Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 18, 2017
It begins.

View attachment 103914

This probably will lead to ww3 because Israel will drag everyone into it. They have zero chance of taking on Iran alone. While the US has said they are on their own, expect American boots over there on the ground. Because we are Israels lap dog.


Mar 18, 2017
Ex Israeli soldier explains with clarity how legalised Palestinian discrimination is and has always been a form of apartheid.

The first clip is being misused. Iam not sure of Mike Prysner's ethnicity but he was in the US army and anyone familiar with the scandals of the Iraq war would remember that conference. He used to work for Abby Martin(Empire Files)...not sure if they are still collaborating.

In response to the second clip, in spite of the talking points that Israel is "the only democracy in the Middle East"...

"And the remarkable thing is that slightly over half of Americans said they don’t know whether Israel is a democracy or not. This kind of by itself is a big shocker, because you think the talking points about what Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and shared values. And a slight majority of Americans say they don’t know whether it—of those who said they know, the plurality of Democrats, 44 percent, said it is a state with segregation similar to Apartheid. More people said that among Democrats than said it is a democracy or flawed democracy. So there is a perception, obviously, already before this war that had shifted in terms of views of Israel and Israel-Palestine.~ Shibley Telhami

...And if Israel wasn't created to be a democracy, then what was the original intent? A question that everyone should be asking themselves


Mar 15, 2017
The first clip is being misused. Iam not sure of Mike Prysner's ethnicity but he was in the US army and anyone familiar with the scandals of the Iraq war would remember that conference. He used to work for Abby Martin(Empire Files)...not sure if they are still collaborating.
Yeah he references Iraq quite clearly and I believe he’s American. I couldn’t link the video I wanted by itself for some reason.


May 17, 2020
Independent Review of Mechanisms and Procedures to Ensure Adherence by UNRWA to the Humanitarian Principle of Neutrality - Final Report for the United Nations Secretary-General

If you want to read the full report you'll need to download it. Link for pdf download is in the summary article



May 17, 2020
In numbers: The scale of Israel's war on Gaza after 200 days

The Palestinian government media office in Gaza has released figures showing the extent of Israel's devastating war on Gaza, now in its 200th day.

Here are the key numbers:

  • (3,025) Massacres committed by the Israeli army (a massacre refers to an attack that leads to the killing of at least three people)
  • (41,183) People killed and missing
  • (34,183) Deaths recorded by hospitals
  • (14,778) Children killed
  • (30) Children died due to starvation and malnutrition
  • (9,752) Women killed
  • (485) Health professionals killed
  • (67) Emergency responders killed
  • (140) Journalists killed
  • (7,000) Missing, 70 percent of whom are children and women
  • (77,143) Wounded
  • (17,000) Children lost one or both parents
  • (11,000) Wounded and need urgent travel to receive life-saving treatment
  • (10,000) Cancer patients facing the risk of death
  • (5,000) Total number of people detained
  • (310) Health professionals detained
  • (20) Journalists detained
  • (2,000,000) Internally displaced
  • (700,000) Diagnosed with infectious diseases as a result of displacement
  • (181) Government offices destroyed
  • (103) Schools and universities completely destroyed
  • (309) Schools and universities partially damaged
  • (239) Mosques completely destroyed
  • (317) Mosques partially damaged
  • (3) Churches targeted and damaged
  • (86,000) Housing units completely destroyed
  • (294,000) Housing units partially damaged and made uninhabitable
  • (75,000) Tonnes of explosives dropped by the Israeli army
  • (32) Hospitals put out of service
  • (53) Health centres put out of service
  • (160) Health institutions targeted
  • (126) Ambulances destroyed
  • (206) Archaeological and heritage sites destroyed


May 17, 2020