BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
so you think the little prince has some evil and duality as well within it ?
(shook again )
the message of the story seems fine (even with the other video you linked about the book the message has a moral) but idk if they (tbtp) do this inversion again in the video by the lady who made the theory she said that this is good/bad seeds which can be seen as duality in effect...
the duality is in the tree in the book but I don't remember if the pr1nce had the duality in himself (maybe?)..

disclaimer: Speculation...
"watch out for the baobabs"
2:01 "the seeds from the quote relate to good/evil"
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Apr 25, 2018
As far as I know, if we have a nightmare, it is definitely from satan. Let me elaborate my previous answer. Those 4 previous sign can be classified into 2 points.

The dreams are from satan if:
- We have a nightmare by seeing snake, drowning, and falling from a high place. The snake will scare or attack us in our dream to make the dreamer very frightened in his own dream.
- Dream followed with lust (lust dream) such as visited by people we've ever liked or people who interested in us. The key point is "lust".

If these nightmare happened, I have been taught to do this and it works for me:
- pray to God and ask his protection from satan and from the evil dreams itself.
- change the sleep position. If before nightmare our head was on north position, change it to south. If our previous side was toward east, change it to west.

This is my original answer:
I have been told that if one of these event occur in your dream, it is definitely from satan.
- you are seeing snake
- you jumping from a high building/places
- you are seeing people that you like/you have an interest in them
- you are seeing people whom like you

I usually change my sleep position if those dreams happened to me

[edit]. Let me rethink again for point no.3 and no.4. I believe it is more than just "seeing"
Yesterday I went to the libary and remembered a book that I lend and took home a few years ago. It was a small dictionary about o c cult1sm. I think I was influenced from games and shows that presented these things in a good and mysterious light. Back then I was really into astr0l0gy and new age stuff...
Luckily when the book was in my home it was just laying on my shelf and I never read it. (Just out of laziness is what I told myself.) I didn't notice anything weird then.
But yesterday I decided to read it for information and to know more about the enemy. I didn't pray and read only the things that catched my eye.
(I feel arrogant saying this but it felt like I was supposed to educate myself about this for a greater good. Maybe that's why we're here)
I did not take it home this time but lend other books. When I tried to fall asleep yesterday / today at 3am (what a good time) my room had a bad vibe and and my window and room was darker than normally. I started to think that it was because of the book I read and that something is now in my home etc. scary images from everywhere popped up in my head. I started to pray to God to protect me from these thoughts and only have positive thoughts so that I can sleep in peace. It worked after not too long and I fell asleep. It was a peaceful and comfortable sleep.

(Warning: Injury and dead animals)
But I had a very weird dream: I was in a room with multiple girls (I can't remember many details and who they were and the dreams are always in a tunnel vision) and one of them gave me a cat. Or something like that. It looked at me with the most innocent and sad eyes. It had the head of a cat, many legs like a spider and the legs were like those of a bird or a chicken. I think the legs were a lighter shade of blue an one of them was ripped off but no blood just a completely white cut off bone in the middle like in a cartoon. I tried to lay the creature down so it stands on it's feet, but was pressing too hard and one of the legs broke in the side. The girls told me to be careful. The leg was still on the creature but losely hanging (sorry for that image). I think I heard a doctor or someone say we should just twist the leg off. That's all I remember. After that the dream ended.
IDK if there is a mythological creature with this description. I couldn't find anything.
I went out again today and on a flat roof above a front door I saw something sticking out. I first thought it was a snowman plushie but then realised it was the legs of a dead bird... They were dark blue-grey-purple-ish... Coincidence? Maybe.
(End of warning)

One thing I noticed after starting this truth journey is that I always see moths and flies in my surroundings. It's weird when a really big moth suddenly flies on my window out of nowhere or flies out of a freshly washed sock (yup this happened). I always see baby moths in my bathroom and then they grow up and the cycle repeats. I heard somewhere on the internet that if you attract flies or see many in your everyday life, danger is going to come for you but idk hope that's not true :D (while writing this a fly is flying near me)


One last thing... Does anyone have the feeling that you can't quite differentiate if you're really sleeping or if you are in a almost asleep state where you can kind of imagine a dream or conciously continue or rewind a dream or your visual imagnation (is that a thing?).
I know that the cat was a real dream was but the last sentence could be from that half asleep state.

(Also my body very rarely it feels like falling into a different direction when I lay down and close my eyes. It happens for a second and then it's back to normal. Could be the start of an oobe or I was just tired.)

Okay now really one last thing: I really appreciate how openminded you are and that I can always talk and share my thoughts and experiences openly. I'm always worried that I might be annoying but I think it's just my anxious mind (and that I might be the youngest here and nervous haha). You can always tell me what you think, even if it's negative or critique! ' v '
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May 24, 2018
Yesterday I went to the libary and remembered a book that I lend and took home a few years ago. It was a small dictionary about o c cult1sm. I think I was influenced from games and shows that presented these things in a good and mysterious light. Back then I was really into astr0l0gy and new age stuff...
Luckily when the book was in my home it was just laying on my shelf and I never read it. (Just out of laziness is what I told myself.) I didn't notice anything weird then.
But yesterday I decided to read it for information and to know more about the enemy. I didn't pray and read only the things that catched my eye.
(I feel arrogant saying this but it felt like I was supposed to educate myself about this for a greater good. Maybe that's why we're here)
I did not take it home this time but lend other books. When I tried to fall asleep yesterday / today at 3am (what a good time) my room had a bad vibe and and my window and room was darker than normally. I started to think that it was because of the book I read and that something is now in my home etc. scary images from everywhere popped up in my head. I started to pray to God to protect me from these thoughts and only have positive thoughts so that I can sleep in peace. It worked after not too long and I fell asleep. It was a peaceful and comfortable sleep.

(Warning: Injury and dead animals)
But I had a very weird dream: I was in a room with multiple girls (I can't remember many details and who they were and the dreams are always in a tunnel vision) and one of them gave me a cat. Or something like that. It looked at me with the most innocent and sad eyes. It had the head of a cat, many legs like a spider and the legs were like those of a bird or a chicken. I think the legs were a lighter shade of blue an one of them was ripped off but no blood just a completely white cut off bone in the middle like in a cartoon. I tried to lay the creature down so it stands on it's feet, but was pressing too hard and one of the legs broke in the side. The girls told me to be careful. The leg was still on the creature but losely hanging (sorry for that image). I think I heard a doctor or someone say we should just twist the leg off. That's all I remember. After that the dream ended.
IDK if there is a mythological creature with this description. I couldn't find anything.
I went out again today and on a flat roof above a front door I saw something sticking out. I first thought it was a snowman plushie but then realised it was the legs of a dead bird... They were dark blue-grey-purple-ish... Coincidence? Maybe.
(End of warning)

One thing I noticed after starting this truth journey is that I always see moths and flies in my surroundings. It's weird when a really big moth suddenly flies on my window out of nowhere or flies out of a freshly washed sock (yup this happened). I always see baby moths in my bathroom and then they grow up and the cycle repeats. I heard somewhere on the internet that if you attract flies or see many in your everyday life, danger is going to come for you but idk hope that's not true :D (while writing this a fly is flying near me)


One last thing... Does anyone have the feeling that you can't quite differentiate if you're really sleeping or if you are in a almost asleep state where you can kind of imagine a dream or conciously continue or rewind a dream or your visual imagnation (is that a thing?).
I know that the cat was a real dream was but the last sentence could be from that half asleep state.

(Also my body very rarely it feels like falling into a different direction when I lay down and close my eyes. It happens for a second and then it's back to normal. Could be the start of an oobe or I was just tired.)

Okay now really one last thing: I really appreciate how openminded you are and that I can always talk and share my thoughts and experiences openly. I'm always worried that I might be annoying but I think it's just my anxious mind (and that I might be the youngest here and nervous haha). You can always tell me what you think, even if it's negative or critique! ' v '
Faith and prayer works wonders...:D

But, the dream description kinda creeped me lol:D (even though Ive had like scary dreams too -- I forgot what it was...)
but I found this (head of a cat legs of a spider?)

One last thing... Does anyone have the feeling that you can't quite differentiate if you're really sleeping or if you are in a almost asleep state where you can kind of imagine a dream or conciously continue or rewind a dream or your visual imagnation (is that a thing?).
This reminds me of the Matrix and idk if the rewind is deja vu?
I just saw this:

or it could be a lucid dream? (not sure)


Jun 11, 2018
You guys i was watching this and at 5:49 the dude says the name of a movie from 1968 (listen to what is the storyline that's why it caught my eye ) but i can't make out the name but tell if anyone of you might know the movie :

May 24, 2018

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
You guys i was watching this and at 5:49 the dude says the name of a movie from 1968 (listen to what is the storyline that's why it caught my eye ) but i can't make out the name but tell if anyone of you might know the movie :

In Rosemary's baby, she gives birth to the antichrist.. Here is Kate Middleton wearing the same dress that is worn in Rosemary's Baby after giving birth to her most recent baby.


Like of all dresses to wear she picks this, coincidence or predictive programming?


Jun 11, 2018
May 24, 2018
In Rosemary's baby, she gives birth to the antichrist.. Here is Kate Middleton wearing the same dress that is worn in Rosemary's Baby after giving birth to her most recent baby.

View attachment 13272

Like of all dresses to wear she picks this, coincidence or predictive programming?
oh my goodness:eek:
but impressed you remember the clothe:eek:


Jan 16, 2018
I'm so far behind! I took a break too cos I felt a heaviness everytime I would read through this thread. I think it is also a lot of information to digest.

Is the thread still under attack? Lol. I'm seriously like 100 pages behind now. It moves so fast!


Jun 1, 2018
the message of the story seems fine (even with the other video you linked about the book the message has a moral) but idk if they (tbtp) do this inversion again in the video by the lady who made the theory she said that this is good/bad seeds which can be seen as duality in effect...
the duality is in the tree in the book but I don't remember if the pr1nce had the duality in himself (maybe?)..

disclaimer: Speculation...
It is very interesting theory, great finding! I am not familiar with this book and when reading your theory, the little prince picture remind about something. And then realized that there is his statue at Gamcheon Village, at, surprise surprise, J!mIn's hometown, Busan.

What make me amazed back then when visited this village is, people make a long queue just to take a picture with his status. Back then I was thinking, "Why they want to spend their time to queue and take a picture with, what?! this statue?!". There are sooo many photogenic places in this village, what's so special with this one? lol. I just ignore this one because it is not worth my time.

Anyone know why this little prince is so famous? I will really happy if someone come with a theory about him. I hope it is not a dark one like The Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland. But because the Serendip!ty's MV looks like got inspired by its book, my hope was kinda gone.


Jun 1, 2018
I'm so far behind! I took a break too cos I felt a heaviness everytime I would read through this thread. I think it is also a lot of information to digest.

Is the thread still under attack? Lol. I'm seriously like 100 pages behind now. It moves so fast!
Hey, welcome again! I think within the last 10 days there were trolls in this thread, from the old one, by reading the other members' message. But I have hit the special button named ignore (thanks to the website's owner!) to the trolls, so I missed their blubbering party.

I think this thread already back to normal, at least for now.


Jun 11, 2018
Ok bye you guys i'm going on my undated/undefined break
I can still talk in the DMs if you want to/if you need help/need to talk or vent or otherwise you can still find me on IG (@coco lebo ) in the DMs too
Please take care of your self all of you and don't forget to pray before analyzing the MV's
(I'll still try to work on my maze runner theory tho )(sorry for always saying I,me,etc... XD )
If you get a heavy feeling like some of us are having atm please do leave and come back only when feeling better this is very important (this goes out to our lurkers or lurkers from other thread plz take care )
Love you all and God bless you <3
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Jun 1, 2018
One last thing... Does anyone have the feeling that you can't quite differentiate if you're really sleeping or if you are in a almost asleep state where you can kind of imagine a dream or conciously continue or rewind a dream or your visual imagnation (is that a thing?).
I know that the cat was a real dream was but the last sentence could be from that half asleep state.
Do you mean getting a dream while we are not fully slept? No I never felt it. I believe I got a dream only when I have already in fully sleep (REM stage).

I guess you mean by dreaming when not fully sleep is hypnagogia? This is when our brains begins to slow down and relax where the alpha waves are produced (slower waves), but we are not quite asleep yet. At this time, the hypnagogia could happen to us when we felt experience eerie sensations such as feeling like there is someone who call us.

Okay now really one last thing: I really appreciate how openminded you are and that I can always talk and share my thoughts and experiences openly. I'm always worried that I might be annoying but I think it's just my anxious mind (and that I might be the youngest here and nervous haha). You can always tell me what you think, even if it's negative or critique! ' v '
No you are not annoying at all. The only thing that I am annoyed with you is your young age. Only that. How old are you btw?
Dec 26, 2017

So I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and than I saw this.......
BTS has become such a big thing that even Facebook gives them a podium. When an artist gets this kind of special treatment from Facebook you know how late it is. There is no doubt in my mind that they have indeed entered the upper class of the elite with their blatant propganda for the Luciferians/freemasons & illuminati.

You can read the article here:
I was saying here before in the other thread that the illuminati is working hard to bring BTS to everyone, before American celebrities mentioning them and now facebook lol, how blatant they could be, they already manufacture every thing so to ensure BTS is seen by everyone