BTS discussion thread


Feb 13, 2019
Lmaooo, this made my fucking day. I never thought of myself a transgender. Seems I have a lot to learn in life.

Robert Downey Jr is a female ? Where ? Provide links please, cause his anatomy says different. Don't judge by faces, anatomy is the only way to separate males and females. And his anatomy screams male.

I actually put him on my profile pic cause I love the eye roll meme and I'm a fan of Avengers for many years now. Yes, they are propaganda too, I know that, but I still watch the movies for the conspiracy theories. However this meme is just great, so I put it.

As for my username, it derives from that joke RM once did "strong power thank you". I changed it to soft power just because I wanted it to be different from and not correlate with the joke directly.

Trust me, mate, I have no hidden agenda. I'm just fond of conspiracies and I curse a lot. Also I am a really open minded person that doesn't believe in any religion, that's why many of yall may be triggered from my words.
Just a question, which country are you from?
Are you ex religious?


Jun 9, 2019
Just a question, which country are you from?
Are you ex religious?
I'm from America, but my parents are from England. No, I'm not religious. My parents are atheists, while my grandparents were christian. I was never raised to believe in anything, not only because of them, but also because I don't like the idea of not being in control of my own destiny. Still, I consider myself more of an agnostic person. There is no god, until I see it with my own eyes, that's my type of religion.


Dec 9, 2018
I'm from America, but my parents are from England. No, I'm not religious. My parents are atheists, while my grandparents were christian. I was never raised to believe in anything, not only because of them, but also because I don't like the idea of not being in control of my own destiny. Still, I consider myself more of an agnostic person. There is no god, until I see it with my own eyes, that's my type of religion.
Do you believe in heaven and hell? or have any beliefs concerning what happens to a person when they die?


May 21, 2019
And in my country mothers put this red string on the hand of newborns to protect them from evil eye.
I think a lot of good people adopt some of these things -- like the red string -- because the elite tell us a story about why they do it, but they keep the real meaning hidden. It also allows them to "hide in plain sight" because if anyone makes a connection to celebrities wearing the red string and the Kabbalah/Satanism, all the regular folks will disbelieve that it signals something evil because they know plenty of good people who do it for X or y reason. They get to wear it as a talisman and get whatever power (real or imagined) from it without the masses knowing why they really do it.


Jun 9, 2019
Do you believe in heaven and hell? or have any beliefs concerning what happens to a person when they die?
Actually I'm not sure how to answer this, but I do believe in reincarnation of the soul. I have talked about this with some of the professors at my uni and they gave me some extra materials to read about the etheric body. The thing is, our soul, or spirit or whatever you want to call it, is a fluid, made up of energy more advanced than the normal matter energy. So when you die, you basically leave your body and advance on another dimension.

Heaven and hell are more of metaphor concepts to me. They are put on the Bible to make people fear the consequences of their actions in real life. But I don't think there is a separate heaven and a separate hell. However entities and aliens (or demons) exist just like our souls do. We are entities too, so yeah.

As for the genesis, Stephen Hawking is my guy. I believe in The Big Bang and to me it seems perfectly possible that the universe can derive from nothing.


Feb 13, 2019
I'm from America, but my parents are from England. No, I'm not religious. My parents are atheists, while my grandparents were christian. I was never raised to believe in anything, not only because of them, but also because I don't like the idea of not being in control of my own destiny. Still, I consider myself more of an agnostic person. There is no god, until I see it with my own eyes, that's my type of religion.
wow you have time to like kpop as being a college student. Im amazed. It's not ironic im truely im impressed bc i remember my brother being a med student and he was so busy, he couldn't go out or do sport. Now he quit for engeneering.
But maybe in america u are more more free as college student


Jun 9, 2019
wow you have time to like kpop as being a college student. Im amazed. It's not ironic im truely im impressed bc i remember my brother being a med student and he was so busy, he couldn't go out or do sport. Now he quit for engeneering.
But maybe in america u are more more free as college student
Gee, thanks. I have a great memory and most of the things I learn tend to stick with me in a very short time. I have a long way to go though, but I love medicine and I always have time for things. I take up fitness most of the time, but conspiracy is my second hobby.


May 21, 2019
Actually I'm not sure how to answer this, but I do believe in reincarnation of the soul. I have talked about this with some of the professors at my uni and they gave me some extra materials to read about the etheric body. The thing is, our soul, or spirit or whatever you want to call it, is a fluid, made up of energy more advanced than the normal matter energy. So when you die, you basically leave your body and advance on another dimension.

Heaven and hell are more of metaphor concepts to me. They are put on the Bible to make people fear the consequences of their actions in real life. But I don't think there is a separate heaven and a separate hell. However entities and aliens (or demons) exist just like our souls do. We are entities too, so yeah.

As for the genesis, Stephen Hawking is my guy. I believe in The Big Bang and to me it seems perfectly possible that the universe can derive from nothing.
But, the big bang theory is actually part of Kabbalah. The big bang was really the shattering of Adam's soul:

As for Stephen Hawking, well, he made a visit to Epstein's "pedo island". Maybe he didn't witness any underage girls / sex orgies there, but it is suspicious:

Especially since we know he was a regular at a sex club:

I'm sure he is a brilliant guy -- but just being brilliant doesn't make you a nice guy and it also doesn't mean that he wasn't using science to push a decidedly theistic (satanic) agenda. Assuming he was even actually in control of his communication or writing his own books, given his disability due to ALS.

There is a conspiracy that he died and was replaced, given the fact that he had ALS and survived longer than anyone else ever has. He had it for 50+ years (after only being given 2 years to live at his diagnosis). The guy who came in second place for longevity with ALS only lived for 20 years after diagnosis. Not saying it is true, but definitely some food for thought.

This link isn't the best one -- but I can't remember where I saw the original conspiracy theory which gave more detail about it, but I'm too lazy to try to track that one down right now (and also preparing for my daughter's birthday party today), so this is all I've got:


Jun 9, 2019
You guys,just watch this video from @notyourunnie ,an ex-kp0pper.They explained the transgender agenda in kp0p very well in this video with some anatomic evidences.
Start from 42:00

And their document with screenshots to those who don't want to watch the video

I agree with @DTA ,there are these transgender people everywhere in entertainment world.Don't think they're not in kp0p because sk is a conservative country.
Because,it is all the more reason to have them to propagate the agenda.
This may be a sensitive triggering issue for some,but approach it with an open mind.
You are on a conspiracy forum,guys.You have to be open to different ideas.:D
Yall, no one said we weren't open. I used to believe they may be trans when I found out this forum, but the thing is, the female/male skull thing is true for most of the cases. However, there are many factors that affect the anatomy.

You are forgetting the fact that up to puberty, girls and boys have the same anatomy overall, except the genitals. Teen age is the crucial point where males and females start to differ, but testosterone and estrogen levels are the most important part. If the levels get oscillated there is a big chance a male is gonna end up with a more feminine skull. But on the core he is still a man. Not all men have the same testosterone, same with girls.

Plus, race, climate and food regime is also a point. Asians have different normal body proportions than the white race. Evolution is not the same all over the world.

To me, transgenders exist and there may be plenty out there in kpop. But this is the bts thread and judging for them only, I can guarantee you that with the knowledge I have thus far, all of them are males by birth.

Taking female hormones and doing plastic surgeries to soften their male features is sth I'm not in the right stage of knowledge for. When I take the plastic surgery classes, I'll let yall know if I find anything suspicious regarding them.


Jun 9, 2019
But, the big bang theory is actually part of Kabbalah. The big bang was really the shattering of Adam's soul:

As for Stephen Hawking, well, he made a visit to Epstein's "pedo island". Maybe he didn't witness any underage girls / sex orgies there, but it is suspicious:

Especially since we know he was a regular at a sex club:

I'm sure he is a brilliant guy -- but just being brilliant doesn't make you a nice guy and it also doesn't mean that he wasn't using science to push a decidedly theistic (satanic) agenda. Assuming he was even actually in control of his communication or writing his own books, given his disability due to ALS.

There is a conspiracy that he died and was replaced, given the fact that he had ALS and survived longer than anyone else ever has. He had it for 50+ years (after only being given 2 years to live at his diagnosis). The guy who came in second place for longevity with ALS only lived for 20 years after diagnosis. Not saying it is true, but definitely some food for thought.

This link isn't the best one -- but I can't remember where I saw the original conspiracy theory which gave more detail about it, but I'm too lazy to try to track that one down right now (and also preparing for my daughter's birthday party today), so this is all I've got:
The Big Bang is purely logical if you know how quantum works. And judging from the quantum computers people are actually using nowadays, it makes perfect sense that you can create from nothing, and still destroy things to nothing, store information and create parallel realities and time travel. To me, all of this, outdates religion and is more eye opening. As for God existence, we'll find out when we die, so it's meaningless to fight over that.

Also, Kabbalah is the root of the chakras and the etheric body energies, before even Tesla added that hypothesis, so I think we need to look it in a more specific manner. Kabbalah has more truths about this than any other known religion out there, that is why the elite keeps it hidden from the public. The jews themselves hid it and created Bible with both its testaments, just to feed off their greed and power that came from it. Its not the Kabbalah that is wicked, the people that make use of it have evil intentions. So there is that.

Still, thanks for the links, I'll certainly look more into it. Happy birthday to your daughter btw !


Jun 4, 2018
i believe transgenders in kpop is many, but regarding bt$ cause its a bt$ thread, i dont think they are trans, their limbs and their body structure are nowhere near women's, but i kind of doubt jm and sg, not only because theyre short (their height is actually normal for asian men), its because they have small shoulders, but i could be wrong, some females have broad shoulders and some males have small shoulders too, and before yall say anything about me trying to defend the boys, i aint defending shit for them, but i really dont see them being transgenders, i know technology can be so hard but the elites are pushing the blurring of the lines between men and women, and the fact that we are doubting their genders while they are clearly biologically men are proof that we are brainwashed, we cant distinguish which is men and women, but i think its easy if you study biology and human anatomy, its easier to see that if they are males, they have elongated limbs, thick/big neck, and sharp chest line, and most of bt$ has them :)


Jun 9, 2019
Did you see the video I linked?
It shows asian transgenders for reference while explaining the phenomenon in kp0p especially bt5.Just saying.
Ofc I saw it. And I gave you my answer. I told you that, judging from their debut days. What they have done now, is not my field of expertise, yet.


Jun 9, 2019
i believe transgenders in kpop is many, but regarding bt$ cause its a bt$ thread, i dont think they are trans, their limbs and their body structure are nowhere near women's, but i kind of doubt jm and sg, not only becaude theyre short, its because they have small shoulders, but i could be wrong, some females have broad shoulders and some males have small shoulders too, and before yall say anything about me trying to defend the boys, i aint defending shit for them, but i really dont see them being transgenders, i know technology can be so hard but the elites are pushing the blurring of the lines between men and women, and the fact that we are doubting their genders while they are clearly biologically men are proof that we are brainwashed, we cant distinguish which is men and women, but i think its easy if you study biology and human anatomy, its easier to see that if they are males, they have elongated limbs, thick/big neck, and sharp chest line, and most of bt$ has them :)
FINALLY. Been trying to say this for four pages now. I feel like none of yall actually bothers to read my posts till the end.


Apr 6, 2018
But, the big bang theory is actually part of Kabbalah. The big bang was really the shattering of Adam's soul:

As for Stephen Hawking, well, he made a visit to Epstein's "pedo island". Maybe he didn't witness any underage girls / sex orgies there, but it is suspicious:

Especially since we know he was a regular at a sex club:

I'm sure he is a brilliant guy -- but just being brilliant doesn't make you a nice guy and it also doesn't mean that he wasn't using science to push a decidedly theistic (satanic) agenda. Assuming he was even actually in control of his communication or writing his own books, given his disability due to ALS.

There is a conspiracy that he died and was replaced, given the fact that he had ALS and survived longer than anyone else ever has. He had it for 50+ years (after only being given 2 years to live at his diagnosis). The guy who came in second place for longevity with ALS only lived for 20 years after diagnosis. Not saying it is true, but definitely some food for thought.

This link isn't the best one -- but I can't remember where I saw the original conspiracy theory which gave more detail about it, but I'm too lazy to try to track that one down right now (and also preparing for my daughter's birthday party today), so this is all I've got:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your daughter.

Red Rose

Jul 24, 2019
So, we're not even supposed to love ourselves now ? Wtf. Loving yourself is not satanic, God would never want you to pity yourself and be miserable for him. Idk about your point of view, but no, you don't actually need validation from the god to even survive. You are born by your own, you will die by your own. God doesn't do anything but condolences you when you feel sad. He has no hand in your daily life and choices. That is yours alone. If you have to ask God for every single thing you do, you are not a human, you are just a slave. What makes you any different than all the slaves to Satan then ?

If you ask me ( I'm agnostic btw), I'd say that I find it quite hard to believe that religious people could be conspiracists. If you haven't learned a thing by now, DO IT. When will you realize that Bible and Quran, are both propaganda tools, created by the Illuminati to enslave people through centuries ? The same people that created satanism are the same people that wrote the Bible. Let that sink in for a while.

What I'm saying is not be atheists or commit sins, but don't believe Bible blindly either. As many things out there, Bible is also truth mixed up with lies. Judge for yourselves, don't let "god" propaganda take over you.
I'm not saying you shouldn't love yourself, I'm just saying that they are pushing it to turn you away from God, not because they want you to be actually happy. These people don't even give a damn about their own families, sacrificing them left and right. What makes you think they would ever give a damn about your happiness?


Sep 28, 2018
about this new video posted

its very similar to that Weverse post of RM I talked about before
Remember a fan talking about driving licence, and RM bot saying "dont worry at least the world has BTS"

the message of this video is:

Are you bullied in school?
Are you an antisocial with no friends?
Dont worry!!! because at least the world has BTS.

In the vdeo the "sad and bullied" kids only see the light when BTS song start to play. Then BTS are represented as the "saviors" that bring joy to the sad and lost kids
typical media representing these celebrities as the kings and queens that can rescue you from your sad reality.
But how can these ceebrities save you, if most of them are suicidal and depressed anyways? they cant even save themselves
Last edited:


Sep 28, 2018
anyone listening to and knowing anything about the lives of kpop singers is automaticlly trolling themselves .
sorry that has to be said.
i am no troll. have a good day.
LMAO you got us there

But you are right, after watching this last BTS video of them smiling at a light and actig like they are forming a GenkiDama (they were only missing Goku there)....I was questioning my life choices
And then watching their forced and painful smiles in the end....never again


Jun 26, 2019
about this new video posted

its very similar to that Weverse post of RM I talked about before
Remember a fan talking about driving licence, and RM bot saying "dont worry at least the world has BTS"

the message of this video is:

Are you bullied in school?
Are you an antisocial with no friends?
Dont worry!!! because at least the world has BTS.

In the vdeo the "sad and bullied" kids only see the light when BTS song start to play. Then BTS are represented as the "saviors" that bring joy to the sad and lost kids
typical media representing these celebrities as the kings and queens that can rescue you from your sad reality.
But how can these ceebrities save you, if most of them are suicidal and depressed anyways? they cant even save themselves

I have a question. What exactly is this "Love Yourself" campaign? I know they raise money and that it is supposedly an anti-bullying campaign. But what do they do? What kind of projects are happening because of this campaign, and how is BT$ involved apart from attaching their name to it?