BTS discussion thread


Apr 30, 2018
Guys.. I had a dream about Jkay about a few months ago even before you guys started talking bout the dreams you guys were having .. but I dunno if I should actually tell it or not as you know, dreams are dreams and it might be from Satan :/ You can read it if you want and tell me what you think about the dream I had.

Jkay was in a very dark place, I believe there was also fire at the back and he's tied to a chair . He was pleading for help bcuz there was a ghost (ok, I'm scared).. a typical long-haired female ghost wearing white and her face uh-oh so ugly ..if I wanted to save Jkay, I needed to kiss him (not kinky at all, don't misunderstand. Jkay isn't my bias and I barely have dreams with guys). I was feeling conflicted as I didn't like him but at the same time, ofc I wanted to save him so I kissed him (please forgive my sin) and then I woke up !

That dream really gave me chills when I woke up.

Based on my dream, do you think he's really in danger and is pleading for help? His situation was really eerie and heartbreaking when I recall the dream :(

I searched for the meaning of what 'kissing a guy' means and it says I'll gain the power that he has. That doesn't really apply well here though


Jun 20, 2018
Afwan, sis ^^ Before, I brushed off the fact that K-pop is haram and kept telling myself that it depends on the lyrics whatsoever but now that not only Muslim are against it but also other religions .. I'm convinced.

I did watch SVT's new cback song.. I somehow found s'thing similar to Beet'ass and other illuminaughty groups.
i also did the same thing, i brushed the fact that music is haram and always thought that music won't affect us as long as we still pray and have strong faith. heck, it's been said that even someone who has the strongest iman would turn to worship dajjal the moment they met. it's totally happening with kpop and music in general, people blindly follow and praise artists without even thinking what and where it would lead them to.
Dec 26, 2017
I talked to my mom abt it and ofc rn she thinks it's far away from "reality" but i could see she wasn't against it so at least that's one victory
We need to let them wake up first
While they do that we can prepare slowly and secretly to not draw attention
I hope we will survive it but if we don't we will be with God at least :3
waking up family is so hard, after more than one year of talking to my father with this constantly, he finally can sense there is group of people manipulating thing, he was long denier, but he still doesn't believe ww3 would happen
hopefully we would survive this


May 30, 2018

So I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and than I saw this.......
BTS has become such a big thing that even Facebook gives them a podium. When an artist gets this kind of special treatment from Facebook you know how late it is. There is no doubt in my mind that they have indeed entered the upper class of the elite with their blatant propganda for the Luciferians/freemasons & illuminati.

You can read the article here:


Apr 30, 2018
i also did the same thing, i brushed the fact that music is haram and always thought that music won't affect us as long as we still pray and have strong faith. heck, it's been said that even someone who has the strongest iman would turn to worship dajjal the moment they met. it's totally happening with kpop and music in general, people blindly follow and praise artists without even thinking what and where it would lead them to.

If that's affecting us who actually have faith... hwo bad can it affect those who don't even pray then ? (not saying that I'm better though here)


May 17, 2018
I’ve always seen ones having trouble leaving BT$ and their music. Before this forum, I was totally oblivious. After seeing this forum, I couldn’t see BT$ the same and I didn’t feel like listening to their music anymore. I felt that it wasn’t enjoyable. I never have had any dreams about them (I’m pretty sure). I was an @rmy since 2015. Why haven’t I ever had any weird dreams or anything like that? I don’t want any weird dreams (obviously), but just curious. Also if this has any connection, apparently I have a strong/loud aura according to people.


Jun 5, 2018
Guys.. I had a dream about Jkay about a few months ago even before you guys started talking bout the dreams you guys were having .. but I dunno if I should actually tell it or not as you know, dreams are dreams and it might be from Satan :/ You can read it if you want and tell me what you think about the dream I had.

Jkay was in a very dark place, I believe there was also fire at the back and he's tied to a chair . He was pleading for help bcuz there was a ghost (ok, I'm scared).. a typical long-haired female ghost wearing white and her face uh-oh so ugly ..if I wanted to save Jkay, I needed to kiss him (not kinky at all, don't misunderstand. Jkay isn't my bias and I barely have dreams with guys). I was feeling conflicted as I didn't like him but at the same time, ofc I wanted to save him so I kissed him (please forgive my sin) and then I woke up !

That dream really gave me chills when I woke up.

Based on my dream, do you think he's really in danger and is pleading for help? His situation was really eerie and heartbreaking when I recall the dream :(

I searched for the meaning of what 'kissing a guy' means and it says I'll gain the power that he has. That doesn't really apply well here though
As soon as I saw this I could tell this was a dream from Satan.
The devil will test us with people we love.


May 20, 2018

So I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and than I saw this.......
BTS has become such a big thing that even Facebook gives them a podium. When an artist gets this kind of special treatment from Facebook you know how late it is. There is no doubt in my mind that they have indeed entered the upper class of the elite with their blatant propganda for the Luciferians/freemasons & illuminati.

You can read the article here:
Right right

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Same...I hardly have dreams of them but recently I had a dream of bts sitting in a circle position and they had a weird symbol drawn on the floor but then jimin and tae went out of the circle for no reason and then it just ended like that...I think it’s important that we all take a break from occult research from time to time cuz it’s really starting to take a toll on us...tbh sometimes I get really depressed being on this forum for too long, I just feel really I’m surrounded by negative’s very draining
I agree, here lately I will only read a page or too, and feel exhausted so I stop.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Same...I've been getting depressed a lot, because life for me just doesn't have a purpose anymore. I've been struggling a lot with sinning too (especially lust or fantasizing). I keep falling back nowadays and it makes me think that perhaps I'm not strong enough to be God's servant. I don't know. We live in very weird times and I just feel weird too. God bless you all, I hope everybody is strong enough to withstand these temptations.
These are the times we must endure and put the armour of God on. We will be attacked and the devil wants us to get discouraged. He will invade our thoughts with lust just stand true to your convictions.
May 24, 2018
If y'all wanna have some rest, then by all means do it since your physical and mental health is important. But, I can't thank y'all enough for the theories. I don't even have the audacity to dig up all those symbols. Yeah I'm a coward. :(

That aside, how come y'all doing observations w/o getting any weird ache? Cus I have got an assignment to write a paper about certain mvs and there's lottery which determine what mv we should do. You know what I got? Fak3 L0v3 from bt$lick. The only thing I can think was all the symbolisms. Idk what to write. Do y'all have any suggestion? I know some ppl think it's abt a heartbreak but the visual is far from it. It doesn't help that I've to analyze the mv. The assignment due date is still faaarrr awaayyy yet I wanna get this done as soon as possible. Wish me luck, y'all.
interesting you have a school homework with btz mv lol :D
how about the similarity with the MV and the Eyes Wide Shut movie you could also add the mysterious happening of the director in the movie (just a suggestion).... good luck :D
May 24, 2018
The prisoner look more like Auschwitz prisoners
View attachment 13204
There is Hope birthday date but it reminds me of
Identification of inmates in German concentration camps was performed mostly with identification numbers marked on clothing, or later, tattooed on the skin. More specialized identification was done with German concentration camp badges on the clothing and also with armbands.
View attachment 13205
Ohh thanks for sharing I didnt even know they had tattooed numbers on... I only saw the prisoner uniforms those striped were used before now they used the orange one... this could be it cuz one eyd before wore the SS uniform...


Jun 11, 2018
I only managed to watch Jay-hop’s FK fancam. When I moved to 1 eye fella ..sorry, I couldn’t continue watching especially when B was dancing next to him.

But from what I saw and felt .. Jay-hop’s looked less ‘controlled’. You get what I mean ? He looked like he’s just dancing . Meanwhile, Jamal looked tooo into performing, his face expression wasn’t mochi at all ( Jay-hop looked more conscious ) , J!n looked afraid but maybe bcuz he didn’t wanna make any mistakes in dancing . And 1 eye fella looked 50-50 ... but his eyes didn’t give a good vibe to me. Jayk was between 1 eye fella and Jamal. His eyes could burn a hole inside whoever watching him lol scary.

I haven’t watched Sweet boy’s fancam. I dunno if I could watch it or not though

Most of them didn’t look like it’s them :/

I noticed something that 1 eye fella wore on his wrist. A white band with X symbol i guess. You can check the vid out cuz I don’t think I can watch it again
That's just sad tbh :/ (don't forget to pray also after btw :D )
May 24, 2018
I have a lot of questions on my mind and i just have to get some of them out.. All of you can share their thoughts too..

1. Why exactly is the time between 2 albums so short? Short time means songs which are not worked on properly.. Either tear album was given less attention or either the coming one will be given less attention..

2. New album will be having 7 songs... Anybody explain the significance of number 7 in occult...

3. Why didn't they wait for 2019? Is 2019 bringing something big with it..? That people will forget media and pay attention to that horror instead?

4. And this year 2018.. They chose this year for so much.. 2 albums.. Concerts.. America.. Was there Anything special in this year 2018?
1. Maybe they pre-planned this other songs were in their old MVs I remember the ones seeing $t1gma in the background of that one mv

2. I heard/read 7 is a perfect # or something (more below)
3. this one I think maybe the enlistment or something is gonna happen idk what tho
4. I can think 2018 is if added is 11 which is another one of their #s

The number 7 and 12 are also an extremely important number universally. Seven is a number of complement and is considered a Divine number. Seven days in a week, seven colors to the rainbow. The occult will also use this number 7, but their favorite numbers are 11 and 6. The occult avoids using the numbers and multiplications of 4, 8, 10, and 12, unless they correlate with their numbers.
May 24, 2018
I remember this sentence from the little prince and i wonder if it could have a double meaning what do you guys think :
"Je serais pour toi unique au monde ,tu sera pour moi unique au monde" in english
"I will be unique/special for you in the world,You will be unique/special in the world to me" (For example T@t@ and X-0 relationship maybe ?)
could be their relationship... but this song is sung by jamal and written by one eyd... so im not sure if it applies but could possibly be involving x-o .
the line of uniqueness reminds me of that cat tho cuz one eyd said the song is about the un1que things....
but that song mv had a lot of symbolisms tho so might involve something with the x-o
this reminds me the story l1ttle prince the fox and the fl0wer (read it a long time ago so cant remember the story) but look you see s4turn behind as well and stars and they are on the moon and flower could also symbolize something..
i remember the little price maybe was lonely or somehting

jamal on the mv look like the main char.

btw they have this over there petite france