BTS discussion thread

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Okay guys I will leave this thread for a while. I need some time for myself and I have to finish my next book (I'm an author), the deadline is soon and my publisher is annoying me already.
I've deleted some of my postings because there are strange people here who keep writing me.
Anyway, be blessed and take care.
You will be missed. Good luck on your book!!


Feb 23, 2018
yeah BT$ are designed to gain worldwide recognition, but not so much in korea. of course there are crazy k-arm¥s but BT$ are not as famous and influential as bi9bang there. and probably the reason why korean fans aren't as hardcore as international fans is because koreans know shit behind the entertainment industry so they're not as easily brainwashed as international fans.
I think they are just not "korean style". Look at the most popular bands in Kr - it is usually flower boys and girls maby with a sex appeal but hardly mixed with childish behaviour. And from my observations they extremely care about the look. And in kr standarts bts are not super visuals and not flower boys also. Look at Sehun from exo, they boy can't rap or sing, can't act, only can dance and even not best in it, but he is the most popular member in kr, china and japan. Same with Tzuyu or Irene from gg bands, not the most talented, but the most pretty. Even if u watch interviews why they like the band u'll hear a lot of answers like " I'm a fan of this band because they are so handsome/pretty/cute"' i think exo, got7 and other visual groups get much more attention. But it is not enough for western industry, even there they have not so talented singers(selena gomez, bieber & co), u should be more western to get big audience, cute is not enough. I really think hyuna clc exid, backpink and other badass bands became so popular thanks to western audience, 90% of comments on youtube are in english, without western views they wouldn t gain so much attention even in their own country. This is why bts is western product.


Jun 20, 2018
To the following users query I want to add that we believe that the end times are very near and the coming of the Dajjal (one eyed beast is near) I don’t know if you remember the ARMY video BTS shared at their recent muster it was the ARMY bomb and BTS were the ARMYs hero it was a skit At the end N@mjn had a flute (I think) and he was playing it well Muslims believe that when the Dajjal comes he will play music which will attract music lovers and that’s why it’s a sin to listen to music if you look at BTS songs especially at Pied Piper you see that it’s drawing fans in and they explicitly admit that they’re hypnotising these fans just like the dajjal will do All these subliminal messages they have in their songs are training and weakining the brain so that it gets used and is easily lured in the future
thank you for adding this part. The End is very near if we look at the minor signs (homosexuality, women dressed like men and vice versa, fornication and adultery become common, universal consumption of riba / bank interest, business deception, etc.) which are part of the NWO agenda, and the puppets we call "idols" are promoting and brainwashing world citizens to accept NWO through music, movie, etc. and by the completion of that signs, Dajjal would have been born into the world from Zionist parents and rule the world from Jerusalem. soon after, Jesus would descend from the sky and kill Dajjal, marking the Last Hour as stated in the Quran
"And he (i.e., Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow Me: this is a Straight Way.” (QS 43:61)


Jun 20, 2018
I think they are just not "korean style". Look at the most popular bands in Kr - it is usually flower boys and girls maby with a sex appeal but hardly mixed with childish behaviour. And from my observations they extremely care about the look. And in kr standarts bts are not super visuals and not flower boys also. Look at Sehun from exo, they boy can't rap or sing, can't act, only can dance and even not best in it, but he is the most popular member in kr, china and japan. Same with Tzuyu or Irene from gg bands, not the most talented, but the most pretty. Even if u watch interviews why they like the band u'll hear a lot of answers like " I'm a fan of this band because they are so handsome/pretty/cute"' i think exo, got7 and other visual groups get much more attention. But it is not enough for western industry, even there they have not so talented singers(selena gomez, bieber & co), u should be more western to get big audience, cute is not enough. I really think hyuna clc exid, backpink and other badass bands became so popular thanks to western audience, 90% of comments on youtube are in english, without western views they wouldn t gain so much attention even in their own country. This is why bts is western product.
i agree, that's why i said that BT$ are designed to be recognised by the world, not just in korea. their songs chorus are mostly in english especially their latest album, even though only one member can speak fluent english, they make the chorus to be stuck in people's head because they aim for international market. i also agree that badass-looking idols get more attention from the world, like jessi, hyuna, cl, gdragon, and blackpink, they're more likely to be accepted by US audience because they're able to blend with hip hop style. in red velvet's recent interview with billboard they stated that they want to try hip hop too.
Mar 24, 2018
Now I understand why I got earworms from F*L eventho I only listened it for 2 days straight! Dunno abt y'all but my ears were buzzing and I got headache when I heard one of bee tee $ song played on radio.

Btw, after learning abt jamal's preference fr younger gurls, somehow it sparked hope in my friends to get their oppa to notice them.

Idk if I need to feel sorry for them anymoar.
The song was always in my head and it annoyed me my friends would always sing it too

Oh nooooo I’m that age and I never want to meet Jimin as I’m freaked out by the prospect he was my bias wrecker too now I don’t even know what to think


Jun 20, 2018
So you mean "Shirk" can be related to all artists, all actors, all music, all entertainment if you yourself start worshipping it? Do I understand it correctly?
I see your personal experience with k-pop was not useful for your life. Also I know many muslims who support BTS in a healthy way. I guess it has something to do with the level of control you have over yourself. I dont claim I'm the healthiest example, but I dedicate to BTS a little time after I've done my work +at holidays. Because I enjoy their content + also study different Asian culture since I'm northern Asian. And many ARMY are students, have full time job, love partners, kids. So it's not like we dedicate them whole our life, see them as Gods. Of course, there are obsessed fans but not most of us. BTS are just small sunshine that adds joy to our life. Hobby. Like reading, drawing, singing, sports games etc. About my self-harm - it started 14 years ago, and during all this years I had to rely only on myself since I'm kind of non-religious & we consider ourselves as just kids of Nature without having full religion. But BTS helped during my depression crisis together with reading, cooking, travels etc. It's just great to know these talented and cute boys exist)
the practice of shirk isn't only limited to worshipping humans, but also inanimate objects (sun, moon, etc.) and anything other than God.
i somewhat agree with your words, my self control was weak, but it only happened with BT$ after their latest comeback. i started listening to kpop 10 years ago and i discovered BT$ in 2014, but i was just a casual listener back then. the obsession occured to me after i watched their comeback performance in BBMA last may. just like what ShiningCarat14 said, there are two ways of sinning, either it comes from within (losing control over nafs due to poor faith and lack of education that causes one to be unable to think clearly) or it comes from the outside (triggers from satan to ignite our nafs). i never lost control over myself during 10 years of listening to kpop and i was never a fan of any artist let alone dedicating my life to them, but BT$ somehow managed to snatch my attention. it lasted for only 3 weeks but it was the worst time of my life and i'm glad it's over, i can't imagine what my life would be if my obsession towards them started in 2014, i probably would've lost tons of money and i wouldn't even be where i am today. good for you if you have control over yourself and only treat them as a hobby.


Jun 20, 2018
Now I understand why I got earworms from F*L eventho I only listened it for 2 days straight! Dunno abt y'all but my ears were buzzing and I got headache when I heard one of bee tee $ song played on radio.

Btw, after learning abt jamal's preference fr younger gurls, somehow it sparked hope in my friends to get their oppa to notice them.

Idk if I need to feel sorry for them anymoar.
The song was always in my head and it annoyed me my friends would always sing it too

Oh nooooo I’m that age and I never want to meet Jimin as I’m freaked out by the prospect he was my bias wrecker too now I don’t even know what to think
that song was always stuck in my head too! it's not even their best song. the most annoying thing is, the part of the song that was stuck in my head wasn't even the chorus, but namj0on's "why you sad? i don't know nan molla" it's sooooooo annoying i want to cry o_O
everything they said about their type / preference is fake, they also said they prefer normal girls over famous girls and it makes arm¥s crazy, arm¥s think they have a high chance of being in a relationship with BT$ members lol it's just a trick to keep girls obsessed. in fact, anyone who's into occultism will only date / marry someone who's down to the same shit to avoid the chance of their partner spilling some tea and also they don't have to sacrifice their beloved partner too since they're both occultists.


Jun 4, 2018
Oh you’re British!!!!! I am too haha
Oh yh but please take care You will feel really tired, lethargic and weak as they suck energy out of their fans so please prepare
I was going to go too but I live 5 hours away from London and my parents wouldn’t have let me too lol like you said hearing all this stuff put me off the idea
I will message you if I want you to look out for anything if that’s ok
Ok message me whenever you want :) Anyway, I am not British but my father lives there so it is still not a big deal he will take care of me; he will atend the concert too in order to be sure I am safe but I will pray a lot before attending it as well
Mar 24, 2018
Yup, I feel that too. Got a friend who's a diehard arm*. There were times that she'd play F*L in 4-5 hours loop. That was anooying af. It felt like I was in a trance. Wtf it ain't good.

If I were you I would prolly stay away from anything jamal. In fact, one of many reasons I almost got into bt$ dungeon (ik dis aint the best way to describe them boys) bcos I've seen too much bt$ memes, especially jamal ones.
Aww bless take care
Yes he’s no good he seemed so sweet though I’m shocked I don’t want to see them in real life now especially him I’m so creeped out that I’m glad I didnt buu tickets to their concert in London Ik a few girls in my year who are Kpop fans and will go I hope they don’t catch his eye (they are quite pretty)
Technically 14-15 depending on birth date.
Me and my friends have to stay away
But on a real note Ik a lot of girls who are BTS fans this age and they say some explicit things about the boys lot of them are very dirty minded at a young age all this would do is increase that type of behaviour
that song was always stuck in my head too! it's not even their best song. the most annoying thing is, the part of the song that was stuck in my head wasn't even the chorus, but namj0on's "why you sad? i don't know nan molla" it's sooooooo annoying i want to cry o_O
everything they said about their type / preference is fake, they also said they prefer normal girls over famous girls and it makes arm¥s crazy, arm¥s think they have a high chance of being in a relationship with BT$ members lol it's just a trick to keep girls obsessed. in fact, anyone who's into occultism will only date / marry someone who's down to the same shit to avoid the chance of their partner spilling some tea and also they don't have to sacrifice their beloved partner too since they're both occultists.
yes, these girls send death threats to any artists gfs I would feel sorry for them not jealous
Ik at first I liked it and now it annoys me RMs part was really annoying lol


Jun 4, 2018
Poster seems to be a good idea :D
Jk fans would probably eat you alive if you talk about illuminato to the members faces
Bring a poster "Get out of satanism" lol But if talking seriously, just protect yourself, they will suck your energy like a vamires, so pray before concert I don't think u will notice smth special it is just a concert
I'd really like to bring a poster like this hehe but I am afraid that armys will kill me and also I am too far away from the scene to make my poster visible for them.. :/


Jun 20, 2018
yes, these girls send death threats to any artists gfs I would feel sorry for them not jealous
Ik at first I liked it and now it annoys me RMs part was really annoying lol
even pretty idols like suran and solbin got numerous death threats because of their "scandal" with suga and jin, imagine if they're really in a relationship with a normal girl, crazy arm¥s would literally chase that poor girl down the streets with knifes and swords.
i really hate FL it's so overrated idk how people could stream that freaking song on repeat for hours :confused:


Jun 4, 2018
Guys, did you know how the fans get to fansign? It turned out to be chosen to attend one, you should buy A LOT of albums. For less known groups it is enough to buy 15-20, but for bts or exo to buy 300 albums might be not enought. I've read some comments and a lot of armys complaining how they don't have money and going to save more, one girl wrote that she already saved 9k JUST FOR BTS ALBUMS....
This is so ridiculous! If they would really care about the fans they would make smth like a lottery for fans, so everybody could see them, but ucan't if you didn't spent at least 6k for only albums. This is so weird
I've been thinking ab this but I think there is a logic. I've been dreaming for a while ab telling them "shame on you" in from of them and I knew I could do this only at a fansign or highfive events that are not that accesible to anyone.. So I came to the conclusion that this system might prevent them from dangerous people or haters (like me heh); but even so it's still damaging for the armys that got no money and the ones that maybe don't like an album but still have to buy it in order to attend their fansingns


Jun 20, 2018
It's disgusting everytime they tricked those girls into believing that their oppas will love em truly for who they are. Idk if that's purely from the bottom of their hearts or it's just one of their marketing strategies.
marketing strategy at its finest, of course. everything they do and say is carefully planned, even short clips like ban9tan bombs are scripted.


Jun 4, 2018
even pretty idols like suran and solbin got numerous death threats because of their "scandal" with suga and jin, imagine if they're really in a relationship with a normal girl, crazy arm¥s would literally chase that poor girl down the streets with knifes and swords.
i really hate FL it's so overrated idk how people could stream that freaking song on repeat for hours :confused:
And also why do they want to make them more popular if they already are?? I mean.. What are they fighting for? They got it all it's not like they need help anymore.. They should start taking care of their lives instead
May 24, 2018
i immediately thought about "sunshine" jh0pe when i watched the video about vatican that you shared earlier. jh0pe even admitted that he's actually a very serious person in real life and not as warm and bubbly as his on-cam persona but people keep calling him sunshine as if they're worshipping the sun god :confused:View attachment 11346View attachment 11345
Yes totally and I think that their roles/persona are manufactured. So if b!h manufactured it to include the sun but maybe it’s another coinCidencE.They’re definitely not that 1 dimensional irl like always happy he has to “fake” it sometimes... make me think of the lyrics in “fake love” hmmm... just shows how far they’re controlled by their managers/handlers

marketing strategy at its finest, of course. everything they do and say is carefully planned, even short clips like ban9tan bombs are scripted.
Video talks about manufactured personalities of “idols”. Makes me think of how j1n always says “worldw1de hands0me” was he made to say that line? Idk.

And about the earlier video, I am shook it would go deep to the Vatican but that’s to be expected I guess? Since the elite have been in control for sometime it was inevitable that they would take hold of one of the major forms of control establishment. Makes me think how people celebrating Xmas are not really celebrating the birth of god... the deception is very deep. The fakery is stunning and Santa—- spells ‘satan’ when I watched that I was like...:(
Since bt’S I’m gonna leave a song for the holiday
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May 24, 2018
Speaking of which has anyone seen this video, a documentary exposing Hallyu wave anyway

Go to 0 : 51

Siwon says “Within five years a pop icon will rise out of Asia to ultimate superstardom in the USA and the rest of the world”

2012 + 5 = 2017

That’s when bts really started blowing up in the US

View attachment 11347

That’s the year when they all of a sudden changed their logo which is similar to that creepy Hollywood agency building View attachment 11348View attachment 11349

“BigHit Entertainment, BTS’ agency, told Korean media that the new door-inspired logo and branding "symbolizes youth who don’t settle for their current reality and instead open the door and go forward to achieve growth,"


View attachment 11353

Some see a coincidence but I see a conspiracy

And siwon is obviously an illuminati puppet himself he obviously knows what he’s talking about

Creepy how everything in kpop is scripted
First of all, very good catch and connections...
Disclaimer: this is just an opinion, nothing is said to be taken as facts
Totally seems like predictive programming. They planned out everything to a T. And the design and landscape of that building doesn't seem to be a CoinCidence. The similarity to the logo is evident as well. The 2 buildings that look like horns. And if you get an aerial view, it has a one eye set atop the building/ landscape only to be seen from above not really by normal people so they are paying homage to something/someone.. the sun god idk...
Creepy and that's the building for CAA. Which had a weird illuminat0 inspired party during the "Sun"dance film festiveal.

An event held on Main Street on Sunday night featured at least one sexually explicit dancer.
PARK CITY -- On a night packed with talent agency parties, CAA found a racy way to distinguish itself Sunday at Sundance -- though the agency says its invited performers went a little farther than expected.
CAA's packed event at the Claim Jumper space on Main Street included a team of barely dressed, pole-shimmying burlesque dancers from Simon Hammerstein's The Act LV, a risque revue based at the Palazzo Hotel in Las Vegas. At least one of them upped the ante by dancing with a strap-on penis, which sources say she used during an extended routine to tease the photo-snapping crowd of CAA clients, film executives and other festival-goers (party guests included Nicole Kidman and Evan Rachel Wood, among others). Two dancers also performed what was described by a source as a simulated sex act on a bed in the party space.
Inverted Version

Other people made a theory about the logo; they said its like a shield but the B`h says otherwise:
“B`h Entertainment, B`T`S’ agency, told Korean media that the new door-inspired logo and branding "symbolizes youth who don’t settle for their current reality and instead open the door and go forward to achieve growth,"
What fans see it as


Wow,.. good catch. Maybe they're following Ho0llyweirdds footsteps in th predictive programming schema.
And his dog is named "h0lly" (as someone mentioned before). And that he always says something and it happens....wonder if they're gonna get the Gr~ammys'? Well have to see. I think its far-fetched to get the gram`mys but who knows its also an elite establishment.
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May 24, 2018
hello. i'm a muslim and there are some other muslim users here, if you want to know about their opinions please read the entire thread.
illuminati and symbolisms aside, i'll just try to explain my point of view as a muslim. in islam, the idea of idolatry / worshipping anyone or anything besides God is called "shirk" and considered as one of the biggest sins one could commit. the meaning of the word "idol" itself is an image or object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed together with admiration, adoration, and devotion. and who do we refer to "idol" these days? it's no other than the kpop stars and the people in entertainment industry in general. people especially women worship and devote their life for these idols. this brings us to the subject of “the greatest of all trials that mankind would experience from the time of Adam to the Last Day” i.e. the fitnah (trials) of Dajjal / false Messiah / Anti-Christ. it was in connection with that attack of Dajjal that the Prophet warned that “the last people to come out to Dajjal would be women, and that a man would have to return to his home and tie down his wife, sister and daughter to protect them from being seduced by Dajjal.” it is clear that Prophet Muhammad anticipated, in the above prophecy, the modern revolution that has deceptively misled and corrupted so many women in the modern age.
as someone who was once neck-deep into the kpop world, especially with BT$, i truly understand your feeling towards them. i'm not gonna lie, i did feel the same way too. they're good looking, talented, funny, and they made me feel like they were always there for me. there were days where i felt happy just by looking at them, watching their videos, listening to their songs. but there were some moments where if i didn't watch their videos i would feel very sad, uneasy, and anxious, so i went back to them, i streamed their songs and videos all day all night, i was neglecting my family, my friends, and most importantly my religion. my addiction towards them has turned my life into something worse than how it used to be. my turning point was the moment i discovered this thread, i am so thankful God has led me to find this thread and everyone inside it. the process of accepting the truth and letting them go is really hard and slow, and i know that not everyone is willing to take this bitter pill down their throat. and maybe it's true that not every triangle refers to illuminati, not every butterfly refers to mind control, not everything refers to any other thing, but the signs they're showing in their music videos and lyrics are way too much to be dismissed as mere concept, at least from our point of view. we never guaranteed that everything we discussed here is true, it's only a theory and we could be wrong. none of us here are trying to convince anyone about anything, it's a matter of choice and you have all the rights to believe in the other way around. if you feel like they saved you from self harm, good for you, but learn to not rely on anyone to save yourself besides God.
thank you for adding this part. The End is very near if we look at the minor signs (homosexuality, women dressed like men and vice versa, fornication and adultery become common, universal consumption of riba / bank interest, business deception, etc.) which are part of the NWO agenda, and the puppets we call "idols" are promoting and brainwashing world citizens to accept NWO through music, movie, etc. and by the completion of that signs, Dajjal would have been born into the world from Zionist parents and rule the world from Jerusalem. soon after, Jesus would descend from the sky and kill Dajjal, marking the Last Hour as stated in the Quran
"And he (i.e., Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow Me: this is a Straight Way.” (QS 43:61)
Well said...:)
I must reiterate this is a conspiracy theory thread.
Nothing is claimed to be guaranteed.
Nobody is forced to believe anything.
We just bounce off ideas.
To all readers,
If you choose to believe something, I won't hold you back personally...
And again, the definition of theory:
a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.

I was waiting for someone to post an Islamic perspective as I am not that clever to do so
I 100% agree with you In the time of The Prophet Muhammad (saw) the people would believe in these idols and would worship them and that’s why the word idol being used to refer to these artists shocked me as Ik the history of them and I do believe that hold a certain agenda
To the following users query I want to add that we believe that the end times are very near and the coming of the Dajjal (one eyed beast is near) I don’t know if you remember the ARMY video BTS shared at their recent muster it was the ARMY bomb and BTS were the ARMYs hero it was a skit At the end N@mjn had a flute (I think) and he was playing it well Muslims believe that when the Dajjal comes he will play music which will attract music lovers and that’s why it’s a sin to listen to music if you look at BTS songs especially at Pied Piper you see that it’s drawing fans in and they explicitly admit that they’re hypnotising these fans just like the dajjal will do All these subliminal messages they have in their songs are training and weakining the brain so that it gets used and is easily lured in the future
@nad I’m glad you’re ok but my story is the opposite I don’t want to get into much detail about my personal life but listening to BTS made me so depressed I would cry and get horrific thoughts that would make me feel like such an evil person my faith was rock bottom and I felt like I was giving in to Satan I was so close but God saved me by giving me the opportunity to see this thread if they were really good why did I feel like this
I was a diehard fan but accepting the truth had changed my life for the better i don’t want to imagine what would have happened to me if I didn’t find it
About the crosses and masks no everything isn’t related to the illuminati but they are taken by them to create concepts just like an artist gets inspiration from nature
Also I understand that this isn’t a religious thread I wouldn’t have replied but The poster linked to Bangtan
Well said..:)
also, may I add
A look at the true, rather disturbing, history of The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Brothers Grimm edited by Jack Zipes
The Irresistible Fairy Tale
Fairy Tales With Jen: Playlist
Peter Pan analysis
A Time To Dance A Time to Die

Also in Islam there are many signs which were mentioned My the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) The signs of Qiyaamah they talked about how near the time of the dajjal there would be buildings that were very tall, people will go dancing clubbing and drinking alcohol would be common people won’t have respects for their parents etc now Ik that you’ll say that some of these things have been happening for a long time but it is so much worse now
Idk much about your beliefs and it isn’t my place to say that you shouldn’t believe in them Thank you for being respectful I really appreciate that
Also what do you think about the boys change throughout the years they aren’t as happy lately and it could be because they’re tired or other factors but they are also wearing controversial clothing and seem empty What do you think of Bighit
The mention of tall buildings reminds me of the tower of Babel...
The people who lived there talked about building a great city, with a temple-tower reaching the skies, a proud eternal monument to themselves...
The city is where man is "king". Or where he thinks he's "king". But where in fact, he's nothing more than a slave.
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May 24, 2018
Yup, I feel that too. Got a friend who's a diehard arm*. There were times that she'd play F*L in 4-5 hours loop. That was anooying af. It felt like I was in a trance. Wtf it ain't good.

If I were you I would prolly stay away from anything jamal. In fact, one of many reasons I almost got into bt$ dungeon (ik dis aint the best way to describe them boys) bcos I've seen too much bt$ memes, especially jamal ones.
[QUOTE="Sayuki16, post: 134134, member: 2909"]Now I understand why I got earworms from F*L eventho I only listened it for 2 days straight! Dunno abt y'all but my ears were buzzing and I got headache when I heard one of bee tee $ song played on radio.

Btw, after learning abt jamal's preference fr younger gurls, somehow it sparked hope in my friends to get their oppa to notice them.

Idk if I need to feel sorry for them anymoar.
Jamal has some strong magnetic effect.....I agree and take care of your friends...Jamal's preference (if its true) is not anything to be enthusiastic of (in the grand scheme of things)...
I can relate, I played their songs in a playlist/loop before... (not F*l though) other songs like Spr1ng day, g0g0, lost...
this song got me..
literally 'lost my way'
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May 24, 2018
that song was always stuck in my head too! it's not even their best song. the most annoying thing is, the part of the song that was stuck in my head wasn't even the chorus, but namj0on's "why you sad? i don't know nan molla" it's sooooooo annoying i want to cry o_O
everything they said about their type / preference is fake, they also said they prefer normal girls over famous girls and it makes arm¥s crazy, arm¥s think they have a high chance of being in a relationship with BT$ members lol it's just a trick to keep girls obsessed. in fact, anyone who's into occultism will only date / marry someone who's down to the same shit to avoid the chance of their partner spilling some tea and also they don't have to sacrifice their beloved partner too since they're both occultists.[/QUOTE]
It's disgusting everytime they tricked those girls into believing that their oppas will love em truly for who they are. Idk if that's purely from the bottom of their hearts or it's just one of their marketing strategies.
Preferences they say are not what they really believe/think....I take it all with a grain of salt.
And, totally I think they would choose to be with someone with the same preferences/beliefs as themselves. Kinda like how the royals mostly like to intermarry and be with their own kin. And we suspect royals are part of the elite....

This site said what type of girl they like:
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