
Dec 1, 2019
Knight who has lead war against Hivites from 1524 to 1525. Hivites signal about killling him by 8-й cavalry division SS, Easter Front 1943–1944.

Geyer is reputed to have had the words "Nulla crux, nulla corona" (No cross, no crown) scratched on the blade of his sword.[1] All sides credited him with the wanton destruction of cathedrals and castles, and summary executions of the lords and priests contained therein.


Jan 29, 2018
Knight who has lead war against Hivites from 1524 to 1525. Hivites signal about killling him by 8-й cavalry division SS, Easter Front 1943–1944.

Geyer is reputed to have had the words "Nulla crux, nulla corona" (No cross, no crown) scratched on the blade of his sword.[1] All sides credited him with the wanton destruction of cathedrals and castles, and summary executions of the lords and priests contained therein.
VERY interesting! Please feel free to post more about this and elaborate!

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
All I can find out about Hivites is this:

Within the Hebrew Bible, Hivites are often listed among the inhabitants of Canaan, promised to the descendants of Abraham.


Dec 1, 2019
The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries
Known as the “Blood Countess”, Elizabeth Bathory lured young women to her castle and subjected them to horrific torture mixed with occult rituals. Documents about her life provide a rare glimpse into the true nature of the occult elite – which still exists today. Here’s a look at Bathory’s life.
leadbathory3 The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

Warning: This article contains elements that might be disturbing to some readers.
Elizabeth Bathory was a Hungarian noblewoman born in the 16th century. She was beautiful, highly educated and she spoke several languages. She lived in lavish castles. Her family lineage was illustrious and owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary. She was the niece of Stephen Bathory, the king of Poland, the grand duke of Lithuania, and the prince of Transylvania. She did good deeds for local peasants who admired her. In short, she had everything going for her.
Then, rumors began circulating that she was a vampiric witch who abducted girls and tortured them in her castle. Later, these rumors were proven true … and then some. In fact, Bathory’s cruelty and depravity were so shocking that they inspired legends that we still hear about today.
Known as the “Blood Countess” or “Countess Dracula”, Bathory holds the Guinness record for “most prolific female murderer in the Western world”. She is alleged to have killed over 600 virgins in order to drink their blood and bathe in it, ostensibly to preserve her youth.
A deeper look at Elizabeth Bathory’s life provides a rare glimpse into the true mindset of the occult elite – one that remained the same to this day. While these grim yet revealing stories are usually erased from history or dismissed as “hoaxes” by the powers that be, substantial documentation about Bathory’s life, crimes, and trial remained intact. Despite this fact, we’ve seen efforts to whitewash Bathory’s story, dismiss many of her actions as exaggerations and even portray her as some sort of “strong independent woman”.
While she was most likely strong and independent, she was a mass murderer of young women. Bathory was also obsessed with satanism, witchcraft, and draining blood from common people.
She did not come up with any of this herself, those practices were rampant amongst nobles and aristocrats of the day. Nothing has changed. Here’s a look at Bathory’s life.
Elite Family
bathorycrest The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

The Bathory family crest. Evil.
Bathory was born in Transylvania in 1560. She was the product of inbreeding between Baron George Bathory and Baroness Anna Bathory. Her family included kings, cardinals, knights, and judges. It also included cruel, violent, and deranged psychopaths.
During her childhood, Bathory witnessed numerous acts of cruelty committed by her family.
“At her family’s estate in Ecsel, she was rumored to have witnessed her family’s officers dole out every form of cruelty in the name of justice. At the age of ten, Elizabeth watched them sew a gypsy, accused of larceny, into the belly of a dying horse; his head was exposed, and he was left to die. She was also said to be epileptic, and that, possibly from inbreeding, rendered her prone to fits of rage”.
– The Toast, “Yes, We Can Now Talk About Elizabeth Báthory”
From a young age, Bathory was surrounded by people with dark interests.
“Bathory’s aunt Klara, a distinguished lady at the court, was reputed to be a lesbian and witch. An uncle was an alchemist and devil-worshiper, and her brother was a reprobate around whom no woman or female child was considered safe. To make matters worse, her nurse from childhood, Ilona Jooone was steeped in the practice of black magic that reportedly required the sacrifice of children for their bones and blood.”
– Ibid.
At the age of 15, Bathory was married to Count Ferenc Nadasdy who became a powerful general. The arranged marriage turned out to be a good match as both of them had heavy sadistic tendencies.
“During the summer, they doused servants in honey and watched as bees swarmed. Torture supposedly became a common interest for the couple, and they sought out instruction from occultists and Satanists.”
– Ibid.
Not unlike today’s elite, Elizabeth knew how to hide her family’s dark side with good deeds.
“As well as being capable of managing and defending their vast territories, Elizabeth was very generous to the poor and needy. She gave lots of money to charity and often intervened on behalf of impoverished or disadvantaged women and children…in order to keep the family reputation up and to hide their satanic traditions. However, even though she acted nice, her true colors showed when she was alone.”
– Ibid.
To please Elizabeth, her husband reportedly built a torture chamber to her exact specifications. And, while he was away waging war against the Turks, Elizabeth kept busy with dark activities.
“Aunt Klara began popping over to school her niece in her preferred methods of entertainment: flagellation, lesbian orgies, and various forms of sadomasochism. Klara was abetted by a loyal retainer named Thorko who introduced the beautiful Erzsébet (Elizabeth) to the occult, piquing her interest in mixology. Erzsébet grew adept of concocting sundry drugs, brews, and potions; and in her husband’s absence her various houseguests included self-proclaimed sorcerers and seers, warlocks, witches, and alchemists.”
– Leslie Carol, Royal Pains
As years went by, Elizabeth’s taste for blood became monstrous. Peasant girls from nearby towns regularly went missing, never to be seen again. Some were handed over by trusting parents who were eager to gain favor with the countess.
Once in Bathory’s castle, the girls were locked up and subjected to the worse torture imaginable.
“Everyone in Hungary, regardless of rank or proximity, lived in terror of the powerful Bàthorys. Still only an adolescent herself when she began torturing peasant girls, Erzésbet took advantage of a serving wench’s merest misstep, using it as an excuse to punish her. She often devised tasks that were nearly impossible to accomplish, just so she could torture someone. But rebukes and slaps were for sissies. If a girl was suspected of theft, she was commanded to strip naked and was then tortured by the application of red-hot coins pressed against her bare skin. Sometimes the countess opted to go organic; The girls were whipped with stinging nettles after being beat with some other device. And even if a servant girl hadn’t misbehaved she might still end up as the day’s entertainment. Mutilation was frequently on the menu. Girls were placed into cages fitted with internal spikes that impaled them everywhere as the cage tightened, resulting in agonizing and bloody death. Pincers and tongs, heated until they glowed, were used to tear off bits of flesh. Scalding irons branded their tender skin. Erzsébet even perfected a technique of tearing a girl’s head apart by tugging the sides of her mouth until they ripped and her neck snapped in two.
The countess was said to have achieved sexual exstasy during these torture session, squealing in girlish delight at the sights and sounds of her victim’s agony. She enjoyed whipping them from the front, just so she could see the pain and terror on their faces. Sometimes, for kicks and giggles Erzsébet would slather a girl with honey and tie her to a tree, leaving her to the mercy of insects and other wildlife with a sweet tooth.”
– Ibid.
IronMaiden e1649425272351 The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

Inspired by the Iron Maiden (above), Bathory built a similar device named the Iron Virgin.
When her husband died, Elisabeth took things to another level.
“Although the count participated in his wife’s cruelties, he may have also restrained her impulses; when he died in the early 1600s, she became much worse. With the help of her former nurse, Ilona Joo, and local witch Dorotta Szentes, Bathory began abducting peasant girls to torture and kill. She often bit chunks of flesh from her victims, and one unfortunate girl was even forced to cook and eat her own flesh. Bathory reportedly believed that human blood would keep her looking young and healthy.”
– History, Hungarian countesses’ torturous escapades are exposed
From a young age, Bathory was obsessed with her looks. She reportedly spent hours staring at the mirror while mumbling strange incantations. After her husband’s death, Bathory became a single mother of eight in her forties. And she was willing to do anything to preserve her youthful looks. Anything.
“Erzsébet now convinced herself that torture and mutilation had an additional, and healthful, benefit. One day, a hapless servant accidentally pulled the countess’s hair while she was drawing a section of her tresses through a mesh hairnet studded with pearls. The girl received such a resounding slap that her nose bled, splashing on Erzsébet’s hand (or face, depending on the source of the anecdote). After regarding herself in a mirror, Erzsébet was convinced that her skin looked much more youthful where the virgin girl’s blood had spattered her.
A self-proclaimed local sorceress who called herself Darvulia (real name Anna), and was known as “the witch of the forest,” had by then become one of Erzsébet’s cohorts. Darvulia suggested to the countess that bathing in the blood of virgins would be as beneficial as a fountain of youth. So Erzsébet lured as many peasant girls as she could to Castle Csejthe, as well as to her other properties, including a town house in Vienna, to ensure that her new beauty regimen, as well as her preferred form of entertainment, remained uninterrupted. According to historian Margaret Nicholas, Darvulia and her confederate procuresses (aging widows who were well paid for their services) roamed the region after dark in search of fresh victims.
At the castles the girls were systematically slaughtered, their blood collected in vars and buckets for the courtesan’s ritual bath, taken at the mystical hour of four a.m. If a victim was particularly beautiful, Ezsébet was reputed to have imbibed her blood.”
– Op cit., Carol
545 e1649426355408 The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

In a recent photoshoot, Kylie Jenner is naked and covered in blood. Today’s occult elite is no different than Elizabeth Bathory.
Although rumors about the horrors happening at the castle were rampant, the peasantry remained silent. However, when Elizabeth began recruiting girls from minor noble families, her downfall began.
“Elizabeth became brazen and careless towards the end of her killing career. While staying in Vienna, she ordered a renowned choir singer from the Church of Holy Mary, Ilona Harczy, to perform privately for her at her apartments in the city on Augustinian Street. The girl was never seen again and witnesses claimed Elizabeth killed her when she could not sing for her either out of fright or shyness.”
– Peter Vronsky, The True Story of Elizabeth Báthory “The Blood Countess”
After lots of political negotiations involving the entire Hungarian elite, the King of Hungary finally ordered Bathory’s arrest. Her castle was raided during the Christmas holidays of 1610. Accounts of the raid are nothing less than horrifying.
“When they reached the castle on a blustery, winter night, they found the front door slightly ajar. They were greeted not by a servant, but by a corpse splayed on the cold, stone floor. Pale from bloodletting and partially clothed from torture, the young woman in the entryway was just the first body they found in the Castle Cachtice; others were half-dead, awaiting their fate in the dungeon. Elizabeth, along with her accomplices and servants, were allegedly found upstairs, in the throes of holiday orgy. She watched as all around her were arrested, but she was spared such an indignity.
– Op. Cit. The Toast
bathory The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

Batory by Hungarian artist István Csók – circa 1893.
During Bathory’s trial, testimonies from witnesses, accomplices, and survivors horrified the judges.
“Testimony revealed that the kidnapped girls had been chained to walls in the dungeons and fattened up, because the Countess believed this increased the blood in their bodies was critical to her moonlit sorcery. They were also forced into deviant sexual activities with her. If they reacted with displeasure, they received torture and possibly death. Yet, even those who did well eventually bored her and they, too, were dispatched. Sometimes, depending on the countesss whim, her favorite girls got the worst treatment. One had been forced to strip a piece of flesh off her own arm. A few were shoved into small cages full of spikes.”
– Op. Cit., Vronsky
Inside her castle, authorities found a ledger containing the names of over 600 victims. As the search went on, bodies were discovered everywhere on the premises, from shallow graves to hidden chambers inside the castle.
Despite the overwhelming proof against Bathory, she was relatively spared. While her accomplices were tortured and promptly executed by the authorities, Bathory did not attend the trial and was not executed.
“Pressure was on to keep her fortune in the family, so in the end Erzsbet Bthory was imprisoned for life, with no formal sentencing, locked in a small set of rooms in her own castle at Cahtice. She was confined to her rooms, with the entrances and windows walled up, save for tiny slits for food and air.”
– Ibid.
After four years of confinement in her castle, died at the age of 54.
In Conclusion
The story of Elizabeth Bathory was nearly erased from history. It easily could have morphed into a fictionalized legend, like many other stories involving the occult elite. Her trial was held in secret in a remote Slovakian town in 1611 and her powerful family immediately sealed its records. There were no newspapers to report on it. None of the ruling families wanted grim details against their relatives released to public scrutiny. Elizabeth was not even allowed to appear at the trial. Instead of public execution, she was walled in alive inside one of her remote castles.
In many ways, Bathory’s life and downfall are highly reminiscent of a modern equivalent: Jeffrey Epstein. Like Epstein, Bathory had connections with some of the world’s most powerful people. And, like Epstein, Bathory lured young girls with promises of wealth and prestige. However, like Epstein, Bathory became too brazen and her depravity fueled rumors across the land. Her incessant kidnappings became a source of concern for the elite as its dark secrets were threatened to be revealed. So, like Epstein, Bathory was incarcerated until death, with no opportunity for her to say another word to anyone else. Finally, like Epstein, all of her accomplices were silenced in one way or another.
About 500 years after Bathory’s death, today’s occult elite remains obsessed with the same horrific practices. Numerous articles on The Vigilant Citizen have documented the elite’s taste for the depraved, the abhorrent, and the outright evil. Today’s mass media is filled with abuse, satanism, cannibalism, blood rituals, and every debased practice one can think of. This is all by design.
The elite’s insanity used to be hidden. Now it is being normalized.
Jul 12, 2022
The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries
Known as the “Blood Countess”, Elizabeth Bathory lured young women to her castle and subjected them to horrific torture mixed with occult rituals. Documents about her life provide a rare glimpse into the true nature of the occult elite – which still exists today. Here’s a look at Bathory’s life.
leadbathory3 The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

Warning: This article contains elements that might be disturbing to some readers.
Elizabeth Bathory was a Hungarian noblewoman born in the 16th century. She was beautiful, highly educated and she spoke several languages. She lived in lavish castles. Her family lineage was illustrious and owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary. She was the niece of Stephen Bathory, the king of Poland, the grand duke of Lithuania, and the prince of Transylvania. She did good deeds for local peasants who admired her. In short, she had everything going for her.
Then, rumors began circulating that she was a vampiric witch who abducted girls and tortured them in her castle. Later, these rumors were proven true … and then some. In fact, Bathory’s cruelty and depravity were so shocking that they inspired legends that we still hear about today.
Known as the “Blood Countess” or “Countess Dracula”, Bathory holds the Guinness record for “most prolific female murderer in the Western world”. She is alleged to have killed over 600 virgins in order to drink their blood and bathe in it, ostensibly to preserve her youth.
A deeper look at Elizabeth Bathory’s life provides a rare glimpse into the true mindset of the occult elite – one that remained the same to this day. While these grim yet revealing stories are usually erased from history or dismissed as “hoaxes” by the powers that be, substantial documentation about Bathory’s life, crimes, and trial remained intact. Despite this fact, we’ve seen efforts to whitewash Bathory’s story, dismiss many of her actions as exaggerations and even portray her as some sort of “strong independent woman”.
While she was most likely strong and independent, she was a mass murderer of young women. Bathory was also obsessed with satanism, witchcraft, and draining blood from common people.
She did not come up with any of this herself, those practices were rampant amongst nobles and aristocrats of the day. Nothing has changed. Here’s a look at Bathory’s life.
Elite Family
bathorycrest The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

The Bathory family crest. Evil.
Bathory was born in Transylvania in 1560. She was the product of inbreeding between Baron George Bathory and Baroness Anna Bathory. Her family included kings, cardinals, knights, and judges. It also included cruel, violent, and deranged psychopaths.
During her childhood, Bathory witnessed numerous acts of cruelty committed by her family.

From a young age, Bathory was surrounded by people with dark interests.

At the age of 15, Bathory was married to Count Ferenc Nadasdy who became a powerful general. The arranged marriage turned out to be a good match as both of them had heavy sadistic tendencies.

Not unlike today’s elite, Elizabeth knew how to hide her family’s dark side with good deeds.

To please Elizabeth, her husband reportedly built a torture chamber to her exact specifications. And, while he was away waging war against the Turks, Elizabeth kept busy with dark activities.

As years went by, Elizabeth’s taste for blood became monstrous. Peasant girls from nearby towns regularly went missing, never to be seen again. Some were handed over by trusting parents who were eager to gain favor with the countess.
Once in Bathory’s castle, the girls were locked up and subjected to the worse torture imaginable.

IronMaiden e1649425272351 The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

Inspired by the Iron Maiden (above), Bathory built a similar device named the Iron Virgin.
When her husband died, Elisabeth took things to another level.

From a young age, Bathory was obsessed with her looks. She reportedly spent hours staring at the mirror while mumbling strange incantations. After her husband’s death, Bathory became a single mother of eight in her forties. And she was willing to do anything to preserve her youthful looks. Anything.

545 e1649426355408 The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

In a recent photoshoot, Kylie Jenner is naked and covered in blood. Today’s occult elite is no different than Elizabeth Bathory.
Although rumors about the horrors happening at the castle were rampant, the peasantry remained silent. However, when Elizabeth began recruiting girls from minor noble families, her downfall began.

After lots of political negotiations involving the entire Hungarian elite, the King of Hungary finally ordered Bathory’s arrest. Her castle was raided during the Christmas holidays of 1610. Accounts of the raid are nothing less than horrifying.

bathory The Story of Elizabeth Bathory: Proof That the Occult Elite Has Been Sick For Centuries

Batory by Hungarian artist István Csók – circa 1893.
During Bathory’s trial, testimonies from witnesses, accomplices, and survivors horrified the judges.

Inside her castle, authorities found a ledger containing the names of over 600 victims. As the search went on, bodies were discovered everywhere on the premises, from shallow graves to hidden chambers inside the castle.
Despite the overwhelming proof against Bathory, she was relatively spared. While her accomplices were tortured and promptly executed by the authorities, Bathory did not attend the trial and was not executed.

After four years of confinement in her castle, died at the age of 54.
In Conclusion
The story of Elizabeth Bathory was nearly erased from history. It easily could have morphed into a fictionalized legend, like many other stories involving the occult elite. Her trial was held in secret in a remote Slovakian town in 1611 and her powerful family immediately sealed its records. There were no newspapers to report on it. None of the ruling families wanted grim details against their relatives released to public scrutiny. Elizabeth was not even allowed to appear at the trial. Instead of public execution, she was walled in alive inside one of her remote castles.
In many ways, Bathory’s life and downfall are highly reminiscent of a modern equivalent: Jeffrey Epstein. Like Epstein, Bathory had connections with some of the world’s most powerful people. And, like Epstein, Bathory lured young girls with promises of wealth and prestige. However, like Epstein, Bathory became too brazen and her depravity fueled rumors across the land. Her incessant kidnappings became a source of concern for the elite as its dark secrets were threatened to be revealed. So, like Epstein, Bathory was incarcerated until death, with no opportunity for her to say another word to anyone else. Finally, like Epstein, all of her accomplices were silenced in one way or another.
About 500 years after Bathory’s death, today’s occult elite remains obsessed with the same horrific practices. Numerous articles on The Vigilant Citizen have documented the elite’s taste for the depraved, the abhorrent, and the outright evil. Today’s mass media is filled with abuse, satanism, cannibalism, blood rituals, and every debased practice one can think of. This is all by design.
The elite’s insanity used to be hidden. Now it is being normalized.
Wow. Just wow. If people think only men are monsters, they have to see this!
This really reminds me of how the evil Queen was depicted in the 2012 movie Snow White and the Huntsman. She would take women from all over, and suck the youthful essence out of them to stay beautiful forever. It was disgusting. To think this was a real thing, and people are still doing it now, probably, is absolutely disturbing!
And I've noticed, again and again, it's women obsessed with their appearance. This is why I feel vanity is really evil, and shouldn't be taken lightly!


Dec 1, 2019
Sicilia have been known as Sicilian Mafia nest. Sicilia have supported Hannibal in Punic wars. Your classical history is everyting. Keep it from Hivites.
Rock music has existed hundred years old. It purpose -- to cast spells for people they cannot cast spells upon.
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Dec 1, 2019

Hivites infiltration, rule and genocide are only the result of righ classes depravities.


Dec 1, 2019

Hivites infiltration, rule and genocide are only the result of righ classes depravities.


Dec 1, 2019

17742- 1775 (aged 32–33)
The vent took place after 1812 catasropy -- artist show us Atrantis architecture and fire.
Hivites was sacred of him so they gave him surname Scarer. Alexander Pushkin wrote about him but Hivite changed all his works.
Leader of peasant rebellion aganins Hivite rulers, grasped Atlantis in their hands and faked themselves as Aryan noble house Romanov. He was the leader of Aryans and the rest people tired of Hivite rule.
He was publically executed 21 January [O.S. 10 January] 1775 In Bolotnaya Square in the centre of Moscow, he was decapitated and then drawn and quartered in public.
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Dec 1, 2019
Yes, it is possible to leave Left Brain thinking hivites forced us to accept through system of education and go to Billaural one. I did that long time ago.
I suggest you need to begin your rethinking with our myths, legends, fairtytales, classical art and then learn from our classical history.


Dec 1, 2019
How it is possible to inhreight a disease? You inhereight your brain structure and neurons pathways. Therefore you can inhereight trauma and diseases. When you heal said neurons of multigenerational traumas you will heal these diseases all together.


Dec 1, 2019
13 Illuminati Bloodlines:
NAMES of TYPES of DISINFORMATION AGENTS The intelligence agencies have their own lingo for the types of disinformation agents they send against everyone else. So far, we have named only double & sleeper agents. Here are some of their disinformation agents: AGENT OF INFLUENCE--These agents can be unwitting, under mind-control, or ideologically motivated to use their positions of influence to sway the minds of others. Examples of Agents of Influence are anchor men on T.V., journalists, labor leaders, TV commentators, academics quoted by the media, & some politicians.
CONFUSION AGENT--An agent whose job is to produce confusion by disseminating confounding information.
CONTRACT AGENT--These are the rogue agents, such as the mob, who the CIA get to do particular jobs on contract. Their connections can be denied.
DEEP COVER AGENT--A sleeper agent (often a programmed multiple or person with mind-control programming) who has been a long term sleeper agent.
DISINFORMATION AGENT--This is a highly placed agent who passes disinformation to other governments.
NOTIONAL AGENT--A fictitious non-existent "agent" which is created with a real-looking identity to mislead.
PROVOCATION AGENT--An agent sent in to provoke & destabilize the target group to do foolish things.
SPOON-FEEDER AGENT--Someone who dribbles out legitimate information, this is often done to build up a person's credentials (bona fides). Lots of the people who are pretending to expose the NWO are spoon-feeder agents who provide a little new information, tons of already known secrets, and sprinkle in a measure of disinformation for added fun. Generally spoon-feeders increase their percentage of disinformation once they gain respectability. There are very few people really exposing anything of consequence about the NWO. This author has endured the loss of several of the really legitimate whistle blowers who were friends being assassinated since he began writing exposes.

What this means is that agents for groups that do mind-control may have been sleepers for many years and look very legitimately innocent, they may give good correct information to our side, they may say all the right things and try to get us motivated to do more than we would want, they may talk about other friends who are giving them information who do not even exist. It takes discernment to spot people who are not on our side. Unfortunately, such discernment seems to be fundamentally lacking within the public at large. For instance, I have seen people choose obvious NWO agents over this author as a source of "information" (which is in reality disinformation). Most people have bought so much disinformation during their lifetime, perhaps it’s unrealistic to expect them to purge out all the junk they’ve accepted. Just as people in the world need to toss out their worldly thinking, people in the church need to toss out all the indoctrination they’ve gotten from the numerous kinds of harlot churches. At the moment, the system is set up so that the perpetrators of the mind-control are in control of the credentialing process, so that they can provide their stooges/and agents with the best credentials. As the reader can see, the roots of power behind the mind-control go deep.


Dec 1, 2019
G. GAMMA (demonology)
The Gamma programming is the secret layering in of demons.
ADRESS: RUSSIA, Moscow, Korolenco str 2. Stromynka 7 is nearby.

DATE OF CRIMES: 1990— current day. 1812 year foundation -- it have floors and tunnels underground.
Date I was abused here: End of April— may beginning.
I was programmed here with hypnosis and sound in the house in 1st floor with windows on the east and a tree behind the window.


Dec 1, 2019
It is our books . Keep them from Hivites.

People do reporting meeting with creatures described here!
Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them... Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself... soulless and evil. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life, and you will just be an empty shell that lost its soul.


Dec 1, 2019
MK ULTRA| MK DELTA survivor Booke Federline
shares the information
Follow your intuition
Abuse deliberately attempts to take away our inner guidance
Trusting inner wisdom & this sacred feedback loop, is our greatest shield of protection from programming & mind control
The feminine, right brain is targeted in MK programming through abuse to the left side of the body (left body connects to right brain), death experiences & drugging
It is far more difficult for programmers to access the right brain. The heart is connected to the intuitive right brain & may even be stopped to access
Programming over intuition, is frequently held in place by demonics that cause dissociation, or a reactive state to push away truth
When we say things like, ‘this always happens to me’, it may reveal a programmed trauma trigger. These trauma circuits, disconnect us from our inner knowing, keeping old emotional & thought patterns active
When we become the observer we step outside the pull of emotional patterns. By living consciously in every moment we become free

Because Ether can recover all your wounds they block your third eyes where your souls ethereal and electrical body lays. Just like myths said.
In maternal hospitals Hivites write High IQ kids atlas to lock their third eye to prevent their natural abilities from developing correctly. The trauma is recoverable. The crime is a crime against humanity.
They are layering in me at Ethereal Level (Gamma? Phi? Omega? I cannot say for now) Fear\terror programs in demonic set up. They made me fear my own Third Eye.
True love energy activated my heart chakra. It has its own brain cells that are pushed to Right hemisphere which pushes the Third eye to call Ether for help. Their spiritual holding over me has ended. I am free now.
How to protect from enemy spiritual attacks. Patronus charm. It also can heal you. First time it will be gas.
I've managed to call the spirit of my beloved dead rottweiler. He scared the Hivites off and healed me when I asked.
You need to teach your brain (Third eye) feelings (vibrations) of love first.
Lay down and in a relaxing brain state ask your right hemisphere what kind of love will help you heal.
Storge –empathy, Philia – friend, Eros – romantic, Agape – unconditional.
Visuals activate the right hemisphere. RH next.
1 Take a photo of the person you love. If you lack one, take visuals from your RH.
2 Focus on the feeling of love.
3 Remember this state.
4 Be in the state as much as your brain allows you.
These steps may not come the first time. Brain needs time. Have patience and have faith.
5 Heart chakra will be active
6 Ether will ask you to come to 1 chakra
7 Ether will ask you to pass from 1 to 7 chakras
8 Third eye will be activated
9 Be in a Third eye active state. Remember it.
10 When your brain says "it is done" say "thank you" and let it go.
11 Repeat this exercise in a relaxing, calming place as soon as your brain asks if it needs that.
After the exercises I mentioned soon you will be able to call ether anytime you need. Train yourself in peace to use it against spiritual attacks and psychotronic weapons.
If you feel you are under spiritual attack call ether for help by activating heart chakra by power of love. If you can't for now focus on the person you love and call for brain state love gives to you. Ether will come to help.
Call for Ether is like the power of love -- anyone can do that. Hivites want you to forget about it. This is why they spread divide and conquer agenda -- to spread fear programs on a mass scale.
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Dec 1, 2019
They have bad energy. Hivites choice you for kidnapping.
Ask Ether for help.
Go to the first place where there are people. Hivites afraid their dark deeds will be brought to the light.
Take the first transport you can be droven from them. ALWAYS have money.

Hivites prefer places with bad energy. Stay away from these places -- they will be always here.
Watch for the shoes. They select victims in clothing non comfortable for running.
Change locations. It is harder for them to stalk you.
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Dec 1, 2019
Wifi has been made for MK ULTRA. It cause brain, nerves and hormonal issues. It allows to stalk you. It allows to microwave harrass you from a distance. Stuff related-- Bluetooth etc the same.