var han sjukskriven i två månader.

Han minns inte alla skador i detalj, men han vet att Erik hade tre större stick- eller skärskador, bl.a. en på vänster flank nedanför hjärtat. Erik hade även blivit utsatt för upprepat trubbigt våld mot huvudet. Huden på huvudet hade spruckit upp. Det tydde på att våldet mot huvudet hade varit mycket grovt, eftersom hud inte bara faller av. Han minns även tydligt att Erik huvud var mycket uppsvullet. Det är svårt att säga exakt hur lång tid det tar för en sådan svullnad att uppstå.
I efterhand fick han veta att Erik hade fått en hjärnblödning. Det är en skada som kan uppstå till följd av det våld Erik utsatts för, men de var inget han reagerade på i det första skedet. Hans bedömning vid det aktuella tillfället var att Eriks skador var livshotande.

That means:

Doctor: -Lifethreatening damages

In the hospital it was found that Erik had a hemmorage of the brain, a punctured lunge, fractured jaw and a kneedamage which has mean lowered feeling in the calf.

The anesthetist who was medically responsible for Erik described the damages as lifethreatening. After the attack Erik was cared for at the hospital for days and thereafter on medical leave for 2 months.

He does not remember all the injuries in detail, but he knows that Erik had three major stab or cutting injuries, among other things. one on the left flank below the heart. Erik had also been subjected to repeated blunt force against his head. The skin on his head had cracked. This indicated that the violence against the head had been very severe, because skin does not just fall off. He also clearly remembers that Erik's head was very swollen. It is difficult to say exactly how long it will take for such a swelling to occur.

In retrospect, he learned that Erik had had a brain haemorrhage. It is an injury that can occur as a result of the violence Erik suffered, but they were nothing he reacted to in the first stage. His assessment at the time was that Eric's injuries were life-threatening.

This arabic guy was into Hitler and worshipped anything on Hitler the article also says, yet I'm the racist, according to you. This poor swedish boy best friend attacked him and his girlfriend with a machete all of a sudden, planning on killing them both. And you want not only for these monsters not to go back but to stay and to bring in more.

Thats EVIL.

I hope you understand how many more of these happenings there are. Its thousands upon thousands going on. So yeah, great idea to bring more in! Just kill us of why dont'cha? I guess swedish people arent worth anything to you. And THAT is racist.

Interesting how none of my pictures came through. You'll have to click on the links to see them.
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Mar 27, 2017
I don't know from which country you are, but saying that all arab which migrate are rapist, bomb kamikaze is just exagerate propaganda,
She's from Sweden and knows of what she speaks. Maybe you haven't been keeping up with current events, but Sweden has turned into a literal war zone. That is not an exaggeration. Big explosions and cars on fire stuff. The head of Volvo (is there any other company more intrinsically Swedish?) stated that they may have to move the compamy out of the country due to the widespread violence.
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Jul 27, 2017
She's from Sweden and knows of what she speaks. Maybe you haven't been keeping up with current events, but Sweden has turned into a literal war zone. That is not an exaggeration. Big explosions and cars on fire stuff. The head of Volvo (is there any other company more intrinsically Swedish?) statwd that they may have to move the compamy out of the country due to the widespread violence.
Damn. I heard it was bad but didn’t think “that” bad


Jul 27, 2017

This is in our papers today. An arabic man stabbed his ex girlfriend and her little daughter where one of the stabs went through her whole body and you feel SORRY for these monsters?! SHAME ON YOU!

This guy tried to murder his sister also by stabbing her to death bc she wanted to start dating. he didnt like that. Nice views on women! Yet you applaud and pity these monsters:

This guy all of a sudden attacked his swedish friend and girlfriend. The guys had even been living together, thats how close they were. They were best friends until he one evening for no reason snapped and tried to kill them both. And these monsters you embrace. Thats makes you just as guilty as they are.

The swede was lucky to be alive. After the arab put the swede and girlfriend in his tub and tortured them for hours, he was finally gonna murder them when the guy used his last energy to get out of there and screamed in the stairwell he needed help, he met people who contacted the police and the arab fled through his porch door.

This is the guy:

As you can see they were best friends:

And this is what he did to him:

The police had to break in through the door:

Läkare: ”Livshotande skador”

På sjukhuset har de konstaterats att Erik fick hjärnblödning, en punkterad lunga, fraktur i käken och en knäskada som har medfört nedsatt känsel i vaden.

Den narkosläkare som var medicinskt ansvarig för Erik beskrev skadorna vid det aktuella tillfället som livshotande. Efter attacken vårdades Erik på sjukhus i flera dagar och därefter var han sjukskriven i två månader.


That means:

Doctor: -Lifethreatening damages

In the hospital it was found that Erik had a hemmorage of the brain, a punctured lunge, fractured jaw and a kneedamage which has mean lowered feeling in the calf.

The anesthetist who was medically responsible for Erik described the damages as lifethreatening. After the attack Erik was cared for at the hospital for days and thereafter on medical leave for 2 months.

He does not remember all the injuries in detail, but he knows that Erik had three major stab or cutting injuries, among other things. one on the left flank below the heart. Erik had also been subjected to repeated blunt force against his head. The skin on his head had cracked. This indicated that the violence against the head had been very severe, because skin does not just fall off. He also clearly remembers that Erik's head was very swollen. It is difficult to say exactly how long it will take for such a swelling to occur.

In retrospect, he learned that Erik had had a brain haemorrhage. It is an injury that can occur as a result of the violence Erik suffered, but they were nothing he reacted to in the first stage. His assessment at the time was that Eric's injuries were life-threatening.

This arabic guy was into Hitler and worshipped anything on Hitler the article also says, yet I'm the racist, according to you. This poor swedish boy best friend attacked him and his girlfriend with a machete all of a sudden, planning on killing them both. And you want not only for these monsters not to go back but to stay and to bring in more.

Thats EVIL.

I hope you understand how many more of these happenings there are. Its thousands upon thousands going on. So yeah, great idea to bring more in! Just kill us of why dont'cha? I guess swedish people arent worth anything to you. And THAT is racist.

Interesting how none of my pictures came through. You'll have to click on the links to see them.
Hell naw. I’d whoop some ass. Wtf?


Mar 16, 2017
Our children are also attacked. They get beaten down and when down on the ground they keep kicking, always in groups on 5 or more on one swedish individual. Many get urinated on afterwards and its usually filmed so they can brag to their friends how they beat down and humiliated a swede. Its going on in norway aswell and is called dominance crimes.

Doesn't matter if its a girl, they do it anyway.

This girl is 12 and you can hear her screaming for her mother while they're beating and kicking her down.

We have so many of these cases in my country and Norway, Denmark doesnt have as much but theyre also having problem just like Germany and France so I dont even know where to begin but pictures can be seen when into the links. I highly recommend watching the guy who was almost murdered by his arabic friend bc that case is extremely vile.

Our men does nothing about this situation, they just sit and watch like cowards, scared to be called racists and blaming it on feminism who warped the minds of women into demanding these monsters in (and still do, you can see in this thread how people in here wants and demands more to be brought in) But the men allowed the feminism so who's really to blame? I'd say we ALL have been so greatly deceived its beyond all repair.

Europe and scandinavia are goners.


Mar 16, 2017
Yesterday in my city:


12 year old boy beaten and robbed

A boy at the age of twelve took the view at the medieval tower Kärnan's vantage point in Helsingborg. Then two men in their 18-20s arrive at the boy who hits him and takes his cellphone.

The police are on site with several patrols and are looking for the perpetrators. At present there is no information on the situation of the injury to the beaten and robbed boy.


And we all know how these things pass by, the police does absolutely nothing but close the cases. Rapes, murders, beatings, robberies, theft, doesnt matter, nothing gets solved bc our police is owned by the elite who wants order out of chaos.


Mar 27, 2017
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Sep 3, 2017
Racist?! Have you any IDEA on the complete HAVOC they've caused in this country?? Dont open your mouth on things you know absolutely nothing about. Its always the same with you leftards; "Racist!" Dont you ever have anything new to come up with? Where will they be housed? Its 20 years in line for an apartment in Stockholm, the rest YEARS! I waited 15 years for my apartment. And who will pay for them since they refuse to work, huh? And what about our crumbling medical care? Are they gonna provide care for them considering our own women give birth in cabs and ditches bc the hospitals are full of arabic women giving birth to their 11 kids per family.

You really need a reality check my friend, you sound very far from reality. This is one of the thousands of women who have been forced to give birth in their car or on the ground outside the hospital: If youve got enough brains to translate that article and read the other 5 or 6 articles on the same subject, I suggest you do. You really need it. And I bet shes racist for having a white kid in your eyes too huh?

This is how they treat our children at school: They have NO respect for us bc we're not Islamic and all of europe have the same problem yet here you are denying our suffering. HOW DARE YOU?! You have no idea what we're going through on a daily basis with these horrible monsters and their doings. Its called DOMINANCE CRIMES meaning they attack our men in groups on 5 or more on one single swede/dane/norwegian/what-have-you and beat them to the ground while threatening them with guns ending up peeing on them while calling them "Swedish dogs" And you want us to take more of these complete lunatics in?

Theyre even talking about counting out what every person needs regarding space and so if you live in a house or bigger apartment than a studio, you should legally have to take in a family of these evil monsters to live under your roof, chainsmoking all day with 11+ kids running around and partying til 6 Am like they do here since they dont work. And you think this is a good thing.

Get a friggin reality check. You're crazy!

If you don’t want refugees, stop bombing them. Pretty easy

The Wake-Up Zone

Dec 11, 2019
What invasion? They are escaping war. Would you stay in a war zone or would you flee and protect your family? Stupid
Don't waste your time people here just want to see the few criminals of an entire culture shadowing their ignorant view as they trust media, and as "god followers" are to afraid to give hand to destroyed and starved family which lost everything really a shame, I guess people are to afraid to give rather try to conserve their illusion of security which is a matter of time before it dissapear, if we accept what the elite do to any humanbeing, we should get ready to get the same