Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jun 28, 2020

So much disinfo It's hard to know which way is up these days.

Israel can't handle Hamas. If they went into full scale war with Iran, they would resort to the Sampson option because Iran would wipe them out.

Iran could probably beat the US in a full scale war if you want to know the reality of it. US forces are full of twinks and queers. Drag queens and transgenders.

So why is Israel poking the lion with a stick? Or is it all smoke and mirrors? Allahu alam.


Mar 18, 2017
View attachment 103780

So much disinfo It's hard to know which way is up these days.

Israel can't handle Hamas. If they went into full scale war with Iran, they would resort to the Sampson option because Iran would wipe them out.

Iran could probably beat the US in a full scale war if you want to know the reality of it. US forces are full of twinks and queers. Drag queens and transgenders.

So why is Israel poking the lion with a stick? Or is it all smoke and mirrors? Allahu alam.
Imagine America falling apart at home while engaged in wars abroad...looks like TPTB have pressed "play" on a new thriller.


Mar 18, 2017
Military analyst explains why Israel withdrew almost all troops from southern Gaza (4mins)


Mar 18, 2017
In recent months & years, the Establishment has struggled to sell the planned destabilization of Iran. "Yellow cake intelligence", "mushroom clouds", "#1 sponsor of terrorism worldwide" talking points are a hard sell to the public that is already weary & distrustful of the political class anyway. This isn't 2002/3, which means there is a completely different power play here....probably why the Biden admin said they won't participate in an Israeli offensive even though we know that deep state elements have been angling for this war for decades. So iam sure Cameron's ridiculous responses fell flat with many people. Watching that reminded me of this...



Mar 18, 2017
The tweet was likely referring to this Knesset bill passed in December but if you do a search for "how to join the IDF" or Lone soldier programs you find material on how foreigners are actually incentivized to fly over to Israel.

Again, foreigners sign up for different reasons....religious, swayed by propaganda etc. This Canadian lady elaborated on hers. So, without a doubt, many do so for financial reasons.

Jewish youths from foreign countries are allowed to enlist in the IDF as “tourists” and receive residence permits under Israel’s Mahal (overseas volunteers) scheme, according to its official website. Many choose to remain in Israel after their service and acquire citizenship.

The scheme is supported by various agencies such as Garin Tzabar, which has an office in London. It advertises how immigrants who join the IDF can earn almost twice as much as their domestic counterparts, partly due to grants from Israeli government departments.

While Britons who join the IDF might not meet the Geneva Convention’s entire definition of a mercenary, they do meet certain aspects of the criteria. The fact that some are paid more than their Israeli counterparts appears to satisfy Article 47(c),
which says mercenaries may receive “material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party”.

Sidenote: this could be one of the reasons why we see such callousness from IDF as though they are having fun on the frontline...again if you are there for the money then it makes sense to broadcast oneself engaging in wholesale destruction.

Evangelical Christians Are Fierce Israel Supporters. Now They Are Visiting as War-Time Volunteers

“In the Scripture it instructs us to support Israel, and sometimes the best time to support someone is when they’re grieving,” said Landis, who has been on four previous faith-based trips to Israel. “Friendship is not just about being there for the good times, it’s also about the rough times.”
Landis is part of a wave of religious “voluntourism” to Israel, organized trips that include some kind of volunteering aspect connected to the war in Gaza


Jun 28, 2020
Imagine America falling apart at home while engaged in wars abroad...looks like TPTB have pressed "play" on a new thriller.
Doesn't clear up anything really. Just more of the official narrative. For example, we know American soldiers were in Gaza on the ground practically on day one. They have been caught there multiple times. I'm not talking about mercs either.

If Iran was serious, they would have done more damage. But the recent attack not only came with a 3-day warning, letting everyone know it was coming, but they have lost a small handful of important officials since this war began.

The consulate wasn't the first assassination on Iranian officials since Oct 7th. They carried out a precision strike in Syria killing a few several months back. It made the news because it showed Israel was capable of precision strikes because they literally bomb everything in Gaza.

Only thing we know is Israel are liars and Biden is a potato. He's not making any decisions. The question is the relationship between Israel and Iran. Is it all theater? Iran has 600,000 troops. Nearly double what the US has. They are certainly armed, most likely a nuclear power. But they don't seem to want revenge for some odd reason.

Nothing is stopping Iran really other than Israels Sampson option where they nuke everyone including themselves. I doubt It's for this situation, but prophecy does speak of a coming war where 99 for every 100 will die. But this is tied to a treasure in the Euphrates.

Muddy waters with a liar on every corner.


Mar 18, 2017
Here we go again....threats of nuclear war :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Only thing we know is Israel are liars and Biden is a potato. He's not making any decisions. The question is the relationship between Israel and Iran. Is it all theater? Iran has 600,000 troops. Nearly double what the US has. They are certainly armed, most likely a nuclear power. But they don't seem to want revenge for some odd reason.
Because they understand how transformative this war will be? We aren't players on the geopolitical chessboard to see how, why or what pieces are being moved. I understand that it's a difficult situation for them. The West desperately wants this war but they(Iran) also cannot maintain restraint for forever. The prodding from Israel and it "allies" won't stop until there is retaliation.


Crafting a new policy toward Iran is a complicated, uncertain, and perilous challenge. Since it is an extremely complex society, with an opaque political system, it is no wonder that the United States has not yet figured out the puzzle that is Iran. With the clock ticking on Iran’s pursuit of nuclear capabilities, solving this puzzle is more urgent than ever.
In Which Path to Persia? a group of experts with the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings lays out the courses of action available to the United States. What are the benefits and drawbacks of airstrikes? Can engagement be successful? Is regime change possible? In answering such questions, the authors do not argue for one approach over another. Instead, they present the details of the policies so that readers can understand the complexity of the challenge and decide for themselves which course the United States should take.


May 17, 2020

"In a statement to AFP, the Israeli mission said the victims of the attack "know too well that they will never get any justice or the dignified treatment they deserve from the Commission of Inquiry and its members, who have a track record of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel statements".

So there's that. Apparently


May 17, 2020