Russell Brand

Jul 12, 2022
I'm sorry, @Lalas I am a bit confused.
Sorry if you thought I just stopped, it wasn't my intention. It can be hard to know what to say sometimes, especially lately. I didn't want to cater to anyone who had spam, either, that's not good lol
Sometimes I just get anxious. Sometimes I'm at loss for words.
Lately I haven't been on the forum much, either. I don't post as much. I'm also sad that I don't see @ToxicFemininitySucks posting as much, either. Maybe they are very busy with life or maybe the forum seems to be dying alot. I've noticed this so much lately. This forum isn't what it used to be, and that's why I haven't been on much lately and only post here and there, so I apologize for the weird absence, it wasn't to intentionally be malicious in any form or anything :(


Sep 4, 2023
Russel Brand...I have been watching his YouTube channel and he makes some incredible points, and seems to hold genuine disdain for fame and seems to be quite awake and open. I just wonder why he is allowed to discuss such controversial subjects with no push back..

it seems TPTB are now trying to discredit him to shut him up-

It's not a new tactic, TPTB tried to frame this innocent guy (Martin Landau) in the X-Files too-

1- Mulder finds the cops searching Landaus's apartment
2- Cop tells him why
3- One of Landaus books
4- Mulder bumps into him outside and says "I heard things about you"
5- Landau has been through it before-

X-Files-the Movie-1998.jpg


Jun 17, 2023
I have been watching his YouTube channel and he makes some incredible points, and seems to hold genuine disdain for fame and seems to be quite awake and open. I just wonder why he is allowed to discuss such controversial subjects with no push back.
The reason is quite simple : he's bought, he's one of them.
Never trust celebrities !
Oct 20, 2021
Everyday they came out with r*pe accusations and saying he could be going to jail and now I hear nothing about that stuff. Also I think he was married to Katy Perry so why I am suspicious. I do think he is a sex offender and he is always greasy looking. I can't stand crude people either. Plus I hate it when rich people always are pretending to help us with things that don't effect them. He is Hollywood all the way. The only person more disgusting than him is Jim Carrey. Just the sight of that guy almost makes me physically ill.
Jun 26, 2022
Where'd you go?

I would like to remind you that according to the 666-page contract that we all conclude with VC upon registration, you are lagging behind with the required monthly norm of publications. (I do mine.) Please catch up as soon as possible.
The state of the economy is severe and we cannot afford the loss of posts by important members of the community, the GDP of the VC falls in this way.
Yeah, i haven't been dropping by the forum much lately, but i got to say your comment did get a genuine chuckle out of me, thanks.
I want him to come back and keep writing, I feel like reading.

*By the way, I don't know why you stopped the conversation in "random thoughts". I wrote a long comment, then Freeman wrote one, and the conversation stopped. Why? What's the big deal? Even if for you, the people who usually you talked there, was spam, could it have been so much too much to stop the conversation? Don't be so sensitive; big deal - an off-topic comment, what's the big deal? ;) :)

Well, I apologize if my comment was the reason.
At this time i don't know yet how much i will be participating in the forum going forward. Doesn't seem like the topics i discussed got much interest anyway. Much of the interactions on this forum seem scripted, like a play (for lack of a better analogy - imagine one of those murder mystery dinner shows where there's a few real people but many actors mixed in. That's what this forum feels like. )

Many "posters" - if theyre not the same person or bots that is - seem like caricatures who are here to promote agendas, and the exact 180 opposite of those agendas. No nuance whatsoever. The same exact arguments just get repeated again and again. It's exhausting. Whats the point of providing information if someone/s who is/are paid to be here will just override it with their agendas anyway? Might as well go live my life - OFFLINE - as the time of warning people seems past. Everyone has their minds made up.

And it's as contradictory as ever. The elites are bad; wait no, theyre not if theyre on "your side". The agendas the elites push are bad; except if they benefit your "group", then suddenly not so bad after all. The elites would never promote something that's good for us; except when people have an conflict of interest then its ALL GOOD!

Im tired of the nonsense.

This is a bit of a derail off the topic of russell brand - obvious controlled opposition, btw, except now he's eithwr getting a humiliation ritual or set up to be a false savior/hero figure as opposed to the "bad guys" - so i'll put the rest of my off topic reply in a spoiler tag.

I apologize for not responding to your post in that thread, i decided to remove my self from it since it is very contradictory and hypocritical (in my opinion) for there to be a thread about complaining, but apparently only some are allowed to complain? People literally complain about being seen as a "failure" because of not meeting society's expectations in some areas but im... supposed to be seen as a failure for not meeting society's expectations in OTHER areas.

I hate double standards. Yes, perhaps im being oversensitive. We ALL have our weak points and looks like that is mine.

That said, it wasn't your comment which made me decide to leave. I had already stepped out by that point and didnt even see it until much later.

I, for example, if I can get a little cheeky into the conversation and give my opinion, I'm not inclined to blame the parents. In the sense that, I suppose, they primarily strive to provide the best possible path, the best growth for their children, according to the conditions in which they exist. Or, perhaps more accurately, parents strive to ensure the best possible seamlessly, if possible and successfully, the integration of their children into this thing, the particular society in which they live.

Probably every parent wants it. Already, "better" parents want more for their children, according to their level of consciousness, etc. So they strive to minimize the harm to their children, in which the modern, rather vicious society invites them. I'm not a parent, so what can I tell parents, why my criticism should have weight, when I am not subjected to the same test as them: to provide the best and most useful for my children in an environment that is filled with harmful temptations (especially for children and adolescents who do not have established understandings and "walls" against the harmful things).

So, yes: electronic gadgets and so on. (Which of course varies, in the US, the technoleaders of East Asia and most of Western Europe, access is much easier than less developed countries.) I am a "technophobe" and I do not approve of it in principle, but what can I and with what right to say to parents. Gadgets are used for children and teenagers and it seems that they will be used even more in the future. That's the way it is. And if you want your child not to be part of it, it means that your child to not be part of society (at least in the vast majority). So your child's future is under threat. And so on, clearly.

It's not just about using electronic gadgets to make it easier to raise children when your daily life is busy multifaceted, but it's also about the fact that the digital world is already a major part of life, this influence is constantly increasing, and in the future, it seems of all, existence in society will be fully tied to the closest and most continuous interaction with digital technologies for everything (as well with variety of other "high" technologies).

And this, no doubt to me, is cream della cream, the number one goal of the "plan of the elites" (I put it in quotation marks, because maybe many are tired of this term, maybe some reject it, etc. Okay, whatever, this is true anyway.) It is quite clear that all the authorities all over the world want it, they do, and they seem will to do: the society we've read and watched about in sci-fi dystopias. (Well, maybe the fate of developing and underdeveloped countries, those of the third and fourth worlds, will be different; maybe they will be "resource bases." Who knows.)

Everything about the future goes through this: the "pandemic" "intensified the digital transformation", they proposed and brought into the collective consciousness, into the fabric of reality "the benefit of digital technologies to solve problems" ("pandemic", in this case); For the "climate crisis" these sweet "personal carbon credits" are being proposed and are already being implemented (social systems for measuring and regulating our "personal carbon footprints" are actively discussed and simply smoothed out the details). And so on. "Digital inclusion" is the main one of the main ones, and every "solution to the problems, the big global challenges" goes through this.

What convinced me that this is the future they want, and that it is planned globally (and that a grandiose manipulation is taking place, precisely for a "new world social order", with the main involvement of the vast majority of alternative media that should be on the side of us, the people who oppose these things), was this, that precisely proclaimed to be the main opponent of this globalist plan are speaking, planning and already very actively doing exactly the same, the same "plan" that they are widely said to oppose.
(To get back to the already annoying of all topic. That's right, I'm a gadfly, I do not deny. :))

So, here's what this very important expert from one of the most important and reputable "experts" centers (which are also actively involved in the development and imposition of the "future") say:

Alexander Chulok, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the HSE Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting (2021):
A person's digital footprint, read by AI from various sources — from social networks to scientific journals of the first quartile — will become a new resume when applying for a job, at least until progress in bioelectronic interfaces allows you to download knowledge in a couple of minutes, as in the movie "The Matrix".
I think the attitude to technology itself will change dramatically in the next 10 years. Generations will be updated, for the new ones — the Internet is not a miracle, and smart watches are not a gadget. It's all already part of their life as a shirt. It is not so important whether it will be embedded in the body or in clothes. Let's look at the history of mankind, it has always experimented. It is difficult to say how inevitable the cyborgization of man is, but his merging with technology is indeed inevitable."

(And this sums up the view around which the entire "expert community" there is consolidated, as well around the world.)
Not that they planned anything, but simply that the "development of technology" implied it (in their opinion, and every other deliberate or unintentional sedative speaker in the media).

That is why, I am convinced, is all the "convergence with technology", the implementation of ideas of inseparability with them and the impossibility of our normal functioning without them, etc., which we witness and are subjected. (And also all these "big global challenges" that we have been facing lately, from "pandemics", through "climate crises", to "wars and conflicts" - they always intensify the realization of what has been planned and stated, by some chance.)

I got a little carried away with the length, sorry for the annoyance. :D
I enjoyed your comment; there was no blame laid on the parents, but you explained what the elites end goal is - a merging with technology in order to have total control.

And you know what? I agree with you. That is their end goal. They have engineered it in such a way that there are children who now rely on technology, not as mere entertainment, but in order to communicate. And quite honestly, unless something dramatically changes, i only see the number of them going up...

I have previously seen myself as a technophobe. That is why is why i am so defensive about needing to use the tablet for my child, while other parents are praising the wonders of technology. I STILL prefer a low tech existence.

But i wonder, why was i given this child? Was it in order for me to see "the other side", perhaps as a way of developing more empathy to those who are different? Were it not for her i would have continued to keep myself in a state of superiority over those "lazy" parents that require more help in the form of tech.

Anyway, i appreciate the lack of judgment (genuinely).


Nov 8, 2022
Yeah, i haven't been dropping by the forum much lately, but i got to say your comment did get a genuine chuckle out of me, thanks.

At this time i don't know yet how much i will be participating in the forum going forward. Doesn't seem like the topics i discussed got much interest anyway. Much of the interactions on this forum seem scripted, like a play (for lack of a better analogy - imagine one of those murder mystery dinner shows where there's a few real people but many actors mixed in. That's what this forum feels like. )

Many "posters" - if theyre not the same person or bots that is - seem like caricatures who are here to promote agendas, and the exact 180 opposite of those agendas. No nuance whatsoever. The same exact arguments just get repeated again and again. It's exhausting. Whats the point of providing information if someone/s who is/are paid to be here will just override it with their agendas anyway? Might as well go live my life - OFFLINE - as the time of warning people seems past. Everyone has their minds made up.

And it's as contradictory as ever. The elites are bad; wait no, theyre not if theyre on "your side". The agendas the elites push are bad; except if they benefit your "group", then suddenly not so bad after all. The elites would never promote something that's good for us; except when people have an conflict of interest then its ALL GOOD!

Im tired of the nonsense.

This is a bit of a derail off the topic of russell brand - obvious controlled opposition, btw, except now he's eithwr getting a humiliation ritual or set up to be a false savior/hero figure as opposed to the "bad guys" - so i'll put the rest of my off topic reply in a spoiler tag.

I apologize for not responding to your post in that thread, i decided to remove my self from it since it is very contradictory and hypocritical (in my opinion) for there to be a thread about complaining, but apparently only some are allowed to complain? People literally complain about being seen as a "failure" because of not meeting society's expectations in some areas but im... supposed to be seen as a failure for not meeting society's expectations in OTHER areas.

I hate double standards. Yes, perhaps im being oversensitive. We ALL have our weak points and looks like that is mine.

That said, it wasn't your comment which made me decide to leave. I had already stepped out by that point and didnt even see it until much later.

I enjoyed your comment; there was no blame laid on the parents, but you explained what the elites end goal is - a merging with technology in order to have total control.

And you know what? I agree with you. That is their end goal. They have engineered it in such a way that there are children who now rely on technology, not as mere entertainment, but in order to communicate. And quite honestly, unless something dramatically changes, i only see the number of them going up...

I have previously seen myself as a technophobe. That is why is why i am so defensive about needing to use the tablet for my child, while other parents are praising the wonders of technology. I STILL prefer a low tech existence.

But i wonder, why was i given this child? Was it in order for me to see "the other side", perhaps as a way of developing more empathy to those who are different? Were it not for her i would have continued to keep myself in a state of superiority over those "lazy" parents that require more help in the form of tech.

Anyway, i appreciate the lack of judgment (genuinely).
On the contrary, exactly in the coming days (maybe even tomorrow) I will write an interesting post in your topic about the one who worships the goddess (I forgot her name). You remember that last time I promised you and did not fulfill my promise, but when I saw this topic of yours and I remembered that it was right for there.

But now I'm just busy because hours ago I registered (so, to try) in David Icke's forum, made a topic about the "transition to a new technological order" of Russia, posted the starting post, posted the second, (they approved them quickly), wrote the third one, and as I pressed "post":

We could not find that topic.
Contact us"

- Deleted. :D :D

Just like that, to see what the fighters against "alternative-mainstream media" (according to Icke's witty formulation) by David Icke do not allow in their forum.

At the moment, on David Icke's website (on the site, not on the forum, but it is there too) there is the very new monumental revelation of one of its authors, a certain Richard Willett, that Tucker had a red Kabbalah thread on his hand during the interview (that's all I saw, but there are certainly more shocking hot revelations). And I would only tell them about some annoying things, like how one day after the Kremlin published the interview in which Putin said "There is no stopping Musk... We have to be careful with genetic modification," in Russia, a press release for a major forum on future technologies will say that their brain-computer interfaces and genetic modifications (of humans) are better. Annoyance.
Jul 12, 2022
Another reason I don't really post much on here anymore, is cause most people don't respond.
I quoted someone in another thread about two weeks ago, never got the response.
And just recently, I quoted Lalas but got no response back... But Toxic got one right away, am I shadow banned or something? Can people not see my responses? Makes it harder for me to actually want to be active on here! Lol!


Nov 8, 2022
Another reason I don't really post much on here anymore, is cause most people don't respond.
I quoted someone in another thread about two weeks ago, never got the response.
And just recently, I quoted Lalas but got no response back... But Toxic got one right away, am I shadow banned or something? Can people not see my responses? Makes it harder for me to actually want to be active on here! Lol!
Not; I didn't answer you because you're telling me you don't see the point of replying to people who spam. I originally said so about myself just from... courtesy, respect, attentiveness. The whole "random thoughts" thread is about all kinds of thoughts. I don't think exactly my post was spam. But that doesn't mean you don't mean it, and you're wrong, it's your business. But that's how I decided not to answer you. To give it back to you, to make it suck (you know I'm a nasty person, you've seen me what I say) :D

I'm going out; I got a lot for today. David Icke, 3 hours of writing posts they deleted, I don't know what. I'm going out to rest. Bye for now. :)
Jul 12, 2022
Not; I didn't answer you because you're telling me you don't see the point of replying to people who spam. I originally said so about myself just from... courtesy, respect, attentiveness. The whole "random thoughts" thread is about all kinds of thoughts. I don't think exactly my post was spam. But that doesn't mean you don't mean it, and you're wrong, it's your business. But that's how I decided not to answer you. To give it back to you, to make it suck (you know I'm a nasty person, you've seen me what I say) :D

I'm going out; I got a lot for today. David Icke, 3 hours of writing posts they deleted, I don't know what. I'm going out to rest. Bye for now. :)
Never said your post was spam, you must of misunderstood.
Is this why people don't respond to me? They think I'm insulting them when I'm actually not, wow, I must change the way I type things.
If you think I thought you were spam, then I'm sorry if that's what you thought I said.
I recall you saying that I sometimes respond to spam, then I said I'm sorry if I did pretty well, that I don't mean to, doesn't mean I thought you were spam. Hope you understand!


Nov 8, 2022
Never said your post was spam, you must of misunderstood.
Is this why people don't respond to me? They think I'm insulting them when I'm actually not, wow, I must change the way I type things.
If you think I thought you were spam, then I'm sorry if that's what you thought I said.
I recall you saying that I sometimes respond to spam, then I said I'm sorry if I did pretty well, that I don't mean to, doesn't mean I thought you were spam. Hope you understand!
So I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. :)


Nov 8, 2022
Yeah, i haven't been dropping by the forum much lately, but i got to say your comment did get a genuine chuckle out of me, thanks.

At this time i don't know yet how much i will be participating in the forum going forward. Doesn't seem like the topics i discussed got much interest anyway. Much of the interactions on this forum seem scripted, like a play (for lack of a better analogy - imagine one of those murder mystery dinner shows where there's a few real people but many actors mixed in. That's what this forum feels like. )

Many "posters" - if theyre not the same person or bots that is - seem like caricatures who are here to promote agendas, and the exact 180 opposite of those agendas. No nuance whatsoever. The same exact arguments just get repeated again and again. It's exhausting. Whats the point of providing information if someone/s who is/are paid to be here will just override it with their agendas anyway? Might as well go live my life - OFFLINE - as the time of warning people seems past. Everyone has their minds made up.

And it's as contradictory as ever. The elites are bad; wait no, theyre not if theyre on "your side". The agendas the elites push are bad; except if they benefit your "group", then suddenly not so bad after all. The elites would never promote something that's good for us; except when people have an conflict of interest then its ALL GOOD!

Im tired of the nonsense.

This is a bit of a derail off the topic of russell brand - obvious controlled opposition, btw, except now he's eithwr getting a humiliation ritual or set up to be a false savior/hero figure as opposed to the "bad guys" - so i'll put the rest of my off topic reply in a spoiler tag.

I apologize for not responding to your post in that thread, i decided to remove my self from it since it is very contradictory and hypocritical (in my opinion) for there to be a thread about complaining, but apparently only some are allowed to complain? People literally complain about being seen as a "failure" because of not meeting society's expectations in some areas but im... supposed to be seen as a failure for not meeting society's expectations in OTHER areas.

I hate double standards. Yes, perhaps im being oversensitive. We ALL have our weak points and looks like that is mine.

That said, it wasn't your comment which made me decide to leave. I had already stepped out by that point and didnt even see it until much later.

I enjoyed your comment; there was no blame laid on the parents, but you explained what the elites end goal is - a merging with technology in order to have total control.

And you know what? I agree with you. That is their end goal. They have engineered it in such a way that there are children who now rely on technology, not as mere entertainment, but in order to communicate. And quite honestly, unless something dramatically changes, i only see the number of them going up...

I have previously seen myself as a technophobe. That is why is why i am so defensive about needing to use the tablet for my child, while other parents are praising the wonders of technology. I STILL prefer a low tech existence.

But i wonder, why was i given this child? Was it in order for me to see "the other side", perhaps as a way of developing more empathy to those who are different? Were it not for her i would have continued to keep myself in a state of superiority over those "lazy" parents that require more help in the form of tech.

Anyway, i appreciate the lack of judgment (genuinely).
On the contrary, exactly in the coming days (maybe even tomorrow) I will write an interesting post in your topic about the one who worships the goddess (I forgot her name). You remember that last time I promised you and did not fulfill my promise, but when I saw this topic of yours and I remembered that it was right for there.
I'm sorry, it will be later, because right now I have to deal with a long "coverage" of a forum on future technologies (a week after Putin, in the interview with Tucker, said that there is no stopping of brain chips and genetic modifications, but we must be careful and regulate them) about which Putin says "these technologies will shape the future of humanity." Because (all) junk from the alt-media again neglects and hides it. I hope this is a valid excuse. :confused:

*This is usually the reason why I do not participate in your (and other interesting) topics here. But I've read a lot of their content and I'm interested. But... The Time.