BTS discussion thread


Jun 4, 2018
Yesterday I went to the libary and remembered a book that I lend and took home a few years ago. It was a small dictionary about o c cult1sm. I think I was influenced from games and shows that presented these things in a good and mysterious light. Back then I was really into astr0l0gy and new age stuff...
Luckily when the book was in my home it was just laying on my shelf and I never read it. (Just out of laziness is what I told myself.) I didn't notice anything weird then.
But yesterday I decided to read it for information and to know more about the enemy. I didn't pray and read only the things that catched my eye.
(I feel arrogant saying this but it felt like I was supposed to educate myself about this for a greater good. Maybe that's why we're here)
I did not take it home this time but lend other books. When I tried to fall asleep yesterday / today at 3am (what a good time) my room had a bad vibe and and my window and room was darker than normally. I started to think that it was because of the book I read and that something is now in my home etc. scary images from everywhere popped up in my head. I started to pray to God to protect me from these thoughts and only have positive thoughts so that I can sleep in peace. It worked after not too long and I fell asleep. It was a peaceful and comfortable sleep.

(Warning: Injury and dead animals)
But I had a very weird dream: I was in a room with multiple girls (I can't remember many details and who they were and the dreams are always in a tunnel vision) and one of them gave me a cat. Or something like that. It looked at me with the most innocent and sad eyes. It had the head of a cat, many legs like a spider and the legs were like those of a bird or a chicken. I think the legs were a lighter shade of blue an one of them was ripped off but no blood just a completely white cut off bone in the middle like in a cartoon. I tried to lay the creature down so it stands on it's feet, but was pressing too hard and one of the legs broke in the side. The girls told me to be careful. The leg was still on the creature but losely hanging (sorry for that image). I think I heard a doctor or someone say we should just twist the leg off. That's all I remember. After that the dream ended.
IDK if there is a mythological creature with this description. I couldn't find anything.
I went out again today and on a flat roof above a front door I saw something sticking out. I first thought it was a snowman plushie but then realised it was the legs of a dead bird... They were dark blue-grey-purple-ish... Coincidence? Maybe.
(End of warning)

One thing I noticed after starting this truth journey is that I always see moths and flies in my surroundings. It's weird when a really big moth suddenly flies on my window out of nowhere or flies out of a freshly washed sock (yup this happened). I always see baby moths in my bathroom and then they grow up and the cycle repeats. I heard somewhere on the internet that if you attract flies or see many in your everyday life, danger is going to come for you but idk hope that's not true :D (while writing this a fly is flying near me)


One last thing... Does anyone have the feeling that you can't quite differentiate if you're really sleeping or if you are in a almost asleep state where you can kind of imagine a dream or conciously continue or rewind a dream or your visual imagnation (is that a thing?).
I know that the cat was a real dream was but the last sentence could be from that half asleep state.

(Also my body very rarely it feels like falling into a different direction when I lay down and close my eyes. It happens for a second and then it's back to normal. Could be the start of an oobe or I was just tired.)

Okay now really one last thing: I really appreciate how openminded you are and that I can always talk and share my thoughts and experiences openly. I'm always worried that I might be annoying but I think it's just my anxious mind (and that I might be the youngest here and nervous haha). You can always tell me what you think, even if it's negative or critique! ' v '
The feeling something is in the room while trying to fall asleep I also get when I see a horror movie or I get shocked by things related to the negative side. My house is each year blessed by our town's priest so it;s not like there could actually be some kind of spirits in my house. But from what I know if u contemplate or see too much negative, you attract it and same goes with the positive.
Anyway, the devil is not allowed to do more than scary us but even soo it;s very disturbing to feel a kind of "presence". It generally goes away after praying and especially if I am not sleeping alone.

I believe the best thing to do is to stay away from the negative as much as you can. Sometimes I just prefer to be aware of a thing without getting too much details ab it if it's not necessary; and also each time I see a disturbing image (like pentagrams or Baphomet) I cover the photo with my hand, or close my eyes so that this won't be used by my brain against me.

[edit:] My dad told me all the dreams are from satan and rarely they can be from God. I generally get dreams when I don't pray for too long like many days (praying keeps the devil away from you and I guess that;s why). Anyway any kind of dream is disturbing to me; the best is when u don't dream something bothering either good or bad and u don't even remember it when u wake up. This is a paceful sleep.
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May 20, 2018
The feeling something is in the room while trying to fall asleep I also get when I see a horror movie or I get shocked by things related to the negative side. My house is regulary blessed by our town's priest so it;s not like there could actually be some kind of spirits in my house. But from what I know if u contemplate or see too much negative, you attract it and same goes with the positive. Anyway the devil is not allowed to do more than scary us but even soo it;s very disturbing to feel a kind of "presence". It generally goes away after praying and especially if I am not sleeping alone.
I believe the best thing to do is to stay away from the negative as much as you can. Sometimes I just prefer to be aware of a thing without getting too much details ab it if it's not necessary; and also each time I see a disturbing image (like pentagrams or Barphomet) I cover the photo with my hand, or close my eyes so that this won't be used by my brain against me.
I also covered photos with my hands while reading some articles... So that my mind won't save it for later use :D..
It does help.. Those things bother you way less than the ones you look at intently


Apr 30, 2018
I haven’t seen these fans face to face yet, but I’m sure they can be crazy but on twitter once Malaysian fans were having a fight because one of the a-rmy started a rumor about the arabic/quranic chants in Airplane pt2 ( if im not mistaken, we’ve discussed here) and the loyals a-rmy started to bash her like crazy until she apologize. The whole situation was crazy and I think that they’re all still very youmg judging by how they commented.
My 9 year old and twelve year old students also a die hard fans omg, pure innocence souls are being poisoned hmm.
Sure babygirl, just pm me okay!

Omg at first I thought the Yif guy was J-Howpee!!
Off topic: but i just love how black people react to something like this and just leave , like “ i don’t play with the motherfucken demons” lolololol!!

How do I like this comment million times?
First of all hello and welcome baby, and all you who are new! The xxx boy story is effed up, and it’s refreshing to read, thank you for taking your time writing this!

How do you know I'm whipped for being called ' babygirl '? haha jk. OK. I'll PM you ^^


Jun 1, 2018
I'm sure there's a lot of disinformation in our theories too cs they are based on the facts from internet. And there's a lot of people who tell us absolutely lie or drop of truth mixed with lie on youtube, on forums, on blogs, a lot of cults pretending they are "against them" to make us belive and be afraid of things which doesn't exist. The illuminati theories also good place for people with paranoia, and people who want to make money(books about lizards e.t.c) I belive in satanism, secret cults, child r*pe, that government planning wars e.t.c cs it is everywhere and we see too many evidences. But all those people who say they all replaced robots/they all transgenders/ the end of the world is coming soon/ people are lizards/ e.t.c are should be taken with grain of sault. First, there's even no any proofs at all and second, no one of these people can't explain it well. They all take it from some fantasy movies or books and this is all proofs. At least, there are a lot of proofs about satanism and pedo ring. There was leaked info about mk ultra project. There's a lot of massonic symbols everywhere so the cults exist. But never any leaked info about cloning. There's a,lot of people who experienced dark forces, among your friends, relatives, even I saw once thing I can't explain. almost everyone can share weird story dealing with spirits. but there's almost no people exepth crazy theorist who have seen lizards. And it has been said the end of theworld will start when everything will be extremely dark. Yes, there's a lot of bad things going on right now but still there's also too many good things in the world, a lot of people belive in God, pray, live honest life. The world is dark, but it is not that awful fo coming of antichrist, it is still too good place for him, not the last stage definitely. I'm just saying, it is good to add some logic and think how many chances the theory might be true. Because if you start to belive in everything, you loose your logical point and confuse youself and it can lead to depression cs you star to think everything is evil and they have too much power which is not true, you become paranoid person who think there's no light. We all came here cs there are too many symbolism of occult in industry, so much that you can't ignore it. But I don't see any true facts about lizards or other stuff.
As as you said we must take these theories with a grain of salt. When i posted about karl, i didnt take it too seriously either i just thought i’d share what i’ve observed in hopes that some people might have an opinion on it and left it open for discussion. Even if people agree with me or not, it doesnt change the fact that it was merely a speculation...a theory.

Thanks for commenting though cause it made me look at it in a different light. I realised that it was quite a shallow topic to share. So sorry if it’s not the type of theory that is of your interest... I’ll be more careful next time and will try not to seem too crazy

Apologies to @truthseeker019821837 as well x


Jun 1, 2018
I remember a member post a link about the concept of Love Yourself 4 album where the writer did a very accurate prediction about the intro song for each album as well as the album color. I did not save the link and could not find it from this thread due to its so much pages.

Would someone that know the link please repost it again?

I am just curious because the writer prediction about album color for the last Love Yourself series is exactly same with their upcoming release. It is very strange because the writer on that link write the article long before the album release.

This is from amazon website:


Feb 23, 2018
As as you said we must take these theories with a grain of salt. When i posted about karl, i didnt take it too seriously either i just thought i’d share what i’ve observed in hopes that some people might have an opinion on it and left it open for discussion. Even if people agree with me or not, it doesnt change the fact that it was merely a speculation...a theory.

Thanks for commenting though cause it made me look at it in a different light. I realised that it was quite a shallow topic to share. So sorry if it’s not the type of theory that is of your interest... I’ll be more careful next time and will try not to seem too crazy

Apologies to @truthseeker019821837 as well x
Girl you shouldn't apologize, you can post here whatever you want, we just discuss and response to each other's post, we can disagree and say our point of views, this is what makes good concersation :) if I sounded rude i'm sorry.
You do not seem crazy at all


Oct 10, 2017
Looks like just even more popstars which have sold their souls for wealth and riches like oh so many others, they won't stand a chance against humble and poor Donald Christ Trump in his fight against the rich Illuminati Freemasons.


Oct 10, 2017
You don't want to go where they are going, I strongly advice against it.

Well, unless it's your pleasure.


Feb 23, 2018
There was a channel saying women can't have long arms, the ones that do are trans, and I was just there looking at my long arms like :(
True, if you are tall you always have long legs and arms, a lot of women do not have x-shape figure as Kardashians. When I first saw the video I belived it cs it was said it is a fact that women have ringer finger shorter than index, but than it turned out it is not true, some women have it. And today it is almost imposible to find out who is transgender and who is not. The plastic surgery is extremely advantaged, the can even make v****a from p***s....


Oct 10, 2017
Don't forget your history, Americans didn't only napalm the Vietnamese, but also Koreans. Besides, history is always written by the victor, even if it was known as a truce, or in Vietnam's case a surrender, people tend to leave the ploys of big corporations out of the equation when it comes to history, like Monsanto's role in the Vietnam war, the US might've called a truce, but the victory might've gone to multinationals which vow for global power which obviously goes beyond nations, they might still pull the strings in South-Korea, and considering the current affairs they also might've gained more power over the North.