BTS discussion thread


Jun 4, 2018
Of course you are free to spread your "innocent theories", "concern" however you want. But your "theories" go too far, get more and more looking like defamation, intolerance and xenophobia I think.
Imagine if that would happen to you. Someone anonymous would spread "theories" of you being suspicious (omg, she/he looked at me with bad glance, omg she/he smiles not enough at me, omg probably evil person ). This anonym would say that whatever you do - seems dark, evil and foreign. But of course it's just "harmless theories" so you could do nothing to stop the anonym, to protect yourself and your worldview. Lowkey labeled.
So my point is - if you spread "concern", the same will happen to you, maybe in many years and you will remember this discussion. The Universe/Karma/Gods don't forget anything. I believe in the rule of boomerang, that your own single word comes back to you or get inherited to you later bloodline.
You see - I'm also concerned for you guys. Don't judge - and you will not be judged. Don't tell me that I haven't warned you.
Man but we are not haters here. We are just exposing things that seem to be real in order to be carfeul and prevent the others. But we love them! We would like them to be saved, and even if we believe wrong this is not such a sin (they can't see these so we can't hurt thier feelings; and also our reasons are good).
Do you know what a hater even is? Do you believe that people can be completely mean like the Satan himself? You and me are sinners; we do mistakes so if God would punish us for every single one we would be probably tortured. This boomerang rule is completely wrong. God is pacient and forgiving towards us; He waits for us to get back to the light and if He punish us is only in order to make us better, to understand our mistakes, but not torture us( He never gives hardships harder than we can take).


Jun 4, 2018
Oh, so you say they will get a Grammy?) I'm so happy for boys and us ARMYs. About things being "not bad, not good either" - our world is very complex, there are very few absolute light and dark - mostly it's grey or colorful - to my belief.
When talking ab good and bad.. I am not refering to people themselves but the influencers( music, movies, food etc). We are not particulary good or bad. There I was saying that they can't be this good and innocent as they seem to be.
Humans are permanently changing in this world. In the afterlife it will be decided if we were more bad or more good and that will be the state we will stay in forever.
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Jun 3, 2018
Man but we are not haters here. We are just exposing things that seem to be real in order to be carfeul and prevent the others. But we love them! We would like them to be saved, and even if we believe wrong this is not such a sin (they can't see these so we can't hurt thier feelings; and also our reasons are good).
Do you know what a hater even is? Do you believe that people can be completely mean like the Satan himself? You and me are sinners; we do mistakes so if God would punish us for every single one we would be probably tortured. This boomerang rule is completely wrong. God is pacient and forgiving towards us; He waits for us to get back to the light and if He punish us is only in order to make us better, to understand our mistakes, but not torture us( He never gives hardships harder than we can take).
You see - our beliefs are different. For example, there is no afterlife to me. I will go back to nature where I came from. My sins are not sins - but energy and influence I give to the world. In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant, it is said to be conserved over time. This law means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed from one form to another (from wiki :)) So my sins will not be judged afterlife, but my energy will come back to me, boomerang/karma/butterfly effect will return to me or my bloodline.
You say that you don't hate BTS and want them to be saved. But haven't u thought they dont need to be saved. They will get their karma - good or not so good. For me - they are not sinners. But usual people who struggle to live their hard life. Also ARMY - I love them a lot since I see human behind each avatar who tries so hard to survive.
And you guess your "innocent exposing", "theory", "concern" is absolute safe? What if u are completely wrong? Your karma will also come for you - good or not so good in current life, or if you believe - in your afterlife.


Jun 4, 2018
You see - our beliefs are different. For example, there is no afterlife to me. I will go back to nature where I came from. My sins are not sins - but energy and influence I give to the world. In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant, it is said to be conserved over time. This law means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed from one form to another (from wiki :)) So my sins will not be judged afterlife, but my energy will come back to me, boomerang/karma/butterfly effect will return to me or my bloodline.
You say that you don't hate BTS and want them to be saved. But haven't u thought they dont need to be saved. They will get their karma - good or not so good. For me - they are not sinners. But usual people who struggle to live their hard life. Also ARMY - I love them a lot since I see human behind each avatar who tries so hard to survive.
And you guess your "innocent exposing", "theory", "concern" is absolute safe? What if u are completely wrong? Your karma will also come for you - good or not so good in current life, or if you believe - in your afterlife.
How old are you?
We are not isolated systems.. I think you don't know much ab physics.
Btw if you don't like this tread I suggest you to leave people alone. We won't change our perception in the way you don't want to change it so please take care of your karma and stop disturbing us
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Mar 24, 2018
I understand and respect your decision to leave the fandom. But what I kind of don't understand from this whole thread. Ex-fans - if you left why didn't leave in peace? Like for example how I would leave the ARMY - I would just close the door and leave& live happily after without looking back at BTS, flocking together to discuss reasons I left, spreading my non-proved assumption over them. I just don't get it - why ex-fans become anti/hater instead of living their life as usual people in peace. So now you spend time to be anti-researcher, it's also addicting and very time-consuming since you still have to follow BTS. I would better dedicate this free time to self-education, parents etc.
About dating - of course they can date usual people (like usual university student) together with celebrities. But of course fans shouldn't obsess over idea they will be THAT usual person we shouldn't attach BTS words to bad meaning because of some crazy fans.
First of all we do not hate Bangtan we may feel negative emotions towards the members but hate is a strong word and I don’t think that any of have said that
We are researching about them because we are worried about the agenda they’re pushing and all the young fans that are following them I’m afraid for these Young girls and because of my religious beliefs everything ties in together
Actually I’m not wasting my time last week I was very busy with exams so I decided to leave this thread for a bit and only came on when I wanted a break from revising There are a lot of intelligent people here who have amazing jobs so I don’t think we’re obsessed at all from the way I see it
I understand that where you’re coming from I was like you a couple of months ago and it may take you a long time to comprehend or you may just leave being an ARMY thinking nothing but good for the boys and that’s fine but I do believe that they’re in very dark stuff and I will continue to believe that
Mar 24, 2018
Oh, so you say they will get a Grammy?) I'm so happy for boys and us ARMYs. About things being "not bad, not good either" - our world is very complex, there are very few absolute light and dark - mostly it's grey or colorful - to my belief.
I see that we really are going in circles and we seem to ble clashing you said that you warned us and thank you for that but I see no other reason for you to stay on this thread as you are not here for the sole purpose If you want to carry on talking you are more than welcome to private message any users you want to have a conversation with but it seems like we could talk about this forever and get nowhere lol
May 24, 2018
Oh they all got the same one.. Or maybe it's a As much as you can collect.. Competition
The quest for the most one eye dolls or skeleton dolls. The way Hyun-A was covering her eye with the doll hand got me.

I see that we really are going in circles and we seem to ble clashing you said that you warned us and thank you for that but I see no other reason for you to stay on this thread as you are not here for the sole purpose If you want to carry on talking you are more than welcome to private message any users you want to have a conversation with but it seems like we could talk about this forever and get nowhere lol
So true
Mar 24, 2018
Does he just hate being called “princess” and likes the colour pink or does he hate really the colour pink and just saying or was forced to say he likes it cuz of his manufacture alter and being further feminized by being called “princess”? Hm... about the elite....
I watched a video and I think the elite are in their positions because they can step on people and use them with no remorse/empathy, and do not care about the consequences of their actions on others. Some people call them psychopaths but the elites must be high functioning narcissistic psychopaths not just any ole average psychopaths like you find doing evil deeds—- they are systematic, calculating and cold blooded. And yea it’s not too far fetched to think that some or even most of the elites enjoy what they’re doing. Btw psychopathy and narcissism are real disorders and also they’re manipulative almost forgot to say it. There’s this thing called ASPD might want to check it out if you’re curious...
I’m so sorry I missed your post
If he is programmed and stylists choose their outfits I doubt that he likes the colour pink they’re really making him the mum of the group and Yes many of these people suffer from disorders Ahh I just searched it up people with ASPD have no remorse and are very ruthless it’s worrying that not just Bangtan but the world right now maybe controlled by these people
May 24, 2018
I’m so sorry I missed your post
If he is programmed and stylists choose their outfits I doubt that he likes the colour pink they’re really making him the mum of the group and Yes many of these people suffer from disorders Ahh I just searched it up people with ASPD have no remorse and are very ruthless it’s worrying that not just Bangtan but the world right now maybe controlled by these people
No worries:D. I agree the elite have their grips and hate to say it but its a smart tactic normalizing these things through media they camouflaged it in plain sight...
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May 20, 2018
I’m so sorry I missed your post
If he is programmed and stylists choose their outfits I doubt that he likes the colour pink they’re really making him the mum of the group and Yes many of these people suffer from disorders Ahh I just searched it up people with ASPD have no remorse and are very ruthless it’s worrying that not just Bangtan but the world right now maybe controlled by these people
Armies already call him eomma and Rm dad
May 24, 2018

Recommended by one eye fly guy
Listened to the song, seems somber and melancholic
Seems like the cover of the album is a ring; idk if its a wedding ring but it has a lyric
"pronounced us man and wife, forevermore"
And some odd lyrics like:
And now my memory
Seems to be failing me
What once was fantasy
Is all I've ever known
The thing I miss the most
Lives in some demon host
I know you're not a ghost
Title is "All I've ever known"

[Verse 1]
In every breath there's life
Between my teeth a knife
Pronounced us man and wife
For evermore
Cause once you've found your thrill
You move in for the kill
I'd chase you up the hill
And all through time

And now my memory
Seems to be failing me
What once was fantasy
Is all I've ever known

[Verse 2]
The thing I miss the most
Lives in some demon host
I know you're not a ghost
Just down the street
I am a spinning man
A living ceiling fan
If two could only hang
In the same room once again

And now my memory
Seems to be failing me
What once was fantasy
Is all I've ever known
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Jun 3, 2018
How old are you?
We are not isolated systems.. I think you don't know much ab physics.
Btw if you don't like this tread I suggest you to leave people alone. We won't change our perception in the way you don't want to change it so please take care of your karma and stop disturbing us
I'm 26. I decided to dedicate to this thread some time of my holiday because got really curious - why do you guys all believe what some few extreme phobic people tell. All you guys - palm readers, astrologers, numerologist, people with prophetic dreams - despite being "magicians"/"witchcraft" in their eyes, also people from different religions despite some differencies (for example I always thought the Moon and star have not illuminati but positive meaning for muslims - am I wrong). And I guess there are no buddhist or hinduist users or another religion.
You all think you are doing good thing, save souls but in the middle age The Inquision also thought they do good deeds/save souls by burning innocent people alive.
I will comment later if I want to since I'm also member of this forum and guess there are allowed different reviews. Because without any criticism you guys are reaching and going too far.
May 24, 2018
Alice Through the Looking Glass (THEORY)

The original Monarch programming often used the Wizard of Oz books and film as the basic programming. The Alice and Wonderland story then was overlaid, along with many other fictional fairy tales to complete the Mind Control of a Monarch Mind-controlled slave.

The Alice In Wonderland story is highly regarded by the programmers, because it portrays the situation that exists between the spiritual world & the physical world.
When people within the physical look toward the spiritual, it is like looking into a mirror. Initially, they will only see the physical world reflected back. But if they go beyond the mirror, they would see a "mirror image" of the physical exists in the spiritual realm.

Handlers encourage this behavior by subjecting slaves to a “programming script”, a story that will guide the young slave through programming. A common script used is Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, a story that can perfectly be applied to the trials of an MK slave.
The same way Alice follows a white rabbit through the looking glass to enter the strange world of wonder, slaves follow their handlers through programming to reach complete dissociation. In the fairy tale, Alice enters a fantasy world where everything is magical, inverted and unstable, a place similar to the slave’s internal world, where everything can be modified by the handler.
Therefore, in MK symbolism, “Wonderland” represents the state of mind of a dissociated, mind-controlled slave, the place where they “escape” the pain of trauma. In short, the Alice in Wonderland story – and others that are similar – is used in actual mind control scenarios.

Over the years the Wizard of Oz, Alice In Wonderland, and Mother Goose seem to have been overall favorites (of mind control handlers). The child will most often be in a trance state when these story lines are told. The children will have the stories repeated and they are expected to memorize these scripts. Because the programmers will build upon the child’s awareness of these stories, the stories are modified to better fit the future programming.

The Queen of Hearts is also an important figure for commands in the Looking Glass World which the slave enters upon command. When a deep slave alter is needed to perform they are sent into the looking glass world where a looking glass person carries out the command–but in a way that reality is thought to be a dream. In other words, this is a preparatory command to get the slave ready for abuse.

Five children each given the same Alice In Wonderland script will each use the script differently during programming.
The programmer takes the child’s own creativity and works with that unique creativity. The child must create the images itself if the programming is to hold. It won’t work if the images are someone else’s. The child organizes its internal world to suit his/her own experiences such as castles, boxes, rooms, and dollhouses. The PAS type testing will continue during the early years of the slave’s life to make sure the programming has not driven the child crazy or psycho. The child will move down the script decided for it for its whole life, based on these early tests. More about how this works later.

Alice In Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz and the Tall Book of Make Believe played a fundamental role as "software" in a System. The Wizard of Oz stories are often used to show how & what structures to put in the small victim’s internal world.

In the Looking Glass book, one shuttles back and forth mysteriously between real and dream worlds.
"So, either I've been dreaming about life or I only dream that life is but a dream.'' As a slave breaks away from the programming, life becomes a bewildering confusion as the slave is pulled between two worlds.
The internal world has everything the alter needs, the external world is a harsh cold reality that doesn't have much to offer. People in the external world can help make it real for a slave. The handlers will never do this. Alters will need a reason to want to come out of the internal reality which they are programmed to believe in. For so long much of life was seen as a dream. It will be hard to get a grasp on what was real and what was the lie. Many of the lies are more real than the truth. Life was sometimes like the parallel dreams of the Red King and Alice, like two mirrors facing each other.

I Need U

I Need U starts with showing the members “bad”, “harsh” lives. JK gets hit by a car, Taehyung kills someone, JHope tries to kill himself, Jimin drowns in a bathtub (possibly trying to kill himself), Yoongi lis his room in fire and Namjoon seems to live a poor life.

Then there’s a scene when they all hope into a train. I mentioned in one of my posts how monarch mind control’s code name is Freedom Train. This is just a theory, but the train might symbolise the Freedom Train.
Because after they go inside the train, the MV starts show happy moments depicting the dream/internal world. “The internal world has everything the alter needs, the external world is harsh cold reality that doesn’t have much to offer.”
View attachment 11388
“The Alice In Wonderland story is highly regarded by the programmers, because it portrays the situation that exists between the spiritual world & the physical world.
When people within the physical look toward the spiritual, it is like looking into a mirror.
Initially, they will only see the physical world reflected back. But if they go beyond the mirror, they would see a "mirror image" of the physical exists in the spiritual realm.”

I watched the movie Alice Through the Looking Glass yesterday and I saw so many connections. In the movie, Alice sees a blue butterfly which she recognised. (I haven’t seen Alice in Wonderland but I know the basic story). The butterfly leads Alice to mirror and the butterfly goes through into the dream realm and Alice does the same.
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^they even put #InDream.
In the dream world, Alice meet Hatter. She has to save Hatter’s family by traveling back in time. She has to use a chromosphere which lets one travel across the Ocean of time. Ocean is a significant part of the storyline in I need u, prologue, run. The picture is from the movie. The round thing is the chromosphere and the ocean is the time.
View attachment 11393
Also you can’t let your past self see your future self because it would make everything history. And kind of break the past, present or future”. This happens in Blood Sweat and Tears Japanese MV. It eventually happens in the movie as well.
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View attachment 11395

It starts with Taehyung sitting somewhere with his bloody hands after killing a person. He goes out and lays on a mattress and everyone else comes there. This place is again the internal/dream world.
There Namjoon throws a miniature car into a lake with golf stick. I think this is chronosphere, because it’s the of a tennis ball unless you use it and also you travel with it in a ocean. Later Jin is in a car on water, which represents time traveling with the chronosphere.

Later they’re outside a train "box" or "carriage" and Jin shows a polaroid of the ocean asks other’s “Should we go there”. Then they go there, where Taehyung jumps from the high place to the ocean. I don’t know yet if it represents going from dream world to reality or traveling in time.

It might be going from world to reality because in Run Tae falls into a mirror and it splashes. “When people within the physical look toward the spiritual, it is like looking into a mirror. Initially, they will only see the physical world reflected back. But if they go beyond the mirror, they would see a "mirror image" of the physical exists in the spiritual realm.”
View attachment 11397
Then Namjoon enters a train and there the other members are partying representing again the internal world.
Then Jhope is shown in a institution with Jimin. It's important to note that Alice also ends up in an institution in the "reality" realm in Through the Looking Glass. Here Jhope and Jimin probably due to their suicide attempts (connects to Euphoria as well). Later he falls on his back on the bed and goes to the dream/internal world.

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It ends to when Taehyung comes out of the mirror looking water.
View attachment 11398

These theories are still vague, because I have to figure out a lot more, like the link between the characters and the mvs. At the moment I think Jin is Alice trying to save Hatter’s family, who are the other members. I’ll probably end up changing my mind.
When I watched the movie, it made so much sense so I really try to show these stuff through writing. I still need to figure the details but I hope you got the overall idea.
I’ll do later a theory of Eyes Wide Shut because it links to Wizard of Oz, Alice in the Wonderland and their usage in mind programming. So tying Bts storyline nicely together.

Oh yes and I forgot to mention that Hatter's family ended up being in a box with sand inside it. <- this box appears in Fake Love.
Also the beds that was in the institution (in Through the Looking Glass) were scarily similar to the ones in WINGS short films.

"So, either I've been dreaming about life or I only dream that life is but a dream.'' As a slave breaks away from the programming, life becomes a bewildering confusion as the slave is pulled between two worlds. -> in the end of the movie Hatter says to Alice when Alice is returning to the real "world"

Alice: I fear I may never see you again.

Hatter: My dear Alice. In the gardens of memory…in the palace of dreams…that is where you and I will meet.

Alice: But a dream is not reality.

Hatter: Who’s to say which is which?

AAa! And the movie link so well with the Highlight reels.
“You cannot change the past, TIME (character): Though I dare say, you might learn something from it.”
Jin tries to change something in Highlight reels but the same still happens but in a different way.
Alice tried to prevent the young Queen of Hearts from hitting her head, but she ended up hitting her head anyways but just in a different way.
Thanks for the comprehensive analysis again. Will be anticipating the Eyes Wide Shut analysis as that was the one that did it for me...
Mar 24, 2018
Alice Through the Looking Glass (THEORY)

The original Monarch programming often used the Wizard of Oz books and film as the basic programming. The Alice and Wonderland story then was overlaid, along with many other fictional fairy tales to complete the Mind Control of a Monarch Mind-controlled slave.

The Alice In Wonderland story is highly regarded by the programmers, because it portrays the situation that exists between the spiritual world & the physical world.
When people within the physical look toward the spiritual, it is like looking into a mirror. Initially, they will only see the physical world reflected back. But if they go beyond the mirror, they would see a "mirror image" of the physical exists in the spiritual realm.

Handlers encourage this behavior by subjecting slaves to a “programming script”, a story that will guide the young slave through programming. A common script used is Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, a story that can perfectly be applied to the trials of an MK slave.
The same way Alice follows a white rabbit through the looking glass to enter the strange world of wonder, slaves follow their handlers through programming to reach complete dissociation. In the fairy tale, Alice enters a fantasy world where everything is magical, inverted and unstable, a place similar to the slave’s internal world, where everything can be modified by the handler.
Therefore, in MK symbolism, “Wonderland” represents the state of mind of a dissociated, mind-controlled slave, the place where they “escape” the pain of trauma. In short, the Alice in Wonderland story – and others that are similar – is used in actual mind control scenarios.

Over the years the Wizard of Oz, Alice In Wonderland, and Mother Goose seem to have been overall favorites (of mind control handlers). The child will most often be in a trance state when these story lines are told. The children will have the stories repeated and they are expected to memorize these scripts. Because the programmers will build upon the child’s awareness of these stories, the stories are modified to better fit the future programming.

The Queen of Hearts is also an important figure for commands in the Looking Glass World which the slave enters upon command. When a deep slave alter is needed to perform they are sent into the looking glass world where a looking glass person carries out the command–but in a way that reality is thought to be a dream. In other words, this is a preparatory command to get the slave ready for abuse.

Five children each given the same Alice In Wonderland script will each use the script differently during programming.
The programmer takes the child’s own creativity and works with that unique creativity. The child must create the images itself if the programming is to hold. It won’t work if the images are someone else’s. The child organizes its internal world to suit his/her own experiences such as castles, boxes, rooms, and dollhouses. The PAS type testing will continue during the early years of the slave’s life to make sure the programming has not driven the child crazy or psycho. The child will move down the script decided for it for its whole life, based on these early tests. More about how this works later.

Alice In Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz and the Tall Book of Make Believe played a fundamental role as "software" in a System. The Wizard of Oz stories are often used to show how & what structures to put in the small victim’s internal world.

In the Looking Glass book, one shuttles back and forth mysteriously between real and dream worlds.
"So, either I've been dreaming about life or I only dream that life is but a dream.'' As a slave breaks away from the programming, life becomes a bewildering confusion as the slave is pulled between two worlds.
The internal world has everything the alter needs, the external world is a harsh cold reality that doesn't have much to offer. People in the external world can help make it real for a slave. The handlers will never do this. Alters will need a reason to want to come out of the internal reality which they are programmed to believe in. For so long much of life was seen as a dream. It will be hard to get a grasp on what was real and what was the lie. Many of the lies are more real than the truth. Life was sometimes like the parallel dreams of the Red King and Alice, like two mirrors facing each other.

I Need U

I Need U starts with showing the members “bad”, “harsh” lives. JK gets hit by a car, Taehyung kills someone, JHope tries to kill himself, Jimin drowns in a bathtub (possibly trying to kill himself), Yoongi lis his room in fire and Namjoon seems to live a poor life.

Then there’s a scene when they all hope into a train. I mentioned in one of my posts how monarch mind control’s code name is Freedom Train. This is just a theory, but the train might symbolise the Freedom Train.
Because after they go inside the train, the MV starts show happy moments depicting the dream/internal world. “The internal world has everything the alter needs, the external world is harsh cold reality that doesn’t have much to offer.”
View attachment 11388
“The Alice In Wonderland story is highly regarded by the programmers, because it portrays the situation that exists between the spiritual world & the physical world.
When people within the physical look toward the spiritual, it is like looking into a mirror.
Initially, they will only see the physical world reflected back. But if they go beyond the mirror, they would see a "mirror image" of the physical exists in the spiritual realm.”

I watched the movie Alice Through the Looking Glass yesterday and I saw so many connections. In the movie, Alice sees a blue butterfly which she recognised. (I haven’t seen Alice in Wonderland but I know the basic story). The butterfly leads Alice to mirror and the butterfly goes through into the dream realm and Alice does the same.
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^they even put #InDream.
In the dream world, Alice meet Hatter. She has to save Hatter’s family by traveling back in time. She has to use a chromosphere which lets one travel across the Ocean of time. Ocean is a significant part of the storyline in I need u, prologue, run. The picture is from the movie. The round thing is the chromosphere and the ocean is the time.
View attachment 11393
Also you can’t let your past self see your future self because it would make everything history. And kind of break the past, present or future”. This happens in Blood Sweat and Tears Japanese MV. It eventually happens in the movie as well.
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View attachment 11395

It starts with Taehyung sitting somewhere with his bloody hands after killing a person. He goes out and lays on a mattress and everyone else comes there. This place is again the internal/dream world.
There Namjoon throws a miniature car into a lake with golf stick. I think this is chronosphere, because it’s the of a tennis ball unless you use it and also you travel with it in a ocean. Later Jin is in a car on water, which represents time traveling with the chronosphere.

Later they’re outside a train "box" or "carriage" and Jin shows a polaroid of the ocean asks other’s “Should we go there”. Then they go there, where Taehyung jumps from the high place to the ocean. I don’t know yet if it represents going from dream world to reality or traveling in time.

It might be going from world to reality because in Run Tae falls into a mirror and it splashes. “When people within the physical look toward the spiritual, it is like looking into a mirror. Initially, they will only see the physical world reflected back. But if they go beyond the mirror, they would see a "mirror image" of the physical exists in the spiritual realm.”
View attachment 11397
Then Namjoon enters a train and there the other members are partying representing again the internal world.
Then Jhope is shown in a institution with Jimin. It's important to note that Alice also ends up in an institution in the "reality" realm in Through the Looking Glass. Here Jhope and Jimin probably due to their suicide attempts (connects to Euphoria as well). Later he falls on his back on the bed and goes to the dream/internal world.

View attachment 11400
View attachment 11401
It ends to when Taehyung comes out of the mirror looking water.
View attachment 11398

These theories are still vague, because I have to figure out a lot more, like the link between the characters and the mvs. At the moment I think Jin is Alice trying to save Hatter’s family, who are the other members. I’ll probably end up changing my mind.
When I watched the movie, it made so much sense so I really try to show these stuff through writing. I still need to figure the details but I hope you got the overall idea.
I’ll do later a theory of Eyes Wide Shut because it links to Wizard of Oz, Alice in the Wonderland and their usage in mind programming. So tying Bts storyline nicely together.

Oh yes and I forgot to mention that Hatter's family ended up being in a box with sand inside it. <- this box appears in Fake Love.
Also the beds that was in the institution (in Through the Looking Glass) were scarily similar to the ones in WINGS short films.

"So, either I've been dreaming about life or I only dream that life is but a dream.'' As a slave breaks away from the programming, life becomes a bewildering confusion as the slave is pulled between two worlds. -> in the end of the movie Hatter says to Alice when Alice is returning to the real "world"

Alice: I fear I may never see you again.

Hatter: My dear Alice. In the gardens of memory…in the palace of dreams…that is where you and I will meet.

Alice: But a dream is not reality.

Hatter: Who’s to say which is which?

AAa! And the movie link so well with the Highlight reels.
“You cannot change the past, TIME (character): Though I dare say, you might learn something from it.”
Jin tries to change something in Highlight reels but the same still happens but in a different way.
Alice tried to prevent the young Queen of Hearts from hitting her head, but she ended up hitting her head anyways but just in a different way.
This is so interesting I want to read more wow so many connections Please continue you’re so good at this


Jun 3, 2018
First of all we do not hate Bangtan we may feel negative emotions towards the members but hate is a strong word and I don’t think that any of have said that
We are researching about them because we are worried about the agenda they’re pushing and all the young fans that are following them I’m afraid for these Young girls and because of my religious beliefs everything ties in together
Actually I’m not wasting my time last week I was very busy with exams so I decided to leave this thread for a bit and only came on when I wanted a break from revising There are a lot of intelligent people here who have amazing jobs so I don’t think we’re obsessed at all from the way I see it
I understand that where you’re coming from I was like you a couple of months ago and it may take you a long time to comprehend or you may just leave being an ARMY thinking nothing but good for the boys and that’s fine but I do believe that they’re in very dark stuff and I will continue to believe that
I'm quite a fan of theories myself - I really enjoyed all their HYYH, Wings, LY theories.
First of all we do not hate Bangtan we may feel negative emotions towards the members but hate is a strong word and I don’t think that any of have said that
We are researching about them because we are worried about the agenda they’re pushing and all the young fans that are following them I’m afraid for these Young girls and because of my religious beliefs everything ties in together
Actually I’m not wasting my time last week I was very busy with exams so I decided to leave this thread for a bit and only came on when I wanted a break from revising There are a lot of intelligent people here who have amazing jobs so I don’t think we’re obsessed at all from the way I see it
I understand that where you’re coming from I was like you a couple of months ago and it may take you a long time to comprehend or you may just leave being an ARMY thinking nothing but good for the boys and that’s fine but I do believe that they’re in very dark stuff and I will continue to believe that
Actually I'm quite a fan of theories myself. I really enjoyed all their theories of HYYH, Wings, LY, had long way dealing with depression and I like psychology, studying diff religions as hobby. So I dont think my impression of Bangtan will change since I've read most of these theories pinned in the first page of this thread long time ago.
You guys are reaching, you turn everything upside down (even most normal things) - in short you are becoming like the Inquisition hunting for a alleged "witch" which might be innocent. You still need criticism and another point of view since you are going too far in your hunting. Also nobody replied to my first question - if your Illuminati are that powerful why do they allow all "exposing" thread/stuff exist? I'm really curious.


Jun 3, 2018
i kin
I see that we really are going in circles and we seem to ble clashing you said that you warned us and thank you for that but I see no other reason for you to stay on this thread as you are not here for the sole purpose If you want to carry on talking you are more than welcome to private message any users you want to have a conversation with but it seems like we could talk about this forever and get nowhere lol
Why? I'm curious person. I can't believe you can leave curious person in a drought. Very bad marketing. If your theories are true - then prove me wrong. If you are going to cause a small war and "open eyes to many young girls ARMY" - you need serious training. Since most ARMY will act like me.
If your advertisement got me (curious person) to your thread so do your job, good marketing if you are gonna sell your ideas.
May 24, 2018

The other film which hints at mind control and satanism amongs the elite of America is “Eyes Wide Shut” . It tells the story of Bill Harford, a New York doctor who finds himself on a nightmare journey amonst the wealthy, who indulge themselves in unbelievable orgies and satanic rituals . Reading between the lines, it also hints at mind controlled sex slaves who will go “Over the Rainbow” (reference to Wizard of Oz) with you . Dr Bills’ wife is ALICE Harford who it is insinuated is one of these sex slaves .

The other factor involved in the elite secret rituals which Kubrick shows is the use of mind controlled ‘ sex slaves ‘ . In the party scene at the beginning of the film, two girls flirt outrageously with Bill Harford and one tells him that they should go to where the rainbow ends . When Dr Bill goes to collect his costume necessary for the orgy he visits the shop named Rainbow Fashions .

These references to a rainbow are deliberate. From researchers who have investigated mind control, the most popular tale used to aid this mind control is the Wizard of Oz and the symbolic Rainbow is widely used.

From Fritz Springmeier:
For those who live ‘over the rainbow‘ they serve their masters in such a hypnotic trance that they perceive reality like its a dream.
When their memories surface they are so unlike normal memories that a system in therapy may know what to do with them.

The next favoured story is Alice in Wonderland and I believe it is no coincidence that Nicole Kidman’s character is called Alice as it is hinted in the movie that she was somehow involved with the cult with her dreams of being gang raped . The women in the film are sex slaves, either real prostitutes or mind controlled.

This kinda explains why they used Eyes Wide Shut as a reference in Fake Love. I don't really understand what they intended to show with it though..
Great analysis. I watched the movie and it didnt register that Nicole Kidman's name was Alice. The references though about her nightmares and traumas. And the "Rainbow" shop and the connections with it. Kinda reminds me of the song "somewhere over the rainbow". Also, remember the shop where T. Cruise went to for his cloak and mask costume and that guy had a daughter whom at first he saw in the shop with the men and then in the end he sold out his daughter even offering T. Cruise.. Kubrick really put all those subtle and not so subtle things that go on in the elite arena.