Stand With Ukraine? No Thanks. Business As Usual.


Nov 8, 2022
Russia will win. !
https ://


Nov 8, 2022
A very truthful description on the part of Maria. I don't think there's anything I disagree with.

The situation is quite different on the other side of the conflict, where there is an atmosphere of cohesion and mutual support, with only the pro-Western liberals and the agents from the fifth column against Russian goals in the special operation. People gladly meet any decision of the authorities, men eagerly await summons for the army, and the women of those who do not return from the front with a smile on their lips meet the coffins, proud that their men have fulfilled their duty to the homeland. But that's of course because they're on the bright side and fighting American hegemony in the face of proxy ukronazi.

The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
A bill has been adopted on the confiscation of property, as well as on the deprivation of honorary titles for crimes against the security of Russia

It was supported by the absolute majority of deputies. According to Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the decision should stop those who commit crimes against the security of our country, consider it possible to insult our citizens, soldiers, officers, and support the Nazis

The draft law amends Article 104.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Confiscation of property") and expands the list of crimes for which it can be applied. In particular, it is proposed to include crimes under Articles 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Public dissemination of knowingly false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the exercise by state bodies of the Russian Federation of their powers, the provision by volunteer formations, organizations or persons of assistance in the performance of tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation") and 280.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Public calls for the implementation of activities, directed against the security of the State").

A law on the confiscation of property for crimes against national security has been adopted

As the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin emphasized, "the absolute majority is in favor of the need to punish traitors who pour dirt on our country from abroad, soldiers and officers participating in the special military operation, support and finance the Nazi Kiev regime"


Deputies of the State Duma unanimously adopted in the second and third readings a law that provides for the confiscation of property and the deprivation of honorary titles for activities directed against the country, as well as for public insults and discrediting the army.

"The law on scoundrels has been adopted,
" Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin wrote on his Telegram channel. At the meeting, he clarified that the authors of the initiative are 395 deputies of the State Duma.

"We have repeatedly discussed this issue with you - the absolute majority is in favor of the need to punish traitors who pour dirt on our country from abroad, soldiers and officers participating in the special military operation, support and finance the Nazi Kiev regime," he said.

"The decision will make it possible to punish those who conduct activities against their country by depriving these scoundrels of honorary titles, as well as confiscating their property, money and other valuables," he stressed."

Rascals will no longer dare to slander and question either the participants in (and the objectives of) the special operation, nor the implementation of the decisions of state authorities, nor will they knowingly disseminate false information. This is what is done in the non-decadents non-Western countries that are at war with Western elites. It would be quite different if the West passed such laws: it would be another crime against democracy. It all depends on the point of view.


Nov 8, 2022
Great quote. Also this seems quite relevant:

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2 Thessalonians:2:11
Which lie, that what the US/West and its mainstream claims? Who would believe such a lie from such sources, what target is it intended for? For norms-idiots? And God sent the easiest lie to uncover about idiots, which the alt-media revealed to their users. Then we have the common alt-media truth that "Russia is fighting the plan of Western elites." And the same enlightened alt-audience, backed by alt-media, understood this truth.

That's how it goes.


May 17, 2020


Nov 8, 2022
Russia will WIN fucking NAZIS!!!

...and it will connect your brains to a computer!

Thus freedom from the nasty juw-zio-nazis will come to the world !


Jan 29, 2018
Grayzone... the outlet who promotes the oppression/genocide of Muslims all over the world, yet their compromised howling on Palestine keeps their nonexistent lie of credibility alive enough to continue their propaganda dissemination. And so-called Muslims still fall for it, with eyes wide open.


Nov 8, 2022
When was this? She is taller than him and looks kind of transgender too.
What does transgender look like?! This is a vile intrigue and slander against the masculinity of the traditional Christian Russian bear and does you no honor!

..Well, what of this, if it's a little trance? They are modern humans and will live in the metaverse, so it doesn't matter.


Nov 8, 2022
if plandemic Russia walks like a duck and looks like a duck,
then it's whatever Zero Hedge says
Oct 20, 2021
if plandemic Russia walks like a duck and looks like a duck,
then it's whatever Zero Hedge says
Are you endorsing existential party platform now? What would Alexander Solshenitzen think about spell check not being able to spell his name right and then the politburo must have their say too.