Be aware of the JAHTRUTH cult


Jun 30, 2019
Comedy gold.

For years bible_student has screamed misogyny and damnation and hellfire and secular lawsuits upon those who expose his cult for what it is. Now he mumbles a few words - 'peace be upon you' - thinking it'll cover up his true intentions. Thanks for the laugh.


Sep 25, 2019
Not to crap on other peoples opinions but...

There's a special kind of disappointment I feel whenever the concept of UFOS, aliens, alternate timelines (and just the never ending mystery of a limitless universe) being mixed in with... human religion.

I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but surely, just surely, if a life from a million or a billion light years was to turn up and look at us developing technology to go to Mars, whilst we kill the planet, whilst we promote poverty and lastly...quote lines from a holy book.

I mean, can the two really co-exist anymore? If people want to read holy books, fine, Im just not seeing any clear answers on how the holy books care to address climate change, alternative energy sources, the secrets of the space time continuum, the food and water crisis etc etc.

I could go on and on but I'd hate to sound like that guy who clings on to "science and reason" but honestly, if anyone reading the holy books were to meet a humanoid lifeform from a star system so far beyond our comprehension, the native earth human would probably ask that alien if they were an angel and I would just love to be present and see the reaction of the alien humanoid as it watched a human native tell them this grand story about an all powerful God (which may or not be male, though don't ask about genitals) and the prophets which came down to earth to save humanity but for as long as they followed the right prophet and read the right book.

Some UFO researches have claimed to meet or know specific details about certain alien races. Apparently some of them have the IQ's of 300 plus. Einstein had 160 plus just to put it into a rough perspective.

I sure do wonder what people with an IQ that high think of religion and it's overall importance in the advancement of our species.


Jun 30, 2019
Not to crap on other peoples opinions but...
- Belief in UFOs and aliens. Fine.
- Belief in God. Fine.
- Belief that the Qu'ran and the Bible both are complimentary to each other? Hell no. They are contradictory.
- Belief that the book of Enoch is a historical account? Hell no. It's proven pseudepigrapha.
- Belief that God Himself builds spaceships for aliens and earth humans? Pffft. Ridiculous
- Belief that DUNE is a historical account and not a science fiction movie? That's an Irrational break from reality.
- Belief that the 2nd Coming of Jesus happened secretly and that He's living in London pumping out screwy pamphlets for a CHRISLAM/UFO cult? That counters bible scripture and is beyond stupid.
- Belief that people reincarnate? Fine. But belief that men are spiritually more advanced and superior than women and that women are a lower reincarnation than men? And that women should shut up and let men lead spiritually even when the men are obviously idiots? That's just retarded misogyny.
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Sep 25, 2019
- Belief in UFOs and aliens. Fine.
- Belief in God. Fine.
- Belief that the Qu'ran and the Bible both are complimentary to each other? Hell no. They are contradictory.
- Belief that the book of Enoch is a historical account? Hell no. It's proven pseudepigrapha.
- Belief that God Himself builds spaceships for aliens and earth humans? Pffft. Ridiculous
- Belief that DUNE is a historical account and not a science fiction movie? That's an Irrational break from reality.
- Belief that the 2nd Coming of Jesus happened secretly and that He's living in London pumping out screwy pamphlets for a CHRISLAM/UFO cult? That counters bible scripture and is beyond stupid.
- Belief that people reincarnate? Fine. But belief that men are spiritually more advanced and superior than women and that women are a lower reincarnation than men? And that women should shut up and let men lead spiritually even when the men are obviously idiots? That's just retarded misogyny.

Find me a religion where women get the better end of the stick and I'll eat my hat haha. Every religion, every cult, women always get the crap end of the deal, it's almost as if it's a product of a patriarchal/misogynistic illusion.


Mar 13, 2017
Not to crap on other peoples opinions but...

There's a special kind of disappointment I feel whenever the concept of UFOS, aliens, alternate timelines (and just the never ending mystery of a limitless universe) being mixed in with... human religion.

I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but surely, just surely, if a life from a million or a billion light years was to turn up and look at us developing technology to go to Mars, whilst we kill the planet, whilst we promote poverty and lastly...quote lines from a holy book.

I mean, can the two really co-exist anymore? If people want to read holy books, fine, Im just not seeing any clear answers on how the holy books care to address climate change, alternative energy sources, the secrets of the space time continuum, the food and water crisis etc etc.

I could go on and on but I'd hate to sound like that guy who clings on to "science and reason" but honestly, if anyone reading the holy books were to meet a humanoid lifeform from a star system so far beyond our comprehension, the native earth human would probably ask that alien if they were an angel and I would just love to be present and see the reaction of the alien humanoid as it watched a human native tell them this grand story about an all powerful God (which may or not be male, though don't ask about genitals) and the prophets which came down to earth to save humanity but for as long as they followed the right prophet and read the right book.

Some UFO researches have claimed to meet or know specific details about certain alien races. Apparently some of them have the IQ's of 300 plus. Einstein had 160 plus just to put it into a rough perspective.

I sure do wonder what people with an IQ that high think of religion and it's overall importance in the advancement of our species.
I have a few questions for you....

Why is it necessary for the government to have secret bases where they mix animal and human DNA to create empty 'husks' so that intra-dimensional beings (nephilim, demons/ghosts) can inhibit these husks? According to them at Dulce base
The studies on Level 4 include human-aura research, as well as all aspects of telepathy, hypnosis, and dreams. Thomas says that they know how to separate the bioplasmic body from the physical body to place an "alien entity" life-force-matrix within a human body after removing the "soul" lifeforce-matrix of the human.
Its only logical then if they can do this, then a Nephilim of old can create a new body for itself that looks like an alien, in Nightmare hall on level 6
Reports from workers who have seen bizarre experimentation, are as follows: "I have seen multi-legged 'humans' that look like half-human / half-octopus. Also Reptilian-humans, and furry creatures that have hands like humans and cries like a baby, it mimics human words... also huge mixture of Lizard-humans in cages". There are fish, seals, birds and mice that can barely be considered those species. There are several cages (and vats) of Winged-humanoids, grotesque Bat-like creatures...but 3 1/2 to 7
feet tall. Gargoyle-like beings and Draco-Reptoids.
Level #7 is worse, row after row of thousands of humans and human mixtures in cold storage. Here too are embryo storage vats of Humanoids in various stages of development. "I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were hopelessly insane, and involved in high risk drug tests to cure insanity. We were told to never try to speak to them at all. At the beginning we believed that story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth. It began the Dulce Wars".
The book of Enoch tells us that this happened before the flood as well, that the fallen angels tampered with the DNA of humans and animals that created the Minotaurs, Centaurs and all the other so called 'mythological' creatures.

Why did the Smithsonian institute destroy Millions of Skeletons of humans that are 8-40 feet tall? The book of Enoch is clear that when these Nephilim giants spirits died they became wandering evil spirits upon the earth - or ghosts as many other call them. They died in the 'Clash of the Titans' in a bloodbath for power...

To answer your question though, I wouldn't talk to this 'alien' because the book of Enoch forewarned us about the alien deception to come by telling you exactly who and what they are over 5000 years ago. Another very interesting question that goes hand in hand with this is why do these aliens flee when you command them to go in the name of Jesus if He was just a man? There are MANY abduction stories (where people would have been shipped of to Dulce no doubt) where people just commanded them to go in the name of Jesus and they went.

Of course then Nephilim spirits walking the earth for thousands of years will know a lot more than you, have a IQ of 300 + and be able to bring about the age of technology which btw happened ever since according to the Bible the Fallen Angels were released from the underworld. (Exactly when it was foretold in the Bible they would be released, exactly from that moment it didn't take that long to become technologically adequate). The Nephilim was prohibited to bring about the age without the release of their father the Fallen Angels. Guess what, the previous technological age that was buried from us was also because of them. They knew then that they needed to plant the seeds to lead millions astray in this age, and here we are, the deception is complete and people eat it up like it's the best thing ever.

Now to end this off, before the flood people started to mix themselves and many other species together until everything was mixed and people and animals alike just killed one another like there is nothing better on earth to do. Then God sent the flood because of this (There is CONCRETE PERFECT SCIENTIFIC proof for the flood). After the flood there was another technological spike, and then God confused the languages and everything went underground until the Fallen Angels was released +-100 years ago.

You have one source of belief that explains everything clearly and that is the Bible and the Book of Enoch. All the other religions will tell you stories about the Nephilim and the things they did and mix it together with a do this receive that ideology where you must DO things to get saved or become enlightened etc.

This is brilliant and helps us navigate our beliefs and see if our skepticism is healthy or unhealthy:
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Jul 29, 2018
Organized religions and cult organizations are NOT the answer!

Learning how to have your own personal direct-contact with God is the answer.

The priests are ALL in BIG trouble:

[The TRUTH about Rabbis; Priests and Imams]

How to free yourself from all religious organizations (or cults):

Read, digest and Live "The Way home or face The Fire - By JAH" which is available as a FREE downloadable PDF from:

"And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." - Jesus Christ

1 John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received from him abideth in you, and ye need NOT that any MAN teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is Truth, and is no lie, and even like it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
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Jul 29, 2018
Comedy gold.

For years bible_student has screamed misogyny and damnation and hellfire and secular lawsuits upon those who expose his cult for what it is. Now he mumbles a few words - 'peace be upon you' - thinking it'll cover up his true intentions. Thanks for the laugh.
Dear Dusty,

If it made you laugh, then you're welcome.

I hope that one day you free yourself from the harmful teachings of the Roman Catholic Cult.

If you don't want to be a victim forget the teachings of arrogant self-opinionated treacherous evil men who all work for Satan (the Opposer), doing the opposite of what God has commanded, whilst claiming to work for Him and listen to God.

Peace be upon you,

bible student
Jul 29, 2018

2 Thessalonians
2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of the Destroyer;
2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (the Holy Father).


Jun 30, 2019
2 Thessalonians
2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: .....
Take your own advice. Your JAHTRUTH cult is pure deception.

Matthew 24:24-26 King James Version (KJV)
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert (or in London); go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers (or in London); believe it not.
Jul 20, 2019
Find me a religion where women get the better end of the stick and I'll eat my hat haha. Every religion, every cult, women always get the crap end of the deal, it's almost as if it's a product of a patriarchal/misogynistic illusion.
Maybe Shaktism? Wicca? et al


Jun 30, 2019

Matthew 24:24-26 King James Version (KJV)
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert (or in London); go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers (or in London); believe it not.

Also ... funny ... 14 years ago a warning on this JAHTRUTH cult.
Discussion exposing errors and stupidity of 'jahtruth' ...

Never did find out who the writer of all this crap is.
The cultist claims it's Jesus in His second coming.
Obviously that's not true.
What is the name of the man who is typing this crap up on his typewriter or computer?
What is his name on the birth certificate? Where are his tax returns? What is his criminal record?
It's a HUMAN doing this crap ... not the risen Son of God. Who is this clown?????
Is it the old guy with the beard from page one? Whoever he is ... pffft ... shame on him.


Mar 13, 2017

Matthew 24:24-26 King James Version (KJV)
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert (or in London); go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers (or in London); believe it not.

Also ... funny ... 14 years ago a warning on this JAHTRUTH cult.
Discussion exposing errors and stupidity of 'jahtruth' ...

Never did find out who the writer of all this crap is.
The cultist claims it's Jesus in His second coming.
Obviously that's not true.
What is the name of the man who is typing this crap up on his typewriter or computer?
What is his name on the birth certificate? Where are his tax returns? What is his criminal record?
It's a HUMAN doing this crap ... not the risen Son of God. Who is this clown?????
Is it the old guy with the beard from page one? Whoever he is ... pffft ... shame on him.
It's no use, only Jeshua and the Holy Spirit can show some people the truth... It's a fruitless endevour that we have tried for months to show. When I and a few others tried to bring the cult into the light and show how far it is from biblical truth, no matter how sound our arguments were or what we said it's like the devil sealed people's eyes and ears to keep on believing in the jahtruth cult. Just pray for him, there is no other way....

Here was a whole thread:
Jul 29, 2018
- Belief in UFOs and aliens. Fine.
"Angels do not carry harps or have wings, they merely have a melodic sounding type of voice and they can fly. The very simple mentality of the people of the early biblical days; who had never seen anything on Earth flying, unless it had wings; led to the myth about angels." - TWH 1:4
- Belief in God. Fine.
"Thousands of Earth years ago, far away, in THIS galaxy, on the Morning Star (Rev. 2:28), the Lord Guardian Of Divinity, King (Malachi 1:14), Ruler and Guardian of the Universe (Sura 23:86), put down a revolution led by Lucifer (Iblis)(Rev. 12:7-9). The Morning Star (Venus) is inhabited by immortal “Beings of Light” (Spirit/Energy), whose civilization, based on “pure” love, is zillions of years old." - TWH 1:1-2
- Belief that the Qu'ran and the Bible both are complimentary to each other? Hell no. They are contradictory.
"The Torah (Old Testament); New Testament (which are combined in the Bible) and Koran are not religious Books either. They are guides sent from the Lord Guardian Of Divinity, King and Ruler of the Universe, to tell you what you have to do and the rules you HAVE TO follow, in order to be able to be taught how you have to be, so that you can eventually be allowed to go HOME, to your REAL home." - TWH, Foreword
- Belief that the book of Enoch is a historical account? Hell no. It's proven pseudepigrapha.
The Book of Enoch (Idris) the First Prophet; Noah (Nuh), carried in the Ark and The Archangel Prince Michael
The Key; Missing-link and Binding-tie of The Scriptures
- Belief that God Himself builds spaceships for aliens and earth humans? Pffft. Ridiculous
"There are many references, in the Books of Moses, to God’s spaceship, covered by a smoke- screen (cloud), which looked like a cloud of smoke, by day, and a fire, by night. In daylight, the smoke-cloud hid the spacecraft completely, but, by night, the lights onboard, and the engines (Exodus 40:38), gave-off a great glare, which mixed with the smoke-screen, and gave the impression (to people of a very simple mentality) of a fire in the sky, with great heat and thunder (?) and lightning (?) and strange noises (Exodus 19:16 & 20:18 & 24:15-17 & Numbers 9:15-16)." - TWH 7:26
- Belief that DUNE is a historical account and not a science fiction movie? That's an Irrational break from reality.
- Belief that the 2nd Coming of Jesus happened secretly and that He's living in London pumping out screwy pamphlets for a CHRISLAM/UFO cult? That counters bible scripture and is beyond stupid.
"Christ foretold of his Second Coming, to his disciples, at the “Last Supper”. He told them that he had many things, still to tell them, but that they could not bear to hear them yet (John 16:12), but that the time would come (his Second Coming), when he would not talk in proverbs, or parables, and would show them clearly about God (John 16:25 & Rev. 10:7)."

"He said the Second Coming would be, at a time when they would not think that he was coming (Luke 12:40), and that he would enlighten the whole world (Matt. 24:27, N.B. Luke 17:24-37 & Rev. 10:7), and that God’s truth (Gospel) must be PUBLISHED, amongst all nations (Mark 13:10). He said that the churches and their riches would be demolished (Luke 21:5-6), and that all REAL and PRACTISING believers, of ALL NATIONS, who had the mark of God in their foreheads (direct- communication with God), would survive the Last-Day (Luke 13:29)." - TWH 8:101-102
- Belief that people reincarnate? Fine. But belief that men are spiritually more advanced and superior than women and that women are a lower reincarnation than men? And that women should shut up and let men lead spiritually even when the men are obviously idiots? That's just retarded misogyny.
"The seasons of nature were intended to teach, that Spring, with its birth, both of vegetation and animals, which was followed by Summer, the time of growth; followed by Autumn, the time of maturing and consolidation; in turn followed by Winter, the time of withering and dying (snow- coloured hair and wrinkles), was to be followed again by Spring, and re-birth. All of this was designed, to show you about human “re-incarnation”, or perpetual human “life after death”, until you either get it right; regain your divinity and go home; or run out of time, and are executed." - TWH 2:8

"Jesus told you EVERYTHING that you NEED to know, including that, IF you earned your right to go home, you would be angels again (Matt. 22:30 & Luke 20:34-36 & John 10:34), and about re- incarnation (Luke 20:38)(John 9:2)" - TWH 8:31

"You can NOT serve God AND be a women’s libber; the two things are TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE, because God has said REPEATEDLY that women are NOT men’s equal (Gen. 3:16)(1st. Corinthians 11:1-3 & 1st. Timothy 2:11-15)(Sura 2:228 & 4:34). They are also incompatible because they are complete OPPOSITES; serving God is based on humility and accepting His teachings, and women’s liberation is based on arrogance and refusing to accept God’s teachings." - TWH 3:111
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Jun 30, 2019
" because God has said REPEATEDLY that women are NOT men’s equal
GOD didn't say that. MEN did. And then they claimed it was God who said it.
You are a cultist and misogynist. You use your home brew cult as an excuse to think you are spiritually superior to women.
It's pretty damn sick.


Jun 30, 2019
It's no use, only Jeshua and the Holy Spirit can show some people the truth... It's a fruitless endevour that we have tried for months to show. When I and a few others tried to bring the cult into the light and show how far it is from biblical truth, no matter how sound our arguments were or what we said it's like the devil sealed people's eyes and ears to keep on believing in the jahtruth cult. Just pray for him, there is no other way....

Here was a whole thread:
I just read that thread. It was excellent. Totally destroyed that JAHTRUTH nonsense.
Only a person with a massive ego would refuse to acknowledge that the JAHTRUTH cult is garbage and let it go.
Or ... someone who is delusional. Perhaps both.
Jul 29, 2018
"If women’s liberation is right, why then; as well as it having been responsible for creating all the innumerable social-problems, that have come with the breakdown of the family-unit and society; are women suffering, from stress, with more and more young girls and women smoking; becoming alcoholics, or tranquilizing and hard drug-addicts; having nervous-breakdowns, and committing suicide? It is happening, because these women have been put into a position, where they are trying to do, and be, something that they were not intended to do, and are not ready for, or equipped to cope with." - TWH 13:90
Jul 29, 2018
...says it all really doesn't it?.....misogynistic bollocks.
"God’s Laws are designed to teach humility; unselfishness; tolerance and LOVE. Women’s liberation teaches women arrogance; aggression; selfishness and emotional-hate - all of which come from Satan, and lead to execution, on the Last-Day." - TWH, 13:106
Jul 29, 2018
It's no use, only Jeshua and the Holy Spirit can show some people the truth... It's a fruitless endevour that we have tried for months to show. When I and a few others tried to bring the cult into the light and show how far it is from biblical truth, no matter how sound our arguments were or what we said it's like the devil sealed people's eyes and ears to keep on believing in the jahtruth cult.
@Camidria you said "it's like the devil sealed people's eyes and ears to keep on believing in the jahtruth cult".

That is showing that you are not really sure why it is that you were not able to refute any of the arguments (which is ok, not to be sure and to say so). But have you stopped at any point to really consider the alternative that it was not for the reasons that you believed and wrote?

Jesus told people to go and test His Teachings, so that they would then be able to see and know for themselves, if what he had said was the Truth from God or whether he had made it all up himself.

People can try as they might, but the reality is that it is not possible to gainsay the Truth.

This has even been shown to us in certain movies. -

"Luke escapes, by being prepared to sacrifice his human-life rather than do evil, and is left hanging upside down on a cross after refusing to join his father. He is then rescued with the assistance of the "Force". Luke continues his training, gaining more and more faith, until he has really mastered the technique and becomes a JEDI Knight, at which point he has become invincible. He eventually fights Vader again and wins, but refuses to kill him because he feels that there is still some good in Vader (even in the most evil people there is some good)."
[Star Wars]

1 Samuel
18:28 And Saul saw and knew that the "I AM" [was] with David, and [that] Michal Saul's daughter loved him.
18:29 And Saul was yet the more afraid of David; and Saul became David's enemy continually.

Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or [does] God [through me]? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet PLEASED men, I should NOT be the servant of Christ.

God Bless you and peace be upon you.
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