Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020
By all means, don’t vote for Biden, but don’t expect anything from his replacement. They’re all compromised and will never turn their backs on Papa Israel. Same in The UK with Sunak & Starmer.

That's the problem people are facing. They can vote for who they think is lesser of two evils. But they'll still be voting for evil whatever way they try and cut it.


May 17, 2020


Misrepresentation and Undermining: Pro-Palestinian voices faced misrepresentation and vilification by media outlets, with allegations of antisemitism and terrorism weaponised to discredit legitimate advocacy efforts. This systematic misrepresentation perpetuated harmful stereotypes and undermined the credibility of pro-Palestine activists. For example, GB News and Talk TV accounted for 42% of total references to protestors as being ‘pro-Hamas’ despite the protests highlighting the plight of Palestinians and calling for a ceasefire.


May 17, 2020


Mar 18, 2017
She's not lying. The tweet actually reminded me of this story that ran 2yrs ago. Using WiFi to see through walls



Mar 18, 2017

...Walter Benjamin — whose friends Fritz Heinle and Rika Seligson committed suicide in 1914 to protest German militarism and the First World War — in his essay “Critique of Violence,” examines acts of violence undertaken by individuals who confront radical evil. Any act that defies radical evil breaks the law in the name of justice. It affirms the sovereignty and dignity of the individual. It condemns the coercive violence of the state. It entails a willingness to die. Benjamin called these extreme acts of resistance “divine violence.”

...One day, if the corporate state and apartheid state of Israel are dismantled, the street where Bushnell lit himself on fire will bear his name. He will, like Palach, be honored for his moral courage. Palestinians, betrayed by most of the world, already look to him as a hero. Because of him, it will be impossible to demonize all of us.

Divine violence terrifies a corrupt and discredited ruling class. It exposes their depravity. It illustrates that not everyone is paralyzed by fear. It is a siren call to battle radical evil. That is what Bushnell intended. His sacrifice speaks to our better selves.
Self-immolation is kind of an an odd route for a young military man from an affluent town, imo.

He grew up in Cape Cod.
He worked for two years, right out of high school, at a company which calls itself a “publishing house of a Cape Cod Benedictine community, the Community of Jesus."

The area is largely Catholic, so that much isn't strange, I guess -- but the comment by the Community's attorney was a bit off.

Cape Cod Times
Benedictine +/v. Jesuit
Pentagram in the Community of Jesus' Church of the Transfiguration.
The church is modeled after the Benedictine Order, which preceded the Jesuit Order.

Makes the idea of "sleeper" agents a little more believable.



Life After... the Community of Jesus
* Note: I would not associate this cult with garden variety Catholics. They are of the Benedictine Order which preceded the Jesuits.
These individual self-sacrifices often become rallying points for mass opposition. They can ignite, as they did in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria, revolutionary upheavals. Bouazizi, who was incensed that local authorities had confiscated his scales and produce, did not intend to start a revolution. But the petty and humiliating injustices he endured under the corrupt Ben Ali regime resonated with an abused public. If he could die, they could take to the streets.

These acts are sacrificial births. They presage something new. They are the complete rejection, in its most dramatic form, of conventions and reigning systems of power. They are designed to be horrific. They are meant to shock. Burning to death is one of the most dreaded ways to die.

Using those lines (from @DavidSon's article) as a linchpin, I am starting to wonder whether Aaron's death could be one of those incidents that swing a door wide open or ignites a spark that turns into a forest fire....and we just haven't yet realized it.

This guy managed to connect a dot from Aaron's immolation to the political violence that has been prophesied for America by every Establishment puppet. At first, i scoffed at his idea of suicide bombings becoming common place henceforth (the Weather Underground wasn't lingering at the back of my mind as i read it) but then i slept on it and maybe he could be right. I mean, people feel helpless against the WEF and it's infiltration and the dark dystopia that awaits all of us, on the other side of the Reset. So we'll just have to wait and see what happens here on out....that isn't to say that America's scripted descent into hell won't have unscripted elements to it.

Ex-CFR director Richard Haas said:
"American democracy could degrade and has degraded so that we could have decentralized, politically inspired violence that shaped Northern Ireland for 3 decades during the Troubles and i spent years there as the US envoy...i no longer find that far-fetched"

[QN: Where are you on the scale of concern? 1-10?"]

"Oh, iam in the 8-9 range"
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Mar 18, 2017
Just wild conjecture but i think Gaza will become a 'gangsters paradise' much like Havana was pre Castro.

Enough of that nonsense. Here's something you might find an interesting read.


This is interesting and it only makes 100% sense when viewed through the lens of the endgame. The IMF coming along to financially facilitate the expulsion of Palestinians....what is in it for them? These links are from November in respect to Canada...

The FDD link also mentioned Turkey. I found that ironic considering more than 3 million Syrian refugees poured into Turkey after it was destabilized and their prospects mirrored those of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon after the Nakba. In this case, Turkey can only take in Palestinian refugees if it is being paid to do so. Imagine...deep state organizations and operatives working hard at their assumed role as "God's foot soldiers" to realize the promise of Genesis 15:18 but i digress.

Egypt would not necessarily be the Palestinian refugees' last stop. The document speaks about Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates supporting the plan either financially, or by taking in uprooted residents of Gaza as refugees and in the long term as citizens.

Canada's "lenient" immigration practices also make it a potential resettlement target, the document adds.

Bonnie Glick:

Rich, if I may add to that, because the border is a really critical area that there isn’t enough focus on. That is largely due to American foreign policy decision making. What do I mean by that? It’s an international border. There is an international airport that’s located about 50 kilometers from Rafah inside Egypt, an international airport that could whisk refugees away to a third country, as you mentioned, Qatar, but there are countries that are willing to take Gazan civilians and have them resettled there. The point of a refugee–

Cliff May:

Which countries would those be?

Bonnie Glick:

Those are Scotland, Canada, Chechnya, Turkey, Qatar. These are all country… Egypt doesn’t want them resettling in Egypt. But Egypt–

Cliff May:

Even taking temporary refuge for the duration of the war, which seems to be–

RIch Goldberg:

Of course amazing, Bonnie and Cliff, no security council resolution demanding Egypt open that border once since October 7th.

Bonnie Glick:


RIch Goldberg:

No condemnation of keeping people in Gaza when they could be moving into completely isolated empty desert land that doesn’t threaten Egypt at all. I mean, that–

Bonnie Glick:

Part of that, Rich, is because America insists that no Gazan leave Gaza. There’s no other war zone in the world where refugees are not allowed to leave. You’ve had a million people leave Ukraine. You’ve had millions of people leave Venezuela. You’ve had a million Rohingya refugees leave Burma for Bangladesh. Third countries are willing to accept refugees, and that’s the point of refugee resettlement. Giving people the opportunity for a new life. 850,000 Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews left their Arab and Muslim countries in 1948 and came to Israel as refugees. The Jewish homeland and Israel helped them make lives there. That’s the point of refugee resettlement, and it is the key piece that UNRWA refuses to do. UNRWA requires that Palestinians remain in these what they call, so-called occupied areas in the hope of return to a future Palestine. Well, it’s not happening anytime soon. Wouldn’t it be nice to help the people who are in such dire circumstances to get to a safe haven and eventually to be resettled?

Cliff May:

If we understand that, then when we talk about a two-state solution, how does it solve anything to say we are going to recognize a Palestinian state and who’s going to lead that Palestinian state? Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Authority that doesn’t condemn Hamas?

Rich Goldberg:

Listen, this is ultimately why you have a crash ahead of you, if you keep trying to barrel trains down towards this idea of a two-state solution. It’s going to be a devastating train crash in foreign policy terms if this is where the United States keeps pushing the trains, because not only do you have Hamas with what you just described as its ideology, but you fundamentally have a narrative indoctrinated for all Palestinians institutionalized by the United Nations and UNRWA, as Bonnie laid out, that is all about the vision of genocide of Jews. It’s inherent in the narrative that if you are waiting for your moment, your October 7th moment to invade and throw all the Jews into the sea and reclaim what’s really yours, and until then you are refugees, until then you cannot achieve the true two state vision. Who are you dealing with from the Israeli side? Who are you dealing with in Washington? This is outrageous. This is like the campus protests from the river to the sea, but actually operationalized to perform the act from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. That is to say to genocide the Jews.

Cliff May:

Yeah, I doubt the Israelis are going to be held back. I think it’s too imperative that they do so. Going back to Lyndon Johnson trying to discourage the Israelis from understanding that that war was going to be fought by Egypt and Syria and Jordan and others in ’67, and they knew what they had to do, or taking out the nuclear reactor at Osirak and Iraq, or the Syrian nuclear reactor. I think the Israelis sometimes know they have to do what they have to do and they’ll ask forgiveness rather than permission at the end of the day.

One who I give the credit for this, David Satterfield, did say that the White House had decided to stop funding for UNRWA and he said it’s not a suspension, it’s a prohibition on providing further funding. That strikes me as a good move. I saw that two congressmen, representative Andy Ogles and Mary Miller, both Republicans, introduced a resolution to designate UNRWA as a foreign terrorist organization, that’s going even further.
What do you think of those, Bonnie?

Bonnie Glick:

So it’s super interesting, and I think Senator Cruz also has something in the works where he wants to designate UNRWA as a foreign terrorist organization, remove the 501C3 benefit for UNRWA where Americans can get a tax benefit for giving to a 501C3 organization associated with UNRWA, and taking it a step further and saying donations to UNRWA are material support for terrorism.

So there are these good moves to cut not just US government, but also good-willed, well-meaning Americans who have been duped by little kids on Halloween going around with trick or treat for UNICEF boxes. Foreign terrorism organization designation of UNRWA likely won’t happen. I think what’s much more likely is that UNRWA will simply be shut down, tail between its legs and it’ll retreat into the darkness, and the leadership of UNRWA will take up new leadership roles in other equally as perverse UN agencies like UN Women, the International Committee for the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, the World Health Organization, all of which have been complicit since October 7th in either the coverup.

So your first question on UNRWA and the FTO designation, it’s a clever move, but I don’t think it will advance. I do think UNRWA ultimately will have so little funding left that it will be forced to shut down. In addition to that, the UN will make an effort to take care of Palestinians possibly by the only logical means available, and that is to roll them into UNHCR, the UN High Commission for Refugees
. That of course will take away all of the permanent refugee status for Palestinians.


Jan 29, 2018
This is interesting and it only makes 100% sense when viewed through the lens of the endgame. The IMF coming along to financially facilitate the expulsion of Palestinians....what is in it for them? These links are from November in respect to Canada...

The FDD link also mentioned Turkey. I found that ironic considering more than 3 million Syrian refugees poured into Turkey after it was destabilized and their prospects mirrored those of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon after the Nakba. In this case, Turkey can only take on Palestinian refugees if it is being paid to do it. Imagine...deep state organizations and operatives working hard at their assumed role as "God's foot soldiers" to realize the promise of Genesis 15:18 but i digress.

Egypt would not necessarily be the Palestinian refugees' last stop. The document speaks about Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates supporting the plan either financially, or by taking in uprooted residents of Gaza as refugees and in the long term as citizens.

Canada's "lenient" immigration practices also make it a potential resettlement target, the document adds.
A place in the sun... for their pedo-class to openly engage in that which must remain hidden for now.


May 17, 2020


May 17, 2020