BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
Technically 14-15 depending on birth date.
Btw, after learning abt jamal's preference fr younger gurls, somehow it sparked hope in my friends to get their oppa to notice them.
Idk if I need to feel sorry for them anymoar.
Oh nooooo I’m that age and I never want to meet J. as I’m freaked out by the prospect he was my bias wrecker too now I don’t even know what to think
You know guys, the funny thing i found this video it says:
The girl MUST (all in caps lock lol) be smaller and shorter than him.
I'm not saying anything just found it ....
I quote;
He likes short girls who are smaller than him (under 1m70)
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May 24, 2018
I'd really like to bring a poster like this hehe but I am afraid that armys will kill me and also I am too far away from the scene to make my poster visible for them.. :/
Just do what you can and stay safe...
Tell us if something's off about them (look tired/not themselves etc..)
Well, I would anticipate they would look tired performing just something that seems 'odd'
And enjoy... hope for the best..

I've been thinking ab this but I think there is a logic. I've been dreaming for a while ab telling them "shame on you" in from of them and I knew I could do this only at a fansign or highfive events that are not that accesible to anyone.. So I came to the conclusion that this system might prevent them from dangerous people or haters (like me heh); but even so it's still damaging for the armys that got no money and the ones that maybe don't like an album but still have to buy it in order to attend their fansingns
The part about being a
got me lol; :D

And that fan sign I agree must be a sort of defence system and also for the totally obsessed ones, who are also loaded
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May 24, 2018
even pretty idols like suran and solbin got numerous death threats because of their "scandal" with suga and jin, imagine if they're really in a relationship with a normal girl, crazy arm¥s would literally chase that poor girl down the streets with knifes and swords.
i really hate FL it's so overrated idk how people could stream that freaking song on repeat for hours :confused:
I didnt like F`l too sounded repetitive and the symbology made it worse...

Jun 23, 2018
So let's have different opinions. You see something disturbing in them. My point is - I see nothing evil in BTS. They are just hardworking boys with very unique job for me. If my love for them will grow to obsession - I will blame myself, not them. I will be quilty for not controlling my own evil side.
About boys change throughout the years - they just grow up and mature. They can't be same teen age boys forever. I'm glad that they don't force themselves to be happy 24/7 and show more calm side of them. I'm thankful they released Burn the Stage and showed their hardships and struggles.
Their work is very tiring - emotionally (always surrunded by crowd and camera&creative work) & physically (personally I can't imagine dancing for hours at practice or concert). Olympics kind of physical and emotional pressure for me.
Jimin shows more calmness because I guess he is calm from nature (so it's real him). He was A grade, perfect student and class president at school. Perfectionist in everything - responsibility, skills, look etc. Also he has artistic side of him since he from school did contemporary dance, I guess even being a small baby he alwas performed at different events at school.
Tae has grown up - he really became adult but still has unique side. I guess he had many hardship after his grandma death - she was second mother who raised him for 14 years.
Namjoon - the person I look up to as role model. He was passionate teenagers who had big dreams & now he is calmer - he learns from all his mistakes trying to be better person and help people. I kind of see myself in him. I also changed a lot from 17 till 25 years old.
I can write essay about all the boys if you curious I can write later about other boys.
Overall their job is stressful like all artistic creative work. It's not easy to create music. So they can't be happy all the time and I'm thankful they show another real side of them more and more.
Thank you for explanation from you side, I appreciate your explanation.
See that's what all of us think, I used to be like you and see nothing but good in them. But lets be real here if you want to make it big in the entertainment business you have to sale your soul and participate in rituals. Everything is one big stage and part of them being depressed may be due to the wicked things they've had to endure. The industry isn't for the good its for the wicked.
May 24, 2018
L.O.R.D Legend of Ravaging Dynasties with Fan Bingbing, Kris Wu, Cheney Chen, William Wai-Ting Chan:
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Black Goo?
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This things are being
Seems like the black/white duality...
One eye covered in black and closed, other eye open and is on the white side...
Wonder what the relevance of "black goo" is to them?

For anyone interested,
May 24, 2018
This friend of mine is actually born in the same month as jamal and she is also 22! Omagawdd!! :eek:
(CMIIW, but if I weren't mistaken Jimin was born in 1995, amirite?)
Anyway, she told me that she has a plan to decorate her bedroom wall with EVERYTHING JAMAL and build a "shrine" for him as a bday present for herself (idk wtf is wrong wth her). I hope she won't sacrifice anything for him. Ohhh wait, her $$$ have already became the "offering". The only thing I could wish is that she's still got hold of her sanity and doesn't lose her mind.

Now, I'm worried abt my sister. She's a 03 liner and very recently into bee tee sneak. I've told her to stop listening to them boyz bcos of the symbolism yet she's indifferent abt it. :(
Woah a “shrine” for Jamal?? Just thinking about it.o_O.. she maybe in too deep.. yeah Jamal I think is oct 13, 1995 (as I read)...yeah their $$ is a good offering and their time, devotion...get a hold of your friend before she spends even more $$$ not good to put more $$$ to the elites. I know they can spend $$ however they like but give her maybe a knock in the head for some sense. My mom told me this and I didn’t listen at first and it cost me some $$$ where I could’ve spent on something more useful/productive in the long run...
and to your sister better be alert and just distract her with something more worthwhile so she won’t fall for the temptation. Just an opinion/idea...


Jun 3, 2018
See that's what all of us think, I used to be like you and see nothing but good in them. But lets be real here if you want to make it big in the entertainment business you have to sale your soul and participate in rituals. Everything is one big stage and part of them being depressed may be due to the wicked things they've had to endure. The industry isn't for the good its for the wicked.
Please don't forget it's all your assumptions. Not scientifically proved fact. I'm being absolute real about my positive impression over them. "Sale of soul, participate in rituals" - non-proved. Honestly, I see nothing bad in rituals. They are different, right? I'm not talking about crazy sick people doing blood sacrifice - it's absolute bullsh it, even their Satan/Baphoment doesn't need this childish bullsh it.
I do rituals to the Moon and water, sometimes fire and the Sun since I'm pagan. My planet is Saturn and I'm Capricorn. But it doesn't mean I'm Satan child)) In my world Satan doesn't exist but the Nature&Cosmos that is not absolute light or absolute evil but many sided - kind of Abraxas meaning. I know many people who do shamanism - it's part of our culture since ancient times. I just I just see many people on this thread make rumors based on numerology, astrology etc. It's all depends on own perception - becomes evil or normal in our eyes.
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May 24, 2018
Do y'all have any idea abt dealing with arm* or basically kpop fan in general? I've encountered a number of arm*es in my life and most of em are someone that I'm pretty close to. What I've learned is that not every arm* can accept the fact that not everyone likes bt$, altho we all know bt$ have cemented their success in the states. Not every arm* acts like this tho.
Imho for me,
I've no idea how to convince another person. Its a process they have to be open-minded enough to see the different perspective. They have to be in the right mindset.
Cognitive dissonance is a hard thing to get over and I can attest to this because of personal experiences...


Jun 3, 2018
Imho for me,
I've no idea how to convince another person. Its a process they have to be open-minded enough to see the different perspective. They have to be in the right mindset.
Cognitive dissonance is a hard thing to get over and I can attest to this because of personal experiences...
What if "being open minded" applies as advise to you also. ARMY were open minded enough to listen to foreign music, accept the differencies between cultures and worldview, educate themselves about globalisation without judging boys from the point of only one/two worldview till the point of creating rumors of them being demons or whatever. Be open minded, spread love, not hate.
May 24, 2018
What if "being open minded" applies as advise to you also. ARMY were open minded enough to listen to foreign music, accept the differencies between cultures and worldview, educate themselves about globalisation without judging boys from the point of only one/two worldview till the point of creating rumors of them being demons or whatever. Be open minded, spread love, not hate
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
If you actually read this thread you will see that it is not about hate.
But concern.
About the state of everything in the world
Not just solely B`tz
We talk about other different things that might be related.
We connect with others about what they know about the hidden agenda of the elite
We learn and share ideas not hate
Its your perspective that you see it as hate
But I see it solely as discussion and concern about the state of things
I don't see it as hate

That's all I can say.
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Jun 20, 2018
Yes totally and I think that their roles/persona are manufactured. So if b!h manufactured it to include the sun but maybe it’s another coinCidencE.They’re definitely not that 1 dimensional irl like always happy he has to “fake” it sometimes... make me think of the lyrics in “fake love” hmmm... just shows how far they’re controlled by their managers/handlers

Video talks about manufactured personalities of “idols”. Makes me think of how j1n always says “worldw1de hands0me” was he made to say that line? Idk.

And about the earlier video, I am shook it would go deep to the Vatican but that’s to be expected I guess? Since the elite have been in control for sometime it was inevitable that they would take hold of one of the major forms of control establishment. Makes me think how people celebrating Xmas are not really celebrating the birth of god... the deception is very deep. The fakery is stunning and Santa—- spells ‘satan’ when I watched that I was like...:(
Since bt’S I’m gonna leave a song for the holiday
yes their personalities are manufactured, unless their true personality can benefit the company then they are allowed to flaunt it, but that's a rare case because idols are exposed to pressure 24/7 and followed by cameras everywhere, it's hard for them to stay all smiley so they have to fake it.
about vatican, it's truly scary how they deceive people... i know nothing about other religion but that really struck me how the eli1tes are using religion as mass deception :(


Jun 20, 2018
First of all, very good catch and connections...
Disclaimer: this is just an opinion, nothing is said to be taken as facts
Totally seems like predictive programming. They planned out everything to a T. And the design and landscape of that building doesn't seem to be a CoinCidence. The similarity to the logo is evident as well. The 2 buildings that look like horns. And if you get an aerial view, it has a one eye set atop the building/ landscape only to be seen from above not really by normal people so they are paying homage to something/someone.. the sun god idk...
Creepy and that's the building for CAA. Which had a weird illuminat0 inspired party during the "Sun"dance film festiveal.

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Inverted Version
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Other people made a theory about the logo; they said its like a shield but the B`h says otherwise:

What fans see it as
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Wow,.. good catch. Maybe they're following Ho0llyweirdds footsteps in th predictive programming schema.
And his dog is named "h0lly" (as someone mentioned before). And that he always says something and it happens....wonder if they're gonna get the Gr~ammys'? Well have to see. I think its far-fetched to get the gram`mys but who knows its also an elite establishment.
since i'm not good at making theories i'll just leave it here...
bt$ + arm¥ logo

washington monument



Jun 4, 2018
See that's what all of us think, I used to be like you and see nothing but good in them. But lets be real here if you want to make it big in the entertainment business you have to sale your soul and participate in rituals. Everything is one big stage and part of them being depressed may be due to the wicked things they've had to endure. The industry isn't for the good its for the wicked.
Look.. this is what they want you to think.This is exactly the way I was seeing them two years ago too; and this is also the way all armys have been telling me <even since I got in the fandom> they are. I bet all this info you got from twitter, don't you? This is just rumors about them but we can't know the real them; we are not close to them, so if you want to know the truth, try to stop believing everything.
This life is cruel, harsh, people are harsh and you can't be sure about trusting anybody. We are still kids and immature til 30 years old, that's why we can see pure things in each other, and also be hurt and be damaged and can't believe the fact somebody would hurt us in order to make it better for themselves.

Everything that keeps you away from God, is Satan's work.
This has logic bc there is no such thing as "not bad, but not good either". So you can always find misery behing the god-like and kind image of a person.

I don't know if you know already about this.. but if they are part of Iluminatti, they are programmed (being firstly tortured) and get a color( I would give you a link about this but I don't find it; there are persons that escaped and told people ab this). This means their personalities have been erased so that now they can take and do easily the orders given.
My point is that they are ok with the evil in their videos( that is totally obvious; they use the same signs like Rihanna and many others; I mean how tf to explain the aesthetic of a pentagram with a devil head), with the fact they are bad-influencing people and are entertainment dolls. How is it humanly possible to not feel gulity for transmiting so much negativity to the world?

And also do you think that is normal that Yoongi is a predictor? Do you really believe this is not planned? Once they got to America they changed their loggo with those satanic buildings; they wore the ritualistic red at Jimmy Kimmel; whose building is an old satanic temple.. They now are part of that bullshit many people complain about when they see american superstars. If you believe in things like predicting but not satanic elite then believe my predicion too: THEY WILL RECEIVE A GRAMMY. If I am right, you should think twice man..
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Jun 3, 2018
Look.. this is what they want you to think.This is exactly the way I was seeing them two years ago too; and this is also the way all armys have been telling me <even since I got in the fandom> they are. I bet all this info you got from twitter, don't you? This is just rumors about them but we can't know the real them; we are not close to them, so if you want to know the truth, try to stop believing everything.
This life is cruel, harsh, people are harsh and you can't be sure about trusting anybody. We are still kids and immature til 30 years old, that's why we can see pure things in each other, and also be hurt and be damaged and can't believe the fact somebody would hurt us in order to make it better for themselves.

Everything that keeps you away from God, is Satan's work.
This has logic bc there is no such thing as "not bad, but not good either". So you can always find misery behing the god-like and kind image of a person.

I don't know if you know already about this.. but if they are part of Iluminatti, they are programmed (being firstly tortured) and get a color( I would give you a link about this but I don't find it; there are persons that escaped and told people ab this). This means their personalities have been erased so that now they can take and do easily the orders given.
My point is that they are ok with the evil in their videos( that is totally obvious; they use the same sings like Rihanna any many others; I mean how tf to explain the aesthetic of a pentagram with a devil head), with the fact they are bad-influencing people and are entertainment dolls. How is it humanly possible to not feel gulity for transmiting so much negativity to the world?

And also do you think that is normal that Yoongi is a predictor? Do you really believe this is not planned? Once they got to America they changed their loggo with those satanic buildings; they wore the ritualistic red at Jimmy Kimmel; whose building is an old satanic temple.. They now are part of that bullshit many people complain about when they see american superstars. If you believe in things like predicting but not satanic eltire then believe my predicion too: THEY WILL RECEIVE A GRAMMY. If I am right, you should think twice man..
Oh, so you say they will get a Grammy?) I'm so happy for boys and us ARMYs. About things being "not bad, not good either" - our world is very complex, there are very few absolute light and dark - mostly it's grey or colorful - to my belief.
May 24, 2018
since i'm not good at making theories i'll just leave it here...
bt$ + arm¥ logo
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washington monument
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The logo when positioned that way seems to look like an obelisk.
This is a good observation. From the video they called this monuments obelisks and its is said to harness energy...
And the video also said it is a phallic symbol..
An obelisk is a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape or pyramidion at the top. These were originally called tekhenu by their presumed builders, the Ancient Egyptians.
Agreed too many signs to be dismissed as mere coincidences.
May 24, 2018
yes their personalities are manufactured, unless their true personality can benefit the company then they are allowed to flaunt it, but that's a rare case because idols are exposed to pressure 24/7 and followed by cameras everywhere, it's hard for them to stay all smiley so they have to fake it.
about vatican, it's truly scary how they deceive people... i know nothing about other religion but that really struck me how the eli1tes are using religion as mass deception :(

This guy henry prince mak talked about why he left the idol industry.. He said it so himself how controlled they are and its not far-fetched to see how these idols are "pressured", "manufactured" to portray a certain agenda by tptb. Also, religion I am sad/disappointed about that, Im sure there are good devout people but it is not unlikely that people at the top have done things to stay and obtain that position... to be part of the elite...
Here he talks about "slave contracts"