

Jan 29, 2018
Yup. Trump is a third-party candidate that won a major party nomination by appealing to nationalist/populist sentiment (as opposed to globalist oligarchic submission).

I would add shallow and misinformed. Trump’s election and presidency reflect how the world has outgrown the conflict of Democrat vs. Republican / Left vs. Right / Liberal vs. Conservative. The rise of populism, in opposition to globalism, demonstrates how the struggle between opposing forces has changed to The Political Class vs. The People / The Oligarchy vs. The Citizens / The Rulers vs. The Ruled, not only in the USA, but throughout the world—Brexit a prime example of nationalism/populism rising to challenge the globalist elite.

For decades, in US politics, entrenched political power structures have been aligning against the citizenry. Those power structures are threatened by President Trump, whose supporters are a diverse group of social classes, races, political affiliations, and ideological platforms united around the populist ideal of the people vs. a corrupt elite. Trump has demonstrated, throughout his presidency, he is on the side of the people against the ruling class, much to the chagrin of Democrats and Republicans who see in his popularity a threat to their sustained power, as masses of supporters are leaving both parties to board the Trump Train.
Trump is literally a part of the duopoly. I have no doubt that he outmaneuvered his turgid, stuffy R primary opponents to secure the nomination... but him even being there, let alone being allowed to win the CiC gig was no doubt allowed and orchestrated by his masters eh?
Apr 13, 2017
How on earth does a populist LOSE the popular vote TWICE. LMFAO.
Illegal votes, media propaganda, non-stop defamation, open borders for immigrants who vote socialism, poll manipulations, big tech censorship, search engine algorithms, ... No one with half a brain thinks the popular votes from 2016 and 2020 are an actual representation of the population.


Mar 16, 2017
Illegal votes, media propaganda, non-stop defamation, open borders for immigrants who vote socialism, poll manipulations, big tech censorship, search engine algorithms, ... No one with half a brain thinks the popular votes from 2016 and 2020 are an actual representation of the population.
Anyone without an inflated ego is able to see the people that can’t stand trump far outnumber those who worship him. You’ve got a blind spot.
Apr 13, 2017
Anyone without an inflated ego is able to see the people that can’t stand trump far outnumber those who worship him. You’ve got a blind spot.
This has nothing to do with hate and worship, but with how people vote. Most people can dislike Trump but still see those extra $4.000- $6,000 on their bank accounts by the end of the year. I think they’d rather keep those than vote for Joe Tax Increase.


Jan 29, 2018
Anyone without an inflated ego is able to see the people that can’t stand trump far outnumber those who worship him. You’ve got a blind spot.
You may have a point, but that aint the issue. The issue is how many people voted and for who. Id say Trump obviously was "cheated" but they are all in on this together at some level, so while I feel there may be squabbles among them and jockeying for power, Id say they are all in on the overarching plan to bring about the "Great Reset" which is now openly being promoted in the msm.


Apr 26, 2017
Populism vs globalism is just a rebranded left vs right paradigm. Its nothing but a makeover of the same old game.

You don't think the elites are stupid enough to run the exact same script forever do you ?

You all have been conned. It's time to wake up.

Trump a populist ? LOL

How on earth does a populist LOSE the popular vote TWICE. LMFAO.

If you think Trumps a populist you've been had.
The “elites,” while not “stupid enough to run the exact same script forever,” are being exposed by the populist sentiments that run contrary to the script (epitomized by Trump’s popularity).

The USA, as an anti-fascist, anti-communist nation—not yet wholly subverted by pretentious Marxist nonsense—stands as a large diversion on the road to global cultural hegemony. Not only is Donald Trump the duly elected real Commander-in Chief of the country, he is the de facto Commander-in-Chief of the mass of civilians who are resisting the globalist takeover of the United States.

Who are the mass of civilians? Maybe a fringe armed resistance like @justjess likes to tell us, or a bunch of controlled opposition that doesn’t really even exist (It does) like you are always going on about. The reality is probably not quite so conspiratorial or fantastic. Neither is getting 74,000,000 people to vote—11 million more than 2016—a cult following. More like civilians that know a-thing-or-two about the US Constitution and like living under the rule of law.

Compared to cultural revolutions in USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and color revolutions across the world, it IS “the exact same script,” but for the 21st Century. If you know your history, and are not gravely misinformed about the USA, you will recognize that socialist ideals are contrary to the U.S. Constitution. Social justice is contrary to the U.S. Constitution. Fascism is contrary to the U.S. Constitution. Call it “White Supremacy,” however, the Constitution of the United States of America is founded on moral principles that trump any ideological argument you may have for its existence. In the USA, the resistance (i.e. populism) is a visceral reaction to the cultural Marxist institutions antithetical to the heritage of the nation.

The moral principles that have sustained the USA have been slowly eroded as new generations are educated in the globalist-Marxist education system, and consume decades of media designed to undermine the moral framework, destroy the conscience, and propagandize the population using critical theory and repressive tolerance—brainwashing a nation—effectively replacing the system of values and the country’s political structures with antithetical counterfeits.


Mar 16, 2017
The “elites,” while not “stupid enough to run the exact same script forever,” are being exposed by the populist sentiments that run contrary to the script (epitomized by Trump’s popularity).

The USA, as an anti-fascist, anti-communist nation—not yet wholly subverted by pretentious Marxist nonsense—stands as a large diversion on the road to global cultural hegemony. Not only is Donald Trump the duly elected real Commander-in Chief of the country, he is the de facto Commander-in-Chief of the mass of civilians who are resisting the globalist takeover of the United States.

Who are the mass of civilians? Maybe a fringe armed resistance like @justjess likes to tell us, or a bunch of controlled opposition that doesn’t really even exist (It does) like you are always going on about. The reality is probably not quite so conspiratorial or fantastic. Neither is getting 74,000,000 people to vote—11 million more than 2016—a cult following. More like civilians that know a-thing-or-two about the US Constitution and like living under the rule of law.

Compared to cultural revolutions in USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and color revolutions across the world, it IS “the exact same script,” but for the 21st Century. If you know your history, and are not gravely misinformed about the USA, you will recognize that socialist ideals are contrary to the U.S. Constitution. Social justice is contrary to the U.S. Constitution. Fascism is contrary to the U.S. Constitution. Call it “White Supremacy,” however, the Constitution of the United States of America is founded on moral principles that trump any ideological argument you may have for its existence. In the USA, the resistance (i.e. populism) is a visceral reaction to the cultural Marxist institutions antithetical to the heritage of the nation.

The moral principles that have sustained the USA have been slowly eroded as new generations are educated in the globalist-Marxist education system, and consume decades of media designed to undermine the moral framework, destroy the conscience, and propagandize the population using critical theory and repressive tolerance—brainwashing a nation—effectively replacing the system of values and the country’s political structures with antithetical counterfeits.
Hate to break it to you but actual populists actually give a shit how their fellow citizens are doing. You guys scream populism but couldn’t give a fuck less about the needs of the American people - other then your own. You aren’t part of some great anti communist revolution that Is going to save the world. Your just a sad pathetic little man clutching desperately to an imagined version of a past that never existed because your own personal character failings have left you powerless in the modern times. Get over it.


Apr 26, 2017
Hate to break it to you but actual populists actually give a shit how their fellow citizens are doing. You guys scream populism but couldn’t give a fuck less about the needs of the American people - other then your own. You aren’t part of some great anti communist revolution that Is going to save the world. Your just a sad pathetic little man clutching desperately to an imagined version of a past that never existed because your own personal character failings have left you powerless in the modern times. Get over it.
Revisionist history won’t change the actual past, no matter how hard SJWs try to sell the post-modern, 1619 Project-inspired, USA fantasy of oppression.

The U.S Constitution is not an imaginary document no matter how much you want to get rid of it. It is real, still exists, and it will take more than cultural Marxist taradiddle to subvert it.

When you say “great anti communist revolution,” you make it sound like your communist wet dream is already a reality. While I would agree many institutions in the USA are greatly subverted by Marxist/Leninist ideology, a “great anti communist revolution” is, as yet, unnecessary because your nemesis, the U.S. Constitution, lies in the way of full communist takeover.