Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

lady rose

Feb 23, 2018
I’m still reading but I saw this.
View attachment 10297

The bit about they would be pi::ed if the group sky rocketed after then you would know . That has happened.
i mentioned about it in previous post.if they held his casket during the funeral,that is mean they 'in' for that time i don't want to speculate much after i read the comment on yt.because at that time it just 2 months after his passing and before i know this,i plan to wait for a few months to see who in the group raise to fame immediately.truthfully,after much waiting to see who will raise to fame, i think i'am quite surprised.i think the one who suddenly raise immediately is k***M.maybe you guys will not agree with me.but,i noticed that he get a lot of offers such as to be mc,judges, attending fashion show,photoshooting.he also appear to give vdo speech when T-min held a concert in chile.But Ow still remain quiet.Later,M-h0 just casted for tv documentary.I just don't know if you guys will agree with me regarding K***m.Because we all saw that how much he cried during the funeral,how much he always posted about Jh on his ig.Even for this cb their first album teaser also k***m walk first before the other member.Same to their latest teaser "our page",when they walk at the stairs,he is the first followed by m,t and lastly o.


Dec 24, 2017
R*E*D V*E*L*V*ET #CookieJar MV Analysis: The Mental Breakdown of Mind Control Slaves

I found a pattern that S*M has been using ever since the beginning of the year (after Jh's death). They are more and more blatant on showing us the occult symbolism in their MVs, it's not even hidden anymore. I still have 2 to 3 more MVs to break down before arranging and comparing all the clues available. I'd also like to talk about the main person behind all these MVs (not Lee SM this time).

As I've mentioned before in my previous post, "cookie jar" in RV's latest song isn't about a literal cookie jar, and it's not innocent as some people may think.
Another thing I want to share is about RV's latest comeback "Cookie Jar". Some people may argue that it only makes sense for RV to use that kind of term (Cookie Jar) for their mini album since their name is sweets-related. Even the fans of RV noticed how dirty was their "Ice Cream Cake" release, not to mention their "Bad Boy" which even showed a reference to female genitalia, however they find this "amusing" and "interesting" rather than absurd, horrible, and evil to its core.

They released lyrics teaser for the song:

This is part of the lyrics: "Put your hand in my cookie jar"

Here's the actual meaning of "cookie jar", since I don't think it's very appropriate for everyone to see, I hid this as thumbnail:
View attachment 7916
View attachment 7917

I'm not making it up, even RV's fans acknowledge the truth behind this "cookie jar" term.
I'd recommend everyone to stay away from RV, they're getting even worse with every release.
You can guess what it's supposed to mean just by reading the lyrics:
As it was mentioned a long time ago Cookie jar has a meaning of the female genetalia. The lyrics are clear when baering this in mind.
The usual one eye symbolism by doing the hashtag sign and in other instances.
Plus, the mention of "casting a spell".
To conclude, it's about a girl asking for a "dream-like treat" that's so good that it could make her "fly into a shining world". This is not even a regular sexual act, but something related to mind control.

This is the teaser for #CookieJar, the members were all dressed-up in blue with childlike/innocent facial expressions:

This is "color coding", a form of mind control:

One form of programming that is quite common in the Illuminati is color programming. Why is it done? The answer is that trainers are human, and also quite lazy. Color programming is a simple way to organize systems, and allows the trainer to call up alters easily within a system. With the thousands of fragments that many multiples in the cult have, colors is a way of organizing them into an easily accessible group.​
Also, young children recognize colors before they can read, so this training can occur quite early. It is begun at about age two in most children.​
How it is done: The child is taken into a room with either white, beige, or colored walls. If the room is a neutral color, the lights in the room will be changed, so they color the room with the light’s color. If “blue” is the color being imprinted, or put in, the trainer will call up a young child alter, either a controller or core split for a system. They will tell the child that they will learn how to become blue, and what blue means. The room will be bathed in blue light, as mentioned, or has been painted blue for use in this kind of programming. The trainer will be dressed in blue clothing, and may even have a blue mask on. Blue objects will be placed around the room. The alter inside the child is called up, drugged, hypnotized, and traumatized on the table. As they are awakening from the trauma, still in trance, they are told that blue is good, and that they are blue. That blue is important. That blue will protect them from harm. That blue people don’t get hurt. This will go on for awhile.
They then ask the child if they want to be “blue”, like the trainers. If the child says yes, they will continue on. If the child says no, it will be re-traumatized until it says yes. The child is often naked, and told it cannot wear clothing until it “earns” the right to wear beautiful blue clothing. Over and over the “safety of being blue” (ie freedom from harm) and danger of not having a color is emphasized. The children really wants to be blue after a while of going through this. They may be given blue candy as a reward for choosing to become the color. They may be given blue sunglasses or tinted lenses to wear. They are allowed to wear blue robes once they identify with the color chosen for them.
Once the child completely identifies with the color (or rather, the main alter or template for the system accepts this color), then they are taught in progressive stages, over many training sessions, what the color blue means. They are in set ups, or dramas with other blue children, where they act out the role of a “blue”. They are drugged, hypnotized, traumatized, while the meaning of blue is ground in over and over. They are forced to act in “blue” ways. Different trainers and regions will assign different meanings to different colors. Many military systems are coded blue, or protective. The military alters all are called up periodically to reinforce blue training. If the trainer at a later date wants to access a blue system, they may call them up by color, or wear a piece of clothing or a scarf in the color they want to reach.​
This becomes an unconscious trigger for this color to come forward. Color coding is one of the first methods that is inlayed over systems. An entire system may be color coded one color; or two or more colors may be coded in , with each system controller (most systems have three) being given a different color over its part of the system.​
Let's move on to the MV

As always, S*M tries to make RV a coven of some kind; a group or gathering of witches who meet regularly in a hideous place to cast spells and torture other human beings (or even each other, as seen in "Russian Roulette"). People are drawn into this kind of concept because it's "unique".


The girls are walking in the forest in search of something, the similar theme can be found on their "Red Room" teaser.

Y*e*r*i picked up a transparent ball.

This time they're wearing pink. All pink. Yup, this is another "color coding".

"MK Ultra symbolism is used by handlers to advertise their slaves. Just like cat symbolism is used to showcase the subject's sex-kitten alter, the color pink is used to display the child-like sexual alters. This type of symbolism would be used for a BETA slave, or someone under sexual programming. BETA programming has the most primitive sexual instinct, and no moral convictions.

The color pink is traditionally associated with femininity, sexuality and purity. It is also used to characterize a child-like personality, which is why in programming, it is almost always associated with child alters, which are related to the core personality of the victim. Programmers typically view this alter as weak because it is easy to breakdown and make cry. They can exploit it to their advantage by attacking the true-self of the victim. If the handler wants to advertise the virginity of the victim to other handlers, they may dress them in all white or pink, signalling that the child is still a virgin, which means a lot more money for the handler when the victim is sold into prostitution. As the victim grows older, it is less and less likely that they are still a virgin, which is why the color pink is also used to symbolize sexuality." Source

J*o*y looking back in worry as if she is being watched by someone. A mind control slave can never feel in peace, they're always being watched 24/7 by their handler.

Y*e*r*i rolls the transparent ball she found to W*e*n*d*y, like taking charge of something alternately. W*e*n*d*y picks up the ball and covers one of her eyes with it. So fashionable.

The girls find a cookie jar buried under the dirt like it's a treasure (remember the meaning of "cookie jar" here).

They eat the cookies inside the jar ("a treat")...

and are teleported to another place... (dissociated). The treat they received earlier was a form of sexual abuse used in mind control.

They were sitting in a huge pink bed, that wasn't a sofa. So excited to see another "treat"...

which turns out to be a table full of sweets (the level of abuse escalates from here).

The "hashtag" move, one-eye symbolism.

After they eat the treat, the abuse does escalate. W*e*n*d*y is in a room full of red sneakers (Wizard of Oz programming).

The sudden turn from blue to red when they eat the treat:
There are strong similarities between the colours. Blue is described as protective, does not experience pain, does not get hurt, strong and sometimes military. Red is described as sexually abused, participating in blood rituals and used as a sex slave. (Svali,1996).

and J*o*y with a red old-styled phone,

which she then dropped into an aquarium. Mind control slaves are cut off from the outer world, impossible for them to reach for help.

The other members are busy making an evil potion. I*r*e*n*e holding a magic book while stirring the potion.

S*e*u*l*g*i doing a research in a room full of plants. Notice the three transparent prisms behind her.

Then they gather together bringing all kinds of ingredients to add into the evil potion (or poison lol).

Meanwhile, Y*e*r*i is busy preparing another "treats" in the kitchen.

And... it's done. In a wicked way.
Compare the two scenes below.

This dance part is so weird, almost zombie-like (no total control of their own mind & body).

It's Y*e*r*i's turn to cover her eye with the transparent ball.

It turns out that the transparent ball is actually something like a crystal ball, except it reflects the mind of a mind control slave (totally dissociated). She can see the other members in the bedroom, upside down. Only one of them wears a blue pajama.

S*e*u*l*g*i eating a small treat alone while the others are pajama-partying (without pajamas lol). The shape of the room and bed, along with the heart and lips decorations show that it's not just an ordinary bedroom.

Each member is having their own treat. I am aware that all candy apples are naturally covered in red-blood coating lol, but this one is used to portray something else.

They're all sipping some weird-colored drink. Is it the potion? Liquid drugs?

Lesbianism. Just like in their MV "Bad Boy".

To be continued on part 2 (max 20 images/post).


Dec 24, 2017
R*E*D V*E*L*V*ET #CookieJar MV Analysis: The Mental Breakdown of Mind Control Slaves
Part 2

This looks wrong to me.

They blew out the candles on a messed-up birthday cake (that's no ordinary birthday cake lol). There really is nothing to be celebrated.

J*o*y with her own "treat".

S*e*u*l*g*i eating a cookie...

...then she realizes it's not a cookie at all, but a button. Yuck.

I*r*e*n*e finds ants in a piece of cake she's eating.

Joy looking in the mirror when someone closes the cookie jar.

W*e*n*d*y pulls out a shoe lace from her own cake. Why is everything suddenly disgusting?

After they realize that their "treats" are either fake or disgusting, crazier things start to happen.

This is happening under the watchful eyes of the elites.

The "cookie jar" is broken, scattered to pieces.

After they break the cookie jar they return to reality where the cookies that were inside the cookie jar were actually covered in ants. I*r*e*n*e is scared to see the ants on the cookies.

Then she drops the cookie jar.

So yeah... that's it. The MV is about trauma-based mind control, also known as "MK Ultra" or "Monarch Programming". The "trauma" here revolves around sexual abuse. It's all fun and games until the truth starts to reveal itself. Everything is fake and gross in the end, the victims are traumatized and scarred for life, but there's no way out once you get in.
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Apr 1, 2018
i mentioned about it in previous post.if they held his casket during the funeral,that is mean they 'in' for that time i don't want to speculate much after i read the comment on yt.because at that time it just 2 months after his passing and before i know this,i plan to wait for a few months to see who in the group raise to fame immediately.truthfully,after much waiting to see who will raise to fame, i think i'am quite surprised.i think the one who suddenly raise immediately is k***M.maybe you guys will not agree with me.but,i noticed that he get a lot of offers such as to be mc,judges, attending fashion show,photoshooting.he also appear to give vdo speech when T-min held a concert in chile.But Ow still remain quiet.Later,M-h0 just casted for tv documentary.I just don't know if you guys will agree with me regarding K***m.Because we all saw that how much he cried during the funeral,how much he always posted about Jh on his ig.Even for this cb their first album teaser also k***m walk first before the other member.Same to their latest teaser "our page",when they walk at the stairs,he is the first followed by m,t and lastly o.
my thoughts on 0n3w... he could retire after this cb and after his military service. he can do acting but being in kpop? today hes looks like he just forcing himself for the sake of remaining members as well.

i think what you said re chile is not a solo concert right? but a dream con with other artists? i agree on what you said about Ki. if youre going to rank them based on solo career, the least would be him. after j0ng’s the focus shifted on him i think because people was seeing him as the one who loved jj0ng during his lifetime until his death. however, something was off when he initiated, like what hes implying, they should move on (accept the reality), and when he disclosed that they renewed their contracts even the interviewers didnt ask. like.... he was implying something i dont understand. because of that, it’s m!nh0 who remains on my list being true bro to J0ng even tho he pissed off him most of the time.

ta3m!n? irritating to even see him as always. the main reason that i cant even look at them today. i think he was given a concept of acting like a baby when hes with the group and becomes evil when doing solo.


Apr 1, 2018
R*E*D V*E*L*V*ET #CookieJar MV Analysis: The Mental Breakdown of Mind Control Slaves

Part 2

This looks wrong to me.

They blew out the candles on a messed-up birthday cake (that's no ordinary birthday cake lol). There really is nothing to be celebrated.

J*o*y with her own "treat".

S*e*u*l*g*i eating a cookie...

...then she realizes it's not a cookie at all, but a button. Yuck.

I*r*e*n*e finds ants in a piece of cake she's eating.

Joy looking in the mirror when someone closes the cookie jar.

W*e*n*d*y pulls out a shoe lace from her own cake. Why is everything suddenly disgusting?

After they realize that their "treats" are either fake or disgusting, crazier things start to happen.

This is happening under the watchful eyes of the elites.

The "cookie jar" is broken, scattered to pieces.

After they break the cookie jar they return to reality where the cookies that were inside the cookie jar were actually covered in ants. I*r*e*n*e is scared to see the ants on the cookies.
View attachment 10535

Then she drops the cookie jar.
View attachment 10536
View attachment 10537

So yeah... that's it. The MV is about trauma-based mind control, also known as "MK Ultra" or "Monarch Programming". The "trauma" here revolves around sexual abuse. It's all fun and games until the truth starts to reveal itself. Everything is fake and gross in the end, the victims are traumatized and scarred for life, but there's no way out once you get in.
disgusting concept tho. no wonder they were the representatives to n0-k-0r


Apr 1, 2018
I don't know if it's just me but with them being dressed in black and dancing/singing to SHINe's Lucifer they look like witches. (from 2:21)
idk too... but they look like or daughter of witches even not in this. i mean, their make up, hair color, their eyes (especially the leader). someting like a feeling of or a dark vibe. same with other girl group like BP in their new mv.
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Apr 1, 2018
i mentioned about it in previous post.if they held his casket during the funeral,that is mean they 'in' for that time i don't want to speculate much after i read the comment on yt.because at that time it just 2 months after his passing and before i know this,i plan to wait for a few months to see who in the group raise to fame immediately.truthfully,after much waiting to see who will raise to fame, i think i'am quite surprised.i think the one who suddenly raise immediately is k***M.maybe you guys will not agree with me.but,i noticed that he get a lot of offers such as to be mc,judges, attending fashion show,photoshooting.he also appear to give vdo speech when T-min held a concert in chile.But Ow still remain quiet.Later,M-h0 just casted for tv documentary.I just don't know if you guys will agree with me regarding K***m.Because we all saw that how much he cried during the funeral,how much he always posted about Jh on his ig.Even for this cb their first album teaser also k***m walk first before the other member.Same to their latest teaser "our page",when they walk at the stairs,he is the first followed by m,t and lastly o.

The casket was carried low though I thought? I don’t know what that meant .


Apr 1, 2018
he looked so different during his last concert.i cannot bear to look at his face honestly.his eyes full of sadness.i wonder what happpened to him before 18/12.hurmm
It was when he looked at everybody and sucked a breath in to I think, stop him crying. It is so sad I cannot watch any of his last song at all . Unbearable

I noticed that model in the photo with him said ‘cheer up’ so even she noticed :(

I know he went out to eat 22 November and looked happy, laughing playing with food, then it was the Shilla concert 24th. think he got back 26th of 27th. I saw he was wearing trousers with ‘worse then death’ on them. :(

What I don’t get is when did he allegedly give the note to 9? Her agency said 2 weeks before I think? .That cannot be right m, as he certainly didn’t look sad at all then.

Something for sure happened between 27th nov and his concerts . I know he filmed his nev MV shinin’ but staff said That never looked like he was struggling and in fact had taken out a new car contract ( I read somewhere)

On the morning of the 18th he left a messsage with a book publisher about his book. So strange. I read that normally it is a succession of events that lead up to suicide . So how did this happen?
Dec 26, 2017
I don't know if I am looking too much, but I actually find it strange that South Korea today wear Black short in their World Cup match with Mexico
Because I never see them before wear that, they used to Wear Blue short and Red shirt, to resemble the Korean flag.
But are they changing their color to Red and Black, to resemble instead this devil face?


Jun 8, 2018
I’m still reading but I saw this.
View attachment 10297

The bit about they would be pi::ed if the group sky rocketed after then you would know . That has happened.
Yeah I'm the one who commented that like 3 days after the news of jjng's death. Immediately after reading the reports, I knew something was up and I've been investigating every since. And ironically, i too got caught up in the hype of Sh!nn3's cb that i totally forgot about this..


Apr 1, 2018
Yeah I'm the one who commented that like 3 days after the news of jjng's death. Immediately after reading the reports, I knew something was up and I've been investigating every since. And ironically, i too got caught up in the hype of Sh!nn3's cb that i totally forgot about this..

Really :) I thought that was a really good comment and it seems things are happening this way too.

Look at Tae::/in he said he is happier now recently on .JTBC4’s “WHY NOT: The Dancer.”


I also have a feeling he is speaking English now because maybe S-M are plannings solos for him in maybe English speaking countries?

I think he will become the biggest now.

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Jun 24, 2018
R*E*D V*E*L*V*ET #CookieJar MV Analysis: The Mental Breakdown of Mind Control Slaves

Part 2

This looks wrong to me.

They blew out the candles on a messed-up birthday cake (that's no ordinary birthday cake lol). There really is nothing to be celebrated.

J*o*y with her own "treat".

S*e*u*l*g*i eating a cookie...

...then she realizes it's not a cookie at all, but a button. Yuck.

I*r*e*n*e finds ants in a piece of cake she's eating.

Joy looking in the mirror when someone closes the cookie jar.

W*e*n*d*y pulls out a shoe lace from her own cake. Why is everything suddenly disgusting?

After they realize that their "treats" are either fake or disgusting, crazier things start to happen.

This is happening under the watchful eyes of the elites.

The "cookie jar" is broken, scattered to pieces.

After they break the cookie jar they return to reality where the cookies that were inside the cookie jar were actually covered in ants. I*r*e*n*e is scared to see the ants on the cookies.
View attachment 10535

Then she drops the cookie jar.
View attachment 10536
View attachment 10537

So yeah... that's it. The MV is about trauma-based mind control, also known as "MK Ultra" or "Monarch Programming". The "trauma" here revolves around sexual abuse. It's all fun and games until the truth starts to reveal itself. Everything is fake and gross in the end, the victims are traumatized and scarred for life, but there's no way out once you get in.
Recently, i watch seventeen mv often, i kinda like their music but i also tryn to figure out is there any subliminal message in it.. could you please analyze their mv too? or any opinion? im just curious.. thanks :)


Dec 24, 2017
RV sang the English version of "Bad Boy" at KCON NY. While the Korean lyrics (the original version) do not explicitly talk about killing men, just luring them with spells into their trap; the English lyrics take it to the next level.

Fans were in love with the translated lyrics, which sounded so good it was as if they were the original lyrics.​
Put you ’round my finger, I’mma tell you what you wanna hear​
Running through your mind, got you hooked, I’ll have you shedding tears
Oh no boy this ain’t a fair fight​
I’m winning you over airight​
Baby my apologies​
I don’t mean to leave you hanging on a string​
The more you wanna fight that,
you fight that
The more l’mma pull you right back
Cause I
I know how to make the devil cry
Break him down, looking in my eye-eye-eyes
That’s what I’ll do to you tonigh-igh-ight
Every time I come around
‘nother bad boy down
Got ’em like ooh ooh
Kill them with my love like ooh ooh
But then come make another round
Just one look from me, lights out
Watch them hit the ground => You know they mean it literally
Got ’em like ooh ooh
Kill them with my love like ooh ooh
Shot another bad boy down
You’re gonna know what it feels like
To be free and open your mind
Falling in deep,
so hard to breathe => This means "being dead"
It’s only a matter of time
Baby I think you should know
That I ain’t like all the others (ain’t like others) => Not so many other witches out there eh
I’m making you fall
I’m making you fall to your knees
Every time I come around​
‘nother bad boy down​
Got ’em like ooh ooh​
Kill them with my love like ooh ooh​
But then come make another round​
Just one look from me, lights out​
Watch them hit the ground​
Got ’em like ooh ooh​
Kill them with my love like ooh ooh​
Shot another bad boy down​