BTS discussion thread


Dec 22, 2017
I wouldn't be surprised if they knew about this thread too ...
Since they keep a check on all the twitter fans..They once accidentally liked the tweets of fans who weren't even following them on twitter .. And hadn't even mentioned their twitter profile name...
that's creepy!! so they probably know how much fans sexualize them on twitter because that place is full of "hard stans" and shippers :oops: must be awkward to see fanarts of you having sex with your bandmate and all that.

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
First pyramids/triangles


now stars


The True Occult Secret of the Pentagram

Left: The ancient / occult pentagram symbol. Right: The pentagram in the Texaco logo.

The pentagram is one of the most curious emblems of esotericism, especially because of its shunning.
the pentagram has always been considered a talisman of power and shunned by the majority of people in fear for thousands of years.

Top, From Left to Right: The Texaco logo is a pentagram; Christ as a Pentagram, from Valeriano Bolzan, Hieroglyphica (Basel, 1556); Ancient representation of the Chinese five phases, or elements (Wǔ Xíng). Bottom: From Left to Right: Man inscribed in a pentagram, from De occulta philosophia libri tres by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486 – 1535).

A pentagram (also known as a pentalpha, pentangle, pentacle, or star pentagon) is a five pointed star drawn with five straight strokes. The word comes from the Greek word pentagrammon meaning “five lined” or “five lines”.

The true origin of this symbol is unknown, and has been lost in time. It does, however, stretch back to prehistory: we know that ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Babylonians all used symbolic depictions of the pentagram in their arts. The association of magic with the pentagram was evident in these historic uses of the pentagram and continues to be a strong symbolic meaning behind the pentagram; many practitioners of Neo-pagan faiths wear pentagram jewelry, and Wiccans use the pentagram as a symbol of faith.

Not surprisingly, the pentagram has associations with Freemasonry, one of the world’s oldest and most powerful initiatic orders, and perhaps the purest inheritor of the metaphysical and symbolic wisdom of the ancient, pre-Christian cultures.


Also notice the colour of their clothes (red, black and white)

The colour of blood is nat-urally connected with the idea of sacrifice…It has also a darker side, connected with the flames of hell, the appearance of demons, the apoplectic face of rage.
Scarlet was the distinctive colour of the Order of the Golden Fleece, established in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy (1419-67).
Red is the color of fire, and fire was to the Egyptians the symbol of the regeneration and the purification of souls. Hence, in the Masonic system, red is the symbol of regeneration. Thus red is the color assigned to the Royal Arch Degree since that degree teaches the regeneration of life.

The three fundamental colours found in all civ-ilizations, down to the Middle Ages in Europe, are white, red and black. These, too, may be regarded as the principal colours of Freemasonry: the white of the Craft degrees, the red of the Royal Arch and of certain of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite, and the black of some of its others, and of the Knights of Malta.
Traditionally, black is the colour of darkness, death, the underworld although it was not introduced for mourning until about the middle of the fourteenth century, such use becoming habitual only in the sixteenth. The ‘black humour’ of melancholy (atara hilis) the black crow of ill omen, the black mass, black market, ‘black days’: all refer to negative aspects. The Black Stone at Mecca is believed by Muslims to have been at one time white; the sins of man caused the transformation.
In the French and Scottish Rites, the lodge in the third degree is decorated in black and is strewn with white or silver tears, representing the sorrow caused by the death of Hiram Abif.
Black from the remotest antiquity has been the symbol of grief and such is its significance to the Mason.



How to use Color Representation in Satanic Witchcraft

It is well known that color effects our mood and outlook. Wearing pink eases aggression, while wearing red might increase it. We have a natural response to color that can not be denied. Color is even used to describe emotion, like those who are green with envy or feeling sad and blue.

Color representation uses the symbolism of color to create a magical effect. Color is used during ritual and spell work to direct a spell in the proper way. Color is used in magic to symbolize the effects that want to be created. It causes a sympathetic effect and represents aspects of the spell.

RED – symbolized by the energy of Mars, [also, Aries]. It represents the element of Fire. The color red can represent anger, rage, blood, desire, lust, passion, and the energy of action. It can also represent leadership or influence. For Satanists, a spell performed with the color red, can represent sexual desire, revenge, and aggressive magic. It is also useful as a focus of the will and to remove obstacles.

WHITE – symbolized by the energies and influence of the Moon. It is represented by the element of Air. White can add to security, protection, guidance to spiritual rituals, touching on the emotions and inner self. For Satanists, white can represent a new beginning, [or even transversely as LaVey recommended, to represent death, or a curse].

BLACK – symbolized by the energies and influence of Saturn [also, Capricorn]. It is represented by the element of Earth. As a color of magic it can symbolize final endings, and death. For Satanists, black is an elemental color that represents the void and the darkness, and for some, Satan. Often useful in curse magic, destructive magic, and bindings, and for absorbing negativity.

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Mar 24, 2018
First pyramids/triangles

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now stars

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View attachment 7824

The True Occult Secret of the Pentagram

View attachment 7826
Left: The ancient / occult pentagram symbol. Right: The pentagram in the Texaco logo.

The pentagram is one of the most curious emblems of esotericism, especially because of its shunning.
the pentagram has always been considered a talisman of power and shunned by the majority of people in fear for thousands of years.

View attachment 7827
Top, From Left to Right: The Texaco logo is a pentagram; Christ as a Pentagram, from Valeriano Bolzan, Hieroglyphica (Basel, 1556); Ancient representation of the Chinese five phases, or elements (Wǔ Xíng). Bottom: From Left to Right: Man inscribed in a pentagram, from De occulta philosophia libri tres by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486 – 1535).

A pentagram (also known as a pentalpha, pentangle, pentacle, or star pentagon) is a five pointed star drawn with five straight strokes. The word comes from the Greek word pentagrammon meaning “five lined” or “five lines”.

The true origin of this symbol is unknown, and has been lost in time. It does, however, stretch back to prehistory: we know that ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Babylonians all used symbolic depictions of the pentagram in their arts. The association of magic with the pentagram was evident in these historic uses of the pentagram and continues to be a strong symbolic meaning behind the pentagram; many practitioners of Neo-pagan faiths wear pentagram jewelry, and Wiccans use the pentagram as a symbol of faith.

Not surprisingly, the pentagram has associations with Freemasonry, one of the world’s oldest and most powerful initiatic orders, and perhaps the purest inheritor of the metaphysical and symbolic wisdom of the ancient, pre-Christian cultures.


Also notice the colour of their clothes (red, black and white)

The colour of blood is nat-urally connected with the idea of sacrifice…It has also a darker side, connected with the flames of hell, the appearance of demons, the apoplectic face of rage.
Scarlet was the distinctive colour of the Order of the Golden Fleece, established in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy (1419-67).
Red is the color of fire, and fire was to the Egyptians the symbol of the regeneration and the purification of souls. Hence, in the Masonic system, red is the symbol of regeneration. Thus red is the color assigned to the Royal Arch Degree since that degree teaches the regeneration of life.

The three fundamental colours found in all civ-ilizations, down to the Middle Ages in Europe, are white, red and black. These, too, may be regarded as the principal colours of Freemasonry: the white of the Craft degrees, the red of the Royal Arch and of certain of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite, and the black of some of its others, and of the Knights of Malta.
Traditionally, black is the colour of darkness, death, the underworld although it was not introduced for mourning until about the middle of the fourteenth century, such use becoming habitual only in the sixteenth. The ‘black humour’ of melancholy (atara hilis) the black crow of ill omen, the black mass, black market, ‘black days’: all refer to negative aspects. The Black Stone at Mecca is believed by Muslims to have been at one time white; the sins of man caused the transformation.
In the French and Scottish Rites, the lodge in the third degree is decorated in black and is strewn with white or silver tears, representing the sorrow caused by the death of Hiram Abif.
Black from the remotest antiquity has been the symbol of grief and such is its significance to the Mason.


View attachment 7829

How to use Color Representation in Satanic Witchcraft

It is well known that color effects our mood and outlook. Wearing pink eases aggression, while wearing red might increase it. We have a natural response to color that can not be denied. Color is even used to describe emotion, like those who are green with envy or feeling sad and blue.

Color representation uses the symbolism of color to create a magical effect. Color is used during ritual and spell work to direct a spell in the proper way. Color is used in magic to symbolize the effects that want to be created. It causes a sympathetic effect and represents aspects of the spell.

RED – symbolized by the energy of Mars, [also, Aries]. It represents the element of Fire. The color red can represent anger, rage, blood, desire, lust, passion, and the energy of action. It can also represent leadership or influence. For Satanists, a spell performed with the color red, can represent sexual desire, revenge, and aggressive magic. It is also useful as a focus of the will and to remove obstacles.

WHITE – symbolized by the energies and influence of the Moon. It is represented by the element of Air. White can add to security, protection, guidance to spiritual rituals, touching on the emotions and inner self. For Satanists, white can represent a new beginning, [or even transversely as LaVey recommended, to represent death, or a curse].

BLACK – symbolized by the energies and influence of Saturn [also, Capricorn]. It is represented by the element of Earth. As a color of magic it can symbolize final endings, and death. For Satanists, black is an elemental color that represents the void and the darkness, and for some, Satan. Often useful in curse magic, destructive magic, and bindings, and for absorbing negativity.

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wow even colours are connected to the illuminati
Also I love your analysis it’s so easy to understand thank you for this


May 16, 2018
Right now I just hope that V wont put some hidden s@tanic sh!t in his mixtape because he and I have the exact same taste in music so I know for sure that he will go for soul/r&b/jazz songs only.
And as a baritone his voice is golden and perfect for this gender.
And of course soul music is supposed to be anything but satanic. T_T
I’m praying so hard for this! I’m restraining myself from listening to Singularity and it’s so harddddd!!


Feb 14, 2018
It's not only you who notice, regular fans who are not into illuminati theories can see it too. He is going thorugh something because his face looks so sad you can almost feel his pain
Maybe he is depressed because they have to renew their contract soon and this means he will be trapped for longer? maybe he is thinking of a way out and can't find it so this is making him frustrated
I personally believe he is done with the group and don't want to be there anymore
Yeah ARMYs have been mentioning it on twitter a lot that he's been more quiet and down. It's weird because he's been taking more selca's then ever too. Maybe it's a cry for help?

If the members know that he potentially wants to leave, they could be feeding off his energy to keep him weak to prevent him from leaving. They're energy vampires after all. Regardless, I feel like he's going to have to address his recent mood since everyone's been noticing so I feel like we're going to either get unfortunate news on his end (like Tae with his Grandmother) that will explain his morose attitude, or it'll be pushed under the rug as him being exhausted or some other excuse if it's the energy manipulation theory instead. They just started their CB so I can't imagine chalking it up due to exhaustion though.

All the members look happier and bubbly than ever so he's been sticking out like a sore thumb.
Last edited:


May 16, 2018
What’s new @the reply

Also this sounds and looks pretty creepy if you allow it to keep replaying imo. Not sure if it has to do with anything tho.

Sorry peeps I’ve just recently made Twitter & am awestruck at the amount of sleeping ppl on there.
OH MY GOD, remember I wrote about my dream?? This is EXACTLY how Jimin was positioned , he was stretching out his hand like this, struggling!! I AM SHOOKETH RIGHT NOWWW


May 16, 2018
I listen to Singularity every day :( but I refuse to buy the album.
Do you feel anything strange while listening to it? My heart beats like crazy and my body just feels weird and of course, mild headache.
IKR !! This song is so my style but dkdbzfdiw I have to control myself like with McDonald's
mcDonalds is like my staple foods last month it was crazy I’m scared I’m gonna have a cholesterol attack!


Jan 4, 2018
IKR !! This song is so my style but dkdbzfdiw I have to control myself like with McDonald's
Same I had it on repeat for the whole week once it came out and the video was so aesthetically pleasing and since his my favourite member it was nice to have a solo song other than stigma which I'm still confused on what the song is even about since he never answered unlike the other members and their solo songs. i thought it could be about his fictional character (killing his dad?) or its about himself in real life so than what sin did he commit?.and he asking forgiveness. We will never know.


Apr 25, 2018
Do you feel anything strange while listening to it? My heart beats like crazy and my body just feels weird and of course, mild headache.
Oh my ! I don't feel weird at all. So far I haven't experience anything particularly weird. Damn, Singularity is one good song - I was totally shooketh when I heard it for the first time. It oozes a lot of broken sensuality and sophistication - it is totally made of the things that I like so much. Can't imagine how it will sound like in concerts. Argh.

Does anyone know if the effects of a music spell would wear off eventually ?


Dec 22, 2017
Yeah ARMYs have been mentioning it on twitter a lot that he's been more quiet and down. It's weird because he's been taking more selca's then ever too. Maybe it's a cry for help?

If the members know that he potentially wants to leave, they could be feeding off his energy to keep him weak to prevent him from leaving. They're energy vampires after all. Regardless, I feel like he's going to have to address his recent mood since everyone's been noticing so I feel like we're going to either get unfortunate news on his end (like Tae with his Grandmother) that will explain his morose attitude, or it'll be pushed under the rug as him being exhausted or some other excuse if it's the energy manipulation theory instead. They just started their CB so I can't imagine chalking it up due to exhaustion though.

All the members look happier and bubbly than ever so he's been sticking out like a sore thumb.
yeah I'm getting a bad feeling that we are going to get news from someone closer to him soon or even news about him being sick and needing to take a break. Bighit have to know fans are worried for him because they check social media all the time
I also noticed he is not interacting with his members, not even Jhope who is supposedly his close friend


May 20, 2018


Apr 1, 2018
Also I feel like i'm lowkey being the only one who hasn't listened to a full bts song in almost a month.. unless lofi counts (which it probably doesn't since there isn't any lyrics and its just piano basically)
It's actually pretty easy to get over their music tbh... not so much them... but their music

I think i'm just having problems because i was attached to them for so long


May 20, 2018
First pyramids/triangles

View attachment 7822
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now stars

View attachment 7823
View attachment 7824

The True Occult Secret of the Pentagram

View attachment 7826
Left: The ancient / occult pentagram symbol. Right: The pentagram in the Texaco logo.

The pentagram is one of the most curious emblems of esotericism, especially because of its shunning.
the pentagram has always been considered a talisman of power and shunned by the majority of people in fear for thousands of years.

View attachment 7827
Top, From Left to Right: The Texaco logo is a pentagram; Christ as a Pentagram, from Valeriano Bolzan, Hieroglyphica (Basel, 1556); Ancient representation of the Chinese five phases, or elements (Wǔ Xíng). Bottom: From Left to Right: Man inscribed in a pentagram, from De occulta philosophia libri tres by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486 – 1535).

A pentagram (also known as a pentalpha, pentangle, pentacle, or star pentagon) is a five pointed star drawn with five straight strokes. The word comes from the Greek word pentagrammon meaning “five lined” or “five lines”.

The true origin of this symbol is unknown, and has been lost in time. It does, however, stretch back to prehistory: we know that ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Babylonians all used symbolic depictions of the pentagram in their arts. The association of magic with the pentagram was evident in these historic uses of the pentagram and continues to be a strong symbolic meaning behind the pentagram; many practitioners of Neo-pagan faiths wear pentagram jewelry, and Wiccans use the pentagram as a symbol of faith.

Not surprisingly, the pentagram has associations with Freemasonry, one of the world’s oldest and most powerful initiatic orders, and perhaps the purest inheritor of the metaphysical and symbolic wisdom of the ancient, pre-Christian cultures.


Also notice the colour of their clothes (red, black and white)

The colour of blood is nat-urally connected with the idea of sacrifice…It has also a darker side, connected with the flames of hell, the appearance of demons, the apoplectic face of rage.
Scarlet was the distinctive colour of the Order of the Golden Fleece, established in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy (1419-67).
Red is the color of fire, and fire was to the Egyptians the symbol of the regeneration and the purification of souls. Hence, in the Masonic system, red is the symbol of regeneration. Thus red is the color assigned to the Royal Arch Degree since that degree teaches the regeneration of life.

The three fundamental colours found in all civ-ilizations, down to the Middle Ages in Europe, are white, red and black. These, too, may be regarded as the principal colours of Freemasonry: the white of the Craft degrees, the red of the Royal Arch and of certain of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite, and the black of some of its others, and of the Knights of Malta.
Traditionally, black is the colour of darkness, death, the underworld although it was not introduced for mourning until about the middle of the fourteenth century, such use becoming habitual only in the sixteenth. The ‘black humour’ of melancholy (atara hilis) the black crow of ill omen, the black mass, black market, ‘black days’: all refer to negative aspects. The Black Stone at Mecca is believed by Muslims to have been at one time white; the sins of man caused the transformation.
In the French and Scottish Rites, the lodge in the third degree is decorated in black and is strewn with white or silver tears, representing the sorrow caused by the death of Hiram Abif.
Black from the remotest antiquity has been the symbol of grief and such is its significance to the Mason.


View attachment 7829

How to use Color Representation in Satanic Witchcraft

It is well known that color effects our mood and outlook. Wearing pink eases aggression, while wearing red might increase it. We have a natural response to color that can not be denied. Color is even used to describe emotion, like those who are green with envy or feeling sad and blue.

Color representation uses the symbolism of color to create a magical effect. Color is used during ritual and spell work to direct a spell in the proper way. Color is used in magic to symbolize the effects that want to be created. It causes a sympathetic effect and represents aspects of the spell.

RED – symbolized by the energy of Mars, [also, Aries]. It represents the element of Fire. The color red can represent anger, rage, blood, desire, lust, passion, and the energy of action. It can also represent leadership or influence. For Satanists, a spell performed with the color red, can represent sexual desire, revenge, and aggressive magic. It is also useful as a focus of the will and to remove obstacles.

WHITE – symbolized by the energies and influence of the Moon. It is represented by the element of Air. White can add to security, protection, guidance to spiritual rituals, touching on the emotions and inner self. For Satanists, white can represent a new beginning, [or even transversely as LaVey recommended, to represent death, or a curse].

BLACK – symbolized by the energies and influence of Saturn [also, Capricorn]. It is represented by the element of Earth. As a color of magic it can symbolize final endings, and death. For Satanists, black is an elemental color that represents the void and the darkness, and for some, Satan. Often useful in curse magic, destructive magic, and bindings, and for absorbing negativity.

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Nice article.. The colors related information is Cool


Apr 25, 2018
Also I feel like i'm lowkey being the only one who hasn't listened to a full bts song in almost a month.. unless lofi counts (which it probably doesn't since there isn't any lyrics and its just piano basically)
It's actually pretty easy to get over their music tbh... not so much them... but their music

I think i'm just having problems because i was attached to them for so long
Yes, I agree about getting over their music is really easy. I dislike their previous offering a lot and I'm not into pre-Danger offerings. However, Singularity is the bomb.

Thank God, I don't like Fake Love.


Apr 1, 2018
Yes, I agree about getting over their music is really easy. I dislike their previous offering a lot and I'm not into pre-Danger offerings. However, Singularity is the bomb.

Thank God, I don't like Fake Love.
The last recent song I listened to was Euphoria
and then after that I kinda just was like ehhhhhhhhhhhh this is boring im gonna get over them bc this isn't good for my health