Let me backup my claim by copying some text from my article:
The following evidence indicates that Prophet Muhammad's speech production system was entirely controlled by an intelligence in real-time:
i). But, how could he who was illiterate, he who had never composed a single verse, who has shown no inclination to lead people, suddenly have words flowing from his lips "
"The Prophet’s message challenged them all, exposed them all and threatened them all. His immediate opponents in Makkah could do no better than brand him unconvincingly as a liar, a poet, soothsayer and a man possessed."
" But, how could he who was illiterate, he who had never composed a single verse, who has shown no inclination to lead people, suddenly have words flowing from his lips so full of wisdom and light, morally so uplifting, specifically so enlivening, so beautiful and powerful, that they began to change the hearts and minds and lives of the hearer? His detractors and opponents had no answer."
ii). "The prophet’s mind is inactive during the production of the Quranic segments":
"Nor are we speaking here of the actively alert passivity of an engaged mind ready for creative endeavour, feeling fully the internal pressure of choice and editorial selection. No. The prophetic mind, according to Muslims, has all its creative, though not conscious, processes, switched off. The prophet’s mind is inactive during the production of the Quranic segments so that Muhammad’s psyche passively receives the sacred text. Passivity, however, is not unconsciousness."
Source: The Quran and the Secular Mind: A Philosophy of Islam 1st Edition by Shabbir Akhtar
In other words:
People who lived in the 7th century reports that although Prophet Muhammad wasn't thinking and controlling his speech organs when receiving Wahy/revelations, his speech organs still produced speech (automatic speech) and people who lived back then took this observed phenomenon as a miracle (bear in mind that prophet Muhammad reportedly received these revelations/Wahy in various ways).
From a technical perspective: An intelligence was controlling neural circuits in real-time:
We know that to produce speech, our speech production system/speech organs should receive signals from neural circuits of the motor cortex. And when we speak, these neural circuits are controlled by our own intelligence/thoughts; as a result, we are able to control the signals that go to speech organs. By controlling speech organs this way, we control what we say.
People who lived back then were reporting that prophet Muhammad produced speech without thinking. In fact, the Quran is a highly coded book, therefore, evidence supports this belief. If you ask the question, "How that is even possible?" They have given an answer to that as well. People were indirectly saying that an intelligence was controlling prophet Muhammad's speech organs, and that is how the speech was produced without thinking. If I put it in another way, what people were claiming is that prophet Muhammad's motor neural circuits—and the neural correlates of his trance—were controlled by an intelligence (not his intelligence/thoughts) in real-time.
You might wonder why I specifically mentioned real-time here. Think of it this way: What if the intelligence was not controlling these motor neural circuits in real-time? The spoken words would not flow naturally. What if the intelligence stopped controlling these neural circuits in the middle of a sentence? The speech production system/speech organs would stop producing speech immediately. If prophet Muhammed was in a state of trance when receiving these revelations/Wahy, we could say that various other brain areas are also being controlled/affected by the intelligence.
Speech organs producing speech that cannot attribute to ones own intelligence/mind (or without thinking) is a commonly reported experience:
i). The Bible reports that people spoke in languages that they have never learned, which is another form of inspired speech. When we analyze the technical side of the phenomenon, we can see that the people who lived in Biblical times had the same experience that prophet Muhammad had with the intelligence believed to be Allah/God.
Let me take a reported experience from the Bible to explain this: "They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them"
Technical side of automatic speech: When we say something, the neural circuits in our motor cortex send signals to speech organs continuously; as a result speech organs produce speech. And these neural circuits are controlled by our intelligence/mind. If our intelligence/mind, for instance, doesn't know how to produce Greek words orally, then another intelligence must control these neural circuits in real-time to produce words in Greek, orally.
Reported Incident from a logical standpoint: Since people report that their speech organs produced speech in languages that they have never learned, their experiences imply that an external intelligence was controlling neural circuits of the motor cortex (and other neural correlates associated with the experience) in real-time. Further, they were also claiming that an external intelligence influenced them in support of their claim. Therefore, from a logical standpoint, the reported experience makes sense. From this perspective, we could also say that the experience of the prophet Muhammad and the reported experiences in the Bible associated with speaking in tongues are the same. On the other hand, an individual might think that speaking in tongues (Although these are meaningless utterances, sometimes people produce meaningful words) and speaking in a particular language are totally different experiences. However, from a technical standpoint, these experiences are also the same (neural circuits are being controlled by an intelligence in real-time), which is why people report their experience as:
"Those who speak in the tongue always declare ' that the words uttered in English are as much by power supernatural as the words uttered in the language unknown.' But no one hearing and observing the utterance could for a moment doubt it, inasmuch as the whole utterance, from the beginning to the end of it, is with a power, and strength, and fulness, and sometimes rapidity of voice altogether different from that of the person's ordinary utterance in any mood ; and I would say, both in its form and in its effects upon a simple mind, evidently supernatural."
Source: Nineteenth Century Miracles, or Spirits and Their Work in Every Country of the Earth: A Complete Historical Compendium of the Great Movement Known as "Modern Spiritualism By Emma Hardinge Britten - (p.106)
In short: People report an experience where an intelligence controlling neural circuits of the motor cortex (and other neural correlates of the experience) in real-time. This action has generated a continuous signal; as a result, speech organs ended up producing speech. However, because of the parameters of the generated signals—by the intelligence—speech organs were producing speech differently (and the produced knowledge/information were also different). Nevertheless, we call one phenomenon "speaking in tongues" and the other phenomenon "Wahy/revelations". Although we use different names to address these phenomena, from a technical standpoint, both phenomena exhibit the same technical characteristics.
ii). When the phenomenon of spiritualism/spiritism was establishing on Earth in the 19th century, reportedly, many mediums started speaking in languages that they have never learned without thinking (Ones own intelligence was not the cause behind the produced speech). Therefore, instead of God controlling motor neural circuits in real-time, the intelligences claim to be spirits were in control of motor neural circuits in real-time to produce speech. Meaning, we can find a logical reason why—just like the prophets—mediums were able to produce speech without learning and creating memories in their brains.
iii). From the 20th century onwards, reportedly, intelligences claim to be aliens controlled speech organs of contactees. From a technical standpoint, they had the same experience that Prophet Muhammad and the other Biblical prophets had. Let me take a reported incident to explain this:
“Within a few short minutes I felt the urge to speak, and a s this urge began to express itself in a whispered Voice dissimilar to my own, another portion of my mind—the rational, "in charge" version—began to question, through thought, the very voice that was speaking! After What seemed to be a half hour, the unknown announced its presence as "the Pleiadians" and left it at that. The total communication was no longer than one hour. “
Source: Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians By Barbara Marciniak
The same explanation applies here as well. Barbara Marciniak claims that her speech was controlled by an intelligence claim to be an alien. An intelligence controlling speech means, the signals that go to speech organs were controlled by the intelligence. Since these signals originate from motor neural circuits, her experience indicates that the intelligence was controlling motor neural circuits (and other neural correlates associate with the experience) in real-time. If the intelligence failed to control neural circuits in real-time, speech organs will not produce oral words as intended by the intelligence continuously. On the other hand, we can say that this reported ability of the intelligence can replicate the phenomenon that is known as speaking in tongues or even to control neural circuits of our brains to produce the knowledge that we identify as revelations/Wahy (by controlling speech organs). Considering the parallels that we can see in this research material, what can we make of these experiences?
If we dig a little more deeply, we can find that the people who had the above experience, sometimes were fallen into trances, sometimes they were predicting the future, sometimes they were seeing apparitions, sometimes they were having various other visual perceptions, automatic writing experience and even healing of their bodies (or they were able to heal others), etc. Therefore, as in general people who reported this experience were having a common experience.
The Quran is a complex book (it's highly coded and the book shows a connection to the Bible. Reported experiences are also identical, although entirely different/contradictory claims can be seen). Because of the complexity of the book, it's not logical to think that the Quran was written by Prophet Muhammad. Instead, when we analyze the reported life experience of Prophet Muhammad and when we analyze the content of the book, the evidence supports the belief that "the Quran was transmitted by an intelligence to prophet Muhammad." Does that mean God transmitted the knowledge? We cannot come to this conclusion. This is why people cannot agree with each other. We cannot use the reported human experiences and the content of the book to conclude that the book (knowledge) was transmitted by God (the hypothetical intelligence).
Other reported automatic speaking associate with the intelligence believed to be Allah/God (and/or angels):
Reportedly, an intelligence claimed to be God/Allah(and/or angels) controlled the speech production system of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - The Founder of the Ahmadiyya movement in the 19th/20th century:
i). "When the two Maulanas were ready, Hazrat Mirza started his Arabic sermon with "O Servants of Allah." Hazrat Mirza's total engrossment and absorption in this Arabic sermon was beyond description. It was apparent from his face and demeanor that at that moment, he was out of this world, and his speech was not in his control but Divinely guided. His half closed eyes made it appear as if he was in a trance. He spoke with such eloquence and fluency that even a learned Arabic scholar and scribe like Maulvi Abdul Karim had difficulty, at times, to keep up with him. Maulvi Abdul Karim would then request that a sentence be repeated, and Hazrat Mirza would repeat the exact same words."
Source: The Great Reformer – Volume 1: Biography of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian By Dr. Basharat Ahmad
ii). "Although it is true that poets and other such people also receive inspiration after thought and reflection, it is a gross insolence to relate it to Divine revelation, because inspiration is a result of one’s own deep reflection and is experienced while one is fully conscious and is in full control of his faculties; while Divine revelation is received only when the whole being of the recipient is under the control of God Almighty, and his own senses or reflections have no part to play in the revelation. At that instant one feels that his tongue is not his own and some Mighty Power is controlling it."
iii). "It is evident that from comparatively early days he had trances ; fell into fits in which he saw and heard strange things. There came to him voices, either apparently in a trance condition or when he was awake. Driven by fear for his soul, he had got into the habit of retiring into desert recesses, and there spending days in solitary prayer. So there the voices came to him ; there he even saw figures—vague, dim—and the fear fell upon him. What are they ? What is the matter with me ? Is this of God ? Or am I possessed by some spirit ?"
Source: The Religious Life of India Edited By J. N. FARQUHAR, M.A., D.Litt - (p.22)
iv). "Revelations begin in dreams, as it is related of Prophet Muhammad. His wife says that at first the prophet used to have beautiful dreams, and their fulfilment w^as as sure as day follow^s night. The same has been told by Ahmad about himself in his life. He first used to see true dreams and clear visions before he received verbal revelations containing grand prophecies."
Source: The Religious Life of India Edited By J. N. FARQUHAR, M.A., D.Litt - (Appendix I)
Also see:
The movement has around 10 to 20 million worldwide followers in 200+ countries. Although, the majority of Muslims reject the claims made by the movement, what conclusions can be drawn from his experience?
i). Hazrat Mirza explains his experience as "At that instant one feels that his tongue is not his own and some Mighty Power is controlling it." This claim implies that an intelligence controlled his motor neural circuits (and other the neural correlates of his experience) in real-time in order to control the signals that go to his speech organs. From a technical perspective, it's the same experience that prophet Muhammad, prophets mentions in the Bible, and even the mediums were having. People who communicated with the intelligences claim to be aliens were having the same.
ii). He had visions. If the intelligence controlled his motor neural circuits in real-time to produce speech when transmitting visions the intelligence could have controlled neural circuits associated with visual perception areas in real-time. (Without controlling neural circuits in real-time or continuously controlling/affecting neural circuits associated with visual perceptions, we can't expect to see a continuous vision that is meaningful)
iii). Reportedly, Hazrat Mirza heard an audible voice and he had two-way communication with the intelligence. Since the conversation with the intelligence was going inside his mind, to hear the voice of the intelligence, the intelligence must control neural circuits associate with auditory perception areas in real-time. On the other hand, the reported experience implies that the intelligence used a mechanism to decode thoughts/neural activities in real-time.
iv). The intelligence used dreams as a communication modality. The intelligence must have controlled neural circuits associate with dream perception areas in real-time.
v). The intelligence reportedly induced trance states. In other words, the intelligence was controlling neural correlates associate with trance mind states.
vi). The intelligence reportedly predicted the future.
On the other hand, these experiences imply that the intelligence communicated with Hazrat Mirza possess an ability to:
i). Control neural circuits of human brains in real-time in order to control speech.
ii). Control neural correlates associate with visual perceptions in real-time in order to transmit visions.
iii). Control neural correlates associate with trance mind states in real-time.
iv). Control neural correlates associate with perception of dreams in real-time in order to transmit knowledge/information.
v). Decode thoughts of human beings in real-time, so the intelligence can engage in a telepathic conversation with the contacted person.
vi). Predict future events.
vii). And most importantly, it should also be noted that—if the claimed experiences are true—the intelligence that communicated with Hazrat Mirza exhibits an ability that can create massive movements by establishing new religious beliefs or even changing old religious beliefs on Earth(already the movement has around 10 to 20 million followers).
In addition to the above, when we analyze the life experiences of Hazrat Mirza, surprisingly, we can see a subset of the life experiences that prophet Muhammad had with the intelligence believed to be God/Allah. If the claimed experiences are true, then we can derive the conclusion that Hazrat Mirza was contacted by an intelligence whose capabilities (mentioned above) show a subset of the capabilities exhibited by the intelligence(s) that communicated with Prophet Muhammad and the prophets mentions in the Bible. Not only that these exhibited capabilities are a subset of the capabilities exhibited by the intelligence that communicated with mediums and contactees.
Are there any indications to support the claimed experience is true? Dr. Basharat Ahmad states in his writing that "It was apparent from his face and demeanor that at that moment, he was out of this world, and his speech was not in his control but Divinely guided." People are not making this observation for the first time. This phenomenon has been observed again and again when people say that their speech was assisted by an intelligence that communicates with them. Because of this observation, Hazrat Mirza's experience cannot be dismissed blindly.
Does that mean, Hazrat Mirza was contacted by God or God exists? No. Since this is a controversial belief, not even Muslim people agree with the belief that Hazrat Mirza had. Does that mean, these experiences are not true? If Hazrat Mirza is still alive, he would disagree with this claim for obvious reasons. Therefore, this mystery resolves to a deception. An intelligence claims to be God/Allah has contacted him. Who deceived him? When we deeply research these experiences, we could understand that not only Hazrat Mirza was deceived, Prophet Muhammad, Jesus and all the other prophets and our entire civilization are being deceived by people who own UFOs.