
May 15, 2017
think this is important to See
"if Ya were smart Ya would Know who i am but Your
not smart and Ya don't Know who i am but Ya will Know
me very well soon"

again these are armies being moved in waiting on the call
to roll out and do w/e they've been brought here to do and
We Know its to cause massive chaos and death

this is everywhere they're not even sleeper cells because
the whole point of a cell is to stay outta view and blend
this is right in our faces and We Know exactly what they are
bringing into Our Countries
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
think this is important to See
"if Ya were smart Ya would Know who i am but Your
not smart and Ya don't Know who i am but Ya will Know
me very well soon"

again these are armies being moved in waiting on the call
to roll out and do w/e they've been brought here to do and
We Know its to cause massive chaos and death

this is everywhere there are not even sleeper cells because
the whole point of a cell is to stay outta view and blend
this is right in our faces and We Know exactly what they are
bringing into Our Countries
Exactly. And Islam (in some various forms, probably distorted; I add, so as not to offend the religious feelings of some of our friends here who are true believers Muslims) is in this case used precisely as a mind-control network with which to subordinate and guide the community to the goal.

I have nothing against anyone in the third world. On the contrary, I am always curious to meet a person from another place, taking a respectful approach. It is quite another case when you are dealing with unfree (mentally) people who are subject or in some way sympathetic to the goals of a program of humiliation, destruction, transformation and conquest of parts of the world to which they do not otherwise belong. Then I'm not so curious and and polite.

*Otherwise, my country, because it is small and poor, is not the target of these programmed immigrants. Why is that? Why don't they want to come to the poor parts of Europe, but to the rich parts, Britain, Australia and North America? Some of them transit through my country without any intention of staying, and if they happen to be captured and returned here, are unhappy. Their goal is the West.

Otherwise, we have quite numerous (predominantly Muslim, in variants of Islam) minorities that are in a tendency to become majorities because they give birth to many and are not given problems, with against them slightly different laws being applied; they are actively supported and encouraged by American and Western European NGOs (Soros, etc.) and are protected from "hate speech" and in general an attitude that point them as different from indigenous peoples (although they have very little in common with us).

Also, the numerous crimes they commit (especially one minority group), from some time, under Western command, can no longer be attributed to this ethnic group (which for the most part also has a common religion); Crimes are the work of each individual, not an ethnicity. Completely different is the attitude of political and media persons (with whom we are of the same ethnicity) to the indigenous people, they do not have any scruples to constantly tell us how backward and stupid we are (because we don't accept the great European idea that minorities should be equal to us in privileges, but not in duties, and when there is something to be criticized for, then you are a "racist" if you are against it; and also, for example, because we vaxxing "against covid" very little and ruined their mass vaccination plan; or because we do not accept the gay propaganda and, despite years of pressure from Sorosoids and other foundations, Lgbtqr.. still can't break through and gay is still a very rare exotic, and trance is almost none, I can think of only one I saw on TV).

So because here too, among other things, these communities have various connections and support from powerful Muslim factions with imperial ambitions and various ill-concealed Islamist radicals, which is an ill-concealed open secret. We also have a so-called "ethnic political party". And if at some point they decide to press the mind-control button (backed with payment for the headmen, of course) and radicalize these communities, interesting things can happen.

However, I always break things through the prism of the number one goal of the elites, which, as I have seen it and see it, is a radical transformation of society under a new technological order (all biometries, digital identifications and controls, with a mandatory trend towards brain-computer chips). So I don't want to say anything specific against any ethnic or religious community, but the fact is that they are used to achieve the goals of the elites. They are just as they are and are in the right place at the right time to serve as one of the necessary tools for the elites. They also have the necessary psychic setting, which has the historical basis that *Western elites have always been colonizers, robbers and abusers of them.

*Ironically, or other reasons, this has also led to a small rise in the standard and appeasement of savage manners and customs here and there, although this has never been in the aims of nasty colonizers. Quite differently, for example, the enslavement and domination of a part of Europe by the Ottoman anal Empire: it was only with negative consequences.

However, there are no longer bad Western elites and good non-Western ones, and there probably never were; There is a balance of strength and opportunity. And also the small detail that, especially after 2020, all elites strangely follow the same goal of transforming society under a new technological order that perfectly fits a system that can easily be imagined as the system of the beast. Indeed, a small detail against the backdrop of all the geopolitical entertainment we are offered to shape our mental attitudes, to strengthen our loyalty to one of the hypothetical teams and to forget about the trifle of the announced in 2020 Great Resett, which continues despite "the clash of world powers and the gigantic shifts of the world layers." In a nutshell: circus (but live, with real participants and consequences).


May 15, 2017
looks like theyre gonna offer Us more than just the bugs
and i betchya there would be some Peoples that would
really promote that to the rest of Us

this is just a joke "supposedly" but i could actually See
tptb doing this

Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
looks like theyre gonna offer Us more than just the bugs
and i betchya there would some Peoples that would
really promote that to the rest of Us

this is just a joke "supposedly" but i could actually See
tptb doing this

The joke of the Japanese, who are from the one part of the "great geopoliticals collision of civilizations" by standing with Ukraine, sharing the entire Western "anti-Russian" narrative and approach.

And the answer to the joke, "from Russia with love":
November 11, 2023
Murmansk region [*Russia] will be the first in the country to produce superfood from manure and feces
The final product can be used in various areas, including as an active additive in animal feed or a superfood for people performing special tasks with high intensity and physical and psychological load, including in difficult environmental and climatic conditions, as well as undergoing or preparing for rehabilitation procedures.

I hope it doesn't hit "climate change" and everyone's daily activities don't become "performing a special task"
with the need for permanent "rehabilitation procedures"... And I dare to assume that Russian superfood will be just as delicious and useful as Japanese, despite the lack of lgbtQr.. propaganda around to spoil your meal. :)


Nov 8, 2022
think this is important to See
"if Ya were smart Ya would Know who i am but Your
not smart and Ya don't Know who i am but Ya will Know
me very well soon"

again these are armies being moved in waiting on the call
to roll out and do w/e they've been brought here to do and
We Know its to cause massive chaos and death

this is everywhere they're not even sleeper cells because
the whole point of a cell is to stay outta view and blend
this is right in our faces and We Know exactly what they are
bringing into Our Countries
And, by the way:
Moscow Imam Speaks of Great Demographic Mission of Muslims in Russia
Moscow Imam Ildar Alyautdinov expressed the opinion that Russia will soon become a mainly Muslim country due to visiting migrants.



May 15, 2017
Exactly. And Islam (in some various forms, probably distorted; I add, so as not to offend the religious feelings of some of our friends here who are true believers Muslims) is in this case used precisely as a mind-control network with which to subordinate and guide the community to the goal.
I have nothing against anyone in the third world. On the contrary, I am always curious to meet a person from another place, taking a respectful approach. It is quite another case when you are dealing with unfree (mentally) people who are subject or in some way sympathetic to the goals of a program of humiliation, destruction, transformation and conquest of parts of the world to which they do not otherwise belong. Then I'm not so curious and and polite.
*Otherwise, my country, because it is small and poor, is not the target of these programmed immigrants. Why is that? Why don't they want to come to the poor parts of Europe, but to the rich parts, Britain, Australia and North America? Some of them transit through my country without any intention of staying, and if they happen to be captured and returned here, are unhappy. Their goal is the West.

Otherwise, we have quite numerous (predominantly Muslim, in variants of Islam) minorities that are in a tendency to become majorities because they give birth to many and are not given problems, with against them slightly different laws being applied; they are actively supported and encouraged by American and Western European NGOs (Soros, etc.) and are protected from "hate speech" and in general an attitude that point them as different from indigenous peoples (although they have very little in common with us).

Also, the numerous crimes they commit (especially one minority group), from some time, under Western command, can no longer be attributed to this ethnic group (which for the most part also has a common religion); Crimes are the work of each individual, not an ethnicity. Completely different is the attitude of political and media persons (with whom we are of the same ethnicity) to the indigenous people, they do not have any scruples to constantly tell us how backward and stupid we are (because we don't accept the great European idea that minorities should be equal to us in privileges, but not in duties, and when there is something to be criticized for, then you are a "racist" if you are against it; and also, for example, because we vaxxing "against covid" very little and ruined their mass vaccination plan; or because we do not accept the gay propaganda and, despite years of pressure from Sorosoids and other foundations, Lgbtqr.. still can't break through and gay is still a very rare exotic, and trance is almost none, I can think of only one I saw on TV).

So because here too, among other things, these communities have various connections and support from powerful Muslim factions with imperial ambitions and various ill-concealed Islamist radicals, which is an ill-concealed open secret. We also have a so-called "ethnic political party". And if at some point they decide to press the mind-control button (backed with payment for the headmen, of course) and radicalize these communities, interesting things can happen.

However, I always break things through the prism of the number one goal of the elites, which, as I have seen it and see it, is a radical transformation of society under a new technological order (all biometries, digital identifications and controls, with a mandatory trend towards brain-computer chips). So I don't want to say anything specific against any ethnic or religious community, but the fact is that they are used to achieve the goals of the elites. They are just as they are and are in the right place at the right time to serve as one of the necessary tools for the elites. They also have the necessary psychic setting, which has the historical basis that *Western elites have always been colonizers, robbers and abusers of them.

*Ironically, or other reasons, this has also led to a small rise in the standard and appeasement of savage manners and customs here and there, although this has never been in the aims of nasty colonizers. Quite differently, for example, the enslavement and domination of a part of Europe by the Ottoman anal Empire: it was only with negative consequences.

However, there are no longer bad Western elites and good non-Western ones, and there probably never were; There is a balance of strength and opportunity. And also the small detail that, especially after 2020, all elites strangely follow the same goal of transforming society under a new technological order that perfectly fits a system that can easily be imagined as the system of the beast. Indeed, a small detail against the backdrop of all the geopolitical entertainment we are offered to shape our mental attitudes, to strengthen our loyalty to one of the hypothetical teams and to forget about the trifle of the announced in 2020 Great Resett, which continues despite "the clash of world powers and the gigantic shifts of the world layers." In a nutshell: circus (but live, with real participants and consequences).
I do agree with much of Your post
the Peoples doing this aren't of a religion they're apart
of whatever programming was done to them to get them
to the point of being able to kill another in the sake or name
of w/e

I do try to treat others how I want to be treated and try very
hard to reject the stereotypes/designed lables etc..
tptb give to something cause We Know they lie and want to
cause as much division as possible

no one should be judged by anything but their actions in
Our World
imagine if someone made a decision for every single person
based off one individual that was Truely evil
thats not right each Person deserves the right to respect and
decency and to be judged by who they are and what they do
in Our World

Ya can find these armies everywhere and they don't want the poorer/
less populated places cause they need to show Peoples massive chaos,
fear,destruction and death so that Peoples See it happening close enough
that it can affect their lives maybe even take it
then they will accept their solutions when presented with them after enough
of living like that many(specially the newer masculine/feminine)will jump at
those solutions whatever they may be

tptb have always been aligned just taking different ways home to the end goal
exactly like Ya said
"the number one goal of the elites, which, as I have seen it and see it, is a radical transformation of society under a new technological order (all biometries, digital identifications and controls, with a mandatory trend towards brain-computer chips)"
"all elites strangely follow the same goal of transforming society under a new technological order that perfectly fits a system that can easily be imagined as the system of the beast."

back to easy to control populations with new controls put in place
unless We have enough awakened and aware of the evils that are
in control for who and what they are and what theyre doing to Us


Nov 8, 2022
I do agree with much of Your post
the Peoples doing this aren't of a religion they're apart
of whatever programming was done to them to get them
to the point of being able to kill another in the sake or name
of w/e

I do try to treat others how I want to be treated and try very
hard to reject the stereotypes/designed lables etc..
tptb give to something cause We Know they lie and want to
cause as much division as possible

no one should be judged by anything but their actions in
Our World
imagine if someone made a decision for every single person
based off one individual that was Truely evil
thats not right each Person deserves the right to respect and
decency and to be judged by who they are and what they do
in Our World

Ya can find these armies everywhere and they don't want the poorer/
less populated places cause they need to show Peoples massive chaos,
fear,destruction and death so that Peoples See it happening close enough
that it can affect their lives maybe even take it
then they will accept their solutions when presented with them after enough
of living like that many(specially the newer masculine/feminine)will jump at
those solutions whatever they may be

tptb have always been aligned just taking different ways home to the end goal
exactly like Ya said
"the number one goal of the elites, which, as I have seen it and see it, is a radical transformation of society under a new technological order (all biometries, digital identifications and controls, with a mandatory trend towards brain-computer chips)"
"all elites strangely follow the same goal of transforming society under a new technological order that perfectly fits a system that can easily be imagined as the system of the beast."

back to easy to control populations with new controls put in place
unless We have enough awakened and aware of the evils that are
in control for who and what they are and what theyre doing to Us
That's right, I agree.
I understand and the carefully spoken criticism. I have been involved for a time in such clashes as a response to ill-concealed attempts to impose a particular view by some of our forum friends here. Which doesn't excuse me, it's generally not good to happen. On the other hand, the same applies to them. The difference between us is that while I claim that all of this is part of the great reset plan, they persist in their ingrained perceptions, which are now escalated by certain events, which is at the expense of, and combined with, their utter under-disregard for great reset, bordering on denial.
Again, it's not an excuse. This things happen, and they can happen again. But it's not nice.


Nov 8, 2022
There is division, it exists, and it probably has deep foundations. There should be no and this is a big trump card in the deck of cards of the elites (which is why they constantly stoke it to take us all away from the reality that we are united as target groups of the same evil program). But there is really no other union. And it would be good to have, but there is no or little. As long as divisions exist (including natural) and are essential. And when each group is offered (real or fictional) benefits at the expense of other groups, this deepens.

How can this issue be resolved for the benefit of all of us, the individual groups, who are all target groups of the same evil program, but otherwise not united in any way? No idea. Maybe in the persistent attempts to make this happen lies the answer, I do not know.


Nov 8, 2022
Or just every separate person and each individual group just has to continue to oppose the common plan to which we are all subjected, without seeking deliberate additional unification. When you think about it, "one people, under one rules, with one religion, in one world" is exactly the old well-known goal of the elites. Is their hidden but real pressure not exactly to cause such a union? Tough question, who knows.


Nov 7, 2023
>>>>>>>a big trump card in the deck of cards of the elites

I'VE GOT IT!!!!! Instead of staging a fake alien invasion, they pull out the MULTIPLE TYPES OF ALIENS card, and they stage a fake MULTIPLE ALIENS invasion, and the aliens all start fighting each other, and everyone picks a side of "which aliens are YOU fightin' for, ya Nimrod??"

In the midst of all that chaos, they throw in a fake zombie virus and their fake zombie vaccine, and BINGO!!! New World Order. Simple, eh?


Nov 8, 2022
There are such groups of people who believe and constantly feed different types of aliens for different purposes, there are white and black (and may be average). It may be so, no one can convincingly deny or reject. (Even this would very well suit the strange fact that all powers everywhere, despite their seeming contradictions, are acting on the implementation of the same program, which is written and driven by the supranational global centers. Everything is obvious and the participation is signed. And this program states that (sometime after 2030) we are going global BladeRunner-1984-BraveNewWorld-Matrix - perfectly suited for extraterrestrial control of the world.

I'VE GOT IT!!!!!


Nov 8, 2022
Trump is a Pleiadian, Biden is a reptilian, Putin and Xi are from the Dog-like galactic federation (but Xi has half Draconian blood, so his ties to the Western Reptilians; so it's a little complicated).


Sep 21, 2021
think this is important to See
"if Ya were smart Ya would Know who i am but Your
not smart and Ya don't Know who i am but Ya will Know
me very well soon"

again these are armies being moved in waiting on the call
to roll out and do w/e they've been brought here to do and
We Know its to cause massive chaos and death

this is everywhere they're not even sleeper cells because
the whole point of a cell is to stay outta view and blend
this is right in our faces and We Know exactly what they are
bringing into Our Countries
Similar things happening in America, UK, and the rest of EU countries... They must act on mass deportation now...


Nov 8, 2022
I'm going to stick with the Insectoids
Good choice, Clammer, you seem to be very experienced with great flair. Insectoids are the Oldest, the Parents of everything,
the Creators!....

(Maybe that's why we're now being pushed hard by the reptilians to eat bugs. Maybe it's part of the war of the lower fallen angels reptilians and others who are satan and rebelling against the insectoid creators-gods......)


Nov 7, 2023
I think there is another name for them ... not sure if it is the Greys or some other clan. I was thinking of the ones that look like Praying Mantis type bug. Those things terrified us as kids.

There were also "Zebra Bugs" we called them, when we were kids ... some kind of locust bug. I haven't seen one of those in a long time. Definite alien vibes from those. We had the kind that could fly, and they looked really weird. Like this: