Islamophobia/Anti Muslim rhetoric


Jan 10, 2019
The fear and propaganda is ironic because Europe (and therefore North America) is deeply indebted to Islam for their INNUMERABLE contributions that basically lifted Europe out of the dark ages.

In the area of technology, Europe inherited bronze working, paper making, sculpture, pottery, weaving, the water clock, astrolabe, magnetic compass, agricultural techniques, the suction pump, the spinning wheel, etc.etc. from Islam.

Musical instruments such as the rebec (violin) and oud (guitar) originated in Africa/the Middle East. The tradition of troubadours and "love songs" were taught by Moors and other Arabians. The concept of chivalry has Arabic origins.

Islam gifted Europe the sciences of algebra, cartography, trigonometry, chemistry... our modern numerical system, astronomy, theory of motion and optic theory.

Medical treatises and surgical techniques from the golden age of Islam were still being taught into the 18th century in Europe.

It's well known that Islamic scholars had preserved Oriental and Ancient texts. Their translations of Greek philosophers like Aristotle became available to Europeans and were extremely important to their development.

There are books written about what is called "the greatest transference of technology and culture in human history." The ingratitude of Europeans, including ignorance of their history is at the root of Islamophobia.


Jan 10, 2019
If the feds in North America and Europe are the ones behind all the “Islamic” terror in those places, who’s behind the daily suicide bombings and massacres in the Middle East? Why would Iran admit they assisted Al Qaeda, if it’s a division of western intelligence services? Why were mosques and madrassahs all over the world urging young Muslim men to join the jihad? Why were so many young Muslim men listening to them, and joining ISIS, if everyone knows it’s a Mossad operation? How do you square the support and celebration of terrorism, by Islamic leaders in the Middle East, if Islamic terror is solely a product of American and Zionist interests? If you’re going to convince anyone of what you say, you’re going to have to be more convincing.
Says the guy who told us Epstein didn't have ties to Mossad. :D

You're a zionist propagandist, and you even admit it. Why should anyone wast their time trying convince Christian-Zionist frauds of anything? There's been probably 100 articles, posts, links related to the formation and mission of the wicked US backed jihadists from Asia to the ME and Africa. You're not here to discuss and learn, you're here with an agenda.

Anti-Muslim rhetoric exists as a weapon of powerful elitists, purported through the mainstream media to gullible and susceptible minds.
Hypocritical, empty "Christians" who align themselves with evil policies are also part of the disease.
Mar 24, 2018
If the feds in North America and Europe are the ones behind all the “Islamic” terror in those places, who’s behind the daily suicide bombings and massacres in the Middle East? Why would Iran admit they assisted Al Qaeda, if it’s a division of western intelligence services? Why were mosques and madrassahs all over the world urging young Muslim men to join the jihad? Why were so many young Muslim men listening to them, and joining ISIS, if everyone knows it’s a Mossad operation? How do you square the support and celebration of terrorism, by Islamic leaders in the Middle East, if Islamic terror is solely a product of American and Zionist interests? If you’re going to convince anyone of what you say, you’re going to have to be more convincing.
which mosques have told men to go to jihad pls give me evidence of which mosques actual evidence
My uncle graduated from the top Islamic institution in the U.K. and not once did his teacher who was one of the biggest Islamic scholars in the world to go and fight for isis. No one in my community believes in the ideologies of isis who are also killing Muslims in the Middle East. Do you think that the west would highlight their involvement? I don’t think they’re that stupid tbh
Isis wouldn’t have been this powerful if they weren’t given support from the west. I said that the west may have been in charge of the rise of isis and because they’ve allowed isis to develop more people are hearing about the cause which misinforms what islam means. None of these children inform their parents before they get to Syria and with such high security how are they even allowed out of the country at 16,17. Im 17 and Idk how I’d be able to get to the middle east with no help or interference
Obviously I don’t have all the answers and again don’t condone Islamic extremism.
Mar 24, 2018
Says the guy who told us Epstein didn't have ties to Mossad. :D

You're a zionist propagandist, and you even admit it. Why should anyone wast their time trying convince Christian-Zionist frauds of anything? There's been probably 100 articles, posts, links related to the formation and mission of the wicked US backed jihadists from Asia to the ME and Africa. You're not here to discuss and learn, you're here with an agenda.

Anti-Muslim rhetoric exists as a weapon of powerful elitists, purported through the mainstream media to gullible and susceptible minds.
Hypocritical, empty "Christians" who align themselves with evil policies are also part of the disease.
This explains a lot lol
Thank you !


Aug 24, 2017
The fear and propaganda is ironic because Europe (and therefore North America) is deeply indebted to Islam for their INNUMERABLE contributions that basically lifted Europe out of the dark ages.
Sorry but no. This is demonstrably false and the oldest universities in the world were built during the so called 'dark age' that is now called the early middle age.

Islam gifted Europe the sciences of algebra, cartography, trigonometry, chemistry... our modern numerical
Most of these discoveries predates Islam because in the past, Arabs and Islam was two different things.

In the area of technology, Europe inherited bronze working, paper making, sculpture, pottery, weaving, the water clock, astrolabe, magnetic compass, agricultural techniques, the suction pump, the spinning wheel, etc.etc. from Islam.
Let's suppose all this is the product of Islam, then we should ask ourselves why all these things were neglected during centuries by the Ottoman Empire while Europe became more scientific overtime.
It could be interesting to know why young men believe jihad and sharia laws are more important for the society than scientific progress and justice for exemple.

You people should know that we live with individuals who believes it's totally justified to perpetrate heinous acts toward non-muslims for extremely disgusting reasons such as 'I don't want to receive orders nor work for a woman'.

With that in mind, you can't expect from Europeans to play the game of let's pretend everything is alright eternally when our existence is questioned by people who hates us for what we are no matter how open we try to be.
This has nothing to do with ignorance but the preservation of our legacy.


Apr 23, 2018
So far as I can see Islamic terrorism is at most a "fringe" phenomenon. If any major proportion of the world's vast Muslim population were terrorists then there would be a lot more going on than occasional attacks by "lone wolf" or small groups of radicalized people. I don't think that ISIS etc is wholly a phenomenon created by the CIA or whatever, maybe to a certain extent but undeniably there have also organically developed some extreme ideologies in the Middle East. Well, in fact this has a lot to do with all the West's wars for oil etc., so in that sense you could say it is really a product of the Occidental powers...

I do think that they are using the fear of Islamic terrorism, which gains vastly disproportional news coverage if you simply look at it in terms of the number of casualties, in order to make the population accept a surveillance state, the purposes behind which have little to do with "protecting" the public.


Mar 13, 2017
Foreigners really have no idea of how much impact on rent, traffic, house prices this is having overall on us.
I understand this problem..we have the same problem here in our state but its due to Californians moving here. They also are able to help change a state because they still vote the same way that ruined their state.


Mar 13, 2017
I do think that they are using the fear of Islamic terrorism, which gains vastly disproportional news coverage if you simply look at it in terms of the number of casualties, in order to make the population accept a surveillance state, the purposes behind which have little to do with "protecting" the public.
It’s called terrorism for a reason. No one wants to be stabbed walking to the store or to work or recently the people stabbed in London were coming out of a goes to show that that can happen to anyone anywhere..makes people edgy. And people don’t want to celebrate the holidays or go to festivals and have to be on the lookout for a person driving their car through the crowds..or women having to fight off a sexual attack. Especially when most of these countries were to the point that they could walk peacefully enough on their streets, go to festivals and as women be aware..but not really worry so it’s that could be us tonight.


Dec 5, 2019
Thank you.

I have only checked on their economic stuff so I will check what you have posted.
more info on LaRouche just be careful where your information comes from because his beliefs are all over the conspiracy community



May 20, 2017
more info on LaRouche just be careful where your information comes from because his beliefs are all over the conspiracy community
Thanks for the advice.
I do not really care about LaRouche and to my knowledge have not posted their stuff.
I have a tendency to not block entire sites for the writings of a one or two questionable people.
I maintain that global research ca and informationclearinghouse info have some excellent writers.


Jan 29, 2018
If the feds in North America and Europe are the ones behind all the “Islamic” terror in those places, who’s behind the daily suicide bombings and massacres in the Middle East? Why would Iran admit they assisted Al Qaeda, if it’s a division of western intelligence services? Why were mosques and madrassahs all over the world urging young Muslim men to join the jihad? Why were so many young Muslim men listening to them, and joining ISIS, if everyone knows it’s a Mossad operation? How do you square the support and celebration of terrorism, by Islamic leaders in the Middle East, if Islamic terror is solely a product of American and Zionist interests? If you’re going to convince anyone of what you say, you’re going to have to be more convincing.
"Why would Iran admit they assisted Al Qaeda?"
Why does the US assist AQ/ISIS and lie about it?
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Jan 29, 2018
I do think Makow is a disinfo agent. I remember discussing this with another member after an interview he did with Kevin Barrett.
If he is a flaming racist and mysoginist, how does he keep getting taken seriously in concious circles? I aint doubting yall, just wondering how his supporters would excuse such behavior. If he wrote that book, that aint a casual opinion, hes really feeling that way!


Jan 29, 2018
Anti-Islamic rhetoric is something I have a problem with because it based mainly on disrespect and lies. Muslims mess up plenty, but our faith does not. I dont wish to treat others religions that way and hope to avoid having mine thought of as such. And I also admit that I dont have any respect or support for the Muslims running around in the Western (or any non-Muslim) nations and acting a fool. Its enough with that already.

But I do wonder, since Muslims are so hot and ready to fight, why aint they set out to secure the safety of our Royhinga Bros. & Sis? If all these Muslim Dudes and Dude-ettes are feeling so froggy, why dont they jump it off in Burma? This aint China with the excuse of "They are too big to fight" or Israel with the old "They have the US on their side"...... this is BURMA! So whats stopping Pakistan from co-ordinating w/Bangladesh and para-trooping in enough boots on the ground to secure the Royhinga homeland? Dont they wish to be heros? Because this is perhaps the ONE conflict in our world today where the Muslims are basically purely victims and are just getting smashed on by a sadistic millitary regime which violates international law over and over again....... and the so-called "Ummah" shrugs its shoulders and goes back to demanding the world choose sides in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.


Dec 5, 2019
If he is a flaming racist and mysoginist, how does he keep getting taken seriously in concious circles? I aint doubting yall, just wondering how his supporters would excuse such behavior. If he wrote that book, that aint a casual opinion, hes really feeling that way!
easy because the people that like his “work” are flaming racists and misogynists themselves.


Jan 29, 2018
easy because the people that like his “work” are flaming racists and misogynists themselves.
Should prolly just leave this alone because he aint someone I have ever taken seriously, but is this like the alt-right thing that was called out where a bunch of Caucasian guys trashed on their own females and opined how Asian women were the new standard bearers of femininity?