What needs to change in order to make this country better?


Mar 16, 2017
Oh, they'll spend it. Maybe not you or I, but society at large will.
I guess we will see. I know the 2008 crash caused a roll back of households discretionary spending even amongst those that didn’t lose their jobs. It took years for my father in law’s business to rebound to where it was before that. And that’s an “essential service”


Mar 18, 2017
Nothing is going to collapse. Once we get the all-clear, business willl kick back into high gear, people will be rehired, and things will get back to normal, more or less. We suffered a decade long Depression, and while the govt tried a couple of different strategies to get things rolling again, nothing succeeded as well as them just getting out of the way. Manufacturing, innovation and the American can-do spirit was and will be what cures any temporary slump.
yup because I haven’t liked a president in my entire lifetime and dissolving the union is not the same as dissolving the ussr. When the ussr dissolved, a system of government was abandoned. If the United States were to dissolve, it would just mean the United States on a smaller scale not the abandonment of a system of government.


Oct 23, 2018
So you would have us destroy the entire three part system constucted in the Constitution, designed to foster Checks and Balances, and has worked well for over 200 years, and that other nations around the world have looked to for guidance in designing their own forms of democracy, just bc you don't care for the current president? That is methed up.
I agree and disagree with you. Yes, keep all the branches of government as agreed in the Constitution. Yet, the checks and balances haven't worked seamlessly. One party gets in control and changes things, then another party gets in control and changes things and it goes back and forth like a feedback loop. Whichever party it is promotes who they want to promote, pushes legislation they want to push, same stuff different 4 years. Reform needs to be made. I wish 3rd party candidates stood a chance. I like things from both parties but not the total platform of either. It's frustrating.


Mar 13, 2017
You have a massive amount of optimism that people are going to go back to spending money in the same manner they did before. I do not share that optimism. People don’t spend money when they do not feel safe and secure. If people don’t spend money the economy being “open” isn’t going to be the end of this situation
I think people want normalcy back and will go back to normal..spending money and making it.


Mar 18, 2017
Vermont has had a lot of support for secession over the past 20 years. I agree with their reasons for wanting this. Secession means our present system of government on a small scale, which would be way better especially when you consider our military spending. Nothing is working on a federal level the way the founders intended and there is no way to fix it at this point. There isn’t going to be a savior in four years that will run for president and be able to undo the damage that our federal government has created

“In October 2005, about 300 Vermonters attended a statewide convention on the question of secession. Six months later, the annual Vermont Poll of the University of Vermont's Center for Rural Studies found that about 8 percent of respondents replied "yes" to peaceful secession, arguably making Vermont foremost among the many states with secessionist movements (including Alaska, California, Hawaii, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Texas).

We secessionists believe that the 350-year swing of history's pendulum toward large, centralized imperial states is once again reversing itself.

Why? First, the cost of oil and gas. According to urban planner James Howard Kunstler, "Anything organized on a gigantic scale . . . will probably falter in the energy-scarce future." Second, third-wave technology is as inherently democratic and decentralist as second-wave technology was authoritarian and centralist. Gov. Jim Douglas wants Vermont to be the first "e-state," making broadband Internet access available to every household and business in the state by 2010. Vermont will soon be fully wired into the global social commons.

Against this backdrop, secessionists from all over the state will gather in June to plan a grass-roots campaign to get at least 200 towns to vote by 2012 on independence. We believe that one outcome of this meeting will be dialogues among different communities of Vermonters committed to achieving local economic vitality, be they farmers, entrepreneurs, bankers, merchants, lawyers, independent media providers, construction workers, manufacturers, artists, entertainers or anyone else with a stake in Vermont's future -- anyone for whom freedom is not just a slogan.

If Vermonters succeed in once again inventing vibrant local economies, these in turn may reinvigorate the small-scale democratic town meeting tradition, the true American Congress, and re-create the rudiments of a republic once again able to make its own way in the world. The once and future republic of Vermont.”



Oct 7, 2019
Its a global world now...we are all in this world together..and I don’t think it can be separated. Things are made in China..they need the money for their work and sometimes we need their stuff because its cheaper. We get fruit in the winter from Mexico ..again they need the money and we like fruit in the winter. Things like that..would people want to change things for smaller, littler communities which btw someone would be in charge of and have minions.

We have all been in a localized tribe..our local governments already. Would you get rid of them...and would you put someone in their place..and who would that be exactly? Or would everyone do their own thing and who cares because no one will be in charge? Governments are supposed to make civilization more orderly and set by laws and rules that they are supposed to uphold for the peace of the people. Unfortunately, people in positions of power can become corrupted so if you think by starting over the problem will be solved..it won’t. Either people in positions of power would become corrupted again..or you’ll have gangs of people in their gangs trying to rule their section of the world and you’ll have violence and victims, death and chaos that will rule. We see that all over the 3rd world.
So you're good with the American families who lost everything to the Chinese and Mexicans? Because they "need money for their work." What "work" would that be exactly? Perhaps the technology or intellectual property stolen from the US and other European nations? And I'll tell you another thing, Americans had to be FORCED to buy cheap Chinese garbage as opposed to quality made American products. I was HERE when they did it, I know. We don't need or WANT any other nation growing ANY of our food. With the exception a few agricultural items (which are actually luxury items - coffee, some fruits and spices) Americans are quite capable of providing their own food stuffs - and we used to do it UNTIL government forced ALL small/mid sized (local) farmers out of business in favor of globalized factory farming. It's abhorrent and disgusting, not to mention unhealthy as opposed to - what politically correct term do they put on it now, oh yes it's - "farm to table." You know, the NORMAL way of farming. The thing America was founded on - agriculture. I'm not concerned with Chinese or Mexicans, I'm concerned with MY people.

As for what you call a "localized tribe" - our local government - no that's not what a tribe is. That's exactly what it's called- government. Government is nothing but a means of the elite to take control of the tribes. But then that's not the whole problem with western civilization right now either. First one would need to become a moral people again BEFORE one could even think about saving this shit show. But when I speak of a tribe I speak of a group of people with SHARED history, culture, language, traditions, and beliefs. A homogenous society has a lot less need for government than one that is not. You can go anywhere in the world EXCEPT for any western nation and see this happening in real time. This is way deeper than a comment section can address, but I can tell you that I am not concerned with ANY other people than the European people. Whatever it is that the Chinese or Arabs do in their own "tribes" is their business and their problem. I do not choose to take on the responsibility of the world. This "global" world we live in was brought about artificially and ONLY benefits a select few while the masses of all nations suffer in one way or another. I've WATCHED this evil being implemented over my lifetime (50 +) years and there's not ANYONE better off today (except those elite few) than they were 50 years ago.

You're going to have to be able to answer one simple question, one that nobody seems to have a problem answering EXCEPT for ONE group. All on this planet are concerned and fighting for their OWN groups advancements (except for that ONE) I don't care what the elite and their minions at the media try to cram down your throat. WHO are YOU? WHO are your people? This "global" world is the most UNNATURAL thing in the world to ALL of humanity, and it will not last. Nature ALWAYS wins out, it's just the way it goes. When this comes to blows - and it will - you are going to have to decide what side you're on. Choose wisely.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The ONLY Way out of this mess is to get rid of all man-made rules, legislation, policies, "codes", etc. (none of which are "laws") and go back to our Creator's Law.

As long as people keep looking for a solution within the current system, which is utterly corrupt to its core, there is no hope of anything ever getting any better. We do not need attorneys or politicians, nor their corporate governments, nor their corporate courts filled with black-robed judges--NONE of which know right from wrong--nor do we need any of their made up rules to make themselves rich while impoverishing and enslaving everyone else.

Will it take the next phase of this unprecedented soft form of martial "law" (i.e. troops on the streets) to wake people up to this? It certainly appears that way.


Mar 13, 2017
So you're good with the American families who lost everything to the Chinese and Mexicans? Because they "need money for their work." What "work" would that be exactly? Perhaps the technology or intellectual property stolen from the US and other European nations? And I'll tell you another thing, Americans had to be FORCED to buy cheap Chinese garbage as opposed to quality made American products. I was HERE when they did it, I know. We don't need or WANT any other nation growing ANY of our food. With the exception a few agricultural items (which are actually luxury items - coffee, some fruits and spices) Americans are quite capable of providing their own food stuffs - and we used to do it UNTIL government forced ALL small/mid sized (local) farmers out of business in favor of globalized factory farming. It's abhorrent and disgusting, not to mention unhealthy as opposed to - what politically correct term do they put on it now, oh yes it's - "farm to table." You know, the NORMAL way of farming. The thing America was founded on - agriculture. I'm not concerned with Chinese or Mexicans, I'm concerned with MY people.

As for what you call a "localized tribe" - our local government - no that's not what a tribe is. That's exactly what it's called- government. Government is nothing but a means of the elite to take control of the tribes. But then that's not the whole problem with western civilization right now either. First one would need to become a moral people again BEFORE one could even think about saving this shit show. But when I speak of a tribe I speak of a group of people with SHARED history, culture, language, traditions, and beliefs. A homogenous society has a lot less need for government than one that is not. You can go anywhere in the world EXCEPT for any western nation and see this happening in real time. This is way deeper than a comment section can address, but I can tell you that I am not concerned with ANY other people than the European people. Whatever it is that the Chinese or Arabs do in their own "tribes" is their business and their problem. I do not choose to take on the responsibility of the world. This "global" world we live in was brought about artificially and ONLY benefits a select few while the masses of all nations suffer in one way or another. I've WATCHED this evil being implemented over my lifetime (50 +) years and there's not ANYONE better off today (except those elite few) than they were 50 years ago.

You're going to have to be able to answer one simple question, one that nobody seems to have a problem answering EXCEPT for ONE group. All on this planet are concerned and fighting for their OWN groups advancements (except for that ONE) I don't care what the elite and their minions at the media try to cram down your throat. WHO are YOU? WHO are your people? This "global" world is the most UNNATURAL thing in the world to ALL of humanity, and it will not last. Nature ALWAYS wins out, it's just the way it goes. When this comes to blows - and it will - you are going to have to decide what side you're on. Choose wisely.
I don’t think anyone had to be forced to buy cheap..people also like to save a buck...think of all the dollar stores we have all over.

I’m sure those families you’re talking about, figured out something else to make a living. My husband’s grandparents were farmers and sold their land when they couldn’t take care of the land anymore. His grandpa was tight in the little farming community all his life. Things always change and become different..like when the car was invented. I remember his gramps talking about getting a car..they didn’t even know how to drive one and they learned. That put someone out of work though with the horses now going by the wayside in transportation and the car taking over. Things change and we learn to adapt to those changes, with jobs springing up in those changes.

How do you think people become moral again?

I think you’re fooling yourself about tribes and government, honestly. In what ways were people better off 50 years ago?

I would say you are ghostwoman and not ghostgirl then.

I have no idea what groups you are talking about, honestly, in the last paragraph, it sounds like a lot of rambling.


Oct 7, 2019
Just because you don't "think" people had to be forced to buy cheap, doesn't mean it didn't happen - it did. "Think of all the dollar stores we have all over." Yes, all those corporate owned chain stores who all sell the same cheap Chinese crap. Much better than privately owned business all selling/specializing in their own commodity, AND employing others with a decent wage and healthcare. You're right, "dollar stores everywhere" is much better.

There's a distinct difference between selling a farm because you can no longer care for it and being forced out of existence by a government.

"How do people become moral again?" It starts with YOU.

"In what ways were people better off 50 years ago?" It's endless but let's just name a few. How about considerably less violence and crime? How about more intact families? How about an economy in which ONE individual working could sustain a family of 4, AND have a vacation at least ever other year? But here's the big one. 50 years ago America was still an industrial economy, it's now a service economy. We went from a nation of entrepreneurs, skilled tradesmen, and artisans to a nation of busboys, burger flippers, and chauffeurs/taxi drivers.

There's virtually NOTHING superior today to yesterday my dear - NOTHING. Technology is not good when in the hands of psychopaths as it is. I do not consider living in a surveillance state superior to living in a free state. I predate both cell phones and the internet, I do not need either.

As for your last nasty dig, saying that I sound as if I am "rambling" proves my point. You have no idea who you are. That's really sad.


Oct 7, 2019
Vermont has had a lot of support for secession over the past 20 years. I agree with their reasons for wanting this. Secession means our present system of government on a small scale, which would be way better especially when you consider our military spending. Nothing is working on a federal level the way the founders intended and there is no way to fix it at this point. There isn’t going to be a savior in four years that will run for president and be able to undo the damage that our federal government has created

“In October 2005, about 300 Vermonters attended a statewide convention on the question of secession. Six months later, the annual Vermont Poll of the University of Vermont's Center for Rural Studies found that about 8 percent of respondents replied "yes" to peaceful secession, arguably making Vermont foremost among the many states with secessionist movements (including Alaska, California, Hawaii, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Texas).

We secessionists believe that the 350-year swing of history's pendulum toward large, centralized imperial states is once again reversing itself.

Why? First, the cost of oil and gas. According to urban planner James Howard Kunstler, "Anything organized on a gigantic scale . . . will probably falter in the energy-scarce future." Second, third-wave technology is as inherently democratic and decentralist as second-wave technology was authoritarian and centralist. Gov. Jim Douglas wants Vermont to be the first "e-state," making broadband Internet access available to every household and business in the state by 2010. Vermont will soon be fully wired into the global social commons.

Against this backdrop, secessionists from all over the state will gather in June to plan a grass-roots campaign to get at least 200 towns to vote by 2012 on independence. We believe that one outcome of this meeting will be dialogues among different communities of Vermonters committed to achieving local economic vitality, be they farmers, entrepreneurs, bankers, merchants, lawyers, independent media providers, construction workers, manufacturers, artists, entertainers or anyone else with a stake in Vermont's future -- anyone for whom freedom is not just a slogan.

If Vermonters succeed in once again inventing vibrant local economies, these in turn may reinvigorate the small-scale democratic town meeting tradition, the true American Congress, and re-create the rudiments of a republic once again able to make its own way in the world. The once and future republic of Vermont.”

Good for Vermont. Let us hope (actually we know there are more states that are talking about succession) that THIS time there will enough states to actually win the war for independence from the central government that has become the enemy of the American people.

But there's one thing you should you know. It will not be "peaceful." Either you will stay in the Union, or you will fight your way out. The Federal government of the United States will NEVER allow itself to be dissolved. IF Vermont were allowed to secede then what's stopping other states? You see what I'm saying? It would be like a domino effect leaving the union considerably smaller and less powerful. Not gonna happen.


Mar 13, 2017
Just because you don't "think" people had to be forced to buy cheap, doesn't mean it didn't happen - it did. "Think of all the dollar stores we have all over." Yes, all those corporate owned chain stores who all sell the same cheap Chinese crap. Much better than privately owned business all selling/specializing in their own commodity, AND employing others with a decent wage and healthcare. You're right, "dollar stores everywhere" is much better.
I didn’t say dollar stores were much better but people do like to save a buck and so they are popular. Unfortunately made in America costs more and they cost more in little mom and pop stores which is why they can’t compete with the dollar store or Walmart.

There's a distinct difference between selling a farm because you can no longer care for it and being forced out of existence by a government.
Not really..you’re still starting over.

“How do people become moral again?" It starts with YOU.
But how does one become moral again?
"In what ways were people better off 50 years ago?" It's endless but let's just name a few. How about considerably less violence and crime? How about more intact families? How about an economy in which ONE individual working could sustain a family of 4, AND have a vacation at least ever other year? But here's the big one. 50 years ago America was still an industrial economy, it's now a service economy. We went from a nation of entrepreneurs, skilled tradesmen, and artisans to a nation of busboys, burger flippers, and chauffeurs/taxi drivers.
Can’t argue with that.

There's virtually NOTHING superior today to yesterday my dear - NOTHING. Technology is not good when in the hands of psychopaths as it is. I do not consider living in a surveillance state superior to living in a free state. I predate both cell phones and the internet, I do not need either.
It took me a little bit but I like technology. I like being able to text people and keep in touch daily with people. I like being able to take good pictures with my phone..in fact I like having my phone for everything other than to talk...haha! It’s changed the way people communicate in some bad ways but also in some good ways.

The surveillance state is happening whether or not you have a cell phone or computer or not. You are still free here in America..well before the virus anyway..and who knows maybe after it too? We don’t know really what will happen until we go through it. That happens though in life even in the 50’s..60’s..etc.

As for your last nasty dig, saying that I sound as if I am "rambling" proves my point. You have no idea who you are. That's really sad.
It wasn’t a nasty dig..Idk what you were talking about at all..which is why I said you were rambling. I read it a couple of times and couldn’t figure out what you were trying to say.


Aug 19, 2019
  1. Bring back manufacturing to the USA
  2. Encourage trades and improve infrastructure
  3. Incentive to families and time off wo penalty for new parents
  4. Incentive to college students
  5. Develop in tech and cyber security systems
  6. Encourage innovation by offering incentives for businesses to set up solar gardens in their parking lots esp in “sunny states”
  7. Stop deforestation and improve water in hard hit cities, local incentives to beautify and improve urban areas.
  8. Education and support systems for the economically challenged to help get their GEDs and work toward a vocation/degree.
  9. National Health and private insurance... if you don’t have insurance you can get healthcare and insurance would be an actual benefit not an necessity.
  10. Healthcare reform, COVID-19 has shown one thing, the cost for healthcare is too high and when people aren’t getting elective procedures the market crashes. Sooo yeah something has to change. Also when the boomers die off there is gonna be a huge gap and the boom days for many providers will be over. National Health would be a buffer.
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