Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020
Middle East Eye

The Palestinian government media office in Gaza has released figures showing the extent of Israel's devastating "genocidal" war on Gaza, now in its 100th day.

Here are the key numbers:

  • (2,000) Massacres committed by the Israeli army (a massacre refers to an attack that leads to the mass killing of at least three people)
  • (31,000) People killed and missing
  • (23,968) Deaths recorded by hospitals
  • (10,600) Children killed
  • (7,200) Women killed
  • (337) Health professionals killed
  • (45) Emergency responders killed
  • (117) Journalists killed
  • (7,000) Missing, 70 percent of whom are children and women
  • (60,582) Wounded
  • (11,000) Wounded and need urgent travel to receive life-saving treatment
  • (10,000) Cancer patients facing the risk of death
  • (99) Health professionals detained
  • (9) Known journalists detained
  • (2,000,000) Internally displaced
  • (400,000) Diagnosed with infectious diseases as a result of displacement
  • (134) Government offices destroyed
  • (95) Schools and universities completely destroyed
  • (295) Schools and universities partially damaged
  • (150) Mosques completely destroyed
  • (245) Mosques partially damaged
  • (3) Churches targeted and damaged
  • (70,000) Housing units completely destroyed
  • (290,000) Housing units partially damaged and made uninhabitable
  • (65,000) Tonnes of explosives dropped by the Israeli army
  • (30) Hospitals put out of service
  • (53) Health centres put of service
  • (150) Health institutions targeted
  • (121) Ambulances destroyed
  • (200) Archaeological and heritage sites destroyed


May 17, 2020
While I'm not sure it's mentioned in the interview you've posted here with Chris Hedges, Miko Peled points out with Owen Jones that this is how the Palestinians' apartheid is much worse than South Africa's because the South Africans depended on blacks for their labour and would explain how the apartheid eventually ended. In Palestine, the unemployment rate is somewhere around 70% and Israel is not dependent on them working, which makes this a MAJOR humanitarian crises:

Israeli General's Son: Why I Rejected Zionism - Miko Peled on Genocide, Palestine, And How This Ends (39 mins, 54 secs)
It's mainly about the lies and propaganda Israeli's are taught from school upwards. Here's a link to the transcript,

As an aside Miko's sister is Nurit Peled-Elhanan. I think i've posted this video on another thread but i'll leave it here too.

28 mins



Jun 28, 2020

So much for the 300,000 they recruited back in Oct. I imagine a good chunk of them are dead, but this will never be reported on in English.

DC is turning against him. 1000's protested in DC last night. They actually had snipers on the roof because people were angry and shaking the security fence.

His own staff are planning a walk out. Not that it matters, but chances for Biden to win the next election are abysmal.


Mar 15, 2017
So it took 3 months for a Palestinian to commit an act of terrorism in Israel?

From The Guardian’s live updates feed:

At least 13 injured after man steals car and rams people in Israeli city of Raanana
Reuters is reporting that a Palestinian man stole a car and rammed people in central Israel on Monday, injuring at least 13, police said, adding that the suspect was in custody and his motivations were being investigated.

Israeli media said some people may have also been stabbed in the incident in Raanana, north of Tel Aviv, which came amid heightened security tensions over the more than three-month-old war with Hamas militants in Gaza.

“This was apparently a suspected terrorist ramming attack,” police said in a statement. It said the suspect was from the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.

The injured were taken to hospitals for treatment, it said.

Citing witnesses in an earlier report, Army Radio said the incident may have been a car-jacking during which the stolen vehicle crashed.