
Dec 6, 2021
just the first video i found in a huge lot on bitchute:

Your Favorite Celebrities Are Spirit Cookers, Satanists And Friends With Satanist Marina Abramovic

10 min. these are celebs, but if you look around, there will undoubtedly be some involved in politics (hillary, john podesta, etc.)
abramovic seems to be a top level illuminati witch. wiki says she was raised by her grandparents until age 6-- that reeks to me of MK ultra mind control programming before given back to her parents. if you go by fritz springmeiers "rankings", i would guess she is probably higher than the rank of Grand Master or Queen Mother.
at 76, shes either laying on the makeup ultra thick or taking daily shots of adrenochrome.
Thank you so much. It was quick!
I found this article that shows microsoft advertised her for some new invention. But it got massive report and disapproval from public and after a week later, the ad was removed without any notice and with no comment except "we have nothing to share" If these major tech corporations are going to support this absurdity then I doubt the authenticity of their service and hidden goal.


Jun 17, 2017
But it got massive report and disapproval from public and after a week later, the ad was removed without any notice and with no comment except "we have nothing to share" If these major tech corporations are going to support this absurdity then I doubt the authenticity of their service and hidden goal.
yes, and in an interview, she commented on this (as if shes the victim!!):

yes... the ad gained plenty of traction, and microsoft and marina went a bit too far and had to reel it in (for once).
note: if you want more videos, use the search terms "spirit cooking" to get better results.
Mar 15, 2019


May 15, 2017
As I keep saying tptb have been
at this for millennia now and they
can do w/e they wish as they have the
money and power
they tell Us straight out what they want and
how they will go about getting it

they constantly tell Us that We are all of Us
expendable so when then are We gonna listen
and say enough is enough and take all of these
peoples out as a cell will NOT stop them from
carrying out their plans as so many Peoples are
weak of Mind/Heart and Soul that will happily
help so long as it means they get some kinda benifit/reward
for doing so

Edit to add
that music is the language of Our Souls
that's why it can transcend language barriers
and of course it can affect Us as We have already
discussed here that joyful/happy makes Ya feel so
angry makes Ya feel so because frequency effects
a lot in this World even plants can be affected by frequency

I have to find the video but it discusses
how tptb change the frequency that was
original for recording/playing music and switched it
to a new frequency which works out to 666 which doesnt
align with Our Natural Soul frequency

Also just wanted to mention that
I am starting to believe that together if
We can all focus Our energies/intent it can
change everything that is why tptb want Us to
stay divided it's not just because physically We
can overcome them but spiritually We can as well
Last edited:


May 20, 2017
AIDS Origin

By Alan Cantwell, M.D
Read at:

"On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world's most respected newspapers, published a front-page story entitled "Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus." The story suggests that African AIDS is a direct outgrowth of the WHO smallpox eradication program. The smallpox vaccine allegedly awakened a "dormant" AIDS virus infection in the black population. Robert Gallo, the co-discoverer of HIV, was quoted as saying, "The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis. I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV (the AIDS virus)." The Times story is one of the most important stories ever printed on the AIDS epidemic; yet the story was killed and never appeared in any major U.S. newspaper or magazine.

Despite covert human experimentation, vaccine contamination problems, and the genetic engineering of new and highly dangerous viruses, the medical establishment ignores the AIDS bio-warfare issue. Most physicians and microbiologists steadfastly hold on to the illogical and improbable green monkey theory of AIDS. And the major media remain silent, often dismissing the bio-warfare theory as communist propaganda of the most malicious sort. Forgotten is the connection between the National Academy of Sciences and the military bio-warfare establishment in the development of biological weapons for mass killings."


May 15, 2017
Looks like We are going to be living
in the minority report soon eh

how easy is it gonna be to take out any
dissidents or opposition just by claiming
they were about to commit a crime or
a terrorist attack

when are We gonna say no more
when tptb are going door to door
collecting anyone who looked at them
the wrong way and bringing Us to the square
to behead/hang or fire squad Us

that's what it is looking like eh
everyone still taking their poison that's
killing most of the Peoples slowly enough to
give them the benifit of deniability that they can
blame anything that the poison amplified/created
in their bodies

We See the famine/disasters around the World
and still think it's a normal thing that happens
every year but not many notice it's always breaking
records of the years before now

Peoples are not waking fast enough
and right now it looks like We may run
out of time before they do


May 15, 2017
Thanks e-Enoch
that looks like a very Good read
a lot of information from the quick glance
I took so far anyways
Mar 15, 2019
OCTOBER 21, 2020
In the summer of 2022, the other major crisis of our age took a turn for the apocalyptic. Climate breakdown finally landed in the developed world, testing the resilience of social systems. In the Midwestern U.S., a severe drought wiped out crops that supplied one-sixth of the world’s grain output. People woke up to the need for governments to form a coordinated response to climate change and direct global fiscal stimulus in support of a green economy.

1- Right now there is a growing grain crisis "because of the war". It's a point that they predicted this for this summer two years ago.

2- They seem to have predicted the monkey crisis here.

3- Therefore, it is thought-provoking that they are talking about the apocalypse for this summer.