Possible Civil War in America caused by the Election.


Oct 15, 2020
I registered just to reply. Sorry but this will not happen and maybe I can explain why, at least in my view, it will not happen.

1: People are to divided. There are numerous groups on both sides however each one has their own idea or reason that doesn't align with anyone else. Some are against the government, some are against other groups. Civil war needs 1 side to oppose with force the government that controls it.
2: We as a people are to distracted with reality TV, facebook, bills, work and all the other BS government has put to distract us from the real threats.
3: We, as a people, would rather kill each other then go after the true cause of all the issues and therefor you will, maybe, only have local issues between a few people at most.
4: There is no FT. Sumtner. No singular polorizing issue that unites one side or the other into 2 unified opposing sides.
5: The police state and militarized government agencies would come down like a ton of bricks on any group that attempted to start one in the first place if it were even possible.
6: The 1% that controls the 99% of wealth in the US will not allow it to happen guaranteed, no way no how. Slave state will continue at all costs.
7: Most of the people out in the streets are nothing more but Facebook fakes wanting a story, picture or video to post for likes so they can feel like successful people and would fold the 1st time the internet was turned off.
8: Most importantly, America has become a population of lazy, well fare fed bitches that honestly would not want anything to change so they can remain on the welfare state.

As much as this country needs to be burned down and rebuilt, sorry folks it just will not happen and nothing more then some looting or protests will occur maybe. For the ones who have a job, work will be there the very next day.

There are many many other reasons to why it will not yet very few as to why it would. The would or could is easy but not many if any for the how it could happen.
Welcome. Take it from someone who talks a lot:
Often people who speak the least have the most important things to say.

Don't be a stranger.


Jul 14, 2020
Why are you in such an extent obsessed with American politics when actually you're from Canada?
I mean, we kinda have to pay attention, not much of a choice there. Borders are imaginary things, they won't protect us if order breaks down...I'm sure Mexicans are just as worried about US civil unrest as we are.