Why Are The Singers Getting "traumatized" In The First Place? What's The Point?

Jul 27, 2017
I read VC (and related sites) for years, I know pretty much the whole MKULTRA/Monarch "mythology", but there's something I still don't get whatsoever:


If it's true that they getting traumatized, brainwashed, mkultra'ed, I just don't get the reason for all this. Even if the higher-up elites are a bunch of devil-worshippers, I still don't get it why the "industry pawns" need to be subjected to mindrape at all.

At the end of the day, they are on a stage performing pop songs with occasional occult messages in them.. and getting paid millions for that. You know what? I could find 10 good looking boys and girls within minutes on the street who would do that for that money! No problem at all.

I assure you: No traumatizing neccessary! Also, it's NOT such a stressful live (if we're talking just about the on-stage performances, without the "trauma-torture") it's certainly not being a child-slave in an African coalmine.

I would get if these techniques would be used to create soldiers (probably are), but using them on singers seems like a wasted effort, because it's really no biggie finding willing (and somewhat talented) participants for this.

Think about all the effort to maintain that system: Handlers, re-program clinics, the "experts" that have to be involved in this, the logistics.. and all this to keep Britney and Justin on the line, when so many people would gladly replace them, for less money (including doing all the occult-show off) ?

I am not a braindead "skeptic": I see the weird behaviors clearly that people like Britney Spears are espousing, you would have to be a complete moron to dismiss all the material on this site. I am not doubting that something is certainly whacked.. but I just don't get the "why".


Mar 15, 2017
I've often wondered this too. I see YTers doing crazy outrageous stuff, ppl on SM degrading themselves for free, so why torture the celebs?

I guess it makes them easier to control.
Although I imagine most laymen would be easily controlled by the threat of taking away their money or extortion or threatening to expose them in the tabloids.

Ordinary ppl are easily controlled by the thought of being broke, getting sick, or dying. I think this could still work on an entertainment platform.

"If you don't sing XYZ, I'll kill you/ not pay you/ tell your wife you're cheating". "Ok. Here I go".
See, no electroshock, no torture, no abuse. Just plain ol good old fashioned American Mob- style business!


Mar 13, 2017
To keep them co-dependent. It's a way to extract money from them, basically.

It all feeds the illusion that more money will bring you more power. And it really doesn't. Maybe you can donate more to your favorite charity, or have some of the nicest things, but at some point what money can bring you hits the roof. The toys lose their novelty, the influence waxes and wanes. But you can't tell that to the greedy ones.


Jun 30, 2017
So, if you were part of a satanic cult, and part of the rituals of that cult required sexual abuse, sacrifices, torture, etc, what better way to control them then to give them everything in the world they could want, money fame etc. The threat of taking it away would be more than enough, plus you need to ensure that they need these artists to play what you want them to and not run off half cocked on creative endeavours and ruin all the hard work of programming them .


Mar 14, 2017
If you've ever been in an abusive relationship, it's the exact same thing.
They first get in the music industry bright-eyed, full of excitement, finally making the big dollars, the cost? Their identity.
When you sign a record label, they own you. Your voice, your looks, your talent, all of it. You sing their songs, their way, wear their "uniforms." You work for them. Eventually when your name becomes well known, you are forced to push agendas, even if you don't want to. They break you down til you don't care anymore.


Mar 18, 2017
I think in the case of the female artists, it is because of very archaic views towards men and women. I truly believe that most of what we see about women's rights in the media is just scripted so that people who do believe women should be able to work and all that don't get all upset and start demanding that the situation be corrected.

In reality, this is only a mirage and the people within these wealthy circles don't see men and women as equal at all. These views are not specific to any sort of religious inclination. These beliefs seem to be more primal in nature that men are just better, smarter, faster, stronger than women, and that women are only good for sex and cleaning.

It is like this belief is encoded in their DNA and only needs the slightest justification from an external source like some sort of religious doctrine or what not.

This is why we often end up in discussions on this subject where women are being used for sex and men are the handlers. Can you see the gender roles defined even in such a bizarre and abusive scenario?

Men are given a different script, different privileges. Women are supposed to look pretty. That is how it works.

So women undergo abuse, strictly because they are women in these situations. Clearly, some men are brought up in this discussion, but if we are being honest, we are more often talking about the male contributors to these scenarios as handlers not as victims.

Therefore, the primary reason to traumatize stars is to conceal archaic beliefs that would be considered taboo like the belief that women are only good for sex and cleaning things. It is basically the method of hiding something that would be the equivalent of having 30 wives from the public knowing that the public would want to share their opinion about something like this.
Jun 12, 2017
I think in the case of the female artists, it is because of very archaic views towards men and women. I truly believe that most of what we see about women's rights in the media is just scripted so that people who do believe women should be able to work and all that don't get all upset and start demanding that the situation be corrected.

In reality, this is only a mirage and the people within these wealthy circles don't see men and women as equal at all. These views are not specific to any sort of religious inclination. These beliefs seem to be more primal in nature that men are just better, smarter, faster, stronger than women, and that women are only good for sex and cleaning.

It is like this belief is encoded in their DNA and only needs the slightest justification from an external source like some sort of religious doctrine or what not.

This is why we often end up in discussions on this subject where women are being used for sex and men are the handlers. Can you see the gender roles defined even in such a bizarre and abusive scenario?

Men are given a different script, different privileges. Women are supposed to look pretty. That is how it works.

So women undergo abuse, strictly because they are women in these situations. Clearly, some men are brought up in this discussion, but if we are being honest, we are more often talking about the male contributors to these scenarios as handlers not as victims.

Therefore, the primary reason to traumatize stars is to conceal archaic beliefs that would be considered taboo like the belief that women are only good for sex and cleaning things. It is basically the method of hiding something that would be the equivalent of having 30 wives from the public knowing that the public would want to share their opinion about something like this.


Mar 26, 2017
It is very simple. I am surprised that people do not seem to have done simple research. Are people reading books or is everyone just going off the internet?

The internet does not provide the depth that books provide. The internet provides the width and books provide the depth. I am very surprised that people do not seem to be familiar with some of the very basics of MK-Ultra.

Anyways, trauma creates dissociation. The MK-Ultra people wish to create splits in the mind- or dissociation- in order to reprogram the mind.

If I tell you your name is "Toby" and you know your name is "Keith"... me just saying you have a new name will not be effective in brainwashing you. But if I severely beat, abuse and traumatize you and you are broken and you turn into a quivering, whimpering blob and I tell you your name is "Toby", this approach is much more likely to produce the desired effect. It's about traumatization, dissociation and breaking the will. It is a fundamental of how MK-Ultra works. I can't mentally enslave a whole, healthy person. But if you are traumatized, scared and broken... this is much more conducive to the goals of the programmer.


Aug 2, 2017
I figured no one would get this answer right... The trauma fragments their mind so that they can take part in illicit sex with powerful people, and engage in underworld activities such as drug running, spying etc. the music industry and the entertainment industry has always run alongside the underbelly of the underground black market for white slavery, and drug running, and money laundering among other things. Think of it this way: The entertainment industry is a FRONT for criminal activities the performances and bread and circus is only one part of the reason the entertainment world is a multi million dollar industry. If you're a traumatized multiple personality from a long line of generational culties, you don't talk about it because you don't remember.

A multi-million dollar industry...


Jun 3, 2017
I'll squash this now since im in the industry.

The reason why they go for broken humans (I was disowned by my parents for being a gay muslim), so because they are easier to control.
Now you're saying "But why do they need to be controlled or manipulated if they are willing to do all the wicked stuff for fame & money, well the answer to that is, a lot of them are willing to sleep with 1000 men, but practically no one is equipped to handle the onslaught of abuse and especially the black magic portion of it.

You can't see babies being sacrificed for fun on a daily basis and stay perfectly sane after that. Plus, all the consequences that comes with fame takes a huge toll on everyone, fame is a snake, a poisoned chalice. Some people willingly drink from the chalice knowing it's poisoned, but they dont expect the excruciating pain that will come with the poison, and they are either too ignorant to know or too burried into their own ego and heavily underestimate it.

The purpose of the mk ultra etc isnt to mind control humans that are already in the system, the purpose is to keep them from breaking down and spilling out everything. It's not created to control people but to shut them up and pretend nothing is happening.

Being a gay muslim male, with a large following is exactly what the industry needed to hit the target on the head in the islamic community. I fell right into their lap.. But i can't say I didnt see it coming. I knew...
Jun 12, 2017
I'll squash this now since im in the industry.

The reason why they go for broken humans (I was disowned by my parents for being a gay muslim), so because they are easier to control.
Now you're saying "But why do they need to be controlled or manipulated if they are willing to do all the wicked stuff for fame & money, well the answer to that is, a lot of them are willing to sleep with 1000 men, but practically no one is equipped to handle the onslaught of abuse and especially the black magic portion of it.

You can't see babies being sacrificed for fun on a daily basis and stay perfectly sane after that. Plus, all the consequences that comes with fame takes a huge toll on everyone, fame is a snake, a poisoned chalice. Some people willingly drink from the chalice knowing it's poisoned, but they dont expect the excruciating pain that will come with the poison, and they are either too ignorant to know or too burried into their own ego and heavily underestimate it.

The purpose of the mk ultra etc isnt to mind control humans that are already in the system, the purpose is to keep them from breaking down and spilling out everything. It's not created to control people but to shut them up and pretend nothing is happening.

Being a gay muslim male, with a large following is exactly what the industry needed to hit the target on the head in the islamic community. I fell right into their lap.. But i can't say I didnt see it coming. I knew...
That does make sense. I remember hearing a testimony from a former satanist that talked about seeing babies being sacrificed over scripts for spanish soap operas, and the demonic presence was so intense that some of the people there were going into seizures and dying. The coldest heart could not withstand that type of evil. I can see why these people would have to be able to forget these things in order to keep up with their performance. In a sick and twisted way, its for their own good.


Aug 11, 2017
pretty much what everyone else said, it's to mind control them

industry "puppets" as in they have no free will and someone controls their thoughts, moves... they can input false memories and be unable to think for themselves
people can rebel without mind control too easily. some try to break out of it. tupac died when he tried informing the public and kesha tried too, but ultimately failed. it's because they're too far corrupted and mind controlled to have to strength to fully break free
the whole dissociative thing is to basically hand over their brain to their handlers

these celebrities aren't people anymore to the handlers. they're essentially sex toys for the elite and products to profit out of and for the masses to worship
the mk ultra thing goes deep if you do some thorough research on it


Aug 13, 2017
I think in the case of the female artists, it is because of very archaic views towards men and women.

So women undergo abuse, strictly because they are women in these situations. Clearly, some men are brought up in this discussion, but if we are being honest, we are more often talking about the male contributors to these scenarios as handlers not as victims.

Therefore, the primary reason to traumatize stars is to conceal archaic beliefs that would be considered taboo like the belief that women are only good for sex and cleaning things.
Wow, this one of the most fucked up things I've read in a long time (and considering the nature of the topics on this forum, that says a lot).

So, all that abuse and what not is there because.. to keep women down? Is that it?

So women undergo abuse, strictly because they are women in these situations.
Yeah, bullshit. I admit it, most singers who are MK-related seem to be women, but, in other areas of the entertainment industry males face a heap of abuse. Most abused child actors seem to be boys for example:


Shame on you for making this a gendered issue. Classic divide and conquer strategy.

Also, it's all about class and connections, not gender, race, religion and what not (I think even low-class occultists are despised by the elite). Hillary Clinton has a seat on the table, while average Joe hasn't, despite "penis".
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Aug 13, 2017
I remember hearing a testimony from a former satanist that talked about seeing babies being sacrificed over scripts for spanish soap operas.
I wouldn't believe everything those "disclosers" tell. Could be dis-info.

There's lots of fucked up things going on, and maybe there are even sacrifices taking place, but those are probably limited to high-profile targets, like at the launch of a new super-symbolic Lady Gaga music video extravaganza.

If they would be really sacrificing children over literally any new episode of b-classed soap opera, then you would need to have sub-terranian human clone-factories to satisfy the demand for sacrifices. Think about the amount of episodes for various shows getting produced daily. That's not feasible due to logistics alone.


Mar 18, 2017
Wow, this one of the most fucked up things I've read in a long time (and considering the nature of the topics on this forum, that says a lot).

So, all that abuse and what not is there because.. to keep women down? Is that it?

Yeah, bullshit. I admit it, most singers who are MK-related seem to be women, but, in other areas of the entertainment industry males face a heap of abuse. Most abused child actors seem to be boys for example:


Shame on you for making this a gendered issue. Classic divide and conquer strategy.

Also, it's all about class and connections, not gender, race, religion and what not (I think even low-class occultists are despised by the elite). Hillary Clinton has a seat on the table, while average Joe hasn't, despite "penis".
Hello and welcome to the forum. Maybe you elaborate how you think my comment which begins with "I think in the case of women" and continues on to point out how women more often are considered victims while men more often play the role of handler could be considered a classic divide and conquer play?

Also, when you consider the role the women's movement played in bringing the subject of sexual abuse to light and the present methods of turning this movement into a joke possibly because sexual abuse is a strategy of Mk Ultra TPTB want to keep.

Maybe it is because I have also read countless essays from the turn of the century by prominent males in society who advocated that women were fine without the right to vote or education and work.

Divide and conquer huh? That's what you think I was doing.

I was offering my opinion which I clarified by introducing with "I think"; whereas you seem to present the impression that your insults are justified because you know for a fact that it is actually caused by such and such. That does not demonstrate an understanding of properly presented research.

So I think your a flamer and will ignore you from now on. Have fun picking on someone else. The person who thinks they know everything has trouble making friends. Good luck to you.


Jun 5, 2017
Though I'm no fan of the women's movement, with it being used to ["try" to] put a woman's face on the patriarchal system, Rainerann had some good points. Debasing women is part of entertainment, or even putting a man in a dress.

Using "f-d up" to come into the forum and immediately attack someone is probably not a good idea.
Divide and conquer you say, maybe it's more of "targeting" here?