Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 27, 2017
Me too lol about Jjong :DI remember watching him compose so quickly a song with j j young . Love Smile Hurt Cry Life, I think that was our Jjong, personal experiences throughout his lyrics. I know he put a hidden meaning in obsession based on a book. He had piano fingers is what I used to say . Ah I miss him :(
What hidden meaning and what book are you referring to?


Apr 1, 2018
What hidden meaning and what book are you referring to?

He put a hidden meaning in the lyrics and wanted to know what we thought of it as he said we would be very surprised. . He gave 2 hints
“The woman left towards a place that could never be seen again” while the second is, “The man has a dual personality and is suffering from a mental illness.”

He read a novel called ‘the black cat’ by Poe. ( jjong and black cats! ) ,not the first time he read a book with a black cat in it. If I remember that books weird, I am sure the man killed either his lover/ wife or the cat or injured it if I remember cut it’s eye out or tried to hang it :eek:Can’t remember exactly, prolly explains why Jjong wrote a thriller for his next novel. He was a genius imo. :)
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Dec 27, 2017
He put a hidden meaning in the lyrics and wanted to know what we thought of it as he said we would be very surprised. . He gave 2 hints
“The woman left towards a place that could never be seen again” while the second is, “The man has a dual personality and is suffering from a mental illness.”

He read a novel called ‘the black cat’ by Poe. ( jjong and black cats! ) ,not the first time he read a book with a black cat in it. If I remember that books weird, I am sure the man killed either his lover/ wife or the cat or injured it if I remember cut it’s eye out or tried to hang it :eek:Can’t remember exactly, prolly explains why Jjong wrote a thriller for his next novel. He was a genius imo. :)
From which song did you take those lyrics?


Dec 22, 2017
There these games in which you should guess the mv/song that I recently play. They are really helpful to see how much and how often the same symbolism is used. Here are some example(just check the whole channel):

I still have to find out why they include the ones with hands, cars, food&drinks and upside view.


Dec 24, 2017
Turns out what we discussed on this thread that these guys are prepared years ahead of their time is actually true.
The song they are singing is forever young which was recorded 3 years ago but released now
Thank you for sharing, I searched it on the net and found this:

Looks like the fans are very furious about Y*G letting BP went on a long hiatus while they already recorded that song 3 years ago

Now that we see it's titled "Young Forever" which could also be interpreted as "to die young", maybe they just had to release it at this time of the year? When so many celebrities are dropping like flies at young ages. Even the lyrics are like hints: 'So that my youth without a regret is on fire', 'Forever young boy so we ride or die', 'Pinked out or murdered out like it ain’t no thing' (pinked out here has a bad meaning:, 'Will you go to the ends of the world, let’s go'.

I also found this just under the BP news, it's disgusting: (and yes, even though the title says that netizens hate it, they showed so many pics and gifs to emphasize the event).

Seems like the netizens are grossed out because of what they did when they're just a rookie group, I wonder if if was T_WICE, would the reaction would be any different? I think yes, as proven here: (and mind you, this is not the only article about T_WICE doing fanservices).

This is what the article says: This is not sexualizing these two upstanding young women, but rather it’s an article about the curious dynamics of non-verbal interpersonal communication between female idol group members and how it connects to front stage/back stage personas … if you really think about it.

It's all hypocrisy, they think it's fine when T_WICE do it, but not for other groups, especially rookie groups. Look at how this idolatry has brainwashed our young generations. It won't be long til LGBT is deemed completely legal in the Kpop industry.


Mar 2, 2018
I believe that PCY is one of the main handlers of E_X_O!

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Here " he's " wearing a sweater that says " Brainwashed Generation ". The sweater also has multipe eyes with triangles on its sleeves. I think the symbolism is pretty clear ..

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Still not convinced? Well, he wore the sweater not only once but twice. You can say that E_X_O_ has stylists but this is an odd choice for a clothing piece.

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Aww how cute CY is winking! Uhmm .. something seems off about that wink though .. Why isn't " he " looking at the camera?

I guess this is just another " subtle " way to portray one-eye symbolism!

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Oh boy .. there it is ..
CY is trying to trick you with his " innocent / sweet looks " ! Notice the triple six hand sign over one of " his " eyes.

" His " shirt is an abbreviation of the word " Coexist". The shirt literally also says " Based on energy and force ". You can get different meanings from this.

The hat says " Stay humble ". Well I guess CY wasn't trying to stay humble with the satanic symbolism ..

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Again, here we have " him " showing us some " subtle " one-eye symbolism. Must be a coincidence, right?
CY is also a lot into American music and seems to be a " fan " of a lot of artists. " He " even collaborated with Far East Movement and Tinashe.

CY is also aware of his popularity and this is noticeable in his behaviour. He has an aura of pride and self-worship at times. The elites must have him under heavy mind control.

One of a " famous " quote of CY; "I don't think love is only between a man and a woman" Pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda much?

Think about it, does this person seem like E_X_O's handler or not?

Hope you guys enjoyed the tea, also reply to me if you want to~
Thank you for the post.
Yes he might be the handler of the group but I personally believe that b@ekhyun might be the one. If you have watched their showtime which I guess was aired in 2013 or 2014 you can see he is the loudest of them all. The way he teased everyone and mocked other members especially t@o because of his accent. And surprisingly t@o didn't say a word to him. If a normal person is continuously being made fun of by his friend on camera I personally believe the person does step up to him. But I guess b@ekhyun had too much power and t@o was scared.
Bacon also trained for less than a year I guess 6 or 7 months and was the last to join e.x.o along with chenn.
Despite being the main vocals of the group and getting the most lines in the songs he again became part of the subunit as if it wasn't enough for him.c1b26b205aaae54c1a494a711b99570c.jpg
In the monster mv he acted as a double agent and was the only one who didn't have any scars or bruises on his face. Also he sat at the table where that member of the family or company sits who has the highest authority.
In the live monster performance I guess in mama he did a solo which creepy to watch and he had a iron heart thing attached to his chest too.
He also launched his own street wear this year which is getting a really good response. In an industry where one has to fight to get their rightly deserved camera time and line distribution he launched his clothing. I don't think it's possible unless you have a high rank.

Of all the members he is the most forward in initiating and flaunting physical contact with fellow members and he along with ch@nyeol literally serve the crazy brainwashed fandom with these ships that they so crave for. [sick]
Even when the other members are speaking he occasionally inturrepts them or gets in their camera frame. So that he doesn't miss showing off himself

In the below mentioned post he is imitating d0's dialogue in his film

Well I can go on and on about it but I guess the above provided info does support that he holds very important position in the group.
Apart from all that he does have amazing vocals. No denying that;)
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Jan 27, 2018
Actually, that's how we do the "rock paper scissors" game or 가위 바위 보 in Korean, as shown here (0:24):

It's supposed to be a "scissors" gesture, but yeah I just realized how misleading it could be, especially when we connect it to the occult life of Kpop idols haha.

I just noticed that there's a "Sirius" or "Dog star" hand gesture in RV's Bad Boy choreography, it's weird since every member is pointing at different directions. Anyone knows what this could mean?
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Anyone else feels that there's something off with the program "PD 48"? It's the sister program of PD 101, which is full of occult symbolism. They did a cover of RV's Peek a boo, it's like they're trying too hard to get the public's attention, even made a international page dedicated to voting the members, when their vocals aren't even good. No bashing here, I just don't get all the publicity and exaggeration. Any ideas what subliminal messages they're trying to influence us with?
If you see that PD48 throne closely in detail, you will realize that it's design was already occultic.


Jun 16, 2018
Mk ultra is creepy and scary thing, every time I saw something about Mk ultra, its creep me out
Same, the way they get “ unconscious “
I think Kokobop because I have read some interesting thing and the song is actually about ww3, but the video was in Korean, so I didn't understand properly
Actually almost all of E_X_O’s title tracks are about sex. But I can agree that KOKOBOP has a deeper secret meaning.

SM even stated that it’s about singing and dancing together before a war begins. It talks about violence but it’s hidden extremely well!
Jun 12, 2018
This article talks about the bathtubs symbolism which is in almost every music video link:
The summary: Water has always been revered as a source of life, and therefore rain has been on the forefront of mankind’s traditional desires for crops and sustaining life. Some may be shocked to know that Satan also uses rain to possess others and even accept human sacrifices.
In Wicca- a religion inspired largely by Aleister Crowley; these symbols are used as spells (or protection fromspells): (can't help but relate this

Black P!nk latest song and whistle) and ofc RV queens of witches
They first want us to subscribe to the New Age movement and ideals, so that when they implement the technology of mind files into robots we’ll sign up for it. Don’t be fooled- this could very well be the Mark of the Beast and the antichrist we’ve been warned about…
Water also represents the goddess, or more particularly the moon goddess (like Princess Diana,Selena Gomez, etc). The moon and the feminine divine are represented with water aspects because of their fluidity and emotional intelligence. Some theorists claim that Princess Diana was murdered because she was the moon goddess.
The Illuminati conduct blood sacrifices in order to appease their god- the evil one.
A well-known death involving a bathtub is with singer Whitney Houston. She died in the bathtub while celebrities proceeded to party at a pre-Grammys gala. Her closest friend included because duh she has a lot to gain from sacrificing her
This is not the real Whitney but she is a clone of Whitney Houston (rumored ofc) . Many of our celebrities have been cloned.and the crazy theory is that she is allegedly Whitney’s lesbian lover (wtf right!!).
Look at the triangle in her hand bruh can it be more obvious!! let's have a kpop reference because that's "that kpop typical thing":
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In The Complete Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft, 3rd ed., the concept of a cleansing bath ritual is discussed. They say that the bath helps prepare the subconscious mind for ritual. It “signals” the subconscious mind to get to work. This coincides with everything we’ve learned thus far. Symbols get projected out into the ether and speak to our subconscious for the mass consumption, and then rituals are used to trigger the subconscious mind to “get to work.”
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Mar 2, 2018
Same, the way they get “ unconscious “

Actually almost all of E_X_O’s title tracks are about sex. But I can agree that KOKOBOP has a deeper secret meaning.

SM even stated that it’s about singing and dancing together before a war begins. It talks about violence but it’s hidden extremely well!
The songs of their 4th album all talk about sex. Innocent oppas