Islamophobia/Anti Muslim rhetoric


Jan 29, 2018
This was expected. It's the manifestation of the inevitable, that peoples of the West, through experience and empirical observation of the consequences of open-border policies, identity politics and minority empowerment, realise their priorities, which are national identity and sovereignty, and that their political representatives keep insisting on doing the exact opposite. This has been the dominating democratic expression for years and it strikes me that some people are still taken by surprise.

That said, the white nationalist, racist, xenophobic labels are propagandist tropes of the globalists to disguise the heart of the matter, that people no longer tolerate the antinational character of the globalist's political machinations and social engineering. Britain isn't Islamic, and the large majority of muslims aren't ethnically Britain. That statement alone seems sufficient to be deemed fascist, but ethnicity as a central component of a functioning society has been overlooked for too long. It's a natural force that can't be contained without political betrayal or oppression, therefore we will either move in the direction of a more ethnically oriented society (what the people want), or an ethnically oriented conflict (what our masters want).
While that may be convenient or comfortable overview of the issue, its also false. If your movements are so pristine, why haven't they already addressed the very real presence of the "white nationalist, racist, xenophobic" within their ranks? Dont cry about getting called out on it, call out those people from within your own ranks first eh?


Mar 13, 2017
I'm just saying that it's not such a widespread phenomenon that we need to be living in fear. Also we should question whose agenda such fear actually serves.

Also that you certainly can't draw any conclusions about Islam as a whole from the actions of a very small minority.

Would perhaps be interesting to compare the number of people killed in terrorist attacks with civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.
When life gets so iffy just because foreigners come to live in your country..than you have to wonder at why they came in the first place, since they don’t seem to like your country and why they are making your country a harder place to live. I think that’s reasonable. I also think its reasonable to not want them in your country anymore.

I’ve seen videos where many muslims are marching and wanting to overthrow the governments of the places they now live, wanting sharia law. There are plenty of reports of the areas where muslims live being to the people in Germany, Sweden and the UK.

Why would we compare civilian deaths with deaths in war zones?


Mar 13, 2017
The following nations have signed a letter criticizing China’s treatment of Uighurs, including holding them in re-education camps.

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.

The following countries not only refused to sign the aforementioned letter, but went out of their way to issue their own letter, praising China for their treatment of Muslims.

Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Gabon, Kuwait, Laos, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.

Why are supposed racist and Islamophobic countries doing more to stand up for Muslims in China than other Muslim countries are?
You have an interesting post which everyone here ignored...


Jan 29, 2018
When life gets so iffy just because foreigners come to live in your country..than you have to wonder at why they came in the first place, since they don’t seem to like your country and why they are making your country a harder place to live. I think that’s reasonable. I also think its reasonable to not want them in your country anymore.

I’ve seen videos where many muslims are marching and wanting to overthrow the governments of the places they now live, wanting sharia law. There are plenty of reports of the areas where muslims live being to the people in Germany, Sweden and the UK.

Why would we compare civilian deaths with deaths in war zones?
So have you ever witnessed the type of behavior being discussed here by actual Muslims offline?


Apr 23, 2018
When life gets so iffy just because foreigners come to live in your country..than you have to wonder at why they came in the first place, since they don’t seem to like your country and why they are making your country a harder place to live. I think that’s reasonable. I also think its reasonable to not want them in your country anymore.

I’ve seen videos where many muslims are marching and wanting to overthrow the governments of the places they now live, wanting sharia law. There are plenty of reports of the areas where muslims live being to the people in Germany, Sweden and the UK.

Why would we compare civilian deaths with deaths in war zones?
I think you're exaggerating somewhat how many Muslims have problems with "European" (or Yankee) culture. Obviously many of them aren't too much into certain foreign policy decisions but they don't "hate" Europe, though probably like a lot of genuinely religious people some of them may see the decadence of the present culture. The number who want to impose (a twisted interpretation of) Sharia in the West are a comparatively small minority. In the UK there is definitely no problem with the majority of Muslims, there might be a few "ghettos" around but that kind of thing isn't exclusively Muslims.

You know, civilians killed in American/British wars which should never have happened are nonetheless human beings just as much as people who are the victims of terrorists, and those responsible for starting those wars bear responsibility for their deaths.


Sep 3, 2018
Hi, after today’s general election results in the U.K. with Boris Johnson becoming our Prime Minister by a landslide, I am feeling very apathetic about the politics not just here but around the world. Every country is electing anti Muslim politicians and white nationalism is rising more than ever and genocides are occurring all over the world especially targeting Muslims . I don’t believe the General election results were genuine either and im just feeling worried about our future. What are your thoughts?
What are you worried about specifically? You need to educate yourself about Muslims and their true belief system and hatred regarding Western civilization. They believe in Sharia Law, and extremely anti-American ideology. Muslims are being “targeted” for several very serious reasons! They are a true threat to our free society; did you conveniently forget about what they accomplished on 9/11?! It’s not being “racist” to be concerned and against the hateful “religion” of Islam. It is not a “religion of peace.” The Quran allows Muslims to lie, and they loathe “infidels” (non believers of Islam) like yourself (??) and (I). Their sexist beliefs repulse me. It sounds like you need to spend some serious time on google and educate yourself about these people! Wake up!
Apr 13, 2017
While that may be convenient or comfortable overview of the issue, its also false. If your movements are so pristine, why haven't they already addressed the very real presence of the "white nationalist, racist, xenophobic" within their ranks? Dont cry about getting called out on it, call out those people from within your own ranks first eh?
My movements? Such as? I'm an individual with no ties to any political or religious organisation. Who should I call out? I'm analyzing a political situation in complete indifference of people's perception. I'm used to being vilified over predicting the near future of politics. It always fades away after being proven right, so I take no offense in it.

The future will be one of civil conflict if the ethnical aspect of nations remains ignored. This is not a threat, this is a warning.
Mar 24, 2018
What are you worried about specifically? You need to educate yourself about Muslims and their true belief system and hatred regarding Western civilization. They believe in Sharia Law, and extremely anti-American ideology. Muslims are being “targeted” for several very serious reasons! They are a true threat to our free society; did you conveniently forget about what they accomplished on 9/11?! It’s not being “racist” to be concerned and against the hateful “religion” of Islam. It is not a “religion of peace.” The Quran allows Muslims to lie, and they loathe “infidels” (non believers of Islam) like yourself (??) and (I). Their sexist beliefs repulse me. It sounds like you need to spend some serious time on google and educate yourself about these people! Wake up!
Hahahahaha It seems you’ve copied and pasted all the stereotypes you could think off onto this post with no real knowledge about Islam
First of all I am a Muslim so I have a fairly good picture of my community and the basics of my religion
You are right, we do believe in sharia law but we were taught that we should follow the rules of our land also
I advise you to not check out google when trying to find authentic answers why not go to the Quran directly and when you get to a part that says kill the infidels I advice you to go to an Islamic scholar and ask for the context behind that in the Quran
I wouldn’t call myself sexist at all. Women are given the same liberties as men
Have a blessed day/night


May 20, 2017
I wouldn’t call myself sexist at all. Women are given the same liberties as men
Good to know you are not
Yup in the eyes of Allah we are all equal and will be held accountable or rewarded for the same things.
So cool that you were nice to the troll...they just waste time:)
Mar 24, 2018
I wouldn’t call myself sexist at all. Women are given the same liberties as men
Good to know you are not
Yup in the eyes of Allah we are all equal and will be held accountable or rewarded for the same things.
So cool that you were nice to the troll...they just waste time:)

I’m a woman haha but I’m nit sexist towards men either
I feel like even if you’re a woman there are many women who are conservative and are actually sexist towards other women if that makes sense haha
But JazakaAllah and I really love your posts they’re so insightful in many threads you seem well educated MashaAllah pls pray for me too


May 20, 2017
I’m a woman haha but I’m nit sexist towards men either
LOL good to know you are not sexist towards both... :)
there are many women who are conservative and are actually sexist towards other women if that makes sense haha
I agree with you there.....
But JazakaAllah and I really love your posts they’re so insightful in many threads you seem well educated MashaAllah pls pray for me too
There are many areas I need to get educated in but thanks:)Edit: In sha Allah we will pray for each other.:)
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Apr 13, 2017
The following nations have signed a letter criticizing China’s treatment of Uighurs, including holding them in re-education camps.

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.

The following countries not only refused to sign the aforementioned letter, but went out of their way to issue their own letter, praising China for their treatment of Muslims.

Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Gabon, Kuwait, Laos, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.

Why are supposed racist and Islamophobic countries doing more to stand up for Muslims in China than other Muslim countries are?
That's one perspective. Another would be to look at it from a national sovereignty perspective, that the latter countries you mentioned respect China's autonomy, while the western countries promote the typical globalist subversion tactics.


Nov 5, 2019
It seems the attack on Muslims and Christians is relentless.

Take the 7th July 2005 London bombings: Mostly English victims; several foreigners; major national shock effect.

4 irrefutably proven innocent Muslim patsies are blamed, while all the evidence points to the Israeli Mossad having done it, with the help of the British establishment. They even put their signature on it - see the picture.

Isaiah 3:8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings [are] against the "I AM", to provoke the eyes of His glory.
3:9 The look on their face doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide [it] not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

So who do they hate more: the Christian world or the Muslim world ... it seems they hate both.

7 July 2005 London bombings - another crucifixion by the Synagogue of Satan

77 Crucifixion smaller.png
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Mar 13, 2017
Hahahahaha It seems you’ve copied and pasted all the stereotypes you could think off onto this post with no real knowledge about Islam
First of all I am a Muslim so I have a fairly good picture of my community and the basics of my religion
You are right, we do believe in sharia law but we were taught that we should follow the rules of our land also
I advise you to not check out google when trying to find authentic answers why not go to the Quran directly and when you get to a part that says kill the infidels I advice you to go to an Islamic scholar and ask for the context behind that in the Quran
I wouldn’t call myself sexist at all. Women are given the same liberties as men
View attachment 29814Have a blessed day/night
If everyone knew the true status of a muslim women in islam, even the men would want to be women.
I highly doubt that men would want their testimony to be worth half a mans. I doubt that the men would want to wear cloth prisons. I doubt men would want to be open to be raped if they don’t wear those cloth prisons or if a man feels a woman showed too much skin. I doubt a man would want to get beat because he didn’t live up to the expectations of his spouse. There doesn’t seem to be any reason for women to want to be muslim.
Mar 24, 2018
I highly doubt that men would want their testimony to be worth half a mans. I doubt that the men would want to wear cloth prisons. I doubt men would want to be open to be raped if they don’t wear those cloth prisons or if a man feels a woman showed too much skin. I doubt a man would want to get beat because he didn’t live up to the expectations of his spouse. There doesn’t seem to be any reason for women to want to be muslim.
You’re Christian Right?
The difference between you and I Lisa is that my book and my religion teaches me to be respectful of all religions (now you’re going to pick out a quote from the Quran and misinterpret it ) and a part of my faith is believing in Jesus. Actually Jesus is very important to the Islamic faith
Now I see you clearly dislike Islam but as a person of faith, I think in all faiths there is the idea of tolerance and kindness.
Oh and like always you’ve jumped to conclusions about women in Islam
Mary, mother of Jesus was fully covered was she not. In western society it was only recent women ditched their long dresses for more “liberating”styles
You seem to be mixing culture and religion I’m afraid
Pls educate yourself properly on Islam instead of just mouthing what the media and some instances have shown you ... like I said 1.7 billion of us if we were all women haters it’d be a lot worse
Jul 20, 2019
What are you worried about specifically? You need to educate yourself about Muslims and their true belief system and hatred regarding Western civilization. They believe in Sharia Law, and extremely anti-American ideology.
Whenever someone says the phrase "Sharia Law", you can instantaneously tell that they know nothing of the subject. "Sharia Law" means "Law Law" (aka, a nonsensical phrase).
Sharia is not just a social code and it's definitely not a political system of any sort. Sharia is code-of-conduct and general way-of-living. It's equivalent to many understandings of the words Torah and Dharma, in both Judaism and Hinduism respectively.
Sharia itself is based around communal unity and no, it's antithetical to the very concept of it to "force" it onto Nonmuslims, as it contradicts the premise of what "Sharia" itself is. Sharia is my diet, sharia is my hygiene, sharia is my method of prayer, sharia is my avoiding sinning, sharia is my structure of day, when I wake up and go to sleep, sharia is what money I donate and the time I put in to help my community (out of pure will). Sharia is a lot of things, it's however definitely not a political system. Anyone who claims so is taking advantage of your ignorance on the topic and feeding your superstitions.

As for anti-american, that's just a large unsubstantiated, sweeping-statement judgement of thousands of people. I doubt Muslims would be moving to America if they hated it, different Muslims have different views, just like different Christians, Atheists and Hindus have different views. Many Americans also loathe America (for valid reasons), so your statement is utterly incoherent.
As for my own position though, I fail to find anything to disagree with the reality of the US being a "great satan", actions speak more than words on the matter in regards to the US. The things America have come to stand for are both antithetical to the reasons of America's founding (which was quite liberated in intention) and also antithetical to the freedom of other countries. America is a bully country, as far as politics, industry and economy is concerned.

Muslims are being “targeted” for several very serious reasons! They are a true threat to our free society;
You don't know what a 'free society' is and a proper understanding of Islamic doctrine, reveals quite an antiauthoritarian view. Just because Salafis go around fanatically promoting their wetdream of having a ruling caliphate does not mean that mainstream Muslims share such absurd ideas. Plus the very idea of such a thing happening is unrealistic, even if it was a mainstream Islamic idea.

did you conveniently forget about what they accomplished on 9/11?!
Leave 9/11 for 9/11, this forum alone has lots of threads on the topic.

It’s not being “racist” to be concerned and against the hateful “religion” of Islam. It is not a “religion of peace.”
The "religion of peace" meme came from George Bush from what I remember. As a meme it's just used to fascistly take away the rights of Muslims to practice our religion, divide and concur strategy.
However the word "Islam" (Submission) and "Salaam" (Peace) are etymologically related.

The Quran allows Muslims to lie
The Qur'an condemns lying. You are referring to a perverted understanding of the word "Taqiya" though, which is a matter of self-preservation against oppressors. Taqiya is the idea that if someone is going to kill you over your faith, you can deny your religious affiliation. It's nothing else.
However even inspite of this, Islam has seen many martyrs who have died for unabashedly being Muslims.

and they loathe “infidels” (non believers of Islam)
I hate when people use the word "infidel" because it's not a word people use anymore (do you, Sick girl, call nonchristians "infidels", I don't think you do....hmmm....:rolleyes:), neither is it an Arabic word. And the word infidel reminds me too much of the similar word "Infidelity" :p
You're just demonstrating a poor understanding of what even makes someone a 'disbeliever' in the first place.
"Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians (Nazarenes) and the Magians (Zoroastrians) and those who associate (others with Allah)-- surely Allah will decide between them on the day of resurrection; surely Allah is a witness over all things." - Surah 22:17

Seriously, even 'polytheists' are considered believers according to the Qur'an. It's that they associate things with God that are not God.

Their sexist beliefs repulse me.
I wonder what 'sexist' beliefs you are speaking about. We believe that man and woman are an inseparable unity which itself is a reflection of the Unity of God itself. They are seen as complimentary and necessary to each other, each serves their social roles but there is nothing sinister there.
Christianity is ironically quite bad in this regard (mentioning that cause you're a Christian from what I remember), Christianity tends to see sexuality as evil and women as lesser than men.

It sounds like you need to spend some serious time on google and educate yourself about these people! Wake up!
Yeah, you're gonna have to do some more serious study than just google, ROTFL!! :D


Mar 13, 2017
You’re Christian Right?
The difference between you and I Lisa is that my book and my religion teaches me to be respectful of all religions (now you’re going to pick out a quote from the Quran and misinterpret it ) and a part of my faith is believing in Jesus. Actually Jesus is very important to the Islamic faith
Now I see you clearly dislike Islam but as a person of faith, I think in all faiths there is the idea of tolerance and kindness.
Oh and like always you’ve jumped to conclusions about women in Islam
Mary, mother of Jesus was fully covered was she not. In western society it was only recent women ditched their long dresses for more “liberating”styles
You seem to be mixing culture and religion I’m afraid
Pls educate yourself properly on Islam instead of just mouthing what the media and some instances have shown you ... like I said 1.7 billion of us if we were all women haters it’d be a lot worse
Yes, I am a Christian.

No, I don’t quote from the quran because I know that whatever I quote..I will be told that that isn’t what it means.

Ya, I know you all believe in the name of Jesus..but you don’t know Jesus. And I don’t know anywhere in the Bible that says we need to be respectful of all religions. The farthest I’ll go is saying, you have every right to believe what you want..doesn’t mean you’re on the right track.

No, I don’t believe I have jumped to conclusions about women in islam. I think I have educated myself properly on islam and its the burka wearing muslim women that made me seek out the truth. That and the women that were sexually assaulted in Germany on New Years Day. Not to mention all the innocents being killed in Europe by terrorists.