I'm glad you're here KS- your posts always bring up subjects that converge and are important to understand. Israel's current destruction of Gaza is its own event but obviously has to do with larger social/economic/geopolitical objectives. After the recent death (finally haha) of Henry Kissinger I listened to 3 very good podcasts on his role in exacerbating the Yom Kippur war and oil crisis of the 1970's, stoking the tension of the Cold War in complete accord with objectives of the globalist and Western military strategists of their day:
Courtenay Turner w/Johnny Vedmore
Jay Dyer- Passing of a Global Elite Architect
Matt Ehret- Henry Kissinger as British Agent
A point I would make is that while the intention of the globalist elites cannot be underestimated there are very real events that (should) demand attention. Considering the Israeli massacre on Palestinian civilians there's an almost cruel distancing by some of the online "truther" community who instead of speaking or demonstrating against blatant crimes and MSM gaslighting, choose to sweep the last two months of brutality under the rug as "banker's wars" or another "NWO plot", etc. It's embarrassing. The same people that claimed Damar Hamlin was dead are onto their next dopamine fueled conspiracy theory without really caring about the unbelievable 9-11 level lies staring them in the face. Is the conspiracy community aware that 90% of the (500 non-military) deaths on 10/7 were from the Israeli military shelling their own people?
In terms of the Israeli attempt to eliminate the Palestinian population, everything you've written about the danger of the extremist cults within the Judeo-Christian religion is coming to pass. This is the true prophesy being fulfilled. The grotesque images of Israelis torturing prisoners, harvesting organs from corpses, rocketing Churches and schools, murdering women and children, all while lecturing the world on antisemitism is beyond description. I can understand why someone like
@Awoken2 is appalled by our historic religions, witnessing the delusional theories and vile celebration of war crimes- like they have anything to do with an invented mythological history of the Jewish people. This forum has a number of extremely misguided souls that represent the problem of allowing ill persons access to religious texts. Spiritual people never interpreted texts as having to do with the racial supremacy of a "chosen people", fantastical predictions or other bullshit. I now get the esoteric concept that scripture should be hidden for those that have proven to have the heart to contain the real teachings.