BTS discussion thread

Dec 26, 2017
I’ve always seen ones having trouble leaving BT$ and their music. Before this forum, I was totally oblivious. After seeing this forum, I couldn’t see BT$ the same and I didn’t feel like listening to their music anymore. I felt that it wasn’t enjoyable. I never have had any dreams about them (I’m pretty sure). I was an @rmy since 2015. Why haven’t I ever had any weird dreams or anything like that? I don’t want any weird dreams (obviously), but just curious. Also if this has any connection, apparently I have a strong/loud aura according to people.
I am not fan of BTS and got few dreams about them lol, I don't know why, but I have dream for every Kpop group that I got to know even if I don't care about them

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
Ok bye you guys i'm going on my undated/undefined break
I can still talk in the DMs if you want to/if you need help/need to talk or vent or otherwise you can still find me on IG (@coco lebo ) in the DMs too
Please take care of your self all of you and don't forget to pray before analyzing the MV's
(I'll still try to work on my maze runner theory tho )(sorry for always saying I,me,etc... XD )
If you get a heavy feeling like some of us are having atm please do leave and come back only when feeling better this is very important (this goes out to our lurkers or lurkers from other thread plz take care )
Love you all and God bless you <3
You will be missed. :(


May 20, 2018


May 20, 2018
Ok bye you guys i'm going on my undated/undefined break
I can still talk in the DMs if you want to/if you need help/need to talk or vent or otherwise you can still find me on IG (@coco lebo ) in the DMs too
Please take care of your self all of you and don't forget to pray before analyzing the MV's
(I'll still try to work on my maze runner theory tho )(sorry for always saying I,me,etc... XD )
If you get a heavy feeling like some of us are having atm please do leave and come back only when feeling better this is very important (this goes out to our lurkers or lurkers from other thread plz take care )
Love you all and God bless you <3


May 20, 2018
They are blatantly putting the one eyed pics representing the anti christ in the viewer's faces.. And plus illuminating that picture with a special light ? Showing it to be luchhifer of some sort...
Why on a portrait would you not draw the other eye.. No even hair is covering that part .
Blatant and right in the faces


Feb 23, 2018
Ok I totally don't know this guy but it really looks like a totally different person...
the question is, who is the original?
this is what I got
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without the glasses

Not necessarily. He might just gain weight, do botox+ fillers. The only change I see is his skin, if he never did any cosm procedures before, the changes might be huge. The weight gives the face a little fat, botox relax wrinkles, hyaluronic acid injections make skin smoother. You guys jump here from one crazy theory to other. It is good to have your eye wide open and see satanism, but do not belive every theory on youtube, most of them fake.


Jan 18, 2018
I read a load of this thread last night and then I had a dream I was at a big award ceremony and bands like B!ackp1ink and W1nn@r were performing alongside western artists, the dream had a dark vibe, like I kept wondering why I was even at the show since I don't like that sort of thing or pop music. Anyway, I'm glad to see some people are taking breaks to refresh the mind and soul. You have all done such a good job, and even though I don't read this all the time anymore, I'm still glad to see it going strong.
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Apr 25, 2018
Do you mean getting a dream while we are not fully slept? No I never felt it. I believe I got a dream only when I have already in fully sleep (REM stage).

I guess you mean by dreaming when not fully sleep is hypnagogia? This is when our brains begins to slow down and relax where the alpha waves are produced (slower waves), but we are not quite asleep yet. At this time, the hypnagogia could happen to us when we felt experience eerie sensations such as feeling like there is someone who call us.

No you are not annoying at all. The only thing that I am annoyed with you is your young age. Only that. How old are you btw?
Hypnagogia... I'll look into it, thank you!
I'm 14 :'D


Apr 8, 2018
One last thing... Does anyone have the feeling that you can't quite differentiate if you're really sleeping or if you are in a almost asleep state where you can kind of imagine a dream or conciously continue or rewind a dream or your visual imagnation (is that a thing?).
Yes, actually. There'd be times where I'm just resting my eyes somewhere, and then slip into, like, mini dreams
May 24, 2018
It is very interesting theory, great finding! I am not familiar with this book and when reading your theory, the little prince picture remind about something. And then realized that there is his statue at Gamcheon Village, at, surprise surprise, J!mIn's hometown, Busan.

What make me amazed back then when visited this village is, people make a long queue just to take a picture with his status. Back then I was thinking, "Why they want to spend their time to queue and take a picture with, what?! this statue?!". There are sooo many photogenic places in this village, what's so special with this one? lol. I just ignore this one because it is not worth my time.

Anyone know why this little prince is so famous? I will really happy if someone come with a theory about him. I hope it is not a dark one like The Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland. But because the Serendip!ty's MV looks like got inspired by its book, my hope was kinda gone.
thanks :)
ohhh didnt know that was there...within his town interesting
its a short book to read and if you want to see for yourself I recommend it:D


May 16, 2018
Hi you guys :)
I'm still on my break but i needed to say this :
I was browsing on the internet and i remembered when one of you asked what ay ay meant in one of their songs
So i thought wait ? Maybe backwards it would work more and i searched yaya instead and i stumbled upon a redd!t page of someone who said that she had this demon or angel following her but that wasn't the thing that shocked me
What shocked me is that in the comments someone said that yaya is a greek name and it meant granny 0_o
What do you guys think ?
Ok bye you guys love y'all good luck on the theories ~
I asked it! Holy sheeyytttt!!!! REALLYYY?!!! I had goosebumps mannn my jaw dropped when I read this!
May 24, 2018
Not necessarily. He might just gain weight, do botox+ fillers. The only change I see is his skin, if he never did any cosm procedures before, the changes might be huge. The weight gives the face a little fat, botox relax wrinkles, hyaluronic acid injections make skin smoother. You guys jump here from one crazy theory to other. It is good to have your eye wide open and see satanism, but do not belive every theory on youtube, most of them fake.
Okayy thanks for the cosmetic info... but...

You guys jump here from one crazy theory to other.
Idk but you sound a bit (???) here...
How do you feel about the bigbang/ gravity/ evolution theory? Sounds crazy? :D
this goes for the 1lluminati theories too (triangles, one eyes etc.) . Sounds crazy? Please explain what constitutes as "crazy" here...

Forgot to put a disclaimer its just speculation and not facts (like everything in this thread? on the first page it said>>)
And I'm not even the one who noticed that person/designer Im just here discussing it... (discussion ≠ belief ≠ facts ≠ theory ). And why didnt you reply to them as well? How about the voice? but idc.

Please feel free to ignore me if you find what I say crazy :D (I'm not forcing anyone to believe me... I thought this was a discussion thread?)

Also, since you're so good at this, and seem to know it all from crazy to real please enlighten me which ones are crazy and which are fake which are real ? :) I genuinely want to hear what you have to say about all these theories please debunk / prove them I want to see your enlightening explanations (if you don't mind)....
I'm new to this conspiracy stuff ngl...

Crazy or not? :D

a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.
For example, big bang theory is still a "crazy theory" its not a PROVEN fact...same for theory of gravity (not yet proven)
How can you prove what happened million + years ago?

Physics textbook should include this warning label:
This textbook contains material on Gravity. Universal Gravity is a theory, not a fact, regarding the natural law of attraction. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered.

A theory starts as one or more hypotheses, untested ideas about why something happens. For example, I might propose a hypothesis that the object that you released fell because it was pulled by the Earth's magnetic field. Once we started testing, it would not take long to find out that my hypothesis was not supported by the evidence. Non-magnetic objects fall at the same rate as magnetic objects. Because it was not supported by the evidence, my hypothesis does not gain the status of being a theory. To become a scientific theory, an idea must be thoroughly tested, and must be an accurate and predictive description of the natural world.

Can we test the theories we have here? Or do they even count as theories?
And if not what does that make it? :D

On that note,
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Feb 23, 2018
Okayy thanks for the cosmetic info... but...

Idk but you sound a bit (???) here...
How do you feel about the bigbang/ gravity/ evolution theory? Sounds crazy? :D
this goes for the 1lluminati theories too (triangles, one eyes etc.) . Sounds crazy? Please explain what constitutes as "crazy" here...

Forgot to put a disclaimer its just speculation and not facts (like everything in this thread? on the first page it said>>)
And I'm not even the one who noticed that person/designer Im just here discussing it... (discussion ≠ belief ≠ facts ≠ theory ). And why didnt you reply to them as well? How about the voice? but idc.

Please feel free to ignore me if you find what I say crazy :D (I'm not forcing anyone to believe me... I thought this was a discussion thread?)

Also, since you're so good at this, and seem to know it all from crazy to real please enlighten me which ones are crazy and which are fake which are real ? :) I genuinely want to hear what you have to say about all these theories please debunk / prove them I want to see your enlightening explanations (if you don't mind)....
I'm new to this conspiracy stuff ngl...

Crazy or not? :D

For example, big bang theory is still a "crazy theory" its not a PROVEN fact...same for theory of gravity (not yet proven)
How can you prove what happened million + years ago?



Can we test the theories we have here? Or do they even count as theories?
And if not what does that make it? :D

On that note,
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I'm sure there's a lot of disinformation in our theories too cs they are based on the facts from internet. And there's a lot of people who tell us absolutely lie or drop of truth mixed with lie on youtube, on forums, on blogs, a lot of cults pretending they are "against them" to make us belive and be afraid of things which doesn't exist. The illuminati theories also good place for people with paranoia, and people who want to make money(books about lizards e.t.c) I belive in satanism, secret cults, child r*pe, that government planning wars e.t.c cs it is everywhere and we see too many evidences. But all those people who say they all replaced robots/they all transgenders/ the end of the world is coming soon/ people are lizards/ e.t.c are should be taken with grain of sault. First, there's even no any proofs at all and second, no one of these people can't explain it well. They all take it from some fantasy movies or books and this is all proofs. At least, there are a lot of proofs about satanism and pedo ring. There was leaked info about mk ultra project. There's a lot of massonic symbols everywhere so the cults exist. But never any leaked info about cloning. There's a,lot of people who experienced dark forces, among your friends, relatives, even I saw once thing I can't explain. almost everyone can share weird story dealing with spirits. but there's almost no people exepth crazy theorist who have seen lizards. And it has been said the end of theworld will start when everything will be extremely dark. Yes, there's a lot of bad things going on right now but still there's also too many good things in the world, a lot of people belive in God, pray, live honest life. The world is dark, but it is not that awful fo coming of antichrist, it is still too good place for him, not the last stage definitely. I'm just saying, it is good to add some logic and think how many chances the theory might be true. Because if you start to belive in everything, you loose your logical point and confuse youself and it can lead to depression cs you star to think everything is evil and they have too much power which is not true, you become paranoid person who think there's no light. We all came here cs there are too many symbolism of occult in industry, so much that you can't ignore it. But I don't see any true facts about lizards or other stuff.
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Jan 18, 2018
I'm sure there's a lot of disinformation in our theories too cs they are based on the facts from internet. And there's a lot of people who tell us absolutely lie or drop of truth mixed with lie on youtube, on forums, on blogs, a lot of cults pretending they are "against them" to make us belive and be afraid of things which doesn't exist. The illuminati theories also good place for people with paranoia, and people who want to make money(books about lizards e.t.c) I belive in satanism, secret cults, child r*pe, that government planning wars e.t.c cs it is everywhere and we see too many evidences. But all those people who say they all replaced robots/they all transgenders/ the end of the world is coming soon/ people are lizards/ e.t.c are should be taken with grain of sault. First, there's even no any proofs at all and second, no one of these people can't explain it well. They all take it from some fantasy movies or books and this is all proofs. At least, there are a lot of proofs about satanism and pedo ring. There was leaked info about mk ultra project. There's a lot of massonic symbols everywhere so the cults exist. But never any leaked info about cloning. There's a,lot of people who experienced dark forces, among your friends, relatives, even I saw once thing I can't explain. almost everyone can share weird story dealing with spirits. but there's almost no people exepth crazy theorist who have seen lizards. And it has been said the end of theworld will start when everything will be extremely dark. Yes, there's a lot of bad things going on right now but still there's also too many things in the world, a lot of people belive in God, pray, live honest life. The world is dark, but it is not that awful fo coming of antichrist, it is still too good place for him, not the last stage definitely. I'm just saying, it is good to add some logic and think how many chances the theory might be true. Because if you start to belive in everything, you loose your logical point and confuse youself and it can lead to depression cs you star to think everything is evil and they have too much power which is not true, you become paranoid person who think there's no light. We all came here cs there are too many symbolism of occult in industry, so much that you can't ignore it. But I don't see any true facts about lizards or other stuff.
There was a channel saying women can't have long arms, the ones that do are trans, and I was just there looking at my long arms like :(
Mar 2, 2018
There was a channel saying women can't have long arms, the ones that do are trans, and I was just there looking at my long arms like :(
Lmao, same!
Come here girls, you're not alone ☺
If those videos were true then I would be a man. I have almost everything they say only trans people have so I just end up laughing. They're not worthy of my brain synapses and time. It's better to search for facts or trustworthy sources instead of anyone with a computer who decided to show their opinions through a video (with an annoying song, don't lie ☺) before analysing if it's logical or extremist. Not to forget that those videos give a bad image of all the serious conspiracy theorists.
Please, if you want to collect data to study take it from a place where you can read. It's harder to be manipulated because we can judge better imo.


May 16, 2018
I see.. My friends do like them but luckily none of them actually crazily stanning them. just listen to them occasionally like any other songs. Nevertheless, my sister said her classmates always fangirling over Oppas when they're only 12-13 y'old -.- May I PM you to talk about M'sian Amy-ies??
I haven’t seen these fans face to face yet, but I’m sure they can be crazy but on twitter once Malaysian fans were having a fight because one of the a-rmy started a rumor about the arabic/quranic chants in Airplane pt2 ( if im not mistaken, we’ve discussed here) and the loyals a-rmy started to bash her like crazy until she apologize. The whole situation was crazy and I think that they’re all still very youmg judging by how they commented.
My 9 year old and twelve year old students also a die hard fans omg, pure innocence souls are being poisoned hmm.
Sure babygirl, just pm me okay!

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Since its theorized that the members have harnessed black magick and have now become magicians
And we've seen the entities behind them in F*L and M1c dr0p and how the entities control them // work with them
Link to BTz and the entity in the jPN ver of m1c dr0p
Omg at first I thought the Yif guy was J-Howpee!!
Off topic: but i just love how black people react to something like this and just leave , like “ i don’t play with the motherfucken demons” lolololol!!

Hello everyone!

So I've only now sussed up the courage to make an account, even though I have been following this thread since it started (I was an original lurker on the first Kpop thread and switched over once this one was created) and have read just about every single page. I'd like to start off my first post with a very corny thank you and huge compliment to all the contributors: ya'll are amazing. There have not only been so many well-written and incredibly informative posts, but the general vibe of this thread has been fantastic (bar the recent bout of trolls I guess). I used to laugh at some of the hilarious stuff you guys posted and cheer you on when you dealt with the haters and agents of disinformation that found their way here. Bravo, folks. My story for finding this thread is very similar to many of yours -was an ARMY, would actually defend these boys to the death if anyone said anything bad about them, randomly ended up on some BTSnakes illuminati vid (I think one of the users on this forum actually made it), piqued my suspicion so I began doing research and BOOM. Here I was, on the verge of tears finding out about all this stuff but kind of addicted to learning more. I don't stan BTSnakes anymore but my heart still hurts when I think of what the boys must be going through if these things are real. I hope and pray for them to get out of this alive and well, but I hope even more so for their obsessed fans to wake up and realise how unhealthy their obsession is, like I realised mine had become. Seriously, thinking back to how I used to be, I'm just like:
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Aaanyways, I'll shut up about myself now. The real reason behind my post and the thing that made me actually want to create an account to share this with you guys, is this theory.

[Dislclaimer: for any ARMY lurkers or potential "spies": This is pure speculation. Please don't derail the thread to accuse me of defamation or trace my IP adress and kill me in my sleep. Thank you.]

So I remember reading a few pages back that the Her in their songs and concepts, might actually be referring to Satan as they do in certain occult practices. That made sense, largely because the whole F@ke L0ve song and music video honestly seems like they have nothing to do with romantic love. The lyrics are just . . .weird. So that got me thinking, what love could they be talking about? Love is supposed to be a powerful force for good, right? I started to doubt that when I saw XXXTent@ction's newest music video called S@d. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it or not but I think we can all agree that that dude had some issues (that is an entirely different cup of demonic tea but oh well). So the beginning of the music video is a trip. Here's a link: Brace yourselves, children. But there was a specific part that I wanted to discuss. So in the beginning of the music video, there is this demonic entity. It introduces itself as "gekyume", and asks the viewer direct questions, such as what their name is, how old they are, etc. XXX walks up to a casket in which lies . . . himself. Bear in mind this music video was released a week after his death and in the video we have him literally attend his own funeral and have a conversation with a demon. This was the weird part: if you watch the music video, the demonic entity XXX finds himself talking to whilst sat down in a chair . . . is dressed in similar robes to the ones BTSnakes have been sporting recently in their music video/performances. I can't find any stills of the video online but if you open the link I gave to video and go to around the 2 minute mark, you can see it. Almost identical. Later, when you see a close-up of the entity's face, it literally looks like the eighth member of BTSnakes. I would highly recommend watching the music video but for the love of all things holy, please turn the volume OFF. Do not put your ears through that.

The demon then instructs XXX with the following command:
"Here is my demand. You will spread love throughout the world, praise and joy unto my name and change the overall cycle of energy we are digesting. The world is in need of change, humans must learn to love and compromise rather than destroy. Blessings be upon those who have come to this visual presentation with good energy and love rather than malice. And those with negative intent, thank you your energy has been transmuted in the amount of time that you've taken to give your energy. The world will soon be loving, you will see."

Yeah, it's some creepy ass writing. It goes on to say other very obviously illuminati-ish shizz, but the next part that got my interest was when this cloaked figure tells XXX (or the viewer, not sure) that "your demon seems to honour your efforts".
. . . .
. . . .
Um . . . say what?!
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Yeah. So here is the crux of my theory: the love BTSnakes are speaking about in FL, is not the love in the regular human way we know it to be. I think most of us will agree that BTSnakes is part of the NWO and the various agendas they are ushering in, one of which is complete lawlessness. Freedom for people to do whatever it is that they want. Hence the demon in XXX's video giving us a hint that the love spoken of in the elite's terms is a cruel distortion of how we regular people see it. Before I carry on, I would like to add that if you are not a Christian, that's totally fine, no disrespect to anyone else (I was actually agnostic/athiest when I started researching this stuff), but many occultic symbols and laws seem to be a purposeful distortion of Christianity and Jesus. Even if you have no faith or religion, this could be interesting to note. For example, this is what the bible says about love and the law:

"For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Galatians 5:12-14).

Compare this to what Aleister Crowley sums up as the law: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."

It's not secret that the elites love Aleister Crowley. If I recall correctly, Ta3 was spotted wearing an article of clothing with his infamous phrase on it. Basically what I am saying is that it's clear that both Crowley's quote and even the demon's diction in the music video are emulating the way the bible was written. As though it's an inversion of what it says. Personally, I think the bible's scripture speaks about how loving our neighbour as we love ourselves should be the guideline for our law to living: in loving your neighbour, you treat others kindly, you do not inflict harm on them, you won't sin against them. Given that Crowley was known to have raped and commited vile acts like p***philia, I doubt his love bears the same meaning. I think the occultic version of love has to do with love of self, love of our "sinful natures". Love of perversion. I believe the elite will try to normalise all the disgusting things they do behind the curtain under the guise of love and unity. Only through unity can the NWO actually be carried out. Note how BTSnakes's frontman One-Eyed-Joon seems to be very socially aware? It starts with a very good premise of accepting everyone (which I think is a good message), but they start to inject their poison into it and get people to accept evil through the veil of unity. This is why they want to cast out the idea of God from the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism etc.) They try to paint these religions as restrictive and intolerant because they help give us a moral guideline for what is right and wrong. Not saying that non-religious people cannot be good, that's not what I'm saying at all. This video explains it a lot better, might be worth a look . A prominent occultist called Alice A. Bailey actually wrote a book called The Externalisation of the Hierarchy which specifically lays out the elite's plans for ushering in the NWO, and she literally says in there that it will come through love and unity and all those who oppose this ideology, especially Christians, will be cast aside.
The words I've bolded in the original quote from the MV were ones I thought helped link this MV with BTSnakes's many concepts: the idea of love (LY, FL), absorbing cycles of energy (Pied Piper, the fan chant), the world being in need of change (DNA). Also, the music video deals with the concept of rebirth, a motif BTSnake has used plenty enough times as well throughout their music videos (specifically with regards to J1n). The phrase visual presentation also struck me, I know they're referring to the music video but if this thread has taught me anything it's that the elite love working with dual messages. A surface one, and a subliminal one. I feel like visual presentation also ties in with the idea of image, we see artists as iconic and beautiful and innocent like BTSnakes for example but that's just it: it's a presentation. A facade. A beautiful lie. A mask. The fact that the demon was pleased, and the way it was worded, as though the demon had been personally assigned to XXX. I think this may be the case with BTSnakes as well, they've been selected to be puppets for the NWO, the robes sort of affirm the fact that they're placeholders for demons and also shows solidarity with the other international stars who do the same. Maybe they were referring to this perverted love and being the puppets of the elite when they sang:

Love you so bad, Love you so bad
I craft a beautiful lie for you
Love you so mad, Love you so mad
I erase myself
And try to become your puppet

And with all the obsessed fans, I'm sure their demons are proud too.

Sorry for the long post. I kind of just exploded off after bottling everything up for so long lol.Thanks to those who made it through to the end. Oh and a final word I just wanted to say for the lurkers I know are there:

Instead of getting angry at seeing theories like this, consider being open-minded and really thinking for yourselves. You know the side of the boys that they wanted you to see, they've always been primed and perfect for the camera. So don't take anything to heart but don't just dismiss these theories out of hand. And remember if you don't like what you see, just move on and block it out of your memory.

How do I like this comment million times?
First of all hello and welcome baby, and all you who are new! The xxx boy story is effed up, and it’s refreshing to read, thank you for taking your time writing this!