The Elon Musk thread


Jun 28, 2020
Interesting perspective.



Edit : i probably sound hypocritical with this after saying i don't think he's a puppet. I still think Musk's god is money and if he wants it, he has to go to the one who controls it.

Who owns the central banks?

What religion is Rothschild upon?


It is as they say, all roads lead to Tel Aviv.
Oct 20, 2021
Interesting perspective.

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Edit : i probably sound hypocritical with this after saying i don't think he's a puppet. I still think Musk's god is money and if he wants it, he has to go to the one who controls it.

Who owns the central banks?

What religion is Rothschild upon?

View attachment 89301

It is as they say, all roads lead to Tel Aviv.
It use to be all roads lead to Rome now it's all roads lead to Tel Aviv. Why don't we just say all roads lead to Washington DC and split the difference. Shalom.


Jun 28, 2020
Comparing Tel Aviv to Washington is like comparing the snakes head to its body.

All roads have never lead to Rome, it is only a saying in western culture.
However all roads leading to Tel Aviv is actually the reality.

wailing wall.jpg

Even Putin makes an appearance giving allegiance.

Its all about the anti-christ and his domination of nations.
Mar 30, 2017
Interesting perspective.

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Edit : i probably sound hypocritical with this after saying i don't think he's a puppet. I still think Musk's god is money and if he wants it, he has to go to the one who controls it.

Who owns the central banks?

What religion is Rothschild upon?

View attachment 89301

It is as they say, all roads lead to Tel Aviv.
Hugo has a good video discussing the change of Twitter's logo:

Osiris Risen / Hugo Talks (5 mins 24 secs)

In the video Hugo says, "Knowledge is all well and good, but knowledge without God is pointless". I think he hit the nail on the head because there are many who are following Gnostic/pagan practices and don't even know it, which I think explains why so many are lost spiritually.


Jun 28, 2020
Hugo has a good video discussing the change of Twitter's logo:

Osiris Risen / Hugo Talks (5 mins 24 secs)

In the video Hugo says, "Knowledge is all well and good, but knowledge without God is pointless". I think he hit the nail on the head because there are many who are following Gnostic/pagan practices and don't even know it, which I think explains why so many are lost spiritually.
Appreciate the video, I'll check it out.

I'm pretty sure Hugo is a trinitarian. So its somewhat ironic when you consider pagan practices and not being aware of it.
Mar 30, 2017
Appreciate the video, I'll check it out.

I'm pretty sure Hugo is a trinitarian. So its somewhat ironic when you consider pagan practices and not being aware of it.
He might be, but if he is, I'll cut him some slack. He admitted in his videos he's new at being a Christian, as he's only being reading the bible for a year or so.


Jun 28, 2020
He might be, but if he is, I'll cut him some slack. He admitted in his videos he's new at being a Christian, as he's only being reading the bible for a year or so.
Really? I didn't know that.

I stopped following him awhile ago because it seemed like he referenced the Bible constantly. Not that in and of itself is a bad thing, but those who see Jesus as god have a distorted version of it and tend to ignore the actual truth found within it.


Jun 28, 2020
I wasn't sure where to post this one. Either in my Christian Stockholm thread or here.

I guess it is more about Elon and the ADL's control over him, then another example of Israels oppression on Christians.
So i decided to drop it here.

NF AM.jpg

Never really followed Nick but i have seen tweets by Amy and she is another Pamela Gellar. Remember her?

I would say Elon's role in this one is more focused on money. Remember Kanye?
We all know why he got banned, for the "anti-semetic" comments. Elon even told him he wasn't coming back.

But today Kanye is back. Why?


If i had to guess I'd say 31 million followers is a whole lot of advertiser money.


May 20, 2017
"Whether you are in your Tesla, or on Twitter, or in your boat or plane connecting to SpaceX Starlink satellites, (or chipped in your brain connected to Neuralink), you are in Elon Musk’s world that is wholly allied with and economically dependent on the Government’s ever-expanding Digital Surveillance and Censorship System across Land, Sea, Air, and Space.
Anyone promoting even one iota of the Big Lie that Elon Musk is the savior of Free Speech is either delusional, plain dumb, or part of the disinformation sponsored by the Digital Censorship & Surveillance State.

Freedom-loving Americans must now remove their rose-colored glasses and reckon with the truth that it was another false god Donald J. Trump who signed the bill to create CISA (Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency) – the organization that created this Government Censorship Infrastructure to do an end-run around the First Amendment – the Infrastructure that Dr. SHIVA FIRST discovered, in his historic 2020 Federal lawsuit.
Freedom-loving Americans are NOW being misled to think Elon Musk, who comes in the wake of Trump, will be their savior for Free Speech. But, actions speak louder than words.
Elon Musk has refused to dismantle the government’s Backdoor to Twitter – the “Partner Support Portal” – or any aspect of this Government Censorship Infrastructure that allows government to do an end-run around the First Amendment."
V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai

Considering this guy is now going to be the largest shareholder of Twitter, I thought there should be a thread dedicated to Elon and his family's "ventures". Much like Joe Rogan, there are some people that seem to think he's one of the "good" guys, but clearly, evidence says otherwise. As someone posted in one of the videos below, no one gets that rich for not adhering to the elite's agenda.

Below are two of Hugo's video disclosing what he's been able to find out about him to date:
You called it!
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Jun 28, 2020
Looks like Twitter intends to bring in a system where one needs to verify themselves with government ID.


People will argue its good for eliminating bots, but i think the majority here see's the problem with this.

Reality is the web has shrunk massively compared to 25 years ago. When i was a teenager i remember reading that i could spend the rest of my life online and not see 5% of whats out there.

Compare this to today where Google claims billions of results, but only actually shows you 10-20 pages.
(I see Google no longer gives results in pages (now it endlessly scrolls) but we can combine search engines to see the reality.)

2.4 billion results.

Presearch only giving 10 pages of results.


Incase people don't know Everyone uses Google results. Duckduckgo, Startpage, ect.
If anyone wanted to "endlessly scroll" with google i doubt you'd find more then 200, 300 results total.

Truth Stream Media pointed this out what seems like a few years ago, of the ever shrinking web. Remember when the CEO of Google said..

CEO: Know how Google gives alot of results when you search for something?
Reporter: Ya?
CEO: Well, that's a bug.

Where am i going with this? We are all constantly being corralled into a little pen. One single echoing chamber where only one narrative will be given and everyone will be identified. If you fall out of line you will be dealt with quickly.

Imagine Orwell's 1984 on steroids in about 10-20 years.


May 15, 2017
I remember him saying something along the lines
of having to prove Your a human when he first took
over twitter to fight the bots

he is not a good guy,he's already showed multiple times
which side he's on

don't think We have 10-20yrs,minute they assign qr codes
as an identifier for Peoples that's it


May 15, 2017
how did I not Know or realize that he has 12 frigging
Children wow did anyone else not Know that til now?

this isn't the first time someone mentioned that em
has snomed

this one says he is driven by and can channel them
which is strange wording and he would Know since he
is a "writer"
to use considering that's exactly what one would do if they're
into that kinda citnatas evils eh

I'm saying it again
he is NOT a good guy,he don't give a crap about the 99%
he has proven himself with his actions more than once
idk what it's gonna take for Peoples to See him for exactly
what he is


Jun 28, 2020


I intended to let him know he was censored, wasn't able to.


I can assure you much worse is out there coming from Israel's side.

If this isn't selective censorship then what is it?

Another example while I'm here.



Actually, under the conditions Palestinians are martyrs.


So much for free speech in the community square.


May 15, 2017
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I intended to let him know he was censored, wasn't able to.

View attachment 92858

I can assure you much worse is out there coming from Israel's side.

If this isn't selective censorship then what is it?

Another example while I'm here.

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Actually, under the conditions Palestinians are martyrs.

View attachment 92861

So much for free speech in the community square.
Thank Ya for sharing that Daze
that's exactly why I keep saying em is NOT a
good guy and all We need to do is look pass all
his words at actions and We can easily See he is
with the rest of the "elites"