Media elites hate the new democratically elected president of Brazil (Brazil's Donald Trump as he is being called). Headlines like 'Fear and anger won the election in Brazil. It could happen here too from the left-leaning Guardian are already fear mongering.
Meanwhile, the market loves the pro-America, anti-corruption pro-growth platform. Brazil ETF EWZ is up 6% already. The butthurt media continues to send a false narrative with many drinking the kool-aid all too willingly. For the life of me, I cannot believe that some cannot see the propaganda which is rammed down their throat every day and night. Thankfully, some are waking up to the lies, corruption and mind control.
Socially liberal but fiscally conservative parties who've failed to address the underlying, dormant volcano like economic and social issues which plague their countries are getting the boot by the voters. It is clear the people of Brazil were fearful of turning into Venezuela which is on its knees in misery. Meanwhile, the media calls them Right Wing Nationalists/Nazi's just because they do not vote to the PC though control way of doing things, nevermind them just trying to save their country in an election where the winner won by 12%.
They will do to Bolsonaro what they do to Trump hoping you buy into that he is evil via media propaganda. Some of the falsehoods already out there is he will destroy the Amazon forest for gain. He will be labeled a pawn of the US - just watch. Brazil may fall anyhow with their bursting population, but they tried to go in a direction hoping for free trade. But yep, propaganda will flow in that they want far left globalism.