im taking this off topic (sorry, toulouse). its semi-related.
the overwhelming culture we are experiencing in the west is that of liberalism. we are fed this through the politico-corporate pipeline, hollywood, MSM, and through the education system.
music should be the pulse of youth. it used to be against "the system" not too long ago. off the top of my head, ministry had that song "a new world order" and other punk/ grunge bands echoed the message of refusing to comply or obey with what we are being told. counter culture was always about anti- conformity.
today, do you see any bands railing against the system? railing about censorship and free speech? putting aside that the musicians are all puppets for their illuminist record labels, they arent rebelling against any mainstream propaganda messages-- they are actually in agreement with it! there are hundreds of examples... again, off the top of my head, that eminem song, "f- trump". i could turn on any channel on TV and get that message.
those that are most oppressed by the system today are conservatives and the religious. although they are traditionally supposed to expose the hypocrisy in the system, youll hear nothing of it from musicians` messages, though.
plenty of conservatives have beards and shaved heads (its not a political divide: if ones hair is thinning, youve got to either cut it short or shave it... or look uncool). the battle jacket admittedly will you give you away. in any case, the cops are going to have a problem when you start rioting and looting. im not saying that there arent prejudiced cops by any means, but we are going off topic here.
in any case, your look will be accepted as 'just' and "anti-racist" by many. being white and having a cross arounds one neck today gets your prejudged as a racist white supremacist arguably as often as a policeman would prejudge you as a societal problem.