I'm already there. Don't assume just because I'm young, I have no experience of life whatsoever because let me tell YOU that there are kids that grow up in a troublesome household and because of that, they already know what to expect in the future. So you can't say anything about that.
Bold of you to also assume that I don't trust God just because I'm young. Sweetheart, let me tell you I already trust God. Have been for years. You don't know the pleasure, pain, trauma, and happiness I've been through in order to make it to where I am now. I've been tested and put on trials so many times that I trust God 100 percent and still to this day as I continue being tested, that trust will remain as high.
I just can't believe you said "You don't have enough life experience" you must not know how this world operates.
And you're one to cause problems, claim you're right, twist words around. Just as
@TempestOfTempo said, I too feel like a fool for arguing with such a foolish being like you. You should honestly leave ViligantCitizen if all you're going to do is twist Gods word, and cause problems for other people. Shoot, you probably don't have experience with the real world if you have so much free time to be doing THIS instead of focusing on something more important. You're on every thread concerned with the world, you're definitely CONFUSED, DECEPTION HAS CAUGHT UP TO YOU. I pray for the best, because if you keep acting like a fool who wasn't raised right, you may stay confused.
And the fact I'm only 15 and had to point this out to you just proves how smart youngsters can be, and that I am certainly one of Gods. For all I know, this whole thing could have been a test by God, or even him using me and others that you need to stop your foolish ways and get right with him. You're ridiculous in need of serious prayer.