Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020
From AJ,

Hepatitis, meningitis spreading in Gaza: Health Ministry

Gaza’s Health Ministry warns that severe infections are rapidly spreading in the enclave because of unsanitary conditions, including the overflow of sewage into the streets and a lack of drinking water.
The ministry specifically highlighted an alarming rise in cases of hepatitis and meningitis. It appealed for urgent support from “all relevant national, international and humanitarian institutions”.
Doctors and aid workers have warned of epidemics, given the dire humanitarian situation and with the besieged enclave’s health system on its knees.



Mar 15, 2017
They’ve just been awarded billions in aid by Biden and despite warnings, Israel is pressing on with the Rafah invasion.

So what happens now? Honestly losing any glimmer of hope that this will conclude soon. No one cares, no one can do anything to stop Satanyahu and the money tree keeps shaking for these evil Zionists.


May 17, 2020



Mar 15, 2017
Defence or foreign aid Sunak? Foreign aid to nations like Israel?

The unelected short man has announced openly that he will prioritise Defence budgets and make public spending cuts to fund his plans. No mention of why Defence is all of a sudden a huge priority and what this existential threat looming around this island is.



Jan 10, 2019
Defence or foreign aid Sunak? Foreign aid to nations like Israel?

The unelected short man has announced openly that he will prioritise Defence budgets and make public spending cuts to fund his plans. No mention of why Defence is all of a sudden a huge priority and what this existential threat looming around this island is.

Has there ever been a greater divide between the people and their clownish ruling oligarchs? I could care less his ethnicity but one listen of cross-eyed Sunak he's just a dumb person, on an astoundingly low level compared to what we think of as excellent English or Indian people. The end of the article says he gifted the Polish PM a picture of fellow corporate whore Margaret Thatcher- what a complete tool.


Mar 15, 2017
Has there ever been a greater divide between the people and their clownish ruling oligarchs? I could care less his ethnicity but one listen of cross-eyed Sunak he's just a dumb person, on an astoundingly low level compared to what we think of as excellent English or Indian people. The end of the article says he gifted the Polish PM a picture of fellow corporate whore Margaret Thatcher- what a complete tool.
I don’t think we’ve witnessed such a disparaging gap between leaders and their people. In the UK we’ve had countless unelected Prime ministers and politicians run the nation into abject austerity and chaos all the while, funding Isra-hell. We’ve had people wake up to the fact that the once safe alternative vote (Labour) is infected with Zionists…

Rishi is despicable and really is stupid and incredibly out of touch. The irony of pandering to the far right whilst coming from immigrant parents yourself, who have benefited from a system you are intent on destroying is probably why his ethnicity is discussed a lot. I’m sure you’re aware of his bright (and expensive) idea to send migrants to Rwanda? Again, to pander to the right wing voters who believe everything is the fault of immigrants! @Flarepath comes to mind…

Here are some clips of Rishi being dense followed by some funny parodies a local satirist has done. Enjoy!



May 17, 2020

‘Anti-Semitism should not be weaponised’: USC law professor

Jody Armour, a law professor at the University of Southern California, says anti-Semitism should not be weaponised to silence “valid protests” against what “may plausibly be genocide”.
“We have lots of Jewish and Muslim and Palestinian and Catholic, like I am, Protestants, too, intergenerational, coming together,” Armour said.
“Everybody should hate anti-Semitism and fight anti-Semitism, but being opposed to Israel’s slaughter in Gaza that the UN has said may plausibly be genocide, does not mean that you’re anti-Semitic,” he said.
“We need to stop allowing people to weaponise anti-Semitism against real, valid protests.”

Gaza solidarity camp set up at Sciences Po in Paris

Students at Sciences Po in Paris have set up an antiwar camp in solidarity with the people of Gaza.
Video clips shared on social media show tents pitched inside the university’s Saint Thomas campus and Palestinian flags hanging from buildings.
According to the French news agency AFP, the protesters are demanding that Sciences Po management cut all ties to Israeli universities and companies that are “complicit in the genocide in Gaza”, and are also calling for an end to “repression against pro-Palestinian voices on campus”.
The encampment, organised by the Palestine Committee of Sciences Po, comes as students have mobilised at universities across the US.

Texas governor says antiwar student protesters ‘belong in jail’

Governor Greg Abbott has said that students protesting against the war in Gaza “belong in jail” in a post on X.
“Arrests being made right now and will continue until the crowd disperses,” the Texas governor added, as dozens of state troopers and police surrounded students at the University of Texas at Austin.
Abbott claimed the protesters were engaging in anti-Semitism, although he did not provide evidence of his allegations in the post.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) described Abbott’s response to the protests as “unconstitutional”.
“The First Amendment applies to the State of Texas, whether Greg Abbott likes it or not”, CAIR said in a post on X.
Abbott issued an executive order in March requiring that Texas universities punish anti-Semitism on campus using the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, which includes claiming that the “existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour”.

University of Texas professor witnesses police attack on pro-Palestinian student protest

Speaking from Austin, Texas, Professor Jeremi Suri said he had just finished teaching a class at the university’s history department when he saw a group of about 200 students demonstrating peacefully on a grass lawn.
“These students were shouting ‘free Palestine’, that’s all. Maybe they had one or two signs. They were saying nothing anti-Semitic. They were saying nothing that was threatening. And as they were standing and shouting, I witnessed the police – the state police, the campus police, the city police – an army of police almost the size as the student group … many were carrying guns, many were carrying rifles, and then, within a few minutes, this group of police stormed into the student crowd and started arresting students,” Suri told Al Jazeera.
The students “were loud, but they were peaceful”, he said, “and the police just started attacking them. And that led to more shouting. More students then arrived when they saw this and the situation became more violent”.
“But it became more violent because the police had attacked the students, not the other way around”.


Sep 4, 2023
...right wing voters who believe everything is the fault of immigrants! @Flarepath comes to mind…
Despite illegal immigs taking our welfare, our housing, our hospital beds etc, it's not really their fault, it's the fault of useless politicians who allow them to scrounge off us, AND it's the fault of voters for voting the useless politicians into power..:)
The solution is simple- our welfare rules should be tightened up to exactly match France's, then the scroungers would have no reason to cross the channel, it's not rocket science..:)