Thoughts On The Original Quranic View Of Women


Mar 13, 2017
Are the insertions by clerics into the writings of the Quran in keeping with the original intent and views of Muslim women?
The woman in this video states that if Islam practices were to "go back to the original writings of the Quran, it would be a step forward."
This is not to offend or insult any Muslims here, but to start a conversation about the view and role of women in Islam. (If you feel so offended that you cannot control yourself, please do not reply.)


Mar 13, 2017
Oh? I would have liked to have read that one. Are you able to give some highlights of that conversation?
I am interested in hearing from the Muslim woman's honest viewpoint.

Mr. Blah

Mar 14, 2017
The most toxic of Quranic teaching about women is the polygamy thing.

The man certainly couldn't be fair at all toward their wives.
The most youngest wife is obviously the most loved ones because she is still in good shape.

The rivalry between wives, of course, is a real thing too.
Remember Hannah & Pinnena story.


Mar 13, 2017
The most toxic of Quranic teaching about women is the polygamy thing.

The man certainly couldn't be fair at all toward their wives.
The most youngest wife is obviously the most loved ones because she is still in good shape.

The rivalry between wives, of course, is a real thing too.
Remember Hannah & Pinnena story.
That is a toxic concept, regardless of what religious (or non)philosophy it is related to.
It is but a "symptom" imo, of the view of women.
The video states that the insertions in the Quran do not correlate with the original writings. It even states that the clerics who wrote these insertions used misogynistic concepts as well as placing a role upon women that basically fulfills men's fantasies.
Thoughts on these discrepancies?
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Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
The most toxic of Quranic teaching about women is the polygamy thing.

The man certainly couldn't be fair at all toward their wives.
The most youngest wife is obviously the most loved ones because she is still in good shape.

The rivalry between wives, of course, is a real thing too.
Remember Hannah & Pinnena story.
It being toxic is only your opinion and perception due to the era and or region you currently live in.

And what does the Quran say if you can't treat them fairly?

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
If you watched the video, then reply.
Otherwise you will not know what is going on.
I did watch the video. And I'm supposed to take her word over the actions of the prophet's wives and his companions?

“...and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place their khumur over their bosoms...”

Khumur is plural for khimar which was a long common piece of scarf/cloth that Arab women used to cover their heads. So if this verse is saying to use that khumur and the prophet's wives and his companions including the women covered their hair then that says it all.


Mar 13, 2017
The topic is really this: the view of women according to the original Quarnic texts. I don't want a debate about head coverings this time around. Even though the title of the video is a discussion of the definition of hijab, the OP states otherwise. The video is so much more than a head covering discussion.
Mar 22, 2017
Knowing you and your position towards Islam, I just kind of wonder why you even care? I watched the video and I may make some comments about it a little later if I have more time. But since you don't even believe the Quran is a revelation from God, what does it matter to you if modern Muslim women share the same view as the speaker in the video.

Your OP actually gives away your true intent though when you say "clerics inserted writings into the Quran." If you can prove that one command in the Quran is wrongly interpetted or misunderstood by billions of Muslim women, then it must be the same for other commands as well and therefore the whole Quran is not reliable. Or something along those lines right Lady? The one verse Ms. Ali mentions that I am guessing you are basing your statement on is this:

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Where the words in parentheses are nothing more than tafseer (explanation/exegesis) as given by Muhammad himself or his close companions who were present during the revelation. More later God Willing.


Mar 13, 2017
I care about women. I am beyond the divisions of religions and above all am after truth. I had to face some hard truths about what I believed in the past about my "religion."

I know that one who clings so tightly to what one has learned without loosening the grip, is afraid. Afraid of what? That God is not able to take one through deeper waters into unexplored truths that He has waiting for man.
We are barely scratching the surface of knowing Him (yes, that word-gnosis again!)


Mar 13, 2017
Just putting this out there: Basically all religions are sexist in some ways... the books were written a long time ago.
Humanity has been sexist for a long time, it's only recently that people are becoming less stupid.

I actually think Islam is way less sexist than people think though and I agree with the video.


Mar 15, 2017
The most toxic of Quranic teaching about women is the polygamy thing.

The man certainly couldn't be fair at all toward their wives.
The most youngest wife is obviously the most loved ones because she is still in good shape.

The rivalry between wives, of course, is a real thing too.
Remember Hannah & Pinnena story.
This is why Islam says ONLY marry a second wife or engage in polygamy IF you can give them equal rights, love and support both financially and emotionally etc. And if you can not do so DONOT marry a second wife because if you do then on the day of judgment youll be raised half paralysed and will be punished. However, if you can do so then sure Allah permits it BUT if you can't provide all of this to even one wife then do not marry at all since marriage is a commitment and a spiritual bond.

Many people love to take the Prophet's example but they don't realize that prophet never married a second wife until his first wife passed away because he loved her so much. And even after second marriage till his death he used to visit her grave and her relatives etc


Mar 15, 2017
That is a toxic concept, regardless of what religious (or non)philosophy it is related to.
It is but a "symptom" imo, of the view of women.
The video states that the insertions in the Quran do not correlate with the original writings. It even states that the clerics who wrote these insertions used misgynistic concepts as well as placing a role upon women that basically fulfills men's fantasies.
Thoughts on these discrepancies?
There is nothing "inserted" in the Quran that didn't originally exist except ir'ab for pronounciation.

The problem does exist with the interpretation when some messed up misogynistic clerics posing as imams try to defend their toxic views by distorting the interpretation of Quran. One such exam is the huge issue "beating wives".
You'll find countless trusted imams who will tell you the true meaning but then there is always a messed up group ho thinks its okay to beat up women.