Who do Muslims really worship?

Jan 10, 2022
Allah is one name for Satan/Lucifer. Nobody seems to know this these days. These 3 paragraphs come from Kerth Barker's book Deconstructing the Illuminati:

"Lucifer is a Greek word that means the light-bearer. So the word Lucifer itself only goes back to the time of ancient Greece. But the religion of Lucifer is much older than that. Lucifer has been known by many names. The pagan goddesses and gods are but various versions and depictions of Lucifer or of his demonic followers.

And you should know that among the many names that have been used for Lucifer, Allah is one of them. This is because the name Allah was originally the name for the Arabic moon god. And this moon god was only one of the numerous gods in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. And because the moon reflects the light of the sun, it can be said to "carry" or "bear" the light. Allah, therefore, is another name for Lucifer, the light-bearer. Although most Muslims do not understand this, Allah-worship can be a form of Lucifer-worship.

The god of Islam may not be the same God the Father, worshipped by Bible-believing Christians and Torah- believing Jews, however, to be completely fair, I need to point out that over the one thousand, four hundred years since Islam was founded, the word Allah has come to mean God in the Arabic language. So Arabic-speaking Christians do use the word Allah sometimes in their prayers."
Jun 4, 2021
Allah is one name for Satan/Lucifer. Nobody seems to know this these days. These 3 paragraphs come from Kerth Barker's book Deconstructing the Illuminati:

"Lucifer is a Greek word that means the light-bearer. So the word Lucifer itself only goes back to the time of ancient Greece. But the religion of Lucifer is much older than that. Lucifer has been known by many names. The pagan goddesses and gods are but various versions and depictions of Lucifer or of his demonic followers.

And you should know that among the many names that have been used for Lucifer, Allah is one of them. This is because the name Allah was originally the name for the Arabic moon god. And this moon god was only one of the numerous gods in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. And because the moon reflects the light of the sun, it can be said to "carry" or "bear" the light. Allah, therefore, is another name for Lucifer, the light-bearer. Although most Muslims do not understand this, Allah-worship can be a form of Lucifer-worship.

The god of Islam may not be the same God the Father, worshipped by Bible-believing Christians and Torah- believing Jews, however, to be completely fair, I need to point out that over the one thousand, four hundred years since Islam was founded, the word Allah has come to mean God in the Arabic language. So Arabic-speaking Christians do use the word Allah sometimes in their prayers."
i disagree with the above...

the moon god goes bk to the 3 dietys in surah najm 53...which then go on to stem the Wiccans...

the wiccans worship Samhain ...

What is Samhain and how is it celebrated?

Samhain is observed from sunset on October 31st to sunset on November 1st. It is the celebration that is the origin of Halloween. Samhain was first observed by Celtic Pagans. Samhain marked the Celtic New Year, the end of summer, and the end of the harvest season.
Mar 30, 2017
Allah is one name for Satan/Lucifer. Nobody seems to know this these days. These 3 paragraphs come from Kerth Barker's book Deconstructing the Illuminati:

"Lucifer is a Greek word that means the light-bearer. So the word Lucifer itself only goes back to the time of ancient Greece. But the religion of Lucifer is much older than that. Lucifer has been known by many names. The pagan goddesses and gods are but various versions and depictions of Lucifer or of his demonic followers.

And you should know that among the many names that have been used for Lucifer, Allah is one of them. This is because the name Allah was originally the name for the Arabic moon god. And this moon god was only one of the numerous gods in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. And because the moon reflects the light of the sun, it can be said to "carry" or "bear" the light. Allah, therefore, is another name for Lucifer, the light-bearer. Although most Muslims do not understand this, Allah-worship can be a form of Lucifer-worship.

The god of Islam may not be the same God the Father, worshipped by Bible-believing Christians and Torah- believing Jews, however, to be completely fair, I need to point out that over the one thousand, four hundred years since Islam was founded, the word Allah has come to mean God in the Arabic language. So Arabic-speaking Christians do use the word Allah sometimes in their prayers."
Who is Kerth Barker and where did he get his information regarding the definition of Allah? I've looked up the word on two online dictionaries and found this:

Definition of Allah
: GOD sense 1a —used in Islam
Synonyms for Allah
Almighty, Author, Creator, deity, Divinity, Eternal, Everlasting, Father, God, Godhead, Jehovah, King, Lord, Maker, Providence, Supreme Being, Yahweh (also Jahveh or Yahveh)


Also found in: Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Al·lah (ä′lə, ə lä′)
God, especially in Islam.
[Arabic allāh : al-, the + 'ilāh, god; see ʔl in Semitic roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Allah (ˈælə)
(Islam) Islam the Muslim name for God; the one Supreme Being
[C16: from Arabic, from al the + Ilāh god; compare Hebrew elōah]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Al•lah (ˈæl ə, ˈɑ lə)
n. Islam.
the Supreme Being; God.
[< Arabic Allāh]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Personally, I find the "moon-god" definition a weathered and old tale, and I'm not even Muslim.


Jun 28, 2020
Allah is one name for Satan/Lucifer. Nobody seems to know this these days. These 3 paragraphs come from Kerth Barker's book Deconstructing the Illuminati:

"Lucifer is a Greek word that means the light-bearer. So the word Lucifer itself only goes back to the time of ancient Greece. But the religion of Lucifer is much older than that. Lucifer has been known by many names. The pagan goddesses and gods are but various versions and depictions of Lucifer or of his demonic followers.

And you should know that among the many names that have been used for Lucifer, Allah is one of them. This is because the name Allah was originally the name for the Arabic moon god. And this moon god was only one of the numerous gods in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. And because the moon reflects the light of the sun, it can be said to "carry" or "bear" the light. Allah, therefore, is another name for Lucifer, the light-bearer. Although most Muslims do not understand this, Allah-worship can be a form of Lucifer-worship.

The god of Islam may not be the same God the Father, worshipped by Bible-believing Christians and Torah- believing Jews, however, to be completely fair, I need to point out that over the one thousand, four hundred years since Islam was founded, the word Allah has come to mean God in the Arabic language. So Arabic-speaking Christians do use the word Allah sometimes in their prayers."
Allah is the Arabic word for God.. Just like the Spanish refer to God as Dios, Dieu in French and so on. Believe it or not Islam did not invent Arabic such as you try to lead towards at the end of your post.

Honestly, why do people with your level of ignorance still exist? We've had the internet for over 20 years now. Millions of people who are upon YOUR faith that speak Arabic refer to God as Allah.

Palistinian priest.jpg

So the Arch bishop in Jerusalem is worshiping the devil? You better get on the phone and let him know.. or just admit how ignorant you actually are.

Take it from a man who was a Christian for 30 years and Muslim for over a decade that Allah IS God the Father.

Definition of Allah
It's never occurred to me to just give a dictionary definition whenever these idiots pop up. But it literally is that simple.

Personally, I find the "moon-god" definition a weathered and old tale.
We all do, but people love to spit into the wind.

Among His signs are the day and the night, the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or the moon, but prostrate to Allah, Who created them all, if you truly worship Him alone. (41:37 Quran)


Mar 10, 2022
Been thinking about this....

womans menses tied in with moon phases....some say its fact ..some say its myth...

whats your opinion....


I come on like clockwork every month when the moon is full. Not one day before it’s full not one day after always when it’s at its fullest. It’s nuts and I’ve always wondered why.
Jan 10, 2022
Allah is the Arabic word for God..
I'm hardly an idiot, and if you didn't notice, this wasn't my opinion based on some waffling belief pulled out of the ether. I posted a section of a published book, written by an escaped insider of the Illuminati, who states that from his experience, that was the truth. I say was because they killed him for writing that book I quoted that you dissed. Historically, they only kill people who reveal secrets they don't want revealed.

Do you know, also, that Muslims worship a black cube that is also Luciferian in origin? Being as you state you were a Muslim, I would expect you to know this, as well. But many Muslims, like yourself, are also deceived, as this Luciferian group is very, very secretive.

The Luciferian word for God, as in Lucifer the God, is "God". Allah being the Arabic word for Lucifer the God isn't such a stretch. Allah = Lucifer is how the Luciferians use the word, just like God = Lucifer is also how the Luciferians use the word.

Just as Catholics who are Luciferians use Catholicism as a cover life, so do Mormons, and some Protestants, and Druids, and Muslims. Hence the 14th bloodline, the literal name of which is the "Muslim brotherhood", brotherhood being the name that Luciferians call themselves in lieu of Illuminati. The capstone, the head of the Luciferian organization is also reported to be in Medina, according to Barker, the author of that book. Many Muslims, not all, many, are Luciferians with a Muslim cover life.

I'm not dumb enough to rely on not being a member of the Illumianti; I compile and take the word of not one, not two, but multiple ex-Luciferian brotherhood insiders, and I just bring them to the attention of people who might be interested. I have taken that to be this forum, over, say, Reddit, which tends to elicit responses more like yours. I dare you to read Kerth's book, it might be an eye-opener for you.
Jan 10, 2022
Who is Kerth Barker and where did he get his information regarding the definition of Allah? I've looked up the word on two online dictionaries and found this:

Definition of Allah
: GOD sense 1a —used in Islam
Synonyms for Allah
Almighty, Author, Creator, deity, Divinity, Eternal, Everlasting, Father, God, Godhead, Jehovah, King, Lord, Maker, Providence, Supreme Being, Yahweh (also Jahveh or Yahveh)


Also found in: Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Al·lah (ä′lə, ə lä′)
God, especially in Islam.
[Arabic allāh : al-, the + 'ilāh, god; see ʔl in Semitic roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Allah (ˈælə)
(Islam) Islam the Muslim name for God; the one Supreme Being
[C16: from Arabic, from al the + Ilāh god; compare Hebrew elōah]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Al•lah (ˈæl ə, ˈɑ lə)
n. Islam.
the Supreme Being; God.
[< Arabic Allāh]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Personally, I find the "moon-god" definition a weathered and old tale, and I'm not even Muslim.
Kerth Barker is an escapee of the Illuminati, and he got his information from whistleblowers inside the group. His information corroborates and expands on other ex-insider testimony. He's dead, they killed him in January 2021, but some of his books are still for sale on Amazon.com

One thing about the Luciferians is that they don't use your dictionary, or mine, either. Their definitions are often sculpted to deceive.


Jun 28, 2020
while I'm hardly an idiot
Its kinda funny how you cant even figure out how to quote people while denouncing idiocy. At first i thought you made a blank post.

Well, doesn't matter if its from a book or not. Since you quoted it, obviously you believe in it regardless of how ridiculous it makes you look. .

Where to begin? That black box in the desert? Did you know Prophet Abraham (as) built that? Was Abraham a luciferian?
Did you know the kabah wasn't always black? For well over 1000 years it was white. Also, technically it is not cube shaped. There is a section of it known as the haleem that is half round shaped.

You can call lucifer a god from sun up to sun down. In Islam hes more like a flea, completely powerless until God allows him to so much as to lift a finger. Theres nothing divine about the devil what so ever. You should notice how you build him up when you attack Islam. Really shows who your inspiration here is.

I don't care about your 40,000 Christian sects, keep them to yourself.

If you only had a clue how much Masonry has infiltrated the church.
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One eye symbolism can be seen all over it for those willing to look.

which tends to elicit responses more like yours.
I found this hilarious. I literally pointed out 350 million people in this world speak Arabic. It doesn't matter if they are Christian, Jewish or Muslim. When they say God they say Allah. Why you can't grasp this is...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm trying not to mock you here but your stupidity can really compete with Kais, who is somewhat our village idiot.

As you were, figuring out how to quote someone.
Mar 30, 2017
Kerth Barker is an escapee of the Illuminati, and he got his information from whistleblowers inside the group. His information corroborates and expands on other ex-insider testimony. He's dead, they killed him in January 2021, but some of his books are still for sale on Amazon.com

One thing about the Luciferians is that they don't use your dictionary, or mine, either. Their definitions are often sculpted to deceive.
What you're stating makes absolutely no sense, as it would nullify your post in the "Bloodlines of the Cabal" thread. Add to it, much to my mum's dismay of failing French in high school, as someone who's unilingual, I know enough to know the word "God" can be said in other languages.

Stating otherwise, is unintelligent and/or arrogant.


Jun 28, 2020
have you ever took a moment and looked at yourself....

you are a muslim hypocrite
Because i call out your use of magic? Reminding believers we are forbidden from its use?

They certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew. (2:102 Quran)

How do we know what you do is magic?The kabbalists openly tell you.


What will you do on judgement day when it becomes clear i spoke the truth? There are too many demons around you now to accept it, but a day is coming when they will denounce you, separating themselves far from you.

End of the day Kais its just you and God. While you have an entire thread attempting to bar people from him.

If it makes you happy to call me a hypocrite then do so. I'll continue to call to the truth as long as Allah allows it.


Jan 29, 2018
have you ever took a moment and looked at yourself....

you are a muslim hypocrite
I dont agree with/understand everything you post, but you dont deserve to be insulted like this... Daze is just trolling for fresh conflict after being decimated in other threads. He aint no better than anyone else, so please dont let his insults hurt your feelings.


Jan 29, 2018
Allah is one name for Satan/Lucifer. Nobody seems to know this these days. These 3 paragraphs come from Kerth Barker's book Deconstructing the Illuminati:

"Lucifer is a Greek word that means the light-bearer. So the word Lucifer itself only goes back to the time of ancient Greece. But the religion of Lucifer is much older than that. Lucifer has been known by many names. The pagan goddesses and gods are but various versions and depictions of Lucifer or of his demonic followers.

And you should know that among the many names that have been used for Lucifer, Allah is one of them. This is because the name Allah was originally the name for the Arabic moon god. And this moon god was only one of the numerous gods in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. And because the moon reflects the light of the sun, it can be said to "carry" or "bear" the light. Allah, therefore, is another name for Lucifer, the light-bearer. Although most Muslims do not understand this, Allah-worship can be a form of Lucifer-worship.

The god of Islam may not be the same God the Father, worshipped by Bible-believing Christians and Torah- believing Jews, however, to be completely fair, I need to point out that over the one thousand, four hundred years since Islam was founded, the word Allah has come to mean God in the Arabic language. So Arabic-speaking Christians do use the word Allah sometimes in their prayers."
Among other languages, Jesus spoke Aramaic, in which a word for God is "Ala"... please dont get turned around by haters outside of Islam or Muslims who "dont know yet cant keep quiet"... Allah literally means "The One" which was part of the call to worship our one, true Creator... the God of Abraham. The whole moon-god thing is simply not true. I dont expect everyone to agree with Islam as most Muslims dont even seem to agree with it... but there is no polytheism within the actual faith itself.
Jul 31, 2021
Curiously the name in Arabic for the crescent moon is "hilal". And the name for Lucifer in Hebrew is "heylel". Heylel and hilal look pretty similar. And the Hebrew word for "ascending" (Lucifer wants to ascend) is "alah", which is again similar to Allah...

You might be onto something here.
Jul 31, 2021
Allah is one name for Satan/Lucifer. Nobody seems to know this these days. These 3 paragraphs come from Kerth Barker's book Deconstructing the Illuminati:

"Lucifer is a Greek word that means the light-bearer. So the word Lucifer itself only goes back to the time of ancient Greece. But the religion of Lucifer is much older than that. Lucifer has been known by many names. The pagan goddesses and gods are but various versions and depictions of Lucifer or of his demonic followers.

And you should know that among the many names that have been used for Lucifer, Allah is one of them. This is because the name Allah was originally the name for the Arabic moon god. And this moon god was only one of the numerous gods in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. And because the moon reflects the light of the sun, it can be said to "carry" or "bear" the light. Allah, therefore, is another name for Lucifer, the light-bearer. Although most Muslims do not understand this, Allah-worship can be a form of Lucifer-worship.

The god of Islam may not be the same God the Father, worshipped by Bible-believing Christians and Torah- believing Jews, however, to be completely fair, I need to point out that over the one thousand, four hundred years since Islam was founded, the word Allah has come to mean God in the Arabic language. So Arabic-speaking Christians do use the word Allah sometimes in their prayers."
Curiously the name in Arabic for the crescent moon is "hilal". And the name for Lucifer in Hebrew is "heylel". Heylel and hilal look pretty similar. And the Hebrew word for "ascending" (Lucifer wants to ascend) is "alah", which is again similar to Allah...

You might be onto something here.
Mar 30, 2017
Curiously the name in Arabic for the crescent moon is "hilal". And the name for Lucifer in Hebrew is "heylel". Heylel and hilal look pretty similar. And the Hebrew word for "ascending" (Lucifer wants to ascend) is "alah", which is again similar to Allah...

You might be onto something here.
No, they're not on to anything. It's what makes these boards silly and immature when there are debates like this. Muslims don't worship Lucifer, they never did. The people who are trying to construct the NWO do. They clearly worship Lucifer and it's so in our faces, yet, there are people on here making excuses for them left, right and centre, justifying and defending what's happened in the last two years, while Muslims have been against from the onset.

From my perspective, it's a divide and conquer tactic that's been thrashed around here for years and diminishes a poster's/member's credibility .


Jun 28, 2020
Curiously the name in Arabic for the crescent moon is "hilal". And the name for Lucifer in Hebrew is "heylel". Heylel and hilal look pretty similar. And the Hebrew word for "ascending" (Lucifer wants to ascend) is "alah", which is again similar to Allah...

You might be onto something here.
Indeed, satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze. (35:6 Quran)

O you who believe, do not follow the steps of satan, for he is your most ardent enemy. (2:208 Quran)

Eat of what Allah has provided for you and do not follow satan’s footsteps. Certainly, he is your sworn enemy. (6:142 Quran)

Would you like more? Ask and i shall provide.