Personality Tests


May 20, 2017
"How to Make an INTP

Now that your INTP Starter Kit has been successfully shipped (we apologize for the excessive shipping rates, your INTP can carry extreme emotional baggage if not handled properly), this instruction packet will guide you through the simple steps on how to assemble your INTP. Let’s do this!

Step One: After removing the harsh wit, werewolf blood, and kitten hair from the package, place them in the bowl with the Devil’s Chocolate Cake mix and stir until thoroughly combined.

Step Two: Take your mixture and add precisely 10 ounces of any carbonated beverage of your choice. This will ensure that your INTP is well saturated with bubbly and toxic humor, but to inhale it through the nose will make you choke, cough, and possibly die. Please do not inhale the mixture.

Step Three: Let the mixture rise in a room temperature place. A room too hot will make the mixture too warm (which could result in a grumpy INTP), a room too cold will result in a chill, also known as the Burrito Effect, which will permanently make your INTP wrap themselves in a blanket burrito and never leave that position. Ever.

Step Four: Once your INTP is fully risen (it will take about seventeen years), sprinkle the top with wi-fi. They love wi-fi, and will only bloom properly if given the w-fi. Don’t skip the wi-fi.

Step Five: Stand back and watch your INTP rise from the the batter. If you have prepared it correctly, the INTP will come out pale and usually ginger. If this is not the desired INTP, go back to Step Two and only add seven ounces of carbonated beverage, which will probably result in a brown-haired INTP.

Enjoy your INTP, and don’t forget to emotionally arm yourself for the witty comebacks and excessive sarcastic humor that they might go a little too far with."
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Mar 15, 2017
"How to Make an INTP

Now that your INTP Starter Kit has been successfully shipped (we apologize for the excessive shipping rates, your INTP can carry extreme emotional baggage if not handled properly), this instruction packet will guide you through the simple steps on how to assemble your INTP. Let’s do this!

Step One: After removing the harsh wit, werewolf blood, and kitten hair from the package, place them in the bowl with the Devil’s Chocolate Cake mix and stir until thoroughly combined.

Step Two: Take your mixture and add precisely 10 ounces of any carbonated beverage of your choice. This will ensure that your INTP is well saturated with bubbly and toxic humor, but to inhale it through the nose will make you choke, cough, and possibly die. Please do not inhale the mixture.

Step Three: Let the mixture rise in a room temperature place. A room too hot will make the mixture too warm (which could result in a grumpy INTP), a room too cold will result in a chill, also known as the Burrito Effect, which will permanently make your INTP wrap themselves in a blanket burrito and never leave that position. Ever.

Step Four: Once your INTP is fully risen (it will take about seventeen years), sprinkle the top with wi-fi. They love wi-fi, and will only bloom properly if given the w-fi. Don’t skip the wi-fi.

Step Five: Stand back and watch your INTP rise from the the batter. If you have prepared it correctly, the INTP will come out pale and usually ginger. If this is not the desired INTP, go back to Step Two and only add seven ounces of carbonated beverage, which will probably result in a brown-haired INTP.

Enjoy your INTP, and don’t forget to emotionally arm yourself for the witty comebacks and excessive sarcastic humor that they might go a little too far with."
Interesting how similar but different INTP and INFP are too.


May 20, 2017
Do You Feel the Love?

*INTJ gets home from grocery store. ESFP has just learned about Love Languages*

INTJ: By the way, I got you that snack you liked, since I noticed you had run out.

ESFP: Awwwwww housemate. =‘) You DO love me.

INTJ: What?

ESFP: You’re expressing your love language through actions by getting something I like.

INTJ: Uh … yeah I guess.

ESFP: Housemaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate! *hugs*

INTJ: UH *tenses up* What are you doing?

ESFP: I’m now expressing MY love language. It’s called Physical Touch. Do you like it

INTJ: I’m uncomfortable.

ESFP: Oh yeah I forgot, I have to express it in a way you like. *looks around for Act of Service to do*

INTJ: It’s fine, I understood the intent–

ESFP: *starts washing the dishes* Do you feel the love? *washes dishes harder* Do you feel it *furiously washes dishes* ARE YOU FEELING IT

INTJ: *laughs*

ESFP: YESSSSSSSSS *puts down the dishes and goes to sit back down*

INTJ: Wait … at least finish those

The types and why they love MBTI

INFP: they are FINALLY understood and they are NOT ALONE with their complex and sometimes senseless feelings. Also they like being obsessed with things in general so there you go. Will type every person around them until their life doesnt make sense anymore.

INFJ: their love to mbti may not be like an obsession. They love the theory stuff and want to know every detail of it. Also, they are happy because they realised that their complex personality was not an illness. (Even though theyre still very rare lol)

ENFP: getting way too much into the whole thing. love senseless memes of mbti stuff more than the theory thing. But their fascination may disappear soon, because of another thing they saw which is even more interesting than mbti (how :( )

ENFJ: convinced that everybody is still an individual and NO STEREOTYPES. likes the idea of sharing the personality with Obama and is very proud of it (wouldn’t ever admit it)

INTP: they will think some types (him) are better than others (ISTJs), which will be a very strong conflict with tolerant ENFJ. also get a little too much into it (similar to other Ne users like ENTP/ENFP/INFP)

INTJ: doubt the theory first, until they notice that IT IS SO TRUE AND IT IS SO REAL AND IT IS LIFE. Will never be satisfied with their knowledge about it. Wants to know every single detail about the theory. May be thinking that their typing skills are on point even if they aren’t

ENTP: as the Lords of memes we know, they will love senseless and sarcastic memes about mbti. like thinking of new stuff for the mbti community. love to think about abstract things and desperately wait for people to join his discussion

ENTJ: is proud and convinced to know everything of the whole theroy. acts like a boss and loves proving his knowledge. is good at typing.

ISTJ: there are two types of ISTJs: the ones that make fun of mbti (why should this be important?) and the ones who totally get obsessed with everything of it. (It may also be likely that those ones will mistype themselves as INTJs).

ISFJ: will like the whole thing but won’t get too much into it. Will be over and over suprised about the accurateness of mbti.

ESFJ: similar to the ENFJ, they will detest judging (not the function loool) under the types. Proud ESFJ. Will fight you if you will say they’re stupid. Will tell all of their friend about it.

ESTJ: like ENTJ, but less into it.

ISFP: spend their whole life on inventing aesthetics for each type. will concentrate on the types of their loved ones.

ISTP: sarcastic mbti memes. seem to see mbti as a joke but secretly, mbti has got a special place in their heart (yes theyve got a heart). they will gain their information especially at night

ESTP: are there any mbti-loving ESTPs out there???!

ESFP: will find artistic ways to express their love for mbti. Won’t do as good as ISFP does, is secretly hurt about that. Will type only their friends (a lot of people) and makes fun about their stereotypical behaviors (they do it because they think you’re cute.


Mar 15, 2017
My ISTJ husband takes on responsibility very naturally.

My INFP traits brings mixed blessings. I prefer it when people are not being fake, no matter how repulsive they may appear to outsiders. I know what I am dealing with then and can respond accordingly. I have learnt how to keep my distance when I do not feel up to interacting with that type of troubled person though.


May 20, 2017
@JoChris that was fun to read.
How to Annoy Any Myers Briggs® Type
We all have those little things that irritate us to no end, no matter how minor they may seem. Does type have any part to play in this? With a little research and some lurking through forums, I was able to come up with this list. Technically, I think a lot of these things would annoy just about anyone; but for these particular types, these things are an ESPECIALLY awful form of torture. We’ll get through all 16 types, but let’s start with…

How to Annoy an Artisan (SP Type)

ESFP: Make an excel spreadsheet telling them how to live their lives, or worse, drone on and on to them about it at a party or social gathering where they want to have some fun and relax.

ISFP: Give them a list of rules for your friendship or relationship.

ISTP: When they’re feeling stressed, ask them repeatedly how they’re feeling.

ESTP: When they’re ready to go out and have some fun, pull them aside and tell them you need to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

How to Annoy an Idealist (NF Type)

ENFJ: Tell them that their cheerful exuberance is fake or phony.

ENFP: Misinterpret their kindness and passion for romantic interest.

INFJ: Call their insights “superstitious”, and force them to focus on the practicalities of the present moment.

INFP: When they come to you with a problem, jump in with lots of practical advice before they have a chance to finish telling you what’s wrong.

How to Annoy a Guardian (SJ Type)

ESTJ: Show up thirty minutes late to a planned meeting with them, and tell them you just ‘lost track of time’.

ESFJ: Get into a conversation with them and only half-listen to everything they’re saying. When there’s a pause just give them a blank look and say “ummmm….right”

ISTJ: Drop in on them without any prior notice and expect them to hang out and chat.

ISFJ: When they do something nice for you, give them a suspicious look and say “…okay…what’s the catch?”

When they’re talking about their latest passion, interrupt them with unrelated questions.

INTP: Create an outline for how they should spend each minute of their day.

ENTJ: Decide to argue something you know very little about and don’t back down, no matter what. Then get really emotional when the ENTJ tries to prove you wrong.

ENTP: Give them a to-do list of mundane daily chores that they have to complete…alone.

This post contains affiliate links. I only recommend products I truly believe in.

What about you?

What are your pet peeves? Did I get yours wrong or right? Let me know in the comments!
