Okay, firstly- where does this theology come from?
AS- what are the sources of Islam?
Quran and Sunnah do not talk about "thoughtforms" or the thoughtform theory you describe. Nor do they cite Islam as a continuation of ancient Hinduism.
Are we playing by the same rules here? What do you consider as the sources of Islam? Do you consider the Quran and the Hadith as the sources- or are you including other sources not normally recognized as Islam? For example, Hinduism, occultism, ancient Greek philosophy, etc.
Now I hope you don't post something like "wow colgate you're dumb, this IS Islam".
If you want to call it Islam.... I guess you can call it what you want to call it. Where are you getting this theology?
I think either you're mixing Islam with occultism or you're mixing it with Hinduism and you're sort of a Hindu.
If you're part Hindu and part Muslim, I'm not insulting you. I just want to know where you are getting this from. There is no "Surah Al-Thoughtform" in the Quran.
Nor is there any verse that teaches "as above, so below," anyone who knows the slightest amount of information about occultism knows that's an occultist thing. Even the latest VC article mentions it as an occult thing.
So that is my question. Are you making this stuff up? Are you a genius? Did you suddenly discover hidden meanings in the Quran discussing a doctrine about thoughtforms? Did you receive visions?
Where does this stuff about, for example, thoughtforms come from?
Does it come from a hadith? Did you come up with it? Where did you get that from? Or for example the criteria you mentioned as to which religions are demonic? Islam teaches Islam is the only true religion. It doesn't teach that distinction.
Are you sure you're not a Hindu? What you're saying... to me sounds like Islam through a Hindu lens.
Typically when muslims esp new muslims are influenced by salafism as you have been (and im not attacking you with this) they are taught a puritanical version of islam that says 'this is not islam' 'show me evidence from Quran/sunnah' and what this does is, it completely eradicates over 1400 years of muslim development, of ideas, of hikmah that's been built from the study of the Quran and hadith.
Now you might look at that as a bit. wishy washy since it contains no concrete text material you can directly read, right? So let me put it another way
did you know that Abu Bakr RA was close to the end of his life when he said, he finally understood the meaning of Surah Fatiha?
Surah Fatiha is the first Surah of the Quran
THIS is from that link
"I will teach you the greatest Surah in the Qur'an before you leave the Masjid (Mosque)."
He held my hand and when he was about to leave the Masjid, I said, `O Messenger of Allah! You said: I will teach you the greatest Surah in the Qur'an.'
He said, Yes.
Al-Hamdu lillahi Rabbil-`Alamin,
This very short surah, is the greatest in the Quran...
here's how this translates
1. In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
4. Master of the Day of Judgment.
5. It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help.
6. Guide us to the straight path.
7. The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided.
now ask yourself, what did Abu Bakr learn from this that took him decades to learn?
look closer
Lord of the Worlds.
suppose one man had traversed the entire 7 heavens and witnessed the extent of Allah's creation?
For example, have you read the book of Enoch? have you read Ibn Arabi's 'Journey to the Lord of Power'?
if you read those you would maybe think of this world with a new mindset.
Now what if you add modern science/astronomyspace exploration to this?
what if on top of all that you had experienced those 'worlds' yourself?
who knows, where it began and ended for Abu Bakr?
So are you someone who is trying to make the Quran less or more?
So you're asking where I gained my perspectives on 'thoughtforms' it's hard to sum up, at least 20 years of my life, the experiences/thought patterns ive had in that time. What ive witnessed directly, what ive had confirmed from other learned muslims etc.
But inshallah I will answer you.
Quran and Sunnah do not talk about "thoughtforms" or the thoughtform theory you describe.
Just like Surah Fatiha contains meaning within it that neither of us know, that Abu Bakr RA learnt so much so that at the height of faith he learnt the 'true meaning of Surah Fatiha' you cannot appreciate entirely what the Quran says/doesn't say.
In islam, the attitude held by the Alims/students of the Quran was what? they believed that to have 'one' interpretation of the Quran, was pathetic.
THey were open minded and wished to attain as many possible interpretations.
So it's important for you to realise that the Quran is obviously much deeper than you realise. Example in the story of Solomon AS, there was one man who worked for him, who posessed knowledge of the Torah. Through his knowledge he was able to teleport.
Do you have that ability after you've read the Quran?
Do you want to bet such knowledge is in the Quran?
but it depends on the depth of your insight.
STILL so far ive not answered you my bruh, i will do now.
(4) It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.
(سورة ق, Qaaf, Chapter #50, Verse #16)
this is not a direct answer, but in light of what ive already said
what do you suppose this could mean?
when you posess an understanding of the malakut, the world of forms, the mind etc..you will realise obviously everything is energy...
these 'suggestions' emanating from the soul..are they like sound ie come and vanish? or do they, remain?
this is called
in this case, waswas that come from, our own soul
in the context, dark waswas
but there can of course be good waswas, it depends on the condition of the nafs.
if i say waswisu are thoughtforms, you will say 'nope'
but you're not in a position to tell me that are you? do you suppose you know everything ever written on waswisu?
if satan can put waswas in us and we can all put waswas in each other and d oyou think this is literal ie do i need to say some words to you or look at you? it is on a subconscious level.
BUT there is an entire dimension of thought...
now tell me buddy, have you explored it? i have!!
i can't physically show you what i learnt.
@Serveto since we talk about this stuff now and then check this. when it comes to psychology of dealing with waswas/thoughtforms, humans are rather creative, since it is all in the mind and we can literally create our own rules.
for example we can imagine and concentrate on an astral weapon that destroys thoughtforms
but then the otherside comes back with something more powerful
oh shit
and each time it becomes a game......
but FAITH means i can just say 'nothing is greater than Allah, so hear is a weapon that has God's name on it..............
end result the thoughtform is totally destroyed.
but when i was initially stuck and didnt know 'the rules' i visited a pious individual who was in his mid 90s, i could barely understand him
he actually looked into my 'case' shall we say...and he wrote down some words in arabic on a peice of paper..he told me they represent 7 types of satan im influenced by
folded the paper and told me after reading adhan and the protection prayers.....to take my left sandal and beat that paper 7 times on the floor and then burn it.
this sounds mad to anyone who reads but, you had to experience it..it was a great experience..
i felt a calmness in those days i hadnt had for years.
keep in mind, i wasnt some 'patient' i wasnt sick per se, what made me sick was more the obsession with knowing how to deal with that world.
who wouldnt want to know how to prevent certain types of waswas? it's a natural right to protect ourselves.
we live in a world absolutely full of waswas and bad energies
but my man wants to tell me 'the quran doesnt say that'
let's make the Quran into an irrelevant book that has no meaning and no capacity to heal us.
(4) And say "O my Lord! I seek refuge with Thee from the suggestions of the Evil Ones.
(سورة المؤمنون, Al-Muminoon, Chapter #23, Verse #97)
what is it about the suggestions themselves that makes them so relevant ie not only protection from the evil ones, but protection from the suggestions themselves?
I don't know if you know this, but Allah tells us that HE sent messengers to every nation.
Do you want to bet, Allah sent messengers to india?
india is 5000 years old
So if that's the case then who was Krishna, rama etc?
what did they teach?
what are the laws of Manu?
what about Advaita Vedanta, monothiests who believe in ONE Isvara (God)?
What about the fact that hindu philosophy influenced persian and greek philosophy, which, due to hellenisation teached jewish thought and eventually became CHRISTIANITY?
the incarnation of the logos, which is who Jesus is
is a hindu idea.
but i must stress, HINDU is like saying JEW
what was the original name of judaism? maybe it was Torah?
Dharma and Torah have the same meaning.
isnt it true that the ismaelites became pagan but still believed in Allah,. albeit a pluralistic Allah
isnt it true the israelites did exactly the same by believing in a pluralistic elohim?
same thinghappened to those who follow 'Dharma'
and there were many ppl who followed the wrong belief and strayed from the truth but there were many who also taught the ONENESS of God.
There were many who were wrongly called hindu but were not authentic hindu, merely being associated with the religion because they shared the land and language.
Muslims have over 1000 years of co-existence with hinduism, i suppose nothing was learnt?
one of my fav sufi muslims was Bawa Muhaiyadeen, he had some amazing insight when it came to hinduism.
sufi inayat khan, another great one, again great insight in hinduism.
Prophet SAW said
"my eyes sleep but my heart never sleeps"
prophet SAW said "when you sleep your soul returns to ALLAH"
so the prophet SAW was fully conscious beyond the delta brainwave state? what if, i try that? can i? i failed every time, when i meditate i usually fall asleep too.......but nonetheless i learnt that hindus have it and it is called TURIYA CONSCIOUSNESS except in their belief when you sleep your ATMAN (spirit) returns to BRAHMAN!!
it goes back to what ive said all along that the metaphysical reality is one and the same......but humans differ in interpretation.
in the Quran, it says
"the 7 heavens and of the earth, their like therof"
it's a reference to bani Adam and the fact we are microcosms of the whole creation (7 heavens) just like we have 7 levels of the soul which the hindus call Chakras.
i went into depth on this once and you just mocked it.
you were like "occult satanism threemasons, jews, kafirs, donald trump"
I'm sorry bro but inshallah over time i think as you live as a muslim, Allah wil lguide you to new experiences and knowledge.
and the more you search for answers esp in the Quran, you'll find it is there.
again remember it took Abu Bakr RA decades to learn the meaning of Surah Fatiha and he was second only to prophet SAW
in my thinking, the major ancient belief systems all originate from the same one...
if you explore the metaphysics in egyptian mythology...for example the character called Nu
it is Khidr AS actually
and if you look, Musa AS was an egyptian israelite, raised in the house of pharoe and taught the wisdom of egypt.
do i believe he was literally 'a god' of course not..i imagine the original mythology was superior to how it is presented now.
Nor is there any verse that teaches "as above, so below,"
what are you on about?
all the things on earth are first 'written' above
it's like a code, software and and front end
what we type here for example, it can all be altered if you had access to the hosting account and could alter the code
or you can edit your posts and type whatever you want
the end result is what is finally available in the post.
can you edit anyone elses post here? nope
but if you accessed the hosting account then sure you could.
there's vast amounts of perspective you're missing out on..but generally i look at you as someone who 'might' understand.
maybe ive been overestimating you?
btw thanks for making that thread to mock abu layth
i have found him to be an incredibly insightful genius.
i dont need to agree with his views.
its enough forme to see a muslim who has half a brain.