Sitting here watching a ghost adventure type show
I had a thought pop in I had to share
to see what others thoughts on it are
there is no doubt these type of shows/activities
have increased immensely over the last 2decades at least
the demon infestation illumcardgame (spelt that way on purpose) popped in as well
got me thinking with everyone on every platform doing this
almost always what ever they are connecting with is bad
even then the people do not stop
they feed it more with fear,anger,excitement w/e
the connections get stronger with all of that energies
my thought simply is this
what if every single thing being connected to is evil/demon
w/e ya call it in your own beliefs we all know there is good n evil
what if we have been unintentionally opening little doors if ya will
which inadvertently we are the cause of the demon infestation
I dunno how many here indulge in this type of watch/read
I have never seen anyone stop til w/e it is
is strong enough to cause actual harm
then they get scared which feeds it still
into reaction to stop the crap then
Just a random thought I wanted to share
We all have our good and bad sides. It’s still ultimately up to us as individuals to allow which doors we want opened.
We live in times where it’s easy to look at ourselves in a cynical approach. Carrying ego, guilt, regret, ignorance, pride.
If putting it in a supernatural form makes more sense for you. Apply it to better yourself and not seek the path of destruction. We’re all navigating life and trying to make the best of our time here.
Collectively as a species. Humans have a pack/tribe mentality and a fear of differences that has been ingrained since settlers vs indigenous. That very logic is applied today. You have racism, sexism, differences in religion, politics. Good people have to suffer over the ego of the very few who push these differences in a negative connotation