Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Apr 26, 2017
Lastly in terms of modern international law or republican states, the fact you reference an imagined people called the Israelites as a historic tribe is childlike. King David, the 1st temple, or Moses etc may be part of your religion but are not historical figures. A map you drew from your fabled book, claiming to steal my land would be lol ridiculous in a court of law.
This narrative disregards world history to a large degree. But you must disregard history for Islam to work, so I get why you do it.

There is literally physical evidence that you can see and touch of everything you just disparaged.
Oct 20, 2021
What have the non Jewish people of Ukraine done to deserve that? They ethnically cleansed the Palestinians because the Jews "lived there 2000 years ago" Just imagine what they'll do to the Ukrainians when they turn up and kick them out because their parents and grandparents lived there 2 generations ago.
What have people in USSA done to deserve what is happening on southern border which is an invasion and a war on the average citizen. All people talking about Ukraine Gaza Israel must understand that this is only the beginning of complete destruction that unfortunately is coming here. People talk of WW 3 maybe happening soon but it already happened beginning on 911. We are now on the precipice of WW 4. Thankfully I live on the west coast so even if nuclear bombs are used most likely it will be on the east coast with Washington DC and New York City probably the main targets. They probably will leave California alone because of all the farmland and beautiful beaches. Who knows they could be doing us all a favor if they dispatched DC off to an atomic graveyard. It would be like surgically removing a malignant tumor and hoping the body can survive.


Jun 28, 2020
What have people in USSA done to deserve what is happening on southern border which is an invasion and a war on the average citizen. All people talking about Ukraine Gaza Israel must understand that this is only the beginning of complete destruction that unfortunately is coming here. People talk of WW 3 maybe happening soon but it already happened beginning on 911. We are now on the precipice of WW 4. Thankfully I live on the west coast so even if nuclear bombs are used most likely it will be on the east coast with Washington DC and New York City probably the main targets. They probably will leave California alone because of all the farmland and beautiful beaches. Who knows they could be doing us all a favor if they dispatched DC off to an atomic graveyard. It would be like surgically removing a malignant tumor and hoping the body can survive.
Much of what is going on at the border is propaganda and division. Remember, I'm only a 90-minute drive from it. You should question everything your tv is showing you, just as you should question what it's not showing you.

Feel free to ignore the suffering of Palestine. I find many here do. Just remember, the ultimate destination is back to God. If you can't show mercy for mankind, don't expect to find any when you get there.


May 17, 2020
Nope. There has literally been Jews (read: Israelites) living in the land of Israel (the region of Palestine) for the past 2000 years.

Just cuz a brother from a different mother showed up during that time doesn’t change the fact that the Jews have as much claim to the land as the Arabs that moved in.

It isn’t as black and white is the oppression/oppressor matrix makes it appear.

However, there is no denying it is a messy situation.
Those Jews who have lived there have as much right as the Arabs to live there. "Jews" from Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and so on had no legal right to go there.

It's only a complicated situation in the minds of those who support ethnic cleansing and genocide.


May 17, 2020
What have people in USSA done to deserve what is happening on southern border which is an invasion and a war on the average citizen. All people talking about Ukraine Gaza Israel must understand that this is only the beginning of complete destruction that unfortunately is coming here. People talk of WW 3 maybe happening soon but it already happened beginning on 911. We are now on the precipice of WW 4. Thankfully I live on the west coast so even if nuclear bombs are used most likely it will be on the east coast with Washington DC and New York City probably the main targets. They probably will leave California alone because of all the farmland and beautiful beaches. Who knows they could be doing us all a favor if they dispatched DC off to an atomic graveyard. It would be like surgically removing a malignant tumor and hoping the body can survive.
Aye that would bring a tear to a glass eye. However there is a genocide taking place right now and the whole world can see it happening live on their tv/devices. So you'll need to excuse me if at this moment in time i mostly ignore everything else.

I do hope though that you don't get nuked.

Btw WW1 never ended.


May 17, 2020

So far The US, UK, Australia, Italy and Canada have suspended funding. I don't know why they would suspend funding as the UN, on "information" provided by Israel, have sacked all those allegedly involved.

Israeli statement

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Jun 28, 2020
Have I missed something important or did the ICJ just make a ruling that Israel needs to be more careful in conducting it's genocide?
It's predictable.

As Haich has highlighted, now "the West" are going after UNRWA for not ruling in Israels favor.


Lowkeys tweet

A comment below Lowkeys

US, UK, Canada and Australia... What do they have in common?


What is the commonality here?

Central banks / Rothschild


Going by the Balfour declaration, modern day Israel is a Rothschild project.

Rothschild donated the land the ICJ is built on.

Like I said, predictable.

Global institutions have failed mankind because they are not set up by the people, for the people. They are tools of enforcement for the corrupt. Like the WHO shutting down the world for an obvious plan-demic.