Thoughts On The Original Quranic View Of Women


Mar 13, 2017
Do you want to wear a burqa? How do you know they are not forced to wear one?
I don't and I won't but I've heard of people who do. It's very wrong to force people to do anything or put them in a society that makes them predisposed to do things they don't want but there is no way of knowing if someone is forced unless they tell someone.


Mar 18, 2017
How is a ban freedom? Removal of choice isn't freedom. People should focus on getting Muslim women to realize they have a choice, not forcing them to make the one you want.
I actually agree with this as well. I think it is important for people to have the freedom to make a choice in the matter. However, seeing someone face is an important part of other cultures. Women commit crimes too. There needs to be some way to identify people according to different legal systems as well.

From what I have seen as far as wearing a burka for cultural reasons, this doesn't seem like it is often seen as a choice too. So when it is practiced as part of a culture, if it is not seen as a choice, how do you really ever integrate something like this into another culture without bringing this same attribute with it. Wherever you place it, the aspect of choice will not ever really come with it because it will always be a component of a culture where it is integrated without a person's true consent. You will be bringing the whole package with you into another country.

There are few exceptions where I agree that something should be banned even though it is practiced as part of someone's religion. This is one instance and polygamy is another. We should be free to practice religion so long as it doesn't create harm. I do believe that the burka harms the process of addressing violence against women.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
Do you want to wear a burqa? How do you know they are not forced to wear one?
How do you know they are forced? This little illogical questioning game that you play can work both ways and goes nowhere.

You need to understand how discussion and debates work.


Mar 18, 2017
Are the insertions by clerics into the writings of the Quran in keeping with the original intent and views of Muslim women?
The woman in this video states that if Islam practices were to "go back to the original writings of the Quran, it would be a step forward."
This is not to offend or insult any Muslims here, but to start a conversation about the view and role of women in Islam. (If you feel so offended that you cannot control yourself, please do not reply.)
I actually love her. Love her discernment and application of the intention of the ruling. Love her method of presentation. Absolutely see her talk as a positive step. Thoroughly enjoyed and agreed.
Mar 22, 2017
As an American woman who veils, I can assure you that it is not forced on me by my husband, nor does it hinder me from enjoying all of the freedoms I and my fellow Americans rightly deserve. Many of the Muslim women in my community observe hijab (khimar and jilbab or abaya), a good handful of us wear niqaab/burqa and the rest follow everything in between to not covering at all. It matters not what others think of us because God will judge us all on the Day of Resurrection.


Mar 26, 2017
I don't and I won't but I've heard of people who do. It's very wrong to force people to do anything or put them in a society that makes them predisposed to do things they don't want but there is no way of knowing if someone is forced unless they tell someone.
Can you watch this video and tell me what you think? Around 4mins mark she mention her brother trying to kill her for not wearing the hijab. I'm interested what you think about this because I do believe the existences of Muslims women being forced to wear it. Thanks


Mar 13, 2017
Can you watch this video and tell me what you think? Around 4mins mark she mention her brother trying to kill her for not wearing the hijab. I'm interested what you think about this because I do believe the existences of Muslims women being forced to wear it. Thanks
I'm not saying women being forced to wear it doesn't exist, I'm saying many women are not forced at all and they all have a right to wear the clothing they want to wear.


Mar 26, 2017
How do you know they are forced? This little illogical questioning game that you play can work both ways and goes nowhere.

You need to understand how discussion and debates work.
Muslims women being forced to wear burqa/hijab/headcover are they non-existence? No body speak out eh? You think this is a game not me. Go play your own game buddy.

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Mar 26, 2017
I'm not saying women being forced to wear it doesn't exist, I'm saying many women are not forced at all and they all have a right to wear the clothing they want to wear.
So disregard the women that are being forced? Their freedom means nothing?


Mar 26, 2017
When did I say that? Taking away freedom from someone to give someone else freedom still isn't freedom. As I said before, women have to know they have a choice and be able to choose.
I'm feeling bad for the one that are being forced like the video I posted. Their freedom means more to me than the one that are in compliances. No body know how many are forced to wear it is the problem. Sick world for all I know.


Mar 18, 2017
Can you watch this video and tell me what you think? Around 4mins mark she mention her brother trying to kill her for not wearing the hijab. I'm interested what you think about this because I do believe the existences of Muslims women being forced to wear it. Thanks
The hijab doesn't bother me because you can still see a person's face. I wouldn't want to wear one personally, but it doesn't bother me that someone else wants to wear one.

As an American, all my life it has part of my culture to smile at people when you greet them. We have many quotes about smiling being an encouragement for people who are sick where I work. Smiling at someone is a way of letting them that you accept them and they don't have to feel ashamed if they are sick and unable to do things for themselves. Smiling is a way of encouraging them and being friendly with another person. This has always been a part of my culture.

I agree with religious freedom, but we have to have of creating a common culture if we are living together in the same country. There has to be some kind of shared culture even we practice different religions. This includes being able to see a person's face.

There is a Muslim in this debate that gives good reasons for why she doesn't wear any head covering, which were very similar to the lady in the Ted Talk. To me they both recognize the need to create a shared culture if we are going to live together and practice different religions. I don't mind the covering of a person's hair, but we should be able to require seeing a person's face.



Mar 26, 2017
Who said they don't exist?

Stop being so emotional and use your brain for a change.
begin using my brain... ding! got something...

Thanks to Islam that Muslims are still living in the 7th century. The first religion that invented time travel...


Mar 26, 2017

This was a good debate on the same topic as the video in the opening post.
Just finish watching it, this burqa or niqab whatever it's called is way over my head. How can anyone with self dignity can wear it is beyond me. It look ridiculous as well, definitely 100% not from God. This is a sign of religious suppression and it need to be banned.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
How can anyone with self dignity can wear it is beyond me.
How can anyone with any self-dignity go out in public in what amounts to a bra and thong when say they're on a beach with numerous kids around?

I don't see any Islamic justification in wearing a burqa but you better believe I would rather support the burqa than the current social fashion culture the West has indulged in.


Mar 18, 2017
Just finish watching it, this burqa or niqab whatever it's called is way over my head. How can anyone with self dignity can wear it is beyond me. It look ridiculous as well, definitely 100% not from God. This is a sign of religious suppression and it need to be banned.
There appear to be several conflicting reasons for doing this. The ladies in the debate seem to believe that they are doing this for spiritual reasons; whereas, the lady in the opening post said this was intended to protect women in a time when women would have to go to the bathroom outside in the middle of the night. This would prevent them from being distinguished according to their social status and molested if they were a slave.

This makes sense and seems reasonable. Then, because this is the reason for why this was done, in the modern era of indoor plumbing and ton other additions that have elevated the status of women, it is not necessary to continue this. This makes sense and allows her to demonstrate being a very healthy, intelligent lady who has her religion. She has her beliefs, but they don't create a barrier for her with others. I was really impressed by her presentation.


Mar 15, 2017
I always thought the burqa is only in Sharia country like Saudi Arabia but the other day when I went groceries shopping. I saw a woman with her daughter in burqa, I was astonished because I never seen one personally. I'm from the US and always thought this tradition never made it here. Also, I like to point out that at my work place there are Muslims women wearing the head cover with tons of make up. I thought that was rather contradicting of modesty but I don't have any problem because they look nice and pretty.

In my opinion, there are many way to be modest instead of sticking with early century tradition. Muslims women need to break this barrier and just be normal. It is sadden me to see Muslims women wearing a burqa or hijab in this hot summer time. A jean and a T-shirt is pretty modest as long as you're not revealing too much skins. I don't believe there is anything wrong with showing the beauty God has given you. If you think you're attracting rapist/pervert, you're not. Rapist/pervert will do their things no matter what you're wearing. Rapist who blamed on what the women are wearing is a sore loser with lame excuses for their iniquity. Finally, loving God is inwardly and not outwardly.
Its even more ironic when they wear burqa for "modesty" because
i as half saudi can tell that most women there, if not all or elders, wear it as fashion. The burqas are heavily embrioded and designed etc. Not only that but Saudi women have kind of erotic way of dressing lmao, burqa is their culture not religion.

I want women to dress modestly because they love God and his commands, not because there might be a pervert down the street.