Jun 26, 2022
LOL, you're the type of person who will drive away rational and mature-thinking people from the site pointing out elite activity, because of all your embarrassingly ignorant posts. You're not a good representation of rational thinking unfortunately and it reflects very poorly on the entire sub.
Rational people like you? Why you still here?

So a man who's flexible is effeminate now, is it? LOL

A woman who's far along in pregnancy and clearly wanted to be pregnant and is taking care of her health by enjoying the benefits of Yoga is the point being made here. Also, you're not a medical doctor to say what is and isn't enough.
Some states allow abortion up until birth, but you already knew that.

Maybe she's doing yoga because she wasnts to invoke a demon into the poor child, who knows.

Enough what? Make sense.

Yeah, you're a while "christian" karen
What's a WHILE Christian?

Oh did you mean "white". Uh thanks i guess? Is this the part where i'm supposed to apologize for that or something?
Cuz of course you assume i'm white, something i've never stated. Who's the bigot here?

who took her 1-day online teacher training course along with her friend and "taught Yoga" and now think you're some kind of expert on the "implications of practicing Yoga
No, i've never taught yoga, thank God.
My friend did, and that's the only reason i even tried it.

More like a bigoted, intolerant, religious fundie who first culturally appropriated something, and now thinks she's qualified to critique it lol.
Yeah im a fundie, that's not an insult to me lol
You're the bigot, assuming only white people are able to form opinions.

Unless you're hindu, you're the one culturally appropriating, talking about living in india in your last account before you got banned for threatening to dox me.

You certainly are poorly educated, ignorant and xenophobic. We have plenty of scientific evidence of the health benefits of Yoga
Ok, we'll just remain healthily unvaxxed and not demon possessed while you waste your time here since you're sold on the mainstream narrative. Keep trusting the science!

Interesting how all these xenophobic "christian" women who talk crap about Yoga, all look overweight and frumpy.
If believing that helps you sleep at night, keep thinking it. I'm secure in my appearance and fitness level lol
Jun 26, 2022
There's plenty of sources out there indicating there are spiritual dangers to yoga
From a Christian source.

About the lie of "Christian yoga"
Proceed with Caution

There's a new practice popping up at churches and fitness clubs around the country. Dubbed "Christian yoga" or "yoga for Christians," these programs supposedly offer the physical benefits of yoga along with Christian spirituality. But is it really possible for yoga to be transformed into a practice for Christians?

Doug Groothuis, author of Confronting the New Age and a professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary, says proponents of "Christian yoga" are misled—and are misleading others.

"'Christian yoga' is an oxymoron. Yoga is rooted in Hinduism and cannot be separated from it," he says. "There's nothing wrong with stretching and calming down one's breathing. But yoga isn't really about that; it's aimed at transforming human consciousness to experience the Hindu god, which is a false god."

TCW found several "Christian yoga" instructors who are affiliated with secular yoga organizations that have a Hindu or New Age bent.

When investigating a Christian yoga class, be on the lookout for:

Sanskrit language. Many words commonly used in yoga pay homage to Hindu deities.

Metaphysical jargon. Phrases such as "breathing in positive energy and breathing out negative energy," "focusing on the third eye," and "getting in touch with the divinity within you" have New Age implications.

Projection. Beware being told to empty your mind or to step outside your body.

Feelings of discomfort. Pay attention to those feelings. Even if you can't pinpoint why you're uncomfortable, this may be the Holy Spirit's way of letting you know the class isn't for you.
All yoga is hinduism
The goal of all yoga, Laurette explains, is to obtain oneness with the universe. That's also known as the process of enlightenment, or union with Brahman (Hinduism's highest god). The word "yoga" means "union" or "to yoke."

Yoga wants to get students to the point of complete numbness in their minds. God, on the other hand, wants you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind through his Word," Laurette says.

Before she became a Christian, Laurette used subliminal tapes to train her mind to empty itself. These tapes are often used in yoga classes, she says. She also taught yoga classes and instructed her students in astral projection, or "stepping outside" of the body, which Laurette says poses a serious spiritual danger.

"If there's nothing in your mind, you're open to all kinds of deception. After coming to Christ, I wondered who—or what—came into my body when I 'stepped out.' While I don't believe Christians can become possessed, I do believe we can become oppressed by demonic spirits of fear, depression, lust, false religion, etc. These are all things designed to draw us away from Jesus Christ."

But what about hatha yoga, the less overtly spiritual form of yoga taught at most gyms? Even in this format, Laurette says there are commonly used words and poses antithetical to God's Word. For example, the word "namaste," often said at the close of yoga classes, means, "I bow to the god within you." The sound "om," chanted in many yoga classes, is meant to bring students into a trance so they can join with the universal mind. And the "salute to the sun" posture, used at the beginning of most classes, pays homage to the Hindu sun god. Laurette believes it's impossible to extract Hindu spiritualism from yoga—and she's gotten a bit of confirmation on this from an unlikely source:

"I received an e-mail from a staff member of the Classical Yoga Hindu Academy in New Jersey. The staff member wrote, 'Yes, all of yoga is Hinduism. Everyone should be aware of this fact.' This staff member included that she didn't appreciate my 'running down the great Hindu/Yogic religion,'" Laurette says.
Jun 26, 2022
There's plenty of sources out there indicating there are spiritual dangers to yog
Site dedicated to, you guessed it, the dangers of yoga

As you investigate the sites and articles here you will see that the purpose of yoga is not physical exercise, but a path to spiritual “awakening” and “enlightenment” through union with the “divine.” To bring about this “enlightenment,” the primary goal of yoga is to prepare oneself for the awakening of the spiritual energy or “kundalini” that supposedly lies dormant at the base of the spine. When the awakening of kundalini or “serpent energy” occurs, the consequences can be perilous and last for years.

Signs and Symptoms of a Kundalini Awakening:

Mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, memory problems

Severe emotional mood swings – anxiety, depression, rage, fear, and dread

Sleep disturbances
Gastrointestinal problems, irritable bowel syndromeItching, burning, cramping, twitching of skin and body

Electrical rushes and feelings of energy moving throughout the body

Ego problems, grandiose and paranoid states

Psychic, trance states and out-of-body experiences

Sexual and hormonal difficulties

Uncontrollable vocalizations, chanting and body contortions

Ringing, rushing, and hissing sounds in ears

Paranormal activity – levitations, possession states, and spiritual assault

Inability to function effectively enough to work or care for children

Symptoms can last for years
Jun 26, 2022
Even some yoga practicioners have mentioned there is a danger to separating what was part of a spiritual discipline reserved for practicioners who were on a spiritual path and giving it to a bunch of westerners without any preparation whatsoever.
I will find the article i had read before which mentions this, but in the meantime here is one that speaks of the dangers if the "coiled serpent" at the base of the spine is activated without sufficient preparation. The "serpent power" is also referred to as "goddess energy", hmmmm...

(I am not saying it's good to do this with preparation either because i believe it is contrary to Christianity. But i'm posting to illustrate that it can harm non-Christians as well)

From a pro yoga site

This is what happened to Gopi Krishna during his spontaneous kundalinо awakening, and his gripping account of the physical pain and mental anguish resulting from it stands as a timeless warning to all neophytes dabbling with the serpent power, or Goddess energy. He wrote:

My face became extremely pale and my body thin and weak. I felt a distaste for food and found fear clutching my heart the moment I swallowed anything . . . My restlessness had assumed such a state that I could not sit quietly for even half an hour. When I did so, my attention was drawn irresistibly towards the strange behaviour of my mind. Immediately the ever-present sense of fear was intensified, and my heart thumped violently.1

He further described how the kundalinо caused tremendous heat in his body "causing such unbearable pain that I writhed and twisted from side to side while streams of cold perspiration poured down my face and limbs."2 He continued:

There were dreadful disturbances in all the organs, each so alarming and painful that I wonder how I managed to retain my self-possession under the onslaught. The whole delicate organism was burning, withering away completely under the fiery blast racing through its interior.

I knew I was dying and that my heart could not stand the tremendous strain for long. My throat was scorched and every part of my body flaming and burning, but I could do nothing to alleviate the dreadful suffering. If a well or river had been near I would have jumped into its cold depths, preferring death to what I was undergoing . . . I racked my distracted brain for a way of escape, only to meet blank despair on every side. The effort exhausted me and I felt myself sinking, dully conscious of the scalding sea of pain in which I was drowning.3

Other similar cases have been reported in the literature. The American psychiatrist Lee Sannella, one of the first members of the medical establishment to make an unprejudiced attempt at understanding the kundalini phenomenon, has suggested that the blockages in the energetic field are "stress points." As he explained in his widely read book The Kundalini Experience:

In the course of its upward motion, the kundalini is held to encounter all kinds of impurities that are burned off by its dynamic activity . . . In particular, the Sanskrit scriptures mention three major structural blockages, known as "knots" . . . We can look upon these blockages as stress points. Thus, in its ascent, the kundalini causes the central nervous system to throw off stress. This is usually associated with the experience of pain. When the kundalini encounters these blocks, it works away at them until they are dissolved.4
So much for being physically good for you...
Jun 26, 2022
Before i get back to posting articles about the dangers of yoga i wanted to say that just stretching without strengthening can actually be harmful.

The body's joints rely on muscle stength for stability, and if all one does is stretch without also strengthening there is a danger of overstretching a tendon, and once those are overstreched there is no going back besides surgery. This can be especially dangerous for people with a predisposition to hypermobility.

What a dumb sounding word lol

Sounds like it would be about being afraid of xena

Or maybe xenon

Oct 20, 2021
Before i get back to posting articles about the dangers of yoga i wanted to say that just stretching without strengthening can actually be harmful.

The body's joints rely on muscle stength for stability, and if all one does is stretch without also strengthening there is a danger of overstretching a tendon, and once those are overstreched there is no going back besides surgery. This can be especially dangerous for people with a predisposition to hypermobility.

What a dumb sounding word lol

Sounds like it would be about being afraid of xena

Or maybe xenon

Perhaps L Ron Hubbard's ghost is now lurking on forum since Scientology worship Xeno or something.
Jun 26, 2022
Interesting msm article for those who value the opinions of doctors. Focuses on physical dangers. So much for it being physically good for you, even if spiritually dangerous.

And a yoga teacher, no online weekend certification either - "Black is, in many ways, a classic yogi: he studied in Pune, India, at the institute founded by the legendary B. K. S. Iyengar, and spent years in solitude and meditation."

Here's the tldr

Black has come to believe that “the vast majority of people” should give up yoga altogether. It’s simply too likely to cause harm.
People in the US are at a higher risk of getting injured compared to the original demographic of practicioner

According to Black, a number of factors have converged to heighten the risk of practicing yoga. The biggest is the demographic shift in those who study it. Indian practitioners of yoga typically squatted and sat cross-legged in daily life, and yoga poses, or asanas, were an outgrowth of these postures. Now urbanites who sit in chairs all day walk into a studio a couple of times a week and strain to twist themselves into ever-more-difficult postures despite their lack of flexibility and other physical problems. Many come to yoga as a gentle alternative to vigorous sports or for rehabilitation for injuries. But yoga’s exploding popularity — the number of Americans doing yoga has risen from about 4 million in 2001 to what some estimate to be as many as 20 million in 2011 — means that there is now an abundance of studios where many teachers lack the deeper training necessary to recognize when students are headed toward injury.
How about some torn achilles tendons, needing a hip placement, and having to teach lying down, all for the love of yoga

I asked him about the worst injuries he’d seen. He spoke of well-known yoga teachers doing such basic poses as downward-facing dog, in which the body forms an inverted V, so strenuously that they tore Achilles tendons. “It’s ego,” he said. “The whole point of yoga is to get rid of ego.” He said he had seen some “pretty gruesome hips.” “One of the biggest teachers in America had zero movement in her hip joints,” Black told me. “The sockets had become so degenerated that she had to have hip replacements.” I asked if she still taught. “Oh, yeah,” Black replied. “There are other yoga teachers that have such bad backs they have to lie down to teach. I’d be so embarrassed.”

But a growing body of medical evidence supports Black’s contention that, for many people, a number of commonly taught yoga poses are inherently risky. The first reports of yoga injuries appeared decades ago, published in some of the world’s most respected journals — among them, Neurology, The British Medical Journal and The Journal of the American Medical Association. The problems ranged from relatively mild injuries to permanent disabilities.
How about a stroke to go with that yoga?

More troubling reports followed. In 1972 a prominent Oxford neurophysiologist, W. Ritchie Russell, published an article in The British Medical Journal arguing that, while rare, some yoga postures threatened to cause strokes even in relatively young, healthy people. Russell found that brain injuries arose not only from direct trauma to the head but also from quick movements or excessive extensions of the neck, such as occur in whiplash — or certain yoga poses. Normally, the neck can stretch backward 75 degrees, forward 40 degrees and sideways 45 degrees, and it can rotate on its axis about 50 degrees. Yoga practitioners typically move the vertebrae much farther. An intermediate student can easily turn his or her neck 90 degrees — nearly twice the normal rotation.

Extreme motions of the head and neck, Russell warned, could wound the vertebral arteries, producing clots, swelling and constriction, and eventually wreak havoc in the brain. The basilar artery, which arises from the union of the two vertebral arteries and forms a wide conduit at the base of the brain, was of particular concern. It feeds such structures as the pons (which plays a role in respiration), the cerebellum (which coordinates the muscles), the occipital lobe of the outer brain (which turns eye impulses into images) and the thalamus (which relays sensory messages to the outer brain). Reductions in blood flow to the basilar artery are known to produce a variety of strokes. These rarely affect language and conscious thinking (often said to be located in the frontal cortex) but can severely damage the body’s core machinery and sometimes be fatal. The majority of patients suffering such a stroke do recover most functions. But in some cases headaches, imbalance, dizziness and difficulty in making fine movements persist for years.
Healthy young woman gets injured while doing a common yoga pose, suffers brain damage

A healthy woman of 28 suffered a stroke while doing a yoga position known as the wheel or upward bow, in which the practitioner lies on her back, then lifts her body into a semicircular arc, balancing on hands and feet. An intermediate stage often involves raising the trunk and resting the crown of the head on the floor. While balanced on her head, her neck bent far backward, the woman “suddenly felt a severe throbbing headache.” She had difficulty getting up, and when helped into a standing position, was unable to walk without assistance. The woman was rushed to the hospital. She had no sensation on the right side of her body; her left arm and leg responded poorly to her commands. Her eyes kept glancing involuntarily to the left. And the left side of her face showed a contracted pupil, a drooping upper eyelid and a rising lower lid — a cluster of symptoms known as Horner’s syndrome. Nagler reported that the woman also had a tendency to fall to the left.

Her doctors found that the woman’s left vertebral artery, which runs between the first two cervical vertebrae, had narrowed considerably and that the arteries feeding her cerebellum had undergone severe displacement. Given the lack of advanced imaging technologies at the time, an exploratory operation was conducted to get a clearer sense of her injuries. The surgeons who opened her skull found that the left hemisphere of her cerebellum suffered a major failure of blood supply that resulted in much dead tissue and that the site was seeped in secondary hemorrhages.

The patient began an intensive program of rehabilitation. Two years later, she was able to walk, Nagler reported, “with [a] broad-based gait.” But her left arm continued to wander and her left eye continued to show Horner’s syndrome. Nagler concluded that such injuries appeared to be rare but served as a warning about the hazards of “forceful hyperextension of the neck.”
This time a 25 yr old man.

These were a sign of neck trauma. Diagnostic tests revealed blockages of the left vertebral artery between the c2 and c3 vertebrae; the blood vessel there had suffered “total or nearly complete occlusion” — in other words, no blood could get through to the brain.

Two months after his attack, and after much physical therapy, the man was able to walk with a cane. But, the team reported, he “continued to have pronounced difficulty performing fine movements with his left hand.” Hanus and his colleagues concluded that the young man’s condition represented a new kind of danger. Healthy individuals could seriously damage their vertebral arteries, they warned, “by neck movements that exceed physiological tolerance.” Yoga, they stressed, “should be considered as a possible precipitating event.”
The yoga instructor inteviewed for the article had to undergo a lumbar spinal fusion to treat some of the damage yoga had caused his body over the years.

He had developed spinal stenosis — a serious condition in which the openings between vertebrae begin to narrow, compressing spinal nerves and causing excruciating pain. Black said that he felt the tenderness start 20 years ago when he was coming out of such poses as the plow and the shoulder stand. Two years ago, the pain became extreme. One surgeon said that without treatment, he would eventually be unable to walk. The surgery took five hours, fusing together several lumbar vertebrae. He would eventually be fine but was under surgeon’s orders to reduce strain on his lower back. His range of motion would never be the same.

Black is one of the most careful yoga practitioners I know. When I first spoke to him, he said he had never injured himself doing yoga or, as far as he knew, been responsible for harming any of his students. I asked him if his recent injury could have been congenital or related to aging. No, he said. It was yoga. “You have to get a different perspective to see if what you’re doing is going to eventually be bad for you.”
Yeah, that sounds about right, unfortunately

But his warnings seemed to fall on deaf ears. “I was a little more emphatic than usual,” he recalled. “My message was that ‘Asana is not a panacea or a cure-all. In fact, if you do it with ego or obsession, you’ll end up causing problems.’ A lot of people don’t like to hear that.”
Jun 26, 2022

Possible case of possesion?

The real wake-up call came when I felt something evil physically leave my body as a pastor prayed for me on one occasion. I started to do my own research on yoga and realised that everything that I was told about yoga was a lie. So I decided to do a full renewal prayer, to repent of my sins and to cut ties with the yoga spirits I had bowed down to, my teachers, the places I practiced yoga and my yoga school. Through renewal prayer, I finally felt clean before God and could worship Him fully.”
Apparently even once or twice may be enough for spiritual issues to occur
It appears Christians cannot take up any kind of yoga with the hope of enjoying the physical aspects without paying the spiritual cost eventually. Here are two more stories of people who only tried yoga once or twice.

One story is of a missionary’s wife who needed to be delivered from the kundalini spirit after she tried yoga only two times while she pregnant. The lady was at a prayer meeting when the Holy Spirit revealed this to those praying in the group. Even though she was no expert in the yoga poses, the wife’s body began to posture on its own during the deliverance. In another example, a lady was praying to repent for trying aerial yoga a few times, but images of penises kept popping up in her mind. This had never happened to her before. Afterwards, she found out that certain types of yoga can awaken (ungodly) “sexual energies” in a person. It was this sex demon that was distracting her. In both cases, both women were loving and tenderly set free from yoga demons in the name of Jesus.
Jun 26, 2022

A warning from a yoga teacher, a spiritual gateway drug

One expert offers an extreme warning:

“I advanced in the occult sphere so fast that I soon became the youngest guru in the Western Hemisphere, and one of the most advanced and powerful. Twice a week I taught yoga on television. Hatha-Yoga sounds like a nice simple set of exercises; everyone thinks it is just gymnastics. I want to warn that it is just the beginning of a devilish trap. After I became an instructor in Hatha-Yoga, my guru showed me that the only thing these exercises do is open your appetite for the occult. They are like marijuana; they usually lead you on to a drug that is worse and stronger, binding you so completely that only Christ can deliver you. Many people think that occult power is just the power of the mind. This is not true. There is a point beyond which the power of the mind ends and the demonic power takes over.”
People willing to risk it for the "health benefits", but what if there aren't any?

The facts behind yoga shows that it is hardly a form of exercise and stretching.

“The truth is, yoga, regardless of the form, doesn’t offer a comprehensive way to get fit. According to a study by the American Council on Exercise, a national nonprofit organization that certifies fitness instructors and promotes physical fitness, dedicated yoga practitioners show no improvements in cardiovascular health. It’s not the best way to lose weight either. A typical 50-min. class of hatha yoga, one of the most popular styles of yoga, in the U.S., burns off fewer calories than are in three Oreos – about the same as a slow 50-min. walk.”
Dangerous to body and mind. Keep in mind many people who get hurt won't go to an ER, especially if the symptoms do not occur suddenly.

I've posted previously in this thread about the young woman who committed suicide after a yoga and meditation retreat.
Not only is it a useless way to “get fit,” it is also extremely dangerous.

“But with more than 14 million people practicing yoga or tai chi nationwide, up 136% since 2000, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists and chiropractors across the country are dealing with the increase fallout from yoga gone awry. Over the past three years, 13,000 Americans were treated in an emergency room of a doctor’s office for yoga-related injuries, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.” 3)

We are bombarded with the idea that yoga is not only a healthy exercise for the physical body, but the mind as well. Once again, the statistics shows otherwise.

76% of cases experienced psychological disorders, 43% had to have psychiatric or medical treatments. Out of the psychological disorders observed 63% experiences tiredness, 52% experiences states of anxiety, 45% experiences depression, 39% experiences nervousness, 39% experienced regression [a child like dependency], 26% experienced a nervous breakdown, and 20% expressed serious suicidal tendencies. These statistics are based on a study of the TM (Transcendental Meditation) form of yoga, and was pursued by the German Government youth department (Ministry of Youth, Family and Health), which was verified by the nations Supreme Courts after careful review.
Ok, this is a long quote, i bolded the more relevant parts. It really is eye opening stuff for those who think it is just exercise.
With such statistics, the obvious question should arise, “why would someone develop such a dangerous form of exercise?” The answer to that question, unfortunately, is not so obvious. Yoga was not developed for the purpose of physical exercise or relaxation.

“If you’re doing meditation correctly, you’re in for some very rough and frightening times. Meditation as a relaxation response is a Joke.”4)

Yoga was developed for a religious purpose. Yoga is traced back to the oldest Hindu scriptures known as the Rig Vedas, and is which speaks of yoking our mind to the “Sun of Truth.” In the Hindu scriptures known as the Bhagavad-Gita, lord Krishna is said to be the originator of yoga. “The Personality of the Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku. This supreme science was thus received through the chain of succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in the course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost.” (Bhagavad-Gita 4:1-2) Indeed, yoga is not an exercise, but a religion.

“Only those students whose own searches have taken them more deeply into the study of Eastern disciplines realize that Yoga is far more than a popular method of exercise… having heard Raja Yoga as being the most profound study of esoteric of spiritual discipline.”5)

The book cited above, published by the Theosophy cult, was first published in India, in 1931, under the title The Occult Training of the Hindus. Being released in America during the 70s, the named had to be disguised to The Seven Schools of Yoga, because the Western culture had not been so accepting of occult material in those days.

There is no separating yoga from Hinduism. Caryl Matrisciana who was born and raised in India, and was once a avid New Age practitioner of yoga says it all. “Yoga, a practice synonymous with Hindu philosophy, means ’to yoke.’ Its goal is to unite man with Brahman, the Hindu concept of god (or rather a consciousness called ’god-state’)… And this union is another important ingredient of New Age thinking.”6) One yoga instructor confesses the purpose of yoga classes is to indoctrinate the student with Hindu philosophy.

“One of the first things I learned in my teacher’s training class was that I must talk to students about the philosophy behind Yoga, that this was just as important as the exercise. Relaxation at the end of the Yoga class is really hypnosis, where each part of the body is relaxed. So while they were in this state, I read to them about Hindu philosophy, or something from one of my guru’s books, so they got it whether they wanted it or not!”7)

Now we can begin to understand why people are willing to risk the physical and mental dangers of yoga considering the Hindu philosophy that is connected, in order to be freed from the endless cycle of reincarnation, to reach enlightenment.

“Yoga was developed to escape this ‘unreal’ world of time and sense and to reach moksha, the Hindu heaven – or to return to the ‘void’ of the Buddhist. With its breathing exercises and limbering-up position, yoga is promoted in the West for enhancing health and better living – but in the far East, where it originated, it is understood to be a way of dying.”8)

Understand, in that the Hindu religion shows no value to human life but actually seeks death, to shed the ‘bad karma’ which is obtained through past life times. So by reaching enlightenment in the current life time, you only need to shed bad karma of your past life times by dying. By following this method for a few more cycles of reincarnation you will reach perfection and obtain heaven.

Caryl Matrisciana was born in India and saw first hand how the Hindus religious philosophy effected that culture. When she became an adult, she was involved with the New Age movement until she found salvation in Jesus Christ. Since her conversion she has been an expert on the New Age and occultism, sharing her story and the discerning truth from the masked movement spreading by means of deception.

“Yoga… is sold to the West as the art of living. But it is really an art of dying!… The gurus would have us think that yoga teaches us to breathe in the best possible way. But it really teaches us to reduce our own breathing down to a minimum and finally to stop it – along with everything else!”9)

This fact of stopping the functions of the entire body as a process of killing ones self through yoga is confirmed by science, as Marilyn Ferguson explains: “Swami Rama, a yogi who became famous in the early 1970s when the Menninger Foundation and other laboratories verified his remarkable ability to control physiological processes (including virtually stopping his heart).”10)

The book I mentioned earlier, which was originally published in India under the title The Occult Training of the Hindus, was loaded of such warnings about the dangers of yoga. “I must not refer to any of these Hatha Yoga practices without sounding a sever warning. Many people have brought upon themselves incurable illness and even madness by practicing without providing the proper conditions of body and mind”11) Again he states, “I should like to make it clear that I am not recommending these practices, as I hold that all Hatha Yoga are extremely dangerous…”12) These dangers are explained as “… by any mistake there arises cough, asthma, head, eye and ear pain, and many other diseases.”13) Why haven’t the instructors in America given any warnings to students before they sign up for a yoga class? “…The four [schools of Hatha yoga, Laya yoga, Bhakli yoga, and Mantra yoga] should not be so practiced, and anyone who takes them up thoroughly does so at the immanent risk of most serious bodily disorders, disease and even madness.”14) What he means by the last warning, “even madness,” is actually demon possession.

“The average yoga instructor never mentions ( and may not even know) the many warnings in ancient texts that ‘Hatha Yoga is a dangerous tool. One can be possessed by a Hindu deity ( i.e. demon) through the altered state of consciousness induced by this practice.”’15)

The many different unnatural positions the body is forcibly contorted into during a yoga session are developed to invoke the many different Hindu gods. The Hindu scriptures that a yogi (yoga practitioner) would consider the Bible is called The Yoga Sutras. In it such statements are made as “The Self is the height of Self-realization [enlightenment]… he [the yoga practitioner] encounters discarnate beings [spirits with no body].”16) “The yogin [feminine form for yogi] establishes contact with chosen deity… the yogin makes contact with that god or goddess… in the meditational experience.”17) Maharishi , founder of Transcendental Meditation admits, “We do something here according to Vedic rites: particular, specific chanting to produce an effect in some other world, to draw the attention of those higher beings or gods living there. The entire knowledge of the mantras or hymns of the Vedas is devoted to man’s connection, to man’s communication with the higher beings in different strata of creation.”18)

It is by the contact with these Hindu gods, that the practitioner receives revelation to further gain the way to enlightenment, which is being absorbed into the Supreme god of Hinduism – Brahman. “What is called renunciation you should know to be the same as yoga, or linking oneself with the Supreme…”19) Krishna further explains, “And of all yogis, the one with great faith who always abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to Me – he is the most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all.”20) So the yogi is told to think of Krishna as being “within him,” in order to “unite” with this false god.
Another long quote, goes in to topics of alien deception being really demons, the serpent/goddess power, and new age stuff involving the agenda to get everyone doing yoga

Strieber was able to establish contact with his chosen god or goddess, which was an alien he described as being like the “face of Ishtar” in his meditation experience. This undoubtedly proves that the alien phenomenon is none other then the age old worship of demons.
Victims of [demon] possession suffer the very same medical and emotional symptoms as the UFO contactees.”24) With demon possession and alien abductees experiencing the same symptoms from their experiences, it should be a logical presupposition that if yoga was conjuring Hindu deities (i.e. demons) for the purpose of making union with them, we should suspect yoga to cause similar symptoms as well. The facts remain consistent. “… people who have encountered so called aliens have been transformed emotionally and religiously as a result of an encounter with a spirit, but often it is an unpleasant experience that leaves them with a sense of being violated, depressed, and even suicidal.”25)

John Keel further confirms the concept that Ernest Woods stated of yoga practitioners risking “even madness.” “Millions of people have been affected at least temporarily by UFO contact, thousands have gone insane and ended up in mental institutions after their experiences with these things began.”26)

We can make another distinct connection to the “spiritual awakening” of the many different movements today. The ultimate goal of yoga is to “awaken the Kundalini.”

“Kundalini is described as a force lying in three and a half coils, like a sleeping serpent, in a cavity near the base of the spine. This is regarded as a goddess, ‘luminous as lightening,’ who, even though sleeping, maintains all living creatures. She lies there with her head blocking a fine channel which goes straight up the spine and is known as the sushumna.”27)

This author had presented the dangers of yoga, and as I quoted him earlier, stated, “… by any mistake there arises cough, asthma, head, eye and ear pain, and many other diseases.”28) He pronounced, “by any mistake” multiple dangers can arise. This should be a major concern seeing that there is not a single standing agreeable accuracy on how to work the kundalini, which is the major focus of yoga itself.

“In one practice he [the yoga practitioner] brings her [the kundalini] as far as he can, and, as she pierces any one of the lotuses [sitting positions], its face, which was turned downward before, turns upwards, and when the meditation is finished he leads her back to her home near the base of the spine… Some hold that once she has reached the heart chakra, that will be her permanent home, and she will not return below it. Others say that even from the beginning she was at the level of the naval.”29)

Ernest Wood does not stand alone on this opinion, but it is well understood by those in India and the gurus that teach yoga.

This is a serious decision. Yoga is not a trifling jest if we consider that any misunderstanding in the practice of Yoga can mean death or insanity. That a misunderstood Yoga can be dangerous has been proven by many a student.”30)

Without an agreeable understanding of this most major factor in yoga, there is inevitably going to be a mistake made, resulting in catastrophe to the individual participating. What is agreed upon among those who realize the potential of yoga, is the purpose of awakening the kundalini to release the “serpent power.” As this serpent figure “goddess” rise up the spine, it effects each chakra on the way up to the final top chakra. The top two chakras, are the third eye and the crown chakra.

“According to the ancient mystery cult, at the moment of body-free consciousness, which can be attained through Transcendental Meditation, a man perceives the birth of light forces within his own skeleton. His whole physical body becomes penetrated by a new force, opening a third eye, the eye of perception.”31)

The third eye, also called the mind’s eye once effected by the kundalini, awakens the psychic connection , producing “magick” occult abilities (such as clairvoyance, astral projections or out-of -body experiences, and precognition, ESP, etc.).

“Yoga is the transformation of the mind complex and its activity;
The Helixform Path of Magick leading to higher spiritual levels;
To vanquish the conditioning and habits inflamed by civilization,
Restoring our original nature and magick charisma of Divinity
By the union of individual spirit with the Supreme Atman.”32)

The crown chakra is the spiritual connection with the universal god, the union with whom yoga was developed for. When the kundalini reaches the crown chakra, the individual has become enlightened of his god – consciousness. Dave Hunt asks the question, “Might the promise of this godlike ‘serpent power’ be the same promise with which the Serpent deceived Eve by offering her godhood? Certainly, the ‘self-realization’ of ‘oneness with the universe’ and with Brahman, which is the promise of yoga, is at least an unmistakable echo of the Serpent’s lie in the Garden.”33) The whole concept of yoga is tied into serpent worship, goddess worship, spiritual evolution or as some may call it “the next quantum leap” which will lead mankind into the New Age of Aquarius.

“As for the future, here’s what our Teacher [Yogi Bhajan], the Master of Kundalini Yoga, has to say: Yoga with its every system is going to prevail. By the year 2013, forty to sixty percent of the people will be practicing yoga. People will see that people who practice yoga are bright and beautiful, calm, quiet, and blissful. They will recognize that the yogic community is sincere, dependable, serving and giving. The future of yoga is bright, beautiful, bountiful, and blissful.

In the coming years, changes in technology, psychology, and sociology shall be huge. In this chaos of the information age it will be difficult for people to cope with their day to day lives. The body, mind, and spirit have to be organized to meet these challenges. The word is going to spread that ‘Yoga is the way.’ This ancient science has saved mankind before, is saving it now, and shall save it in the future.”34)
Jun 26, 2022

yoga is big business. Keep in mind article is from over a decade ago, so factor in inflation as well as the number of people increasing.

Worldwide, yoga is estimated to be a 30 billion dollar business encompassing almost every aspect of life.

It is estimated that 15 million Americans practise yoga. The Los Angeles Times estimates that there are more than 70 yoga studios in Southern California alone, with some of the bigger ones pulling in as much as $30,000 a week. The largest yoga residential retreat centre in the US, The Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, Massachusetts draws close to 20,000 guests a year, for an annual gross of about $10 million. The popular Jivamukti Yoga Center in Manhattan offers at least 108 classes a week, with an average of 60 students packed into every class.

The following was posted on Yoga Business Academy site over a year ago:

  • A whopping $6 billion was spent solely on yoga products last year (that is 2010)
  • One in 10 Americans now practice yoga
  • The percentage of people that practice Yoga increases on an average of 20-25% every year.
  • Yoga is becoming mainstream in the corporate world.
  • Companies looking to associate their products or services with a wellness lifestyle will turn to yoga imagery (think Worldly-Wise by Morgan Stanley). A sexy yogini sipping a glass of wine while sitting in lotus position on the hood of a car is not out of the question if it helps sell a car.
  • Asia will be a major growth market for yoga.
  • New training — with overall growth of the wellness industry, new training programs to support practitioners in demand, including advanced professional development and business training.
  • Insurance companies are already paying for yoga
  • Yoga will be prescribed by the doctor
  • Yoga’s growth is part of a bigger wellness trend. Those companies that want to capitalize off the trend will add services such as nutritional programs, exercise routines, spa services and wellness consultations in conjunction to yoga offerings.
  • Conclusion: Yoga as a business is a HUGE market, what’s your take?
Is the bustling business of yoga—a practice rooted in renunciation and greedlessness—good karma?
Ok, this blew my mind a little - if you rearrange the letters in the word indicating the belief that we hve a god within us you can form the words "me satan". Not exactly scientific evidence, but very weird coincidence that i had missed all these years.

For example, the word ‘namaste’ (an anagram of ‘me satan’ often said at the close of yoga classes, means, ‘I bow to the god within you’.
Jun 26, 2022
From pro yoga site

Tldr: doing yoga without the preparation required is dangerous, and yoga is not just a sport/physical activity

The practitioner’s state of consciousness and moral foundations determine his way of living: what and how he eats, how long and how he sleeps, what work he does, what stresses he endures, etc.. His way of life, consequently, determines the state of his body, senses and mind; and these qualities of the body, senses and mind are the main factors limiting his practice.

That is why, traditionally before starting to practice Yoga, students begin purification exercises and moral enhancement as a foundation for the complex transformations. Some may ignore this and start practicing only power aspects of Yoga, as the followers of some magic clans practice it, but the Power may not be mislead. Practice without this higher stage of consciousness is most likely to result in various traumas and karmic problems. Sooner or later Karmic Law forces such «deceivers» to either give up yoga practices due to the state of their health, or to respect the absolute necessity to balance consciousness and accept internal morality.

Asanas are the codes of the state of consciousness. And their physical elaboration is just a simple test to know the level of development and balance of one’s consciousness. Practicing Asanas, Viniasas and Pranayamas is a desire to gain access to higher levels of being rather than simple physical training.

Neither circus, nor sport acrobatics constitute Yoga. These practices are purely physical and are not oriented to change the consciousness. Although, of course, an acrobat’s physical background may readily serve as a basis for development of advance consciousness.

One should avoid a sport approach in elaborating Asanas, Viniasas and Pranayamas. Yoga is not a sport! Athletes can age quickly or develop diseases in middle age. But real Yogis do not have diseases and preserve good looks until an extremely old age. In Yoga greater priority is given to the feeling of personal limits rather than the complexity of exercises. Therefore, it is useless to compare the practice of one yogi with the practice of another one. Because their practice in principle is incomparable.

And it is also important to remember that a young body’s strength and flexibility do not allow a person to claim oneself an advanced yogi. True Yoga presumes the recognition of higher planes of being, which only becomes possible with the progress and the growing up of the Spirit.
Oct 20, 2021
Interesting msm article for those who value the opinions of doctors. Focuses on physical dangers. So much for it being physically good for you, even if spiritually dangerous.

And a yoga teacher, no online weekend certification either - "Black is, in many ways, a classic yogi: he studied in Pune, India, at the institute founded by the legendary B. K. S. Iyengar, and spent years in solitude and meditation."

Here's the tldr

People in the US are at a higher risk of getting injured compared to the original demographic of practicioner

How about some torn achilles tendons, needing a hip placement, and having to teach lying down, all for the love of yoga


How about a stroke to go with that yoga?

Healthy young woman gets injured while doing a common yoga pose, suffers brain damage

This time a 25 yr old man.

The yoga instructor inteviewed for the article had to undergo a lumbar spinal fusion to treat some of the damage yoga had caused his body over the years.

Yeah, that sounds about right, unfortunately
I'm sorry for having to bring up Jane Fonda but if I recall she had to have her hip replaced because of yoga or whatever she was doing.
Oct 20, 2021
Wow, that's not cool.
This reminds me of jogging, too.
Apparently it's really bad for
your knees.
I met a guy in the park once and he was in a wheelchair. He told me that he ran on a treadmill for years and the result was his knees were ruined. God must have wanted me to meet this guy as a warning because at the time I was seriously thinking of getting a treadmill. I was lucky to have dodged that bullet.


Jul 10, 2023
I met a guy in the park once and he was in a wheelchair. He told me that he ran on a treadmill for years and the result was his knees were ruined. God must have wanted me to meet this guy as a warning because at the time I was seriously thinking of getting a treadmill. I was lucky to have dodged that bullet.
It really does sound like a warning.
It's crazy how we can be taught
something is so good for us
and ends up harming us
in the end.
I feel bad for this guy.
I guess treadmills are better used
for walking, but I still prefer
to go outside and do so.


Dec 1, 2019
Primal humans lived in unity with all three bodies of humans: physical, electrical and etherial. Since they could they taught their kids this way of life.
I did in MK ULTRA yoga but it completely different that kundalini. I cannot remember the book I was taught. I’ve researched kundalini — it doesn’t work because kundlalini isn’t ours actually: it is something Hivites promoted so there is twisted truth.

Because Primal people have Primal knowledges about everything. In my country they labelled them "pagan" and destroyed them all.
They did that in America
Genocide of indigenous peoples - Wikipedia
They didn that in Ruissa and still doing now. Narts, Cossacks -- these etnicities only have names. Nothing left of them.

It communicate with you through the feelings. When you in touch with Ether you just feel right.
It doesn't communicate with a voice.
Voice is Voice to scull or programmers' voices.
Because Ether can recover all your wounds they block your third eyes where your souls ethereal and electrical body lays. Just like myths said.
In maternal hospitals Hivites write High IQ kids atlas to lock their third eye to prevent their natural abilities from developing correctly. The trauma is recoverable. The crime is a crime against humanity.
They are layering in me at Ethereal Level (Gamma? Phi? Omega? I cannot say for now) Fear\terror programs in demonic set up. They made me fear my own Third Eye.
True love energy activated my heart chakra. It has its own brain cells that are pushed to Right hemisphere which pushes the Third eye to call Ether for help. Their spiritual holding over me has ended. I am free now.
How to protect from enemy spiritual attacks. Patronus charm. It also can heal you. First time it will be gas.
I've managed to call the spirit of my beloved dead rottweiler. He scared the Hivites off and healed me when I asked.

You need to teach your brain (Third eye) feelings (vibrations) of love first.
Lay down and in a relaxing brain state ask your right hemisphere what kind of love will help you heal.
Storge –empathy, Philia – friend, Eros – romantic, Agape – unconditional.
Visuals activate the right hemisphere. RH next.
1 Take a photo of the person you love. If you lack one, take visuals from your RH.
2 Focus on the feeling of love.
3 Remember this state.
4 Be in the state as much as your brain allows you.
These steps may not come the first time. Brain needs time. Have patience and have faith.
5 Heart chakra will be active
6 Ether will ask you to come to 1 chakra
7 Ether will ask you to pass from 1 to 7 chakras
8 Third eye will be activated
9 Be in a Third eye active state. Remember it.
10 When your brain says "it is done" say "thank you" and let it go.
11 Repeat this exercise in a relaxing, calming place as soon as your brain asks if it needs that.
After the exercises I mentioned soon you will be able to call ether anytime you need. Train yourself in peace to use it against spiritual attacks and psychotronic weapons.
If you feel you are under spiritual attack call ether for help by activating heart chakra by power of love. If you can't for now focus on the person you love and call for brain state love gives to you. Ether will come to help.
Call for Ether is like the power of love -- anyone can do that. Hivites want you to forget about it. This is why they spread divide and conquer agenda -- to spread fear programs on a mass scale.

Death = Reaper =Saturn
Harry Potter have Latin version -- Atlantis
Deathly Hallows tell how to get to Ether -- through Agape, 7 chackra love. Harry was killed by black mage and he was reborn just like I was because Ether have different plans for me.
Left side is connected to right hemispehere, this is why you use left hand to help MK ULTRA victim.
1 Put you LH to heart
2 Skin to skin is better because skin is an organ.
3 Give love

Restore your unity with trees
1Go to forest. Be in Third eye state through POWER OF LOVE.
2Feel the trees. Touch them. One may call to you.
3As for healing. Put organs that hurt to it. Do exersises.
4When it's done say "thank you"
Agape-- non conditional love is known to be the strongest. If you give love people who need it expect you Etherial powers and healing to arise.
Because the love is non conditional and the strongest because prengancy. This is why in MK ULTRA children got hurt by their parents and back. Let's forgive them. Parents didn't choose MK life neither did you.
All myths are real-- they really were, the Gods. Apollo, Venus etc. They were people with great spiritual abilities. When they died their spirits guided the ancient and they answered them.
Hivites admitted their existence with clenched teeth. How much you actually destroyed about our real ancesters, pedo and liars?
All abilities legends said they have are real Third eye abilities. Thrust me as person Hivites programmed in Third eye level.
If you call for Ether throw yout heart chakra with power of love the you can use it against MK DELTA. I 've found one and I managed to do that. I went to my ESP regime and I read the signal I should give to him. He just walked away.
They want 99% of you to die! They don't stop! They are on underground bases. They are destroing your nature and animals! Whom you see are puppets, they don't exist! TAKE ACTION! UNITE!
Hivies ouse hidden sound and reverses to pass your contious. Look for what you listen and watch. SOUND WORKS AT ETHERIAL LEVEL!
1-- color programming
2 -- third eye indicates problem in the chackra. Color shows which one.

Because your pet give you agape (non conditional Etherial love) Hivites attack your pet.
Use Power of love and ask Ether through Third eye to protect your pets from hivites.

If you can own a pet. Even hamster can be healing. I know because I recovered the worst part MK ULTRA with love of my hamster.


Jun 5, 2023
Before i get back to posting articles about the dangers of yoga i wanted to say that just stretching without strengthening can actually be harmful.

The body's joints rely on muscle stength for stability, and if all one does is stretch without also strengthening there is a danger of overstretching a tendon, and once those are overstreched there is no going back besides surgery. This can be especially dangerous for people with a predisposition to hypermobility.

What a dumb sounding word lol

Sounds like it would be about being afraid of xena

Or maybe xenon

"A dumb sounding word". You're so embarrassing!


Jun 5, 2023
Let's face facts humans are the only animal that practice yoga. Cats and dogs and bears and tigers etc know better than to twist their bodies into pretzels plus now that churches are promoting yoga my conclusion is that it is totally crooked. I say leave yoga in India or wherever it came from.
You must be an overweight and clearly uneducated old white man lol.

Oh and by the way, cats and tigers stretch in a very specific way that is also used in Yoga. It's even called Cat Stretch.

Stay fat and miserable while the rest of us enjoy the benefits of Yoga. :)